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step parents support thread

:hugs: BM does this to OH sometimes too. Or her phone "cuts out" when really she just hangs up on him. He was supposed to go see SS today but his car engine blew up and shes not happy. Hes got to get to work 6am tomorow and luckily a work colleague is going to drive him til we get a new car :thumbup:
hope you get to contact her soon
He hasnt seen his son now since the 6th of this month!!! :growlmad: Shes made excuses. Now is ignoring his calls and texts. Wont answer the door if we arrives to the house. Back to effing court! Lord help me but this little island is screwed up!!! If hubby stops paying maintenance he'll go to prison, but she can keep him from seeing his son even though its a court order and have no consequences. :dohh: All because I put her on "restricted" on FB and hubby blocked her.... What a pathetic cow!
He hasnt seen his son now since the 6th of this month!!! :growlmad: Shes made excuses. Now is ignoring his calls and texts. Wont answer the door if we arrives to the house. Back to effing court! Lord help me but this little island is screwed up!!! If hubby stops paying maintenance he'll go to prison, but she can keep him from seeing his son even though its a court order and have no consequences. :dohh: All because I put her on "restricted" on FB and hubby blocked her.... What a pathetic cow!

She can not stop him from seeing his son with no consequences. Not in the States. The judge will, if you have sufficient proof, find her in contempt of court.

When this happened to BM, she was told to give us the days back, plus a little. When she argued, the judge told her fine, I'll throw you in jail for 3 months and you pay 600 dollars. BM agreed to the visitations really fast, and if she does it again she's going straight to jail.
Hi ladies!

So sorry that nasty exes are making life so shitty :( I know the feeling believe me but I have a positive ... My OH is now my DH :happydance: we're so happy, here this is a pic of us all - J, H, Me, DH, T, S :happydance: (SSs are the ones in Kilts!! so smart :cloud9:)

And beatch face didn't even make a fuss! That was the big surprise!!

Tally Bee your family is beautiful! :thumbup:

So after calling the lawyer yesterday evening (yet again) he's filing for the family law hearing in 2 weeks. If that session is full we'll have to wait till December. Which means we wont have SS till then either. :cry: The lawyer reckons that because she's in contempt of court she'll be fined a monetary value and be made give us back the days that she's refused so far. Plus have the Judge grant us permission to bring SS to church with us (which she kicked up about yet when she has him on a Sunday she brings him to the pub??) and she can do nothing about it. Oh and tell her that if she refuses to allow us to see SS again that she'll go to prison. There are only 2 judges in our district. One is quite passive and will just give her a slap on the wrist, the other is totally crazy and unpredictable and HATES people wasting the courts time over petty issues like this. So we're praying its the crazy guy coz he'll certainly put her in her place.
Tally, that is a wonderful photo of your family!!! You all look so beautiful and handsome, great job and congratulations on your marriage!! Time to celebrate ;)
Good luck New Mrs! :thumbup:

