Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Thats so weird you say that ttc1at34 coz my df has just been home on his break and was actually staring at my chest and said "god your boobs are huge now" lol, gee thanks for the lovely compliment!

I have been feeling more energetic, some days lol. Others I am still shattered, but I have noticed I am staying up later even when Ive been up early for work.

I also keep saying that about a bump, its just fat and bloat at the mo lol, but people do keep saying I am starting to show. I just think they say that coz I look fat and they know I'm pregnant lol!!
Well pooh...had a major temp drop today so that either means implantation or it's over...i have a feeling it's over...ugh....i hate this!
Thats so weird you say that ttc1at34 coz my df has just been home on his break and was actually staring at my chest and said "god your boobs are huge now" lol, gee thanks for the lovely compliment!

I have been feeling more energetic, some days lol. Others I am still shattered, but I have noticed I am staying up later even when Ive been up early for work.

I also keep saying that about a bump, its just fat and bloat at the mo lol, but people do keep saying I am starting to show. I just think they say that coz I look fat and they know I'm pregnant lol!!

Hey bailey, I was starting to worry as you had not been on in a few days! But I se you are okay, so panic over!

I haven't had one compliment yet from my husband, he really isn't bothered or doesn't really acknowledge me when I say anything about having a bump, or my boobs being bigger... To be honest I think he is still struggling to accept the fact that we are actually having this baby!
Until I get a "proper" bump.. I think he will be in denial! Even though he's seen the baby on the ultrasound, I think because he's seen what I've been through before, he is just wary of it until he sees it growing on the outside!

Probably sounds completely daft.. But I just don't know!

Bailey, would you mind changing my EDD to 5th April on my ticker?

Hi all,

Back from America so just checking in! Don't think I'm going to be able to catch up on two weeks of messages on here but I hope everyone's doing ok :)

We told a bunch of family while we were away (as they were all there). It was kind of nice but then just made me more scared when they were all talking about it...a tiny bit of me wishes I didn't have to tell anyone until the baby arrives!

In other news, my flipping ms seems to have returned. It could just be a combination of a week or two of slightly crap food and sleeping badly/jetlag, but after a week of feeling ok, the nausea is back and booming...

I've got an appointment with the community midwife tomorrow (a kind of second booking appointment, my first was with a midwife at the hospital). I'm hoping they might be have the equipment to listen to the heartbeat...if they don't I think we're going to fork out for a private scan. I had a mini meltdown or two while we were away (mostly because no one apart from oh's parents know about the mc, and everyone's so blasé about being pregnant and having a baby that it just got me so upset....) and I don't think I'll be able to wait another 6 weeks before we have our next routine scan. We'll see after tomorrow appointment.

Hope you're all doing ok and your little ones are coming along well!

Glad to see you are back Cherry! Sorry about the ms though.
Bailey- we missed you for a few days. Glad to see you too!

My dh loves my big boobs. He asked me the other day how much bigger they were going to get?? Like I really know? I said enjoy them while you can! Still feeling quite tired and maybe slightly less queasy.

Rainkat- have you ever been to the Bon Rouge? It's a restaurant downtown. Went there for my birthday last night and it was sooo good. I had halibut that had been caught yesterday!!!
Happy Birthday Marathongirl:flower:

I haven't heard of it but fish caught the same day sounds fabulous. Have to check it out.

Welcome back Cherrytomato! Hope the morning sickness settles down now that you are back to routine. Have you had your appointment?

Jersey I think my DH is in denial too. Any time I draw attention to my belly he brushes me off. He's pretty low key about everything in general but I could use a little acknowledgement, particularly since none of my friends know.

Bailey, good to see you. I wish people knew I was pregnant. I look like I've gained a bunch of weight all on my abdomen. I think if people knew they would say I'm showing, but as it is I just look fat :haha:
Welcome back, Cherry! :)

Happy birthday, Marathon, sounds like you had a great night! :D

Hi Bailey, glad you feel your energy starting to return.

