Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Had my official 12 wk scan today, they put me at edd of 5th April, and at 12+3 today...
He/she was even waving!

Awww gorgeous pic JerseyBean! Huge congrats hun!
Had my official 12 wk scan today, they put me at edd of 5th April, and at 12+3 today...
He/she was even waving!


Congrats - great picture:baby:
Thank you ladies!

I just wanted to say, and I'm not sure if the hormones are taking over a little here too, but in all seriousness I'd like to thank everyone in this thread...

I (along with most others) have been a nervous wreck this whole pregnancy, and its only today after seeing my little rainbow; that i feel a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally relax and enjoy being pregnant!

You ladies have been such fantastic support, and I know we have all been through the same experiences, but I would not have got through all this, OR been half as positive as I have been if it wasn't for you guys!

Positive mental attitude! That's the key..!

Ok PinkorBlue we are team yellow! Represent!

I am with you ladies, I want a surprise in the delivery room too!

I am just ignoring all these gender theories and old wives tales! Hehe

:happydance: Lovely scan pic, Jersey! :D :wave: baby!!! Welcome to team yellow! Cheers to the PMA in this lovely thread! :hugs::hugs:

Bailey~ Oh yeah, old buddy breathlessness. It didn't hit me quite so hard last time but it's definitely here now. What Dan said, on the plus side, once baby drops breathing can get a bit easier.

Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well today! xx
Yet another question from me, does anyone else feel really breathless when they are just walking about, or when they lie down?? I feel really breathless right now as I am lying on my bed, on my back. And when I walk up my road which is a steep hill I get really breathless too....my df manages better than I do and he smokes! I feel like I'm the one that smokes!! It's ridiculous!

OMG, know how you feel! I can't even walk up one flight of stairs and I'm huffing and puffing! My husband said is because I used to smoke, but I think that's rubbish as I was never breathless walking for 5 minutes before! Especially if it's up hill.. I am nackared, embarrassingly nackared!
She was chuffed to bits.. Now roll on my 12 wk scan I'm dying to kno when it is. Xx
She was chuffed to bits.. Now roll on my 12 wk scan I'm dying to kno when it is. Xx

Shouldn't be too long to wait now. I had a scan at 7 weeks and have another scan on Wednesday at 9 weeks. Starting to get worried now.

I still have plenty of symptoms and my belly is definately getting bigger. Felt sick this morning and have had a headache all day.

I may only be 8 weeks pg but I am having trouble hIding this bump now, all the baggy clothes are coming out!

We don't want to tell anyone this time until we get to 16 weeks, but that is going to be easier said than done!

There again, this is my 6th pregnancy and each time everything inside gets a little baggier and looser, what a lovely thought:haha:
Hi ladies, I have been stalking this thread for a long time now because you ladies Are so great and all so positive. I had a D&C from a mmc in December and I caught what I hoped is my rainbow in June? I didnt get my BFP till August (I just didn't bother testing since I figured I wasnt). I have been to my first OB appointment at about 12 weeks (here in Canada where I'm from they don't see you earlier than that). Everything looked good then and I even saw a little heart beating on screen.

I am almost 14 weeks now (13w4d to be exact due end of march) and DH and I have still not told anyone as last time we did and DH doesn't want to go through that again. It is for that same reason I have not posted as I didn't want to jinx anything by telling people "early". So I have been following all your pregnancies as dates are so similar to mine. Why I am breaking my silence now is....

I have not been able to relax and enjoy it and every little thing scares me I keep thinking its gonna happen again. This morning I woke up and realized, as I was getting dressed, that my boobs are smaller(they don't feel as full and tight in my bra) also they arent sore anymore (i heard that was normal going into 2nd tri tho) and my stomach isn't as big usually I don't even zip my jeans up as it is too tight and uncomfortable. Today though I can zip easily what I am trying to say is I'm starting to freak out and feel like crying!! Is this normal?! Worst part is I had a fight with DH yesterday and I was thinking to myself "now I wish I wasn't Pregnant....."

