I live 15 minutes away from our local hospital. We are a rural area. And my husband is an medic. We'd deal with any incidences the same way they'd be dealt with in an assisted birth. Really the only things that really scare me are cord prolapse or uncontrolled PPH, neither which is highly likely, but we are prepared to handle (with care during quick transfer) if it comes to that.
Yes, I agree that things can take a turn for the worst unassisted, but they can do the same in any situation, and more medical care doesn't always equal a better outcome (many times it causes, contributes to, or worsens the situation). And I would not birth at home unassisted if I did not feel very prepared to handle things, or take responsibility for the way it all goes. (though- and this is not at all what you're saying, but it comes to mind as I write this- I don't think it's wise to hand complete responsibility over to a caregiver either just to be spared the guilt if something happens)
I am more scared of birthing in a hospital, and I know I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with a midwife (if I had one, I'd kinda like her on the sidelines...in another room LOL) or in a birth center. But I firmly believe a woman has to birth how she's comfortable, otherwise risks increase. I know a lot of people who prefer unassisted (and none of them would ever go into it unprepared), as well as many people who prefer assisted homebirths, and I also know people who would never be comfortable outside of a hospital. And that's okay! As long as mom is most comfortable, things are likely to go much better than they would otherwise.