Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Thanks Elle for the info!

That's awesome that you had such a great weekend! Sounds like my weekend! We did the same as my FIL side of the family had a get together and their side is Ukrainian and we did lots of dancing.

I get anxiety as well! Are you normally an anxious person? Mine developed recently and I get like anxiety attacks sometimes even when my mind is not anxious about anything.

Well. I've noticed my tastebuds have changed. I was eating things last night and going ... Weird this doesn't taste like it normally does. And it's like my mouth keeps drying out though. Maybe that's the problem. As if I'm not drinking enough.
My OB appointment went well. Lots of blood work, talking, and a doppler check. She was having a hard time finding a solid HB at first because baby kept moving. At one pint she was like "hear that? that's baby doing flips". :haha: I'm so in love. :cloud9: I can't wait until I can feel baby moving!

So the insurance company told me they had no idea why it was denied. and then they went on to tell me that it looked like my doctor didn't use the "high risk" code (which is important or they wont' pay out for more than 2 US). so I called the RE billing office back and told her that and she told me that she was looking at the papers right now and the code was clearly there and whoever I had talked to was giving me wrong information. Luckily their department is amazing and she told me not to worry about it, and she would call and deal with them and if they gave her trouble she'd let me know but she was sure she could deal with it. The only reason she had me call in the first place was that their original denial was that I "had a secondary insurance" - which my insurance company told me they had no idea what they were talking about because that wasn't noted in my file. Bah. So confusing. But my RE's office is amazing and my insurance is generally really good (their customer service was trying to be really helpful) so I'm keeping FX that things work out.

Mozzarella - I completely understand. I thought that if I got off bcp earlier than I wanted then I would get pregnant way sooner than I wanted. They overstress how important it is not to miss a pill or you will get pregnant and then we realize when we get off the pills that it isn't quite that easy. :( I second the suggests to join Fertility Friend. It's amazing. I got my Basal Body Thermometer on amazon and also use the Easy@Home one. I like that it stores the temps in memory. so much easier!

PS: Dry mouth was one of my very early symptoms of PG. Keeping FX.

Flueky - Thanks! :hugs:

Elle - When is "late"? Just wondering when we can expect line porn. ;)
Well I had an eventful day! I went for a non stress test because of my hypothyroid. Well after 20 mins of monitoring the nurse comes in and says that I had 6 contractions in 20 minutes and needed to call the doctor. I have been noticing a ton of Braxton Hicks lately but didn't think they were a big deal. So they sent me to labor and delivery. They hooked me up there and bolused me IV fluids in case I was dehydrated. Didn't work, and I was having nonpainful contractions every 3-5 mins. So my ob comes and checks me for dilation, and my cervix was high and closed. They then did a fetal fibronectin test which can tell you if you're going into labor in the next two weeks. Thankfully that was negative too! So they gave me a medication to relax my uterus. That also didn't do much and just brought my contractions to every 5 minutes lol. They then decided since the contractions weren't causing any cervical changes and baby looked fine that they would send me home. I have an "irritable uterus" apparently!

I can't wait to meet this guy but I want him to cook until he is full term, so I'm glad he's not coming just yet!

Angel- soooo happy for you!! Have you stopped your progesterone?

Flukey- what job are you applying for?

Elle- let us know how therapy goes, I have anxiety and have thought about trying it.

Gag- hope all is well
Moz- the previous ladies gave you good advice! I had really long cycles after stopping the pill :-(
Angel - I'm glad they're figuring out your insurance stuff. I can't imagine having to deal with those kind of things. I take it you live in the states?

Ajangel - wow. That really sounds like an eventful time. Thankfully you weren't actually going into labor!! FX that baby keeps on cooking in there!!

So. I noticed yesterday and today that my boobs look like they have stretch marks on them that I can only see when I look in the mirror. And I've noticed veins (which I've never noticed before when staring at my boobs.) maybe I've just not been aware of my chest as much before haha
Hi Everyone! I've loved reading through this thread. Everyones story is so different.
I'm 23, I'm coming off the pill after 2 and half years (after baby 1). Last time I got pregnant as soon as missing a few pills. So this time I've no idea what to expect. I can't remember what my body felt like before the pill, I've no clue where to start when looking for ovulation and I'm probably the most impatient person ever. I'm now 9 days after first day of withdrawal and I'm not sure when to expect my AF. When I had the baby my period came back as I'd expect 28 days later but I went straight on the pill. So who knows what when why and how this will happen. When is the best time to test for ovulation?

