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step parents support thread

Soiling and wetting his pants is not normal behaviour for a 9 year old at all. I am really, really concerned about his behaviour. This is beyond attention seeking. I think he needs to see a doctor and perhaps have some counselling arranged and maybe more.
Soiling and wetting his pants is not normal behaviour for a 9 year old at all. I am really, really concerned about his behaviour. This is beyond attention seeking. I think he needs to see a doctor and perhaps have some counselling arranged and maybe more.

Yup totally agree


The boys stayed over last night, OH just went to take them back to their mum's. He was glad to have them round for fathers day and also J's birthday today.

I know it's silly me being annoyed about this but I sodding am: OH said to me this morning 'I didn't see a birthday msg for J from u on FB'... :saywhat: bitchface made him block me months ago because her egocentrical victim-complex decided that some random thing I wrote about my ex was directed at her and it 'upset J and S'.... goddam it if it upset them it was because she lost the plot over it; something that didn't even concern her, not because of me! :wacko:

Anyway yeah that's my gripe for the day. Nowhere near as bad as some of the things we deal with by any means! But it just peed me off. It's so stupid - I'll copy my fb status I put about it :
Some people are beyond thick. If bitter stupidity says that I am a danger to your kids fragile little minds on fb then why the hell are they safe in my house? Get a grip.

It's a pointless status as bitchface isn't on my fb but sometimes it's just necessary to vent eh ladies. I welcome those boys into my life, our home, I treat them as family when we do get to see them, yet I'm supposedly dangerous to them on the fecking internet. I don't even get the use of our internet when they're here b/c all they want to do is play games, OH doesn't like rocking the boat. They've badgered him to take them home an hour early cos 'they're bored' :wacko: They don't DO anything. I try to get them interested in stuff that actually exists in real life, but all they're interested in is pixels.
Beyond ridiculous.

Ow well..... I just went and did 100 lengths of the pool and feel a bit better but still bloody annoyed. At least I've used up a few calories :haha:

Right ladies, need some opinions here :flower:

So it's J's 14th birthday today, and S's 10th on Thursday. About a month ago, OH was asking them what they'd like for their b days. J said he was wanting a bike, but mum couldn't afford it, so could dad go halfs on it. OH said absolutely he could do that, and sent bitchface an email asking her to let him know how much it was, and he'd sort it out, this was giving a month notice for her to get back to him. She never did, then on Fri, J says his mum needs £60 towards the bike. He's like okkk... was gonna do it... then it turns out that she'd already bought it - as a present from her only. OH thought that was a bit naff, as if she'd bought the bike she clearly didn't have any trouble finding the money (bear in mind OH pays her £480 a month maintenance and she's shown herself to be greedy to the extreme in all respects)

He spoke to both the boys about going to the shopping centre to get them something from him, which they were happy about.

So OH went to pick up the boys yest and she actually came out to demand the money (she never usually even bothers seeing them off)

OH said he didn't have it and if she needed it so much she had a month to actually respond to his email before going and getting the bike.

He took them shopping for a new x box game each from him before dropping them off today. They are happy as larry... She's raging about it.

We don't think we've been unreasonable given that a) if she needed the money to afford the bike she could have had the decency to communicate with OH about it in the month leading up to now, and b) she's always been a pisstaker just wanting money money money, and c) the bike was already bought - and OH didn't want to just give her extra cash for a present that would have been considered to be just from her and no mention of dad. And S has just been given a new mobile phone - not for his b day but 'just a random thing' (S's words) and d) the boys are both happy with the gifts their dad actually bought them.

So yeah

Have we been unreasonable? What would you guys have done?


Right ladies, need some opinions here :flower:

So it's J's 14th birthday today, and S's 10th on Thursday. About a month ago, OH was asking them what they'd like for their b days. J said he was wanting a bike, but mum couldn't afford it, so could dad go halfs on it. OH said absolutely he could do that, and sent bitchface an email asking her to let him know how much it was, and he'd sort it out, this was giving a month notice for her to get back to him. She never did, then on Fri, J says his mum needs £60 towards the bike. He's like okkk... was gonna do it... then it turns out that she'd already bought it - as a present from her only. OH thought that was a bit naff, as if she'd bought the bike she clearly didn't have any trouble finding the money (bear in mind OH pays her £480 a month maintenance and she's shown herself to be greedy to the extreme in all respects)

He spoke to both the boys about going to the shopping centre to get them something from him, which they were happy about.