Rain~ :hugs:

Seven more sleeps until surgery...
It's quiet on here today!
Pinkorblue- we will all be thinking about you when you go for your surgery. At least you know you are doing the right thing!

I think people can tell I'm showing now. I'm trying to wear baggy clothes but I am normally quite small so the little bump shows. I am looking forward to telling people. Only a few of my close friends know. Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm off to work soon!
Welcome back Cherry! Yay for telling people. :)

Marathongirl: Yay for people being able to tell. Yay! :)
Hello ladies!

Marathon girl happy birthday!! Sorry its a bit belated!

Cherry - welcome back! Have you considered buying a doppler, I love mine, I found it really helps to keep my mind at ease whilst I wait for my next appoitnment and scan, I dont think I'd be as calm if I couldnt listen to baby's heartbeat. It seems such along wait after 12 week scan coz personally for me I feel less tired and more energy so I'm feeling less pregnant than ever, and I just feel like I look fat not pregnant and cant feel anything going on in there lol!! So I have to use the doppler to remind myself I am pregnant lol!!

Pinkorblue, not long now hun, how are you feeling?

Leinz - hi :hi: how are you? How's Zoela?

Rainkat - Aw I hope your dh shows some acknowledgement, my df needs a kick up the bum but he does eventually, not that I should have to ask him to pay attention lol!!

How is everyone else? It seems to have gone quiet on here recently!
hi all, hope everyone's doing well.

rainkat - yup, had my appointment yesterday evening. It's funny, we were given a choice of hospitals to have the baby in, so we looked them all up, read reviews and picked one (not the nearest, but the best reviews/stats etc). But apparently the one we picked makes me 'out of area', and means my care is kind of split between the hospital and the midwives at my GPsurgery. So I've had a booking appointment at both, and they both mildly slagged each other off! 'You'll have to remind them to do that, they don't like doing it', 'Remind them to write in your book, sometimes they don't like doing it if you're seeing us as well...'

Anyway, the lady took my blood pressure (fine) asked a few questions and I was done. But I've had nasty stomach cramps the last week or so and a really upset stomach for no good reason, so I asked about that and my ms coming back.....and then just started blubbing. I think I was more anxious than I realised! Anyway, after a few mins of trying to calm me down, she asked if I'd like her to try and listen for the heartbeat to reassure me. I could have hugged her. So she found the heartbeat :) And I listened just long enough to hear it before blubbing again and making it too hard for her to keep the wand thing in the right place...

bailey - I was really tempted to get a doppler....I'm just worried about freaking myself out if I can't find the hb, and I think oh is worried about me freaking out. How easy is it to tell that you're hearing the right thing...?

As for bumps, I felt like I was huge when we were away! Maybe it was because I was wearing summer clothes, but I had a real bump - especially by the end of the day. Now it's kind of deflated and I just look a bit plump around the middle. Pretty sure people at work couldn't tell right now. I was going to tell my boss this week but I might hold on til next week...

Has anyone been to an NCT nearly new sale? There's one near us this weekend and we thought we'd go and have a look to see if we can pick up any bargains. Actually is anyone planning to join the NCT...? (I assume it's just a UK thing but there might be equivalents elsewhere...)

I watched some demos of how to find babys heartbeat and tell the difference between my heartbeat and the double pump artery and I'm almost 100% sure its baby. Coz without moving the wand the heartbeat sometimes fades in and out when these bloopy movement sounds happen, plus it sounds like a galloping horse when its baby or a train, whereas your heartbeat is slower and the double pump is more like a swooshing sound. I tend to find baby very easily now as I know whereabouts he is.
I was worried as well about if I cant find the heartbeat, every now and again I still think "what if I cant find it??" but then I figure I will just go and see my community midwife in that case and I will see if she can find it, if she cant she would send me for an ultrasound I think. So although I would hate to not be able to find it, at least if there was a problem I would find out straight away if that makes sense.