Thanks ladies x
AJANGEL, so glad baby is going to cook longer. I applied for case manager at hospital. I'm thinking they are wanting someone who has done this before. The job is still open but I've not heard anything.

Angel glad things are getting sorted out with insurance :)

Mozzarella I think once we start ttc we notice every little detail that sometimes we wouldn't have noticed before. I do hope that you do get bfp soon though. I try not to look into signs. I have only to be deflated.

Missal Isha it's hard telling. You weren't on the pill too long so I don't think it'll take a great while to get regular. You could start opks cd10 in case you O "on time". It can get expensive though depending on brand and how long your cycle is. I start to test once I get fertile cm.
Elle.T I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend with DH :) also I think you have a good approach. I think being more relaxed is helpful. So when is late?
Welcome Missa!
I know my body kind of just went off when I had cycles on the pill for the first two cycles. (Both CD28) and then this third cycle is totally out of whack as I'm currently on CD47 (and haven't got a BFP yet haha). Which is frustrating. So I'm currently either waiting for AF or BFP.

I also was only on the pill for the same amount of time that you were.

Flueky - I know. Symptom spotting is so hard not to do. Hard also when my husband is like "wow maybe you really are pregnant" just from my insane sense of smell, and my taste that he's noticed as well.
Hopefully you hear back from the job you applied for soon!

Since I'm off work for the summer. I need to come up with a list of things to do. Cleaning the house is only fun so many times hahah.
I did buy two books that I could read, and I have a scrapbook I could continue working on.
Any suggestions for any other fun things to do to not be bored, and keep distracted from trying to test everyday to see if I get a BFP hahah.
Hey All its blazing Hot today in Brooklyn a very humid 93 degrees.

Mozzarella- I normally didnt have anxiety til about 19 when I started having a Panic attacks. It slowed down for a while and not I am older in the past 3 years It has seemed to have gotten worse. I get REALLY anxious at times so much so it raises my blood pressure. I figured it might be times to see someone to find ways to help me cope.

angel5000-Glad the insurance sorted out I know how much of a hassle that can be.

Aangel- Yes lets keep that LO cooking til.full term. lol

Miss- I would start taking ovulation test around CD10.if you expect to have regular cycles and as you get to know your cycles you can start testing 2 days expect to O.

Flueky-Good Luck on the job app!

AFM- DH is.going back to work and I am a little sad it was really nice to have him around at night for once. I O'd early this cycle and CD11and I usually have a 13 day LP so expecting AF Next Tuesday. If I can hold off that long I am currently 8dpo. I used opks from cd13-18 and they were all negative so I am pretty sure I O'd earlier. I will keep any eye out for ewcm just in case. I feel ok. Not Symptom spotting BUT my BB are heavy and TMI but my nipples are REALLY sensitive definitely not normal for me as a PMS symptom but time will tell!
Ajangel- Oh wow! That was a very crazy and eventful day. I'm so glad that they were everything to get things under control! afm I have stopped the progesterone. I'm on the "wean down" phase so I'm down to one pill every other day (from where I was taking 1 pill 3x a day!) so that's good. I'm feeling better now that I'm almost done with it.

Mozzarella - Yeah, TTC to cmake you so very aware of your body. I realized I had all sorts of veins on my boobs I hadn't realized before I started TTC! The TWW can play dirty tricks on your mind. :haha:

Are you a teacher? You mentioned being off for the summer. I teacher High School math. Since I just finished my Masters program this year too, I decided i'm going to be as lazy as I want this summer. First summer since I was 18 where I haven't had either classes, or taught summer school, or both. I'm doing some private tutoring for a little extra cash (with baby coming in January I want to get some stuff stashed away now before we hit the Christmas holidays and we're broke). Otherwise my summer is full of: cleaning hte house, going to the gym, reading books, Netflix binge-watching, and doing some knitting and crocheting activities.