So OH went to pick up the boys yest and she actually came out to demand the money (she never usually even bothers seeing them off)

OH said he didn't have it and if she needed it so much she had a month to actually respond to his email before going and getting the bike.

He took them shopping for a new x box game each from him before dropping them off today. They are happy as larry... She's raging about it.

We don't think we've been unreasonable given that a) if she needed the money to afford the bike she could have had the decency to communicate with OH about it in the month leading up to now, and b) she's always been a pisstaker just wanting money money money, and c) the bike was already bought - and OH didn't want to just give her extra cash for a present that would have been considered to be just from her and no mention of dad. And S has just been given a new mobile phone - not for his b day but 'just a random thing' (S's words) and d) the boys are both happy with the gifts their dad actually bought them.

So yeah

Have we been unreasonable? What would you guys have done?



absolutely no way are you being unreasonable - she is!! totally out of order - completely agree that the bike would be considered a present from her only. what beyatch she sounds. and wow - that really is a lot of maintainence to pay - she's a fool if she cant manage on that!!!! jeeeeeeeeeez. im cross on your behalf!!

OH does his best but if his mum wont carry on trying to help or disipline him, nothing will help. OH has told ss's mum that he is only being picked up sat night and being here a whole day sunday. The friends his mum lets him have dont help either. He is 8 and she doesnt mind him hanging around with much older teens who encourage him to be naughty and play up. He does have a support worker at school but his mum doesnt liase with them and usually doesnt take him to school during the week.
His mum has threatened to take us to court,sue us, take OH's parents to court,... so much nonsense instead of trying to be mature and help ss. She has in the past told him to play up for us (which she has admitted too, telling him to be naughty and disrupting) so she isnt helping at all. It makes me sad she's not co-operating more, but I know if I try to say anything to her she will turn it round that im making things up or its our fault. She previously said, that 8 year olds trash the house, swear and hit elders, and generally run riot, so we cant tell him off as its what kids do :nope:
sorry if I sound at all mean but im just a bit stressed after this weekend :wacko:
Right ladies, need some opinions here :flower:

So it's J's 14th birthday today, and S's 10th on Thursday. About a month ago, OH was asking them what they'd like for their b days. J said he was wanting a bike, but mum couldn't afford it, so could dad go halfs on it. OH said absolutely he could do that, and sent bitchface an email asking her to let him know how much it was, and he'd sort it out, this was giving a month notice for her to get back to him. She never did, then on Fri, J says his mum needs £60 towards the bike. He's like okkk... was gonna do it... then it turns out that she'd already bought it - as a present from her only. OH thought that was a bit naff, as if she'd bought the bike she clearly didn't have any trouble finding the money (bear in mind OH pays her £480 a month maintenance and she's shown herself to be greedy to the extreme in all respects)

He spoke to both the boys about going to the shopping centre to get them something from him, which they were happy about.

So OH went to pick up the boys yest and she actually came out to demand the money (she never usually even bothers seeing them off)

OH said he didn't have it and if she needed it so much she had a month to actually respond to his email before going and getting the bike.

He took them shopping for a new x box game each from him before dropping them off today. They are happy as larry... She's raging about it.

We don't think we've been unreasonable given that a) if she needed the money to afford the bike she could have had the decency to communicate with OH about it in the month leading up to now, and b) she's always been a pisstaker just wanting money money money, and c) the bike was already bought - and OH didn't want to just give her extra cash for a present that would have been considered to be just from her and no mention of dad. And S has just been given a new mobile phone - not for his b day but 'just a random thing' (S's words) and d) the boys are both happy with the gifts their dad actually bought them.

So yeah

Have we been unreasonable? What would you guys have done?



Our bitchface used to expect my DH to give her half the money for EVERYTHING she bought for the boys. And he used to do it. (Before he met me). He used to pay her child support, let her collect his share of Family tax benefit, and give her half the money for everything she bought, including $1000 bunk beds for her house. (He had to buy them second hand beds for his own house). One Christmas she wanted to buy the boys a swingset and wanted him to pay half, he agreed as long as the swingset was kept at his house and this was when the present sharing ended. The boys have their own bikes etc at our house and at her house. I dont allow them to bring things from their mums house to our house especially things like electronic games. If it gets lost or broken (or if my LO breaks it which is very likely to happen) I dont want to be responsible for something she has paid for. She would expect it to be replaced. Same goes the other way. Things that we have bought them, stay here.