I don't know what I am hoping to hear but I just needed to get out some pent up hormonal emotions as I haven't been able to talk to any friends or family about this pregnancy...
Btw my energy seems back too I use to be soo tired and sleepy in first trimester....what do you ladies think? Am I overreacting? Should I call up my OB?! I don't know what to do....
7, congrats and welcome! You have no reason to freak out, most people go through a lessening of symptoms around 12-14 weeks. Its really helped me to have the home Doppler, so I can reassure myself whenever I need to. Also, your doc would probably be willing to give you a scan or doppler for reassurance, so you should give him/her a call if you are worried.

Jersey, beautiful scan, you can even see the little fingers! Congrats for you!

I got my results from the first trimester screening....everything looks GREAT, odds are 1:5000 ish of anything being wrong. What a relief :)

Told my parents last night and will tell work in a week or two. Can't wait to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy without the constant worry :)

Happy Monday to all :)
On the screen on m scan at 7 weeks the sac was on the right of the screen - what does that mean?

If it was a t/v scan then it means the placenta was probably on the right, so team BLUE!

Yet another question from me, does anyone else feel really breathless when they are just walking about, or when they lie down?? I feel really breathless right now as I am lying on my bed, on my back. And when I walk up my road which is a steep hill I get really breathless too....my df manages better than I do and he smokes! I feel like I'm the one that smokes!! It's ridiculous!

There are little spurts here and there during pregnancy where your placenta grows and you need to build up your blood supply to fill it up. Initially you will feel out of breath because you aren't getting enough oxygen since you don't have enough red blood cells for all the new room your placenta made. But in a couple of days your bone marrow will have caught up and filled your blood back up again with LOTS of red blood cells and you will feel better. It comes and goes 2nd tri on. Just give yourself a couple days and don't push yourself whenever you feel like this. It's your placenta growing! The baby doesn't usually start to push on your lungs until the last 6 weeks or so.

Hey ladies I'm off to my mother in laws today to tell her our news I'm so excited about another person knowing lol. X

So great that she was excited for you! It's always nice when the first response is excitement! That 12 week scan wait is TORTURE!

Thank you ladies!

I just wanted to say, and I'm not sure if the hormones are taking over a little here too, but in all seriousness I'd like to thank everyone in this thread...

I (along with most others) have been a nervous wreck this whole pregnancy, and its only today after seeing my little rainbow; that i feel a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally relax and enjoy being pregnant!

You ladies have been such fantastic support, and I know we have all been through the same experiences, but I would not have got through all this, OR been half as positive as I have been if it wasn't for you guys!

Positive mental attitude! That's the key..!


Right back at ya! It always helps to have somewhere to go where people will understand you. You ladies can tell me I'm not crazy and help me go to a good place. Thank you!

PS-Congrats on the beautiful scan!! Little bean looks so happy in there. :)

Shouldn't be too long to wait now. I had a scan at 7 weeks and have another scan on Wednesday at 9 weeks. Starting to get worried now.

I still have plenty of symptoms and my belly is definately getting bigger. Felt sick this morning and have had a headache all day.

I may only be 8 weeks pg but I am having trouble hIding this bump now, all the baggy clothes are coming out!

We don't want to tell anyone this time until we get to 16 weeks, but that is going to be easier said than done!

There again, this is my 6th pregnancy and each time everything inside gets a little baggier and looser, what a lovely thought:haha:

I'm not sure if you'll make it to 16 weeks, but I hope you can! I'm not planning on telling anyone at work until I have to come in wearing maternity clothes. We'll see how soon THAT happens!

Hi ladies, I have been stalking this thread for a long time now because you ladies Are so great and all so positive. I had a D&C from a mmc in December and I caught what I hoped is my rainbow in June? I didnt get my BFP till August (I just didn't bother testing since I figured I wasnt). I have been to my first OB appointment at about 12 weeks (here in Canada where I'm from they don't see you earlier than that). Everything looked good then and I even saw a little heart beating on screen.

