Puppylove- yeah. It has been super frustrating. But hopefully getting things figured out now. I'm glad you atleast started regulating properly! That's a big relief when you're TTC.
Elle - you're only out for this month! Another chance this coming month!! Fingers crossed. Especially Crossed that it will not come on your birthday! What a party pooper if it does! Glad you're feeling good about being able to predict stuff! That's always a bonus.
Any plans for your birthday?
Angel - woohoo. You graduated to your Ob! That must be a good feeling knowing that they're not worried about anything which makes you help to not worry!
That's teally cool you got weekly ultrasounds. I bet seeing little bean growing inside of you was pretty sweet. Did you get to keep pictures from every week? If you do a baby book that would be something pretty cool to stick in there for memories.
AFM - I phoned my doctor yesterday. Told him how long my cycle has been and that I've been having cramping and his office phoned back and said he's sending me for bloodwork!! So thankful. Now hopefully we can figure out why my cycle has been so long!!
He's testing for hCG levels (pregnant???? Let's hope

), FSH levels and a few other things related to pregnancy/ovulation&period.
I ran out and got my blood taken (man do I hate needles.) also they always have a terrible time trying to find a vein to take my blood out of. They always have to search each arm multiple times. I always warn them of two things when they come to take it. A) I hate needles. So use the smallest one. (Also something a nurse told me once which needle to tell them to use to help too because of A &B) And B) it's very hard to find a vein so they may have to check both arms depending which one wants to cooperate.
The lady did struggle a bit to find one, but she did and was super nice about it.
I'm not sure how long it's going to take to get results since it's the weekend and all. But bonus I didn't have to wait or anything to get my blood taken as the clinic was pretty empty. So that was nice as I was in and out quickly and for the fact that my doctors office is right across from the clinic now.
So. Here's to waiting to find my results. I'll just be thankful to find out either way what's going on and if my levels and hormones are off, or if I have a sprout growing inside me that won't show up on a HPT test haha.