It is awful that your bitchface told J to tell his dad she needs money for the bike. Messages should never be passed on by the children.
OH does his best but if his mum wont carry on trying to help or disipline him, nothing will help. OH has told ss's mum that he is only being picked up sat night and being here a whole day sunday. The friends his mum lets him have dont help either. He is 8 and she doesnt mind him hanging around with much older teens who encourage him to be naughty and play up. He does have a support worker at school but his mum doesnt liase with them and usually doesnt take him to school during the week.
His mum has threatened to take us to court,sue us, take OH's parents to court,... so much nonsense instead of trying to be mature and help ss. She has in the past told him to play up for us (which she has admitted too, telling him to be naughty and disrupting) so she isnt helping at all. It makes me sad she's not co-operating more, but I know if I try to say anything to her she will turn it round that im making things up or its our fault. She previously said, that 8 year olds trash the house, swear and hit elders, and generally run riot, so we cant tell him off as its what kids do :nope:
sorry if I sound at all mean but im just a bit stressed after this weekend :wacko:

This boy doesnt need discipline, he needs parenting...and help. Does your OH liaise with the support worker at school. I'm not too sure of the role of a school support worker, but I'm guessing its a counsellor? If this behaviour is a direct result of his mothers parenting or lack of, then this boy should not be living with his mother. He is not just naughty, I think there is something serious going on.
Am hearing you ladies!

I have 3 children to my ex husband, we have 2 girls together & my partner has 3 boys to his ex, yeah 8 kids & 2 horrible exs!

My ex husband is thousands of dollars in child support debt & only choses to see his 3 every 5 weeks! wont start on all the nasty sh.t he has put the kids & I through.. my partner pays his ex nearly $200 each week to support his kids & trys to have the boys as much as he can, even though having the boys who eat more than their dad costs us alot.. she used to demand the child support money early or not allow him to see the boys but now he goes directly through the child support agency..

I would like to ask what you think about your partner disciplining your children (to your ex)?

anyways good to see step-parent forum.. will be back
OH does his best but if his mum wont carry on trying to help or disipline him, nothing will help. OH has told ss's mum that he is only being picked up sat night and being here a whole day sunday. The friends his mum lets him have dont help either. He is 8 and she doesnt mind him hanging around with much older teens who encourage him to be naughty and play up. He does have a support worker at school but his mum doesnt liase with them and usually doesnt take him to school during the week.
His mum has threatened to take us to court,sue us, take OH's parents to court,... so much nonsense instead of trying to be mature and help ss. She has in the past told him to play up for us (which she has admitted too, telling him to be naughty and disrupting) so she isnt helping at all. It makes me sad she's not co-operating more, but I know if I try to say anything to her she will turn it round that im making things up or its our fault. She previously said, that 8 year olds trash the house, swear and hit elders, and generally run riot, so we cant tell him off as its what kids do :nope:
sorry if I sound at all mean but im just a bit stressed after this weekend :wacko:

This boy doesnt need discipline, he needs parenting...and help. Does your OH liaise with the support worker at school. I'm not too sure of the role of a school support worker, but I'm guessing its a counsellor? If this behaviour is a direct result of his mothers parenting or lack of, then this boy should not be living with his mother. He is not just naughty, I think there is something serious going on.

I agree. As I was reading through the behaviours of both mum and child, I was thinking 'should this boy be living with his mum at all?'. It does all sound like pretty serious stuff for an 8 year old to me, and she clearly is not taking an interest in what is going on in his life. Any misbehaving is most likely a young boy trying to get some adult attention, and if his own mother is encouraging this bad behaviour then that will encourage him to do it as she will show him praise for something he has done.

Does he get to spend much time with his dad? I know you have talked about having to look after him when your OH is working, I just wondered how much time he gets with his dad when he spends a weekend with you. He could also be starting to demonstrate his feelings about his mum and dad splitting up, and rebelling against you and his dad. Whatever is going on it needs to be addressed and help offered. If not I worry that he will only get worse and become a very troubled youth, and the consequences will only get more serious the older he gets.

Good luck hun xx
rjsmam said:
absolutely no way are you being unreasonable - she is!! totally out of order - completely agree that the bike would be considered a present from her only. what beyatch she sounds. and wow - that really is a lot of maintainence to pay - she's a fool if she cant manage on that!!!! jeeeeeeeeeez. im cross on your behalf!!