I am about 14 weeks now (due end of march) and DH and I have still not told anyone as last time we did and DH doesn't want to go through that again. It is for that same reason I have not posted as I didn't want to jinx anything by telling people "early". So I have been following all your pregnancies as dates are so similar to mine. Why I am breaking my silence now is....

I have not been able to relax and enjoy it and every little thing scares me I keep thinking its gonna happen again. This morning I woke up and realized, as I was getting dressed, that my boobs are smaller(they don't feel as full and tight in my bra) also they arent sore anymore (i heard that was normal going into 2nd tri tho) and my stomach isn't as big usually I don't even zip my jeans up as it is too tight and uncomfortable. Today though I can zip easily what I am trying to say is I'm starting to freak out and feel like crying!! Is this normal?! Worst part is I had a fight with DH yesterday and I was thinking to myself "now I wish I wasn't Pregnant....."

I don't know what I am hoping to hear but I just needed to get out some pent up hormonal emotions as I haven't been able to talk to any friends or family about this pregnancy...

Btw my energy seems back too I use to be soo tired and sleepy in first trimester....what do you ladies think? Am I overreacting? Should I call up my OB?! I don't know what to do....

I just wanted to reassure you that ALL of that is VERY NORMAL hun!! The decision on when to tell people is different for everyone, so if you don't want to share until BIRTH, go ahead! We all get it. :)

1. Your boobs are smaller and not sore because your progesterone has dropped because your placenta took over. This is a GOOD thing! It means your little bean is attached well and doing great!

2. Your jeans are zipping up because you have lost the "1st tri bloat." That is ALSO good! First of all because your clothes fit better and second of all because you will start feeling much better too.

3. Having fights with DH will happen. You're pregnant. You have a raging river of hormones flowing through you. You'll want to cry, then start laughing, then yell all in the same breath. It will be ok. :)

4. If you didn't get your energy back after the 1st tri, I would be worried about you. You are SUPPOSED to feel much better in the second tri. In the 1st tri your body is doing all this work nesting little bubs into your uterus. But once bubs is good and nestled, your body can relax and start focusing on YOU again. You should feel less sick, more energy, and overall less bloated and fatigued in the 2nd tri. Enjoy it, because it doesn't last. ;)

You made it through week 12, you saw a beautiful bubs with a heartbeat! Your risk of miscarriage is very small now. You have made it to week 14 and your body is telling you that everything is going SO WELL that you are feeling better. Celebrate! Your pregnancy is going very well!

I know it's hard to be PAL. Everything makes you worry. You wonder "what if." You fear the future and what "may" happen. Try to focus instead on today.

Whenever you start to worry, ask yourself what you are worried about. If you can do something about it, then do. If not, then turn that worry into a discussion with your wee one about how much you love him/her and to just hang in there. Instead of sending worry, send some love. At least you'll know you are doing everything you can for the LO, and that's all anyone ever asked of a mum.
Cheryl~ Hope the next week and a half goes by fast!

Dan~ :rofl: That is a lovely thought. :p

7eleven~ :hi: and welcome!! It's not unusual to feel a little more like yourself in the second trimester hun. Like your body pretty much adjusts, ms starts to ease and go away completely for most. :hugs: It must have been difficult not having anyone to vent to but understandable not being ready to say anything. You will definitely be welcome to vent here anytime, this group is wonderful and we all understand the ups and downs of PAL. Congrats on your pregnancy!!! :flower:
Btw my energy seems back too I use to be soo tired and sleepy in first trimester....what do you ladies think? Am I overreacting? Should I call up my OB?! I don't know what to do....

Firstly, welcome 7Eleven!

We are always happy to hear from other people due around the same time as us!

Try not to worry, bloating is supposed to die down, so what you thought was a baby bump was prob bloating, and now it's dying down you are getting worried...don't!
Most of the symptoms die down going into second trimester!
Just try to relax, and enjoy all of the good things (and slightly tedious things) that comes with being pregnant!

