Ajangel- Oh wow! That was a very crazy and eventful day. I'm so glad that they were everything to get things under control! afm I have stopped the progesterone. I'm on the "wean down" phase so I'm down to one pill every other day (from where I was taking 1 pill 3x a day!) so that's good. I'm feeling better now that I'm almost done with it.
Mozzarella - Yeah, TTC to cmake you so very aware of your body. I realized I had all sorts of veins on my boobs I hadn't realized before I started TTC! The TWW can play dirty tricks on your mind.
Are you a teacher? You mentioned being off for the summer. I teacher High School math. Since I just finished my Masters program this year too, I decided i'm going to be as lazy as I want this summer. First summer since I was 18 where I haven't had either classes, or taught summer school, or both. I'm doing some private tutoring for a little extra cash (with baby coming in January I want to get some stuff stashed away now before we hit the Christmas holidays and we're broke). Otherwise my summer is full of: cleaning hte house, going to the gym, reading books, Netflix binge-watching, and doing some knitting and crocheting activities.
Missalisha - Welcome! It's a rare thing for those of us on the boards to hear someone get pregnant right after coming off BCP, but FX that happens again for you! Ovulation and AF can occur at any time, it just depends on how long it takes your body to return to normal. If you are using ovulation tests, and have no idea how long your cycle is going to be, I would start around CD10-12 (that is counting CD1 as the first day of your last AF, which would be your withdrawal bleed this time). If you are using the expensive tests it could get expensive if you don't ovulate very quickly, but if you are using cheapies (I like Wondfo's from Amazon- very cheap and very accurate) then it will be easy. Also you can check CM (cervical mucus) for fertile CM but not everyone gets good CM right after the pill.
Since I'm off work for the summer. I need to come up with a list of things to do. Cleaning the house is only fun so many times hahah.
I did buy two books that I could read, and I have a scrapbook I could continue working on.
Any suggestions for any other fun things to do to not be bored, and keep distracted from trying to test everyday to see if I get a BFP hahah.[/QUOTE]
Elle - Can't wait to see if AF stays away! I'm keeping FX that those are good signs.
Sorry that DH has to go back to work, that sucks. My hubby used to work nights and I hated the nights he was gone. It was the worst on the nights when he'd been home for several days and then was back to work, those nights I had a hard time readjusting and didn't sleep well.
It's so much easier now that he works days.