Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

LadyKara- I hope I'll get a scan every time. She has it there so I don't see why I wouldn't if I ask for it. I remember with my first lying there for 10 minutes just listening to his hearbeat through the doppler.

Marathongirl I go to Westcoast Midwives. Kim is a certified nurse midwife. She has delivered all 3 of mine. By the end of my first pregnancy I felt like my big sister was delivering my baby. I can't say enough good things about her. I've recommended her to all of my friends and no one has ever had anything but a wonderful experience.

Looking forward to seeing wonderful scan news from everyone. Hang in there Roma.

pinkorblue I don't know much about cerclage but it sounds like you are in good hands. Congrats on seeing your little one again.

I read this quote and it helped me so I thought I would share:

If you are depressed you are living in the past
If you are anxious you are living in the future
If you are at peace you are living in the present (Lao Tzu)

Wow, i really like that quote...now the trick is to put it into motion. Thanks!
Hi kara, hope you're feeling ok - I think whoever had the bleeding said it cleared up after? Think it might have been Ttc1at34?

I'm just back from my scan and all looked fine! oh is a bit reluctant to share the pics with people outside the family until we've told our nearest and dearest, but I'll post them as soon as. Little Twinkle measured just over 50mm so was bang on for size and everything looked as it should. The sonographer dated me at 11+5, so bang on there as well :)

There was a lot of crying/hysterical giggling as soon as I saw the screen, but the sonogrpaher was very patient with me!

Phew....can't tell you the relief. Next stop is my booking appointment on Monday, and my 20 week scan is booked for 12 November. Looks like we will be telling family over the next few weeks after all :)

Hope this sets a trend for lots more positie scans on this board!


Congrats on the wonderful scan!!! So happy for you!:happydance:
Hi all!

Cherry, yayyyyy on your scan, I'm so happy for you! So you are going to announce now? You must be so happy :)

Ladykara, yes, I had some spotting a few times so far, once while straining....doc said any abdominal straining can cause it and it's nothing to worry about.

Bailey, you are such a sweetheart...to your point, I had my appointment yesterday to listen for the heart beat. To my dismay, doc couldn't find it! I almost started bawling right then and there, but she took me right to ultrasound, and there was the little peanut, wiggling away and so much bigger than when we saw him last (or her).

Doc says at 11+ plus weeks with everythig looking normal, I am now out of the 'danger zone' and chance of miscarriage is now 1%!! Just as it will be for the rest of the pregnancy.

I am so relieved!!!! I am finally on board with this and now I will start planning. We have our first tri screening in 9 days (to check for down's, etc), and after that, I believe we will make the announcement.

Can't believe it, I got my sticky bean after all!

Can't wait for everyone else's stories/photos to go up, and we can all start to breathe easy :)

hugs xxx

I'm SO SO SO happy for you ttc1at34. You deserve this!!! :)
...and admitting I'm a stalker. Hi ladies!! Been reading your stories but haven't stepped into the thread before because I wanted to wait a bit.

Just had my first appointment with my RE/OB. Wasn't sure what to expect, but straight away he wanted to take a look with the u/s.

All I wanted was a gestational sac. Doc told me not to expect a fetal pole just yet, but that a gestational sac in the uterus is what we want to see. I was staring at the ceiling tiles trying not to get my hopes up or be too worried about what would happen next. I was completely unprepared to see...

A HEARTBEAT!! YAY! Apparently I am farther along than I thought! I could see the heart beating and then he let me HEAR IT! It was so awesome! I am over the moon. And now that I have seen a heartbeat, I thought I would come out of hiding and join you ladies. :cloud9::cloud9::happydance:

MightyMum, that's AMAZING!!! Yay for you!!! CONGRATS!
Bad news from me, I'm out ! Baby must have died within the week. Didn't feel any different with this one. Just didn't have hope from the start. I'm in hospital now waiting to have d&c...

Wishing u all the best guys... Will be popping in now and then xxx

oh my gosh, i'm SOOOOO sorry ladykara. :hugs: Hang in there sweetie. Take time to heal.
Hi ladies,

Might mom welcome!!! So glad you finally felt you could join us and so happy to hear you heard the heartbeat!

Lady kara I am so so sorry hun, I was really praying that everything would be ok for you hun, I am sending loads of hugs and love your way to you and your OH and family. Please take care of yourself and please pop back in xxxxxxxxxxxxx

AFM - 7 sleeps to go until the scan, I cant wait anymore! This has felt like the longest 3 months of my life!!

Hope you are all well, I am shattered so off to bed now! Catch up properly tomorrow!
Ladykara, I am so sad to hear your news- thinking of you and hoping you are hanging in there.

Welcome, mighty, and congrats :)

Bailey, your patience has been amazing, I have a feeling you will be rewarded :). Can't wait to see your picture and hear how it went!
Thinking of you and sending love, Kara.

Ttcbaby~ Wishing you a speedy bfp and thinking sticky thoughts for you. :hugs:

Bailey~ Sleep well :flower:
Hi ladies. Please keep your fingers crossed for me this morning. So nervous...
Fingers are crossed storm, though im sure everything will be perfect! What time is your scan?
Hi I'm new on here, pinkorblue suggested I came over to have a look!

I am 41 and 7 weeks pg with number 4. Suffered a loss at 8 weeks in July 2009 and went on to have a rainbow in may 2010. Suffered another loss in jan this year, I thought I was 17 weeks and all going well, but routine check showed baby had died 13-14 weeks.

I am now 7 weeks pg and have a scan later on today to check how things are progressing. I am scared to death.
Welcome dancareoi. I am also having a scan today and am petrified. We can be scared together.

Tawn - scan is at 9.20. On way to drop dd at nursery then off for scan. Never thought I would be this scared. Not sure I can bounce back from a third loss a easily as the last two.
Welcome dancareoi. I am also having a scan today and am petrified. We can be scared together.

Tawn - scan is at 9.20. On way to drop dd at nursery then off for scan. Never thought I would be this scared. Not sure I can bounce back from a third loss a easily as the last two.

I know exactly how you are feeling- I really hope all goes well for you too:hugs:

My scan is at 1.00 pm so I have all morning to think about it.
I am pretty glad to have it first thing. I will be thinking of you at 1 x
Hey storm hoping all is well thinking of u Hun....x

Welcome dancareoi hope everything will be perfect in ur scan Hun. Xx
They found a heartbeat! Measuring 5-6 weeks. Feeling relieved but I know there are no guarantees. Will post pictures later - not that you can see much!
Ohhhhh that is amazing news storm, congrats Hun!!!!

Dancareoi, welcome to the thread hun! Good luck at your scan this afternoon!
Welcome dancaroi!! Sorry for your losses hun but congratulations on your current little bean, thinking of you this afternoon for your scan!!

Storm - oh yay thats soooo amazing I am so happy for you!! Yay for a heartbeat!

Lime and plum ladies - have you all started feeling less pregnant, or is it just me? Not panicking, just wish I knew what was going on already lol!! I had tea with my friend last night and she actually said that I am really starting to show now, which I dont think is as much bloat anymore, I am permanently rounded lol!! Maybe I am just getting used to being tired all the time, having sore boobs and needing to have several pee breaks every day and night!! Isnt it weird how I say I am feeling 'not pregnant' yet still have all these symptoms lol!!
Sorry I am rambling this morning, 6 more sleeps!!!

Hope everyone is well today!
Hi all,

Storm - great news.

We also had heartbeat - first hurdle over - baby measuring 10mm which makes me 7 weeks and 1 day, which ties in exactly when I OV !

Another scan booked for we'd 26th sept - but so far everything exactly as it should be!

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