Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Haha I didn't even know there was a nub in my scan pic I thought they were arms?!? I was just curious what other ppl thought. I am feeling boy too but hoping for a girl so I can't get a good sense of what I am having!

Storm7 - good luck with your scan congrats on 12 weeks! I only made it to 12 weeks (sanity wise) by not knowing how far along I was and only found out ay my first OB appointment where I was giving the dating scan. I am hoping to find out gender at my 20 weeks scan (I'll actually be one day shy of 20w at the appointment) so hopefully he/she will be big enough to see clear parts (so long as baby cooperates).
Hi ladies.

Scan went really well. Measuring spot on for my dates. Had a little cry afterwards in the hospital car park! Pictures in my journal due to lack of time to play on a laptop today! Feel free to pop in an have a peek!
Hi ladies.

Scan went really well. Measuring spot on for my dates. Had a little cry afterwards in the hospital car park! Pictures in my journal due to lack of time to play on a laptop today! Feel free to pop in an have a peek!

Sogladyour scan went well Storm!!!:happydance: That's a huge milestone:thumbup:
Hey ladies how is everyone today?

I've been feeling a bit blue recently. Anyone else just feeling sad and upset without reason? I seem to be very sensitive to everything!! I feel like I'm not allowed to say anything though, like everyone is judging me. I say something about my df annoying me and I feel like people are judging me, and then I have people at work saying I shouldnt "stuff my face just coz I'm pregnant" (they were only joking) but it really upset me. Feel like I'm not allowed an opinion anymore but everybody else is allowed an opinion on what I do. And I also think that people forget how hormones can affect you and your mood too, I got really upset the other day and was so tired and I got really worried that I was being ridiculous coz I feel like people look at me like I am stupid lol. I feel like a caricature of pregnant woman lol!! Sorry to whinge but just wondering if anyone else has been feeling this way? I feel fine today, actually quite happy but it can switch at the drop of a hat lol!!

Has anyone got any upcoming appointments/scans? Any exciting news?
I went to emergency dentist again today and they basically said they cant do anything about my infection coz they cant x ray my tooth to remove it. So I am now looking into natural antibiotics (coz they said I dont really need a prescription and they are probably best not to be taken in pregnancy anyway). I have bought some manuka honey coz it was recommended by the lady at the health shop (tastes good too) but well expensive!
Raw garlic is great too! One of the most powerful natural antibiotics out there! I chop it up into small peices and swallow it like pills. And grapefruit seed extract works well too. We also swish with black walnut tincture whenever we have tooth troubles and it really helps. We use manuka honey for lots of things as well. :)

I am having a rough time emotionally, too. I think I seriously struggle with some PTSD from my last two years of so many losses. Some things I found out today really set me back to where I thought I'd long since moved on from. :(
Aw elohcin I hope you are ok. I think people forget how hard pregnancy can be emotionally. Especially after a loss so sometimes we can feel quite alone, and lost. But it will all be worth it in the end, that's what I keep reminding myself.
Hi Bailey I totally relate to what you are saying. I feel sorry for my dh because I get annoyed with him all of the time right now. One minute I'm fine the next really upset. It is stressful because I don't like the way I am sometimes but I can't see to help myself. I apologize all of the time because I know I'm not my normal self. On the other hand our dh's have to understand that it is the hormones.I'm definitely a little shorter with my kids as well just not as much patience. I am so grateful to be pregnant but you are right it is hard.
I also have days where I know in my heart that this is it,this is my rainbow but I also have days or moments when I feel the doubts sink in. It seems that even though we are all past 12 weeks it's still not a breeze! I do love my Doppler!!
Also feeling a little bit queasy again at times??
Congrats Storm7 :thumbup:

Sorry you've been feeling blue Bailey. I can totally relate. I seem to be on an emotional roller coaster. The other night I was sitting in the bedroom by myself and suddenly became over-the-top annoyed... at nothing. I wanted to throw the remote across the room in frustration but I have no idea why. I think if anything had been going on I would have blamed the nearest possible trigger.

I've booked my next midwife appt for Nov. 6th, late enough in the day that I can take my kids. I'm so excited that they will get to hear baby's heartbeat and have a peek on her ultrasound. I'm not sure how it is in different places but here children are not allowed in the room during the diagnostic ultrasound. They've gotten really strict about only allowing one adult to accompany the mom. So different from when I was expecting my youngest.
Yeah they are pretty strict here too, only one person allowed in the room. I know that irritated feeling, it's horrible isn't it? I hate how it happens for no reason and I know it's hormones and I'm being all emotional but I can't stop! My df has said he understands though bless him x
MG I still get the days of doubts, it's unfair what mc does to us isn't it?
Hi ladies,
Not been on for a couple of weeks... Been feeling a bit blue also, and I know I'm being silly but I can't help it.
I am 17 weeks on Friday, and although at 15 weeks we heard the heartbeat at the midwife appointment, I am still getting moments where I doubt myself and think that something is wrong.

