Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Omg beautiful scan pic jersey!!!! Very clear (and cute!!)
Ginny~ :wave: Yay for an awesome scan!!! :)

Bailey~ Hope the 12 hours go by quickly for you.

Dan~ :hugs: Gotta love the way hormones work and how our bodies have a good memory lol. I still find it hard to believe I've gained 8 pounds already.

Cheryl~ :thumbup: for getting a booking appointment.

Roma~ Woohoooo!!!! So happy your little one is doing well! :flower:

Jersey~ Aww, love it!!! Hi little rainbow!!! :)
Roma: Congrats!! I was out of my skin when I saw the hb on the monitor, you must feel so relieved. :)

JerseyBean: What a lovely scan! It looks like the baby is lounging with its arms behind its head basking in the glow of the u/s, doesn't it? Such a perfect profile shot!

Bailey: I hate "the long wait" too!

Dancaroi: LOL, funny how that happens? I keep telling my body it better act like it did the first pregnancy, but it isn't listening to me.

Cheryl: Yay for booking! Sometimes people make things more complicated than they have to be, right?

Hi to the rest of the ladies!

AFM: Still sick, but have completely lost my worry over the weekend. The zen thing really works, I'm cool as a cucumber now. With my previous losses I could always feel an emptiness...I can't explain it except to say I knew my angels' souls had left me. But this time I can still feel Cole-Cat buzzing around, so I'm just not worried anymore. :)
I have my scan tomorrow at 9:30 and I am so nervous I could puke. I'm just terrified of getting bad news :(. The anxiety I am feeling at this moment is on par with how I felt before doing my board exams!!! I guess my main worry is: what will I do if it's all over? Do I try again? Give up? I know this thinking is very Non-PMA but I just feel like I need to prepare myself for the worst case scenario, just so that it won't be such an awful, horrible shock.

I'm sorry for bringing doom and gloom :(. I'm just absolutely petrified of another mmc. I have had no bleeding or anything untoward, but this is of little comfort to me.

I had a blighted ovum @ 11 weeks and a chemical in June @ 4+1. Am I doomed? :(. This is just the worst feeling ever :cry:

Roma, I felt the same on Saturday, after having 2 MMC last year I wAs petrified going for the scan yesterday.. And as much of a mental head-f*** of how to think... You need to be positive!
I did kind of, half prepare myself for the worst, which I thought I should, but then I thought, I have had no bleeding, pain or anything and got to 11 weeks...so maybe this is my time!??
It's hard to be positive, I know, but try to relax, and think about the little rainbow you have inside you! Remember girlfriend... P...M...A!!
Good luck, let us know how it goes!

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement and I'm so happy to hear everything is going well for you! Mmc is the worst, it feels like a cruel joke. When I had my chemical it was more just disappointment than shock and heartbreak! At least my body had the decency and mercy to end it right away!

Sorry again for my emo-ness today :(

Hey girl. Hang in there. I completely agree about mmc's. They are the complete worst. I felt the exact same way about my chemical too as you...you don't have too much time invested to get completely upset about it, not as much as the mmc...i got lucky and my af was only two days late and i seemed to have o'd right on time...so hopefully that's a good sign for this cycle!!!
Your chart looks good ttcbabyisom! Only 3 days until the BD marathon. :) I know this sounds funny, but I recommend trying to get a good orgasm. There has been very little research into the "female ejaculate" but I would opine that the purpose is to promote fertility based on selectively "choosing" the mate. The cycles when we BD'ed but I didn't get into it, no dice. And every cycle when I did get the big O, I got the BFP too. Even if DH didn't quite get me there, I always made sure that I did get there SOMEHOW. LOL!
Wow great news Roma!! So happy for you! Can't wait to see a pic!

Jersey-beautiful pic!! It looks like a fully formed baby!

Danc- I have seen you on the ttc forums and am so glad you are here. I hope we will all be talking about breastfeeding and changing diapers in 6-7 months!!!

Pinkorblue- have you had acupuncture lately? I get to go again on Friday!

Bailey- can't wait to see you scan pics!! What an exciting week!!

Ginny-welcome back! I was wondering where you were? Glad all is well with your little bean as well. Yay for all of our rainbows!!

AFM- soooo tired. At work and slogging through. The trouble is I am a physiotherapist so am working with clients so definitely a physically demanding job. Hope it goes by fast!!
marthongirl: Try this: Every time you get a bad thought or a worry that something is wrong, ask yourself if you can do anything about it. If you can, do. If you can't, then ask you LO to be strong for you and send some love. No matter what, you know that you are loving your LO and they are feeling every bit of it. So if my LO isn't on this earth that long, then I will have loved Cole-Cat every bit along the way instead of being worried. And I believe that that love is taken with them when they go. I want my angel to remember my love, not my worry. That is my "zen approach."

