Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

At 4am? That's a strange time lol! How are you feeling about it all at the moment? Everything seeming to go well?
I know right? Lol but I guess it makes sense, the actual surgery will be performed at 6:30am. Accounting for time to get there, set up IVs, get questions answered, decide on type of anesthesia to use, ect. would probably take up about that much time. Also, he still has patients to see that day so makes things easier for them time wise.
I still have moments of disappointment about it, and feelings of not doing everything I could. DH has to keep telling me that I have, we have to stay strong and positive, even if I have to settle for a cerclage I don't want it's better than not doing it at all. Getting it done is trying to hold the baby in and I know he's right. We're guaranteed another loss if I don't but it's hard shaking the feeling of what if it fails.. Trying to keep the PMA stronger than what ifs though.
Roma- I agree with everyone else in that it is understandable that you are feeling that way but just try to be positive. I know how you feel I had a mmc at 12 weeks last year and I worry about it happening again too. I'm so glad we have one another to lean on in these hard times. Thinking about you and sending you all my positive vibes.

Bailey- I'm glad you are still so optimistic. We all should be learning from you!!
Pinkorblue- I have my first real apt on Wed so we are only 1 day apart!

AFM- still feeling queasy and really tired. I feel like I drag myself through the day. Boobs are still quite sore. I have been thinking about a Doppler too but will wait for after my apt this week. Feeling a little more uneasy this week as I haven't seem the jelly bean for over a week. I know I was spoiled but I saw the little bean and hb 3 weeks in a row! It is very reassuring but also nerve racking leading up to it! I am praying for perfect scans and good outcomes for all of us this week!!
Aww pinkorblue, it must be so hard, but you are doing everything you can for now....its out of your hands hun, but try not to worry and like you said think about the positives rather than the what ifs (I wish I could take my own advice at times!!). I am really hoping it all goes well for you hun, and make sure that you rest and take it as east as possible!

And marathon girl - I am not always this positive, sometimes I let the fear get to me, but then I only end up feeling ten times worse, so I try really hard to focus on the positive and try to look to the future in a positive way. I did just have a little cry before, but that was actual sadness as I realised my original edd is 2 weeks today. My little angel should have been 38 weeks, and I think with being pregnant again and being preoccupied with my upcoming scan I forgot the date and so felt guilty when I did realise. Like I forgot my angel for a while.
But I'm ok now, df is on his way home so we can snuggle and ordered a dominoes.
Marathon~ Will be thinking of you on Wednesday! It's hard not to get spoiled, isn't it? Just can't help how much we love them already and love seeing them.

Bailey~ Thanks hun. :flower: I know the feeling, there where times I forgot how far along I should have been and tore me up realizing that. Right now, I should have a two week old.. Our little angels are watching over us, they know just how much we love and miss them. :hugs: Glad you're getting your pizza, enjoy every slice! ;) Oh and cuddles with DH, of course
hi everyone.... I posted a few times at the very start of the this thread and then started getting cold feet and generally worried about everything. I still followed all the posts though :)

Anyway, we had a scan on the weekend at 11+3 and everything looked great, we could see bubs wriggling about - so happy! So now I'm feeling more confident and feel like I can join in the conversation again!

I have my official 12 week scan on Wednesday, when I'll be exactly 12 weeks. So excited to see our little bubs again.
Ginny hi :hi: hope you are well!!! So glad to hear about your scan!!! Yay!!! Have you got a pic we can see?

Roma - good luck today!!! I can't wait to see your scan pic!!!

I'm really sorry but I know someone else has their scan today too and I'm sorry I can't remember who (please forgive me) but I wish you the best of luck and hope it goes amazingly!!!

Cheryl - do you have a doctors appointment too? Good luck!!!

AFM - on another 12 hour shift!! Catch up later, if I don't go straight to bed when I get home!!!
Hi all, this is my second time pal and it is the most scariest and worrying thing ever.

In July 2009 I had mmc at 8 weeks gestation, however I just knew something was wrong. I had a couple of early scans, one private and one NHS due to gestational diabetes. The scans were a week apart, but the measurements didn't tie in, basically the little bean, I thought, hadn't got as big as it should of. Also I had no symptoms whatsoever so in a way was not surprised when it happened.

When I became pg again 2 months later, I was worried sick, especially when at 7 weeks I started bleeding. A scan revealed baby was fine, but I had a blood clot in my womb and was advised I would bleed again. Sorry if tmi, but a few days later I started to bleed very very heavily, I remember being stood in the shower and the blood was pouring out, as if a tap had been switched on. A scan 2 weeks later showed blood clot reduced and still a healthy little bean. 7 months later my little boy was born. I vowed I would never put myself through it again!
However October last year,at the age of 40, we discovered an unplanned pg. again I was worried sick, but this time no bleeding and felt awful with sickness and tiredness. Nuchal scan at 12 weeks showed healthy little baby. However, sadly 1 week later baby died, cause unknown.
Despite all of this, I am now 41 and pg again. Scan last week at 7 weeks showed all good so far, another scan next week (all on the NHS)
I think for all of us who are pal there can never be the thrill and excitement that other people enjoy during pg, for us we constantly expect the worse and anything then is a bonus.

