I have my scan tomorrow at 9:30 and I am so nervous I could puke. I'm just terrified of getting bad news. The anxiety I am feeling at this moment is on par with how I felt before doing my board exams!!! I guess my main worry is: what will I do if it's all over? Do I try again? Give up? I know this thinking is very Non-PMA but I just feel like I need to prepare myself for the worst case scenario, just so that it won't be such an awful, horrible shock.
I'm sorry for bringing doom and gloom. I'm just absolutely petrified of another mmc. I have had no bleeding or anything untoward, but this is of little comfort to me.
I had a blighted ovum @ 11 weeks and a chemical in June @ 4+1. Am I doomed?. This is just the worst feeling ever
Roma, I felt the same on Saturday, after having 2 MMC last year I wAs petrified going for the scan yesterday.. And as much of a mental head-f*** of how to think... You need to be positive!
I did kind of, half prepare myself for the worst, which I thought I should, but then I thought, I have had no bleeding, pain or anything and got to 11 weeks...so maybe this is my time!??
It's hard to be positive, I know, but try to relax, and think about the little rainbow you have inside you! Remember girlfriend... P...M...A!!
Good luck, let us know how it goes!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement and I'm so happy to hear everything is going well for you! Mmc is the worst, it feels like a cruel joke. When I had my chemical it was more just disappointment than shock and heartbreak! At least my body had the decency and mercy to end it right away!
Sorry again for my emo-ness today![]()
marthongirl: Try this: Every time you get a bad thought or a worry that something is wrong, ask yourself if you can do anything about it. If you can, do. If you can't, then ask you LO to be strong for you and send some love. No matter what, you know that you are loving your LO and they are feeling every bit of it. So if my LO isn't on this earth that long, then I will have loved Cole-Cat every bit along the way instead of being worried. And I believe that that love is taken with them when they go. I want my angel to remember my love, not my worry. That is my "zen approach."
I sound crazy now, don't I?
marthongirl: Try this: Every time you get a bad thought or a worry that something is wrong, ask yourself if you can do anything about it. If you can, do. If you can't, then ask you LO to be strong for you and send some love. No matter what, you know that you are loving your LO and they are feeling every bit of it. So if my LO isn't on this earth that long, then I will have loved Cole-Cat every bit along the way instead of being worried. And I believe that that love is taken with them when they go. I want my angel to remember my love, not my worry. That is my "zen approach."
I sound crazy now, don't I?
Thanks Bailey! I actually got a little video - here's the link if you want to have a look at it: View My Video
dancareoi - pal is really hard isn't itI had a missed miscarriage as well earlier in the year. We found out at our 12 week scan that the baby had stopped growing a couple of days earlier. I waited a week then had a D&C as nothing had started naturally. This pregnancy I bought a doppler and have been finding using that very reassuring!
Holy shit! Everything is perfect! I didn't get a pic but I heard the little heartbeat and saw it flicker! We even saw the little bean moving around!
Hopefully this works...!
Your chart looks good ttcbabyisom! Only 3 days until the BD marathon.I know this sounds funny, but I recommend trying to get a good orgasm. There has been very little research into the "female ejaculate" but I would opine that the purpose is to promote fertility based on selectively "choosing" the mate. The cycles when we BD'ed but I didn't get into it, no dice. And every cycle when I did get the big O, I got the BFP too. Even if DH didn't quite get me there, I always made sure that I did get there SOMEHOW. LOL!