Our bitchface used to expect my DH to give her half the money for EVERYTHING she bought for the boys. And he used to do it. (Before he met me). He used to pay her child support, let her collect his share of Family tax benefit, and give her half the money for everything she bought, including $1000 bunk beds for her house. (He had to buy them second hand beds for his own house). One Christmas she wanted to buy the boys a swingset and wanted him to pay half, he agreed as long as the swingset was kept at his house and this was when the present sharing ended. The boys have their own bikes etc at our house and at her house. I dont allow them to bring things from their mums house to our house especially things like electronic games. If it gets lost or broken (or if my LO breaks it which is very likely to happen) I dont want to be responsible for something she has paid for. She would expect it to be replaced. Same goes the other way. Things that we have bought them, stay here.

It is awful that your bitchface told J to tell his dad she needs money for the bike. Messages should never be passed on by the children.

Thanks for the replies :flower:
She's a tool, she has this attitude of entitlement and thinks everything is about her. Most people would be delighted to get anything like the amount she gets each month. But nothing will ever be enough, because she thinks she's better than us :wacko: Earn your own money then you twunt!
yeah it is awful :nope: - the thing is she won't speak to OH at all, she won't answer the phone if call display shows it's him, she only calls him to bitch and stir up shit. Like the time when she made J block me, she called him up and demanded that he tell me to delete a FB status :wacko: Yes because of COURSE bitchface, you control him who controls me :wacko: Fuck off! (Thankfully he has learned his lesson since the time before when something similar happened - again, over a fb status I had written which wasn't even about her - guilty conscience, much?? - and he actually did what she said and told me off for this bloody fb post :wacko: I told him back then that if he dared take bitchfaces side over anything, particularly without even bothering to find out my side of the story, he would be kicked out before he could finish the sentence)

So yeah it's unfortunately the case that everything IS done through the children. Because it's the only way that OH will get to speak to or see them at all. It's fucked up, but then situations with these moronic excuses for human beings always will be... making the best of it is the challenge we all face!

OH does his best but if his mum wont carry on trying to help or disipline him, nothing will help. OH has told ss's mum that he is only being picked up sat night and being here a whole day sunday. The friends his mum lets him have dont help either. He is 8 and she doesnt mind him hanging around with much older teens who encourage him to be naughty and play up. He does have a support worker at school but his mum doesnt liase with them and usually doesnt take him to school during the week.
His mum has threatened to take us to court,sue us, take OH's parents to court,... so much nonsense instead of trying to be mature and help ss. She has in the past told him to play up for us (which she has admitted too, telling him to be naughty and disrupting) so she isnt helping at all. It makes me sad she's not co-operating more, but I know if I try to say anything to her she will turn it round that im making things up or its our fault. She previously said, that 8 year olds trash the house, swear and hit elders, and generally run riot, so we cant tell him off as its what kids do :nope:
sorry if I sound at all mean but im just a bit stressed after this weekend :wacko:


Her 8 year old does it because she's a useless tw@t who has made sure he turns out that way thanks to her lack of parenting. Not normal at all! My son is 7 and while his behaviour is certainly not perfect, he doesn't trash the house, swear or hit people. If he and his sister get boisterous we tell them to chill out! That's what parenting involves - telling and showing kids right from wrong!

I really do despair with some people - they'll turn round when their kids are older and possibly been in all sorts of trouble and all, and wonder why. :dohh:

OH works in security 11-8pm an hours drive away so weekdays and school holidays hes away 10am-9pm (saturday too) and 9-5:30pm sundays. He has tried to talk to the school but ss's mum wouldnt put him on ss's birth certificate and wont really let him have any rights in speaking to school or social services. She has on many occasions said he cant do anything as he has no parental rights over ss. No idea if this is true as she wont speak to me and OH has been really emotionally beaten down by her over the years. They split up when she was pregnant as she turned against him and his family, so theyv never been together in a relationship around ss, he had to really work to have any chance of seeing his son. She is just one of those people you cant get through to :nope:
Hello all, I didnt know this thread existed.
I wont go on too much as I've read there is quite alot going on.

I'm a bio mum to 2 girls (9 and 4) and step mum to twins (also 9 boy and girl) and now pregnant with mine and OH 1st together.
Its a tricky time. My ex is a useless tw@t, upsets girls all the time and his new partner (also pregnant, due in December) calls me "the bitch" to my kids!!
OH's ex is also pregnant, due October. So as you can see there is so much going on for all of the children right now and for all the parents too.

I'll bookmark the page to make sure I dont loose it.
Hello all, I didnt know this thread existed.
I wont go on too much as I've read there is quite alot going on.