I sound crazy now, don't I?
marthongirl: Try this: Every time you get a bad thought or a worry that something is wrong, ask yourself if you can do anything about it. If you can, do. If you can't, then ask you LO to be strong for you and send some love. No matter what, you know that you are loving your LO and they are feeling every bit of it. So if my LO isn't on this earth that long, then I will have loved Cole-Cat every bit along the way instead of being worried. And I believe that that love is taken with them when they go. I want my angel to remember my love, not my worry. That is my "zen approach."

I sound crazy now, don't I?

OMG Mightymom, this is soooo beautiful! Honestly, I am the queen of worrying about things I cannot change, so I love your idea of redirecting it towards love for your little bubba! Thank you for sharing this, it has made a profound impression on me! :flower:
:flower: I'm glad Tawn!

I once had a friend who had died, literally died, and was resuscitated. His story was just...well it's long but basically he said when he died he felt very peaceful because he could feel the love come with him. That was it, just the love. Not the worry or jealousy or fear. And now he lives his life remembering what is REALLY important, and that is what you leave people with.

It's taken three m/cs to finally get it, so I guess I have had a lot of practice!
marthongirl: Try this: Every time you get a bad thought or a worry that something is wrong, ask yourself if you can do anything about it. If you can, do. If you can't, then ask you LO to be strong for you and send some love. No matter what, you know that you are loving your LO and they are feeling every bit of it. So if my LO isn't on this earth that long, then I will have loved Cole-Cat every bit along the way instead of being worried. And I believe that that love is taken with them when they go. I want my angel to remember my love, not my worry. That is my "zen approach."

I sound crazy now, don't I?

Thank you so much MightMom:flower: That is amazing and I agree with you. We want the little bubs to feel our love not anything negative like worry or anxiety:thumbup: I do feel much calmer when I "talk" to my LO:hugs::hugs:
Thanks Bailey! I actually got a little video - here's the link if you want to have a look at it: View My Video

dancareoi - pal is really hard isn't it :( I had a missed miscarriage as well earlier in the year. We found out at our 12 week scan that the baby had stopped growing a couple of days earlier. I waited a week then had a D&C as nothing had started naturally. This pregnancy I bought a doppler and have been finding using that very reassuring!

very cool video! :)
Your chart looks good ttcbabyisom! Only 3 days until the BD marathon. :) I know this sounds funny, but I recommend trying to get a good orgasm. There has been very little research into the "female ejaculate" but I would opine that the purpose is to promote fertility based on selectively "choosing" the mate. The cycles when we BD'ed but I didn't get into it, no dice. And every cycle when I did get the big O, I got the BFP too. Even if DH didn't quite get me there, I always made sure that I did get there SOMEHOW. LOL!

Great advice MightyMom! We've been doing the SMEP since the day after AF this time so our last "session" was Saturday and it was twice and really good if you know what i mean. :) Didn't plan on doing it twice, just happened. The second time was amazing! I'm pouncing on him after work too...already feeling excited. Oh yes, i have no problem getting myself there as well if dh doesn't. ;-)
I have also heard that orgasm opens your cervix and pulls the sperm in. We had such a hard time figuring out how to conceive, and I was always worried about my tilted uterus. But after my O-theory we have always been able to conceive when we wanted, it was just getting the bean to stick that has been an issue.
Roma congrats on seeing the heartbeat
Jersey, adorable pic
Ginny great video! Thanks for sharing. I must have watched it 8 times. I can't wait to see my LO jumping around.
Bailey, looking forward to hearing all about your scan
Mightymom I'm adopting your Zen. I've been pretty calm since I saw the HB but every so often I have a moment where it seems it can't possibly be true.

Marathongirl exhausted doesn't begin to describe it. I don't have a physical job but I feel like I could crawl under my desk and take a nap right now. I'm having trouble concentrating too. My head is in a complete fog.

One symptom that I'm wondering about... does anyone else have low blood pressure? I have been very dizzy and actually fainted when I stood up too fast on Saturday. I started checking and my BP has been ranging from 88/57 to 99/68. I'm normally a bit on the low side but this is way lower than normal for me. I can't really find any info that seems concerning. Most problems seem to be associated with high blood pressure.
There are some ladies in the PAL after Recurrent Losses thread that have low bp. I think it has something to do with the fact that your vascular system is expanding to accomodate the baby, and your blood volume is increasing. This actually decreases your bp. It's common for women to have low bp at various stages in pregnancy as your body develops to accomodate the new baby.
Hi, sorry to pop on quickly but just read your post rainkat and wanted to say I have low bp too, mine was 100/60 last time I checked. And I do get dizzy a lot but midwife said that low bp is good (well it was fine apparently) coz its better than high bp and it is because your blood system is increasing, apparently by the time we reach full term we will have 50% more blood in our system than we did before pregnancy.....or do I've read. As long as the dizziness isn't getting too bad or too often I would say don't panic, and just mention it to your midwife, ob or gp.

Everyone else sorry to read and run but I really need my sleep after 12 hour shift!!!

Roma - congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you, and told you it would be fine hehe!

Hope evr

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