Thanks for all the replies :hugs: you ladies always say the right things to ease my mind!

Ttc - I am thinking about getting a Doppler but at the same time not sure if I will be obsessed with it. I'd probably want to listen all the time and that might drive me nuts if I don't always hear a hb!

Mightymom - thanks for all the kind words they really hit the mark for me.... I feel like I should print and frame your words for when I feel freaked out next! Haha hopefully I won't be again...but who knows when those hormones will strike again!

Pinkorblue - hi! It was definitely hard the first trimester having no one to talk to...DH was in total denial he didn't believe (or want to admit) I was Preggers again. I understand though as he took it really hard when we lost the last one, because of this I couldn't even talk to him about my fears as he also didn't want to talk or listen to me about my "fake" pregnancy. He finally started to admit it after I went for my 12week appointment and brought home a U/S pic of our little bubs. He was surprised bubs is so big already! Last pregnancy I didn't even make it to my 12 week app. So we never did get to see a scan or even find out at what week we had lost the little one. Even though I had no one to talk to I kept sane by reading all your posts here as we have experienced the same things and it truly help me get through...

Jersey bean - haha yes I guess it was just bloat.... I thought it was just my own fat and the bubs underneath was pushing it up hence the big tummy! DH was shocked seeing it saying are you sure you're pregnant and it's not just fat? Lol so because I thought it was my own fat there was no way it could "go away" but now that I know bloating is common and thats what I "lost" I feel worlds better.

Btw is anyone else having headaches?? Also my appetite has gone down I always feel hungry but noticed I can't eat (portion wise) as much as I did in 1st trimester...
Welcome 7 Eleven!! The Ladies here are amazing! I would never have survived without them. You have the perfect people to vent to if you need. Congrats on being 14 weeks!! That is great and as MightyMom said the chances of something going wrong at this point are very low. I say send you little bubs as much love as possible.

TTc1- congrats on your screening coming back so positive. Did they do bloods as well as nt scan? here in BC where I live we don't get results until much later. I just had bloods taken at 10.5 weeks,nt scan at 12 weeks and then more bloods at about 15 weeks and then we get the results.

Hope everyone is doing well.
DAn- good luck for your can on Wed!! It will all be fine and you feel great for a while again!! It seems I'm on cloud nine for about 2 days after a scan and then back to the normal doubts??
Hi ladies,

So chatty on here today!!

Cheryl - soooo glad that MIL was so happy!! And you are almost to 12 weeks!! Nearly there!!

Jersey - we now have the same EDD!!! 5th April yay! And look at those little fingers on that scan pic!! Amazing!!!

7 - welcome to the thread hun. As all the other ladies have said it is all perfectly normal to lose symptoms at this stage. I have also got a doppler and it really helps me coz I can hear him/her moving and swooshing and the galloping heartbeat. I also got up this morning and almost looked flat stomached, my bloaty bump had all gone and I felt like I didnt look pregnant!! But I am sure soon that bloat will be replaced by a real bump hun!

Danc - I hope all goes well for you next week at the scan, I know its hard not to worry but I am sure everything is fine, just remember that the sickness is always a good sign that all the hormones are doing their job and keeping baby safe.

Yay for all the team yellows! I am too impatient lol!!

Marathon - how are you feeling today hun? I was feeling the same, after the scan and initial excitement I started thinking but what if it goes wrong before my next appt??!! So thats why I bought the doppler and although I might drive myself crazy I have so far found it really reassuring.

Pinkorblue - not long now til your appt hun!

Mightymom - you have so much info for us all!! Thank you for all the knowledge hun!! The breathlessness has felt so bad the last couple of days, never thought it might be to do with the placenta!

Hope everyone else is well, sorry I havent dont a personal message to everyone, I have forgotten what I read already!! But I hope you are all doing ok xxxxxxxxx

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