This time I do have symptoms, I am so tired. The sickness is not too bad, had a little heaving this morning, but I take vitamin B6 which is supposed to relieve the symptoms. I find the sickness gets worse as the day goes on. Maybe it's because I take the B6 on an evening, so it effect wears off during the day. Also finding I am very gassy ( sorry again if tmi)
For me, I won't relax until my little rainbow is in my arms.

Here's to a happy and healthy nine months for everyone.
I've got a midwife coming to see me today. Which is a bit of a shock, because I haven't had a community midwife in my last 2 pg because nobody wanted me! It's because of where we live, our address is west midlands, but we are actually in Warwickshire and I am booked under the Alex in redditch which is Worcestershire and my docs is also Worcestershire - very confusing. Anyway they seemed to have sorted me now and I have a Worcestershire based midwife!

Also, according to ticker, baby is the size of a kidney bean, why then do I feel like the size of a beach ball!! There again, this is actually my 6th pg in total and I know everything gets a little stretched and saggy - what a lovely thought!
( DS aged 10, DD aged 7 and DS aged 2)
Thanks Bailey! I actually got a little video - here's the link if you want to have a look at it: View My Video

dancareoi - pal is really hard isn't it :( I had a missed miscarriage as well earlier in the year. We found out at our 12 week scan that the baby had stopped growing a couple of days earlier. I waited a week then had a D&C as nothing had started naturally. This pregnancy I bought a doppler and have been finding using that very reassuring!
Thanks Bailey! I actually got a little video - here's the link if you want to have a look at it: View My Video

dancareoi - pal is really hard isn't it :( I had a missed miscarriage as well earlier in the year. We found out at our 12 week scan that the baby had stopped growing a couple of days earlier. I waited a week then had a D&C as nothing had started naturally. This pregnancy I bought a doppler and have been finding using that very reassuring!

Hi, I thought I was 17 weeks pg when my mmc was discovered, baby was too big for D & C, so I was given drugs to induce labour. Thankfully it wasn't too long or painful and baby was born sleeping 12.1.12. We then had a cremation service and babies ashes were then buried in the babies memorial garden at the hospital. This was the worse thing I have ever been through and am now hoping and praying it doesn't happen again.
I did wander about a Doppler, but then I would be really worried if I couldn't find anything.
My midwife has just been and I asked her, she was a little sceptical about it, but has said I can drop in and see her whenever I want to get things checked.
Just need to get to that stage first. I have another scan next wednesday, so that is the next hurdle.
How are you doing?
so sorry to hear that story :( For a while I was really angry that I had made it to almost 12 weeks, but on the other hand I'm grateful it was still early enough for a D&C as actually going through a labour must be so traumatic

Your midwife sounds really nice :) I can also understand that dopplers might actually cause more worry than relief too - ive just happened to be lucky with mine!
so sorry to hear that story :( For a while I was really angry that I had made it to almost 12 weeks, but on the other hand I'm grateful it was still early enough for a D&C as actually going through a labour must be so traumatic

Your midwife sounds really nice :) I can also understand that dopplers might actually cause more worry than relief too - ive just happened to be lucky with mine!

I was lucky really, if you can call I that. I was given a tablet orally on the Tuesday to start things off, I a had a bit of bleeding early hours of thurs morning, but I had to be back at hosp that day anyway, they inserted a tablet vaginally about 7.40 am and an hour later my little one was born, I think really it was ready to come. I had a little bit of discomfort after as I had to deliver placenta as well, but generally it was pain free. It could have been so much worse. The lady in the room next to mine was going through the same thing but had been in 2 days.

Thing is, if I got a doppler I wouldn't just be using every now and again, I would constantly be using it!!!:dohh:
Holy shit! Everything is perfect! I didn't get a pic but I heard the little heartbeat and saw it flicker! We even saw the little bean moving around!
Holy shit! Everything is perfect! I didn't get a pic but I heard the little heartbeat and saw it flicker! We even saw the little bean moving around!

That's great news Roma! Mind at rest a little now?

Although I had a scan on Saturday at 10+6 and saw it wriggling, strong heartbeat and got pics, I'm still nervous waiting for the 12 week scan a week today!
I really don't think I will stop worrying until it comes out!
Holy shit! Everything is perfect! I didn't get a pic but I heard the little heartbeat and saw it flicker! We even saw the little bean moving around!

That's great news Roma! Mind at rest a little now?

Although I had a scan on Saturday at 10+6 and saw it wriggling, strong heartbeat and got pics, I'm still nervous waiting for the 12 week scan a week today!
I really don't think I will stop worrying until it comes out!

I think that's when the real worrying starts lol! What have we gotten ourselves into?! :)
Hopefully this works...!


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