I am like you too, I feel like my 'bump' has deflated and I just look a bit fatter lol. By the end of the day I am bloated again so I look bigger but not as much as I was in the first trimester. I just cant wait to feel movements now!! Some people say they can feel it as early as 14 weeks, which when you think of the size of baby now is possible, but I dont think I will, I have too much 'blubber' around my belly from my extra weight lol!!
Good morning Ladies(morning here in Canada!)
I have ordered a doppler and it still hasn't arrived. I think I will watch the video like you said Bailey.
I know what you mean about feeling movements. That would be so reassuring. I think people can feel them around 14 weeks if they've already had babies? I think that's what I read. I know I felt them earlier with my second. It will be here before you know it Bailey. How often do you use your doppler Bailey? Like once a day?

AFM- still felling quite tired. Appetite seems to increasing and boobs seem to be still getting bigger?? How is everyone else today?
Thank you Marathon, I appreciate the support.

Leinz~ How's the new house coming along?

Bailey~ Ahh, the limbo stage of pregnancy, you're feeling better but still can't quite feel baby yet. Glad you have a doppler for reassurance! I'm feeling better after talking to a medical social worker, I got express my feelings of frustration and upset over this surgery. I'm still working on letting go of feeling like I've already failed and accepting that its out of my hands. PMA has been out of reach for me lately, and I'm trying to recapture it..
:witch: got me...or is starting too. Started bleeding this afternoon, light at first and now a little heavier. I'm so pissed. This sucks. I can't get this sad and depressed every 4 weeks. It does a number to a person. My attitude sucks and I just don't feel good. I'm going to have to come up with a new plan...so my next step is a hysteroscopy next Wednesday. They are going in with a camera to check out my uterus to make sure everything's clear and ok...if no pregnancy this next cycle after that, i'll be starting clomid. I just want my BABY! :cry:
I'm sorry Ladies. I have a hard time keeping up with BNB. I'm very happy though... That you are all entering the second trimester! :yipee: That feels good... The first trimester is so looong and hard!

We are closing the house on Friday. I finished setting up our house insurance today. And I'm turning on the utilities tomorrow. After that we write the check and paperwork and the keys and house is ours. :)

But, theres so much to be done... We plan on moving in at the end of next month. We have to get a new roof, which our roofer is coming tomorrow to give us an estimate. However, he is related so he will be cheaper than other private contractors. We also need a whole new kitchen. We bought our cabinets and sink on craigslist for $900. My FIL is going to install it for free. We also have to replace the wall in the bathroom behind the tub... Etc. All before we move in.

This house was a government forclosure. Very reasonably priced, however it is a fixer uper. It's going to take work. In the meantime I've been trying to get packed.

As for Zoela... Wow! I went to the OB today and things are going perfect. BD is now uncomfortable, my pelvis is achy and I'm back at being tired. I've also been having braxton hicks...
Hello ladies I find it hard keeping up on this thread, chatty chatty lol... Hope you are all doing well... Can't believe I'm 12 wks I've made it :) xxx
Hello ladies I find it hard keeping up on this thread, chatty chatty lol... Hope you are all doing well... Can't believe I'm 12 wks I've made it :) xxx

Congrats on the 12 weeks Cheryl! It feels like a milestone... Or at least it did for me.. I'm 14wks on Friday and I am happy, nervous, anxious, excited all that the same time!
I don't think I can wait another 6 weeks for the 20wk scan...may have to go get a private on half way at 17 weeks!

I just have to say I’m one lucky girl as I’m sure MOST of us on here are. I go through daily moods…a roller coaster of sorts throughout my entire month’s cycle and everytime when it gets close to the end my hubby tries so hard to keep me positive and says things like “I have a good feeling about it this month and I bet it happened” so I know he gets let down each time it doesn’t too and we all have to remember that. Then when it doesn’t happen and I get AF, he holds me while I cry and gives me encouraging words each time…and the cycle continues again. I’m a lucky girl for having such a wonderful man to be my rock through all of this.

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