I'm a bio mum to 2 girls (9 and 4) and step mum to twins (also 9 boy and girl) and now pregnant with mine and OH 1st together.
Its a tricky time. My ex is a useless tw@t, upsets girls all the time and his new partner (also pregnant, due in December) calls me "the bitch" to my kids!!
OH's ex is also pregnant, due October. So as you can see there is so much going on for all of the children right now and for all the parents too.

I'll bookmark the page to make sure I dont loose it.


Welcome to the thread! Sounds like you have a lot to contend with on this too... it's just so sad :nope: that so called adults feel the need to stir up shit. WTF do they get from it?? As much as we cannot stand OH's ex or mine either for that matter, we would never dream of slagging them off in front of the kids! :wacko: They're poisonous enough people that they do a good job of showing the kids that they are rubbish without us saying a word!

My ex is useless too, he stopped turning up for visits over a year ago, and stopped paying the measly £5 a week he'd managed to pay for all of a few months :wacko: He had a solicitor write to us asking why WE had stopped turning up, about 6 months ago :saywhat:, we had ours write back strongly stating that this was nonsense and that we did not think it was appropriate to reinstate the contact. We haven't heard back since. This from a 'man' who supposedly would do ANYTHING for his children :wacko:
OH works in security 11-8pm an hours drive away so weekdays and school holidays hes away 10am-9pm (saturday too) and 9-5:30pm sundays. He has tried to talk to the school but ss's mum wouldnt put him on ss's birth certificate and wont really let him have any rights in speaking to school or social services. She has on many occasions said he cant do anything as he has no parental rights over ss. No idea if this is true as she wont speak to me and OH has been really emotionally beaten down by her over the years. They split up when she was pregnant as she turned against him and his family, so theyv never been together in a relationship around ss, he had to really work to have any chance of seeing his son. She is just one of those people you cant get through to :nope:

Inge if your OH is not on the birth cert and they were never married when your ss was born, then he will not have parental responsibility unless she has let him have it since. From what she sounds like I doubt this!
We went through the courts as DH was refused it from SS's mum as she 'didn't see why she should sign the forms'!! The really weird thing is that even when they were together she refused to sign the forms, so it's as if it was always a weapon to her that she would hold and not let DH take from her. As it turned out the courts laughed at her refusal, (she had written a 10 A4 page report on why he should not have PR, which included stuff like DH having a photo of me on his phone, when any parent who cares about their child would have their child!!!!) I would strongly suggest that your OH seeks legal advice on getting PR sorted, as his son needs him to get involved in things. Also on a more practical side, if your SS needed to go to hosp when he was with your OH, then without PR he would not be able to give consent to any medical treatment himself and would have to wait for his ex to get there.
What concerns does your OH have about his son at the moment? Does he feel that living with his mum is the right thing for him?

Pinkflamingo you have got it right there.

Inge, it really does sound like some serious action needs to be taken hon. I think your man needs to see a solicitor about this, pronto. Most do a free first consultation, in which the situation can be discussed, they can give an idea of what they can do for u, and if appropriate sort out the paperwork for legal aid. He could even see a few different ones to decide which would be best placed to do what's necessary.

I really hope that your OH takes the bull by the horns and does all he can to get this sorted, he's the only one that can do really since the mother is creating the issues in the first place. All you can do is support your OH and SS in the process, a tough ask I know but in my experience men will stick their heads in the sand and never sort things without the support and gentle pushing in the right direction from us lot. Massive :hugs:

Good to see you joining us hon xx

It does sound like a very difficult situation. A while ago my OH's ex was on about taking the boys back to live in Ireland :shock: As OH and ex were married and all, he'd have to give permission though. But he was going to give it cos he didn't want to be the bad guy :wacko: It would've meant only ever seeing them in the school hols and even then only when it could be organised. Like you guys we're reasonably tight on the finances once everything's paid each month, with the maintenance being so high and the legal bills this shitty mess has left us with. SO him 'popping over' to see them wouldn't be easy either.

Luckily she has dropped that idea anyway.

It sounds as if V is not coping and if she's smacking a 2 year old hard enough to leave a mark like that.... :shock: Is she capable of caring for her properly? I hope things can get sorted hon... these things unfortunately seem to be so long and drawn out though :( Best of luck xx
Yep - there are ways of disciplining and teaching small children and smacking is NOT necessary :(

How many times have ss been round/involved?



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