Symptom wise I have gone from having 24 hour nausea between 4 weeks and 13 weeks, tiredness, etc and from 15 weeks until now I have had no symptoms and seem to be feeling very "normal" ... Aside from a breakout of spots and emotional moments.. But I have those anyway!

I know you are supposed to feel more "yourself/back to normal" after 12 weeks or so, but I sill don't think I have a bump, just a bloated, slightly chubby tummy.. And I worry everyday about the baby being okay..it's stopping me from sleeping at night and I am starting to worry that if I worry to much I will make myself or the baby ill by worrying?!?!

How completely insane does that sound? I worry about worrying!

I haven't got a Doppler, because I know I would be silly with it and start listening every morning, noon and night...and if I couldn't find the hb I would panic, but now I want one.. This may sound really crazy but I am driving myself insane with worry and having 2 previous losses make it so hard to be positive.

I remember the first time I was pregnant, I had no worries about mc or MMC, I just went on oblivious to the fact that anything could go wrong, and it felt bl00dy amazing, just enjoying the warm and happy "I'm pregnant" feeling you get inside!

Sorry for being a grump, and on a downer... But you ladies are the only people who understand (if you do?!) and I suppose I just needed to write it down and let it out.

I have never felt that "wonderful" 2nd trimester relief that so many talk about! I remember thinking this with my other babies too. Come 2nd tri, I'm MORE exhausted than I used to be, I lack energy, have zero sex drive, am more emotional (sad), etc. Top it off with I already have most of my 3rd tri "ailments" to stay on top of (mainly SPD).
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to all of us right now..

I'm sorry to see a lot of us feeling blue these days, I'm no different. I'm looking into setting up therapy over the phone, not sure if it's going to work out or not but self help techniques aren't working anymore. Jersey, I relate to that. My pregnancy with Azriel was incredible, even when m/s was at its worst, I was still on that high of being pregnant escpecially once I entered the 2nd tri, total :cloud9: I miss being able to feel that way.

Now I'm plagued with disturbing nightmares, cry every day and I mean sobbing until my heart is pounding, terrible cramping follows. Thinking of all of you and I hope these dark clouds start to lift from us soon. :hugs:
Awwwww ladies massive hugs to everyone!!! I'm so sorry we are all feeling blue! Being PAL is so hard, not to mention all the hormones playing nasty tricks on us as well! I've done a u turn from sad and upset to all lovey dovey and hyper today! Must be bewildering for anyone who knows me lol!! But I'm sure when we all have our rainbow babies in our arms it will all be worth it xxxxxx
If it helps JerseyBean, make a little paper model of your baby. At 16+5 weeks the baby is five inches long. Make a little paper baby and see how small he is! Too small for a big bump. :) Don't be sad if your bump isn't more pronounced. Mine isn't either. Do you have a tilted uterus? Usually you wil have a smaller bump.
I have not even a hint of a bump. Saw the doc yesterday and she I insists I am 16+2 not 15+2 based on my last 2 scans. I am 100% sure of my LMP! I know it's only a weeks difference but I don't know if I should go with my dates or what she thinks?
Oh Jersey so sorry you are feeling blue. I think we all need lots of big hugs right now. I have been coaching my dh on this. He is starting to get better at it but I tell him all of the time how hard being PAL is and that I really need a lot of support right now. Maybe this will help you too Jersey. So that you don't feel like you are alone in this. Of course you will always have us and don't ever feel bad for voicing your feelings. We are here to listen and support.
I just thought we would all feel so much relief after 12 weeks but this doesn't see to be the case for most of us. I just try to take one day at a time and having my Doppler does help as well. Do you have a scan coming up Jersey-something to look forward to? Maybe that would help to break the time up? Sending big hugs to everyone.
I have not even a hint of a bump. Saw the doc yesterday and she I insists I am 16+2 not 15+2 based on my last 2 scans. I am 100% sure of my LMP! I know it's only a weeks difference but I don't know if I should go with my dates or what she thinks?

Roma when do you have your next scan? I wouldn't worry about 1 week I think that when dates are within a week they don't usually change anything. In the end Babes will come out when he/she comes out!!:wacko:

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