Hope it's the crazy guy too. She needs to be put in her place.
OH pciked up SS last night after getting a new car after ours blew up. He HAD to pick him up as soon as he had the car. Now BM has said OH has been blocking her calls and leaving SS downstairs all day on his own... so he has had to go at take him home :nope: :growlmad: This woman is seriously :dohh:
The phone has been plugged in and wev had no phone calls at all. Apparently shes been phoning all day! And OH hasnt been upstairs all day. Wev all been downstairs watching wrestling and films :wacko:
I doubt OH will tell me what happened when he gets home, but I know it will be bad. I bet she'll be blaming me and Leo for it all.. as always :growlmad:
SS has been pulling LO's legs, jabbing him in the back making him jump and flipping him upside down all day but she wont accept thats naughty behaviour..nope all children do that :nope: We wouldnt let him touch LO all day cos he kept going to the bathroom and never washing his hands and his hands were soaked :sick: not from water :sick:
Im so close to breaking now as shes so petty! She cant just to and fro her child because of her moodiness and jealousy of OH being engaged to someone else and having a baby again. She doesnt own him. Even OHs family know shes always just used OH and SS :nope:
:hugs: Its just getting so hard now. When I first met him I was 17 and hes was 6 and lovely. Hes usually shy around new people but took to me straight away (BM doesnt like it and has admitted she's jealous of him enjoying time with me) but now 3 years on hes so different. Hes gobby to everyone, swears and acts up. No one is allowed to tell him off and if they do he doesnt listen and then his mum gets angry because hes told off :dohh: How is he going to learn to behave if hes never given rules or discipline?
Everytime SS is here, He starts on OH then OH starts getting annoyed and shouts, then LO gets puleld around and hurt, OH starts shouting becasue of that and im caught in the middle til the visit is over :cry: My instinct is to just take my baby away from all this childishness but I love OH and dont want to give in to her.
She tried to make me believe OH gets women pregnant and leaves them and hes planning the same to me (hes only been with her and me and she got pregnant 2 months in "by accident") Thats not worked so I think shes pissed hes moving on and having a life. Few weeks back she was depressed cos we had LO and she wants a baby :dohh:
OH should be back soon.... :wacko:
:hugs: Its just getting so hard now. When I first met him I was 17 and hes was 6 and lovely. Hes usually shy around new people but took to me straight away (BM doesnt like it and has admitted she's jealous of him enjoying time with me) but now 3 years on hes so different. Hes gobby to everyone, swears and acts up. No one is allowed to tell him off and if they do he doesnt listen and then his mum gets angry because hes told off :dohh: How is he going to learn to behave if hes never given rules or discipline?
Everytime SS is here, He starts on OH then OH starts getting annoyed and shouts, then LO gets puleld around and hurt, OH starts shouting becasue of that and im caught in the middle til the visit is over :cry: My instinct is to just take my baby away from all this childishness but I love OH and dont want to give in to her.
She tried to make me believe OH gets women pregnant and leaves them and hes planning the same to me (hes only been with her and me and she got pregnant 2 months in "by accident") Thats not worked so I think shes pissed hes moving on and having a life. Few weeks back she was depressed cos we had LO and she wants a baby :dohh:
OH should be back soon.... :wacko:

Good luck hunni :hugs:
Oh bloody hell Inge, what a total nightmare... it's just horrid that people as twisted as that woman even exist :hugs:

And unfortunately, they exist in more than one place. I could tell stories about our BM that would shock you.
Yep, so we need to wait till December for court.... what a bloody JOKE! Wont see SS till then either. :(
:( I'm sorry honey. Hope things get worked out good for you guys, you get the judge that'll put her in her place.
How's everyone doing?

The next thing for us is hoping that the application for DH to adopt DS will be successful. We have been told we should be successful, within 2-3 months from now :happydance:

Now, DS and DD have different biological fathers. DS's passed away 4 years ago (long after we split), so there is no issue with required permission (although we still consulted his family, who we are in touch with and still visit). DD's bio 'dad' is a waste of space... he has not seen her for over 1.5 years (he stopped turning up for contact then tried to say we stopped :wacko:) and paid £5 a week for a few months of her life (5yrs), last thing we heard was a letter a year ago from his solicitor saying we'd stopped turning up at the meet point for contact (lies) and ours sent one back saying this was not the case and reinstating contact wouldn't be in the best interests of the child.

So... we are also trying to get legal advice on what we can do about DH adopting DD too... I really don't know what to expect, DH obviously finds these things tough... this is the Step parent thing from his side and bless him he does a wonderful job. He will always treat the children equally... but there is this waste of space out there who technically has parental rights over our wee princess while DH doesn't and it's just wrong :(

Hoping to find out what we can do soon, will update xx
right yet again shes brought another animal she cant afford. she just got a kitten and has no food not tray, nowhere for it to sleep so OH has to go straight after a 14hr day to pay her for it :growlmad: Shes bought 23 puppies and 5 cats in the 3 yrs iv been here and each one has had to be sold as she wont walk them or pay for them. Doesnt she care her son will get attached to these pets and be sad when he comes home and their gone? :dohh: Some people dont think before they make stupid decisions :nope:

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