I'm so sorry about your Mum too Lea hun, we have so much in commonx
Thx hun..

I'm so sorry about your Mum too Lea hun, we have so much in commonx
Hun you have a chat with your doc, and if you have been having unprotectedDont feel silly.. if you was 15 then maybe lol.. i know what you mean about the coil, my aunties got stuck and broke inside her, how the hell that happened only god knows.. i'd bloody sue...
pelvic inflammotary disease/endometritis, if i'm correct is an infection in the vagina or cervix that has spread to the reproductive organs higher up. If you develop salpingitis, the lining of the fallopian tubes swells and the already narrow canals become even narrower. This means that fertilised eggs may not be able to move along them normally, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that occurs outside of the womb) and infertility.
If i was you hunni i would wait and get the all clear from them. as for Strep B
thats is a common type of the streptococcus bacterium which lives in the body without the carrier knowing. Approximately a third of men and women carry GBS in their intestines and a quarter of women carry it in their vagina. GBS is the UKs most common cause of life threatening infections in newborn babies.... what are the docs saying about these hunni?
endo is where when u have a period some of the blood goes backwards up thru ur fallopian tubes and can block ur tubes and can cause ur tubes to tangle ect and pid is where ur pelvis is infected but i dunno what happens, both can leave u infertile, i have never heard of salpingitis have to look that up hun. basicly they have no clue! they wanna do a dye test but the dye will not tell me if i have endo. the only time i don't have pain during sex is when i am ovulating and after ovulation for a while its mad! the strep b they gave me anti biotics for but they said it will come back, but strep b can cause endo, so i have heard but i dunno! im terrified i can't have kids, i know it's terrible but would love to go to a dco and pretend im trying longer so they take me serious i know that sounds silly but im just so down and i want answers and help, why can everyone else around my age get pregnant but me. my OH is going to his doc on wednesday should he just tell the doc bout whats going on and ask for an SA???
I'm 26 just now, will be 27 in May. Thanks Sophie, it's unbelievable that my Dad's lost two wives at the age of 47. I really can't wait to give him a grandchild x
i am so sorry for both ur losses use are two lovely ladies i really really hope u get ursoon!!!!!
is it expensive hun do u know???? my OH i gonna go to his doctor and tell him we have been trying to get pregnant for a good few months and nothing is happening and he wants to be checked at least if i know he is ok i then can ask the hospital to take me more seriously!
since october i only got the coil out october so since then and my doc knows about that! awh i have free medical care but my OH never applied for it cos he silly!