Missalisha - Welcome! It's a rare thing for those of us on the boards to hear someone get pregnant right after coming off BCP, but FX that happens again for you! Ovulation and AF can occur at any time, it just depends on how long it takes your body to return to normal. If you are using ovulation tests, and have no idea how long your cycle is going to be, I would start around CD10-12 (that is counting CD1 as the first day of your last AF, which would be your withdrawal bleed this time). If you are using the expensive tests it could get expensive if you don't ovulate very quickly, but if you are using cheapies (I like Wondfo's from Amazon- very cheap and very accurate) then it will be easy. Also you can check CM (cervical mucus) for fertile CM but not everyone gets good CM right after the pill.

Since I'm off work for the summer. I need to come up with a list of things to do. Cleaning the house is only fun so many times hahah.
I did buy two books that I could read, and I have a scrapbook I could continue working on.
Any suggestions for any other fun things to do to not be bored, and keep distracted from trying to test everyday to see if I get a BFP hahah.[/QUOTE]

Elle - Can't wait to see if AF stays away! I'm keeping FX that those are good signs. :) Sorry that DH has to go back to work, that sucks. My hubby used to work nights and I hated the nights he was gone. It was the worst on the nights when he'd been home for several days and then was back to work, those nights I had a hard time readjusting and didn't sleep well. :( It's so much easier now that he works days.
Mozzarella when are you testing again?

Elle.T we have temps like that too. It's miserable. We have had a break from 90s and humidity due to lots of rain. Still humid but more tolerable. Good luck testing this month :)

Angel I don't think I ever asked are you going to find out gender of baby?

AFM 9do. I could hardly sleep last night. I'm so glad it's Friday. Work has been super busy. 30 visits a week is equivalent to 40 hours. I had 32 when I finished yesterday. I'm hoping for cancellations today and I don't plan to pick more up. Just need a break.
My niece stayed with us last night because her dad's back to swing shift (2-10pm) and her mom (my sister) had class last night from 4-10pm. Since daycare isn't open that late we did a sleep over. She let me sleep until 7am. :happydance: SHe's 5 and when she stays over she usually has me up before 6am! So glad for the sleep because I have to tutor today at 11 and don't have the energy to be exhausted. lol

Flueky - Yes, we are going to find out gender! DH doesn't want to, he wants to be surprised at birth, but I'm way too much of a planner for that! :haha: I wanted to do the "Harmony test", which is the early blood test for chromosomal abnormalities but also gives you gender (can be done as early as 10 weeks!), but my insurance won't cover it so we have to wait for the anatomy scan. Doctor said at my next appointment (17 weeks) she'll then schedule my anatomy scan.

I hope you get some cancellations so that you can get some rest!
@Elle - Wow, I totally understand. I just recently started having major anxiety, brought on by being really sick with some type of virus/flu, and ever since then my nerves and body have been really prone to anxiety attacks. So much that most often my chest makes it feel like what I would imagine heart attacks would feel like. And I had super anxious thoughts for a while. But since being able to recognize the symptoms, and how my body is feeling, and when I'm most prone to get them (usually when my body hasn't had enough rest, or is feeling weak and sore) then I know I'm having an anxiety attack and can try and work through it.
I've found that taking a hot bath when I'm at home and having an attack (most often they come at night now, when I'm trying to fall asleep) helps to relax myself and my body. My anxiety attacks often come when I'm personally not feeling anxious, but when my body itself is anxious and in a heightened state. This is just what i've found to help cope and work for me so far. Or getting a backrub from my hubby has worked a few times too.
Hopefully you're able to find some ways to cope! :) Anxiety is no fun.

@Angel - not a teacher, but a teachers assistant/aide (we call them Educational assistants where I am from). So Luckily I get summers off as well :)
I just recently became one after years of trying to decide what I wanted to be, and going to school for other things as well. Eventually I may go back and decide to finish a teaching degree. But who knows, being an EA has a lot less time commitment during the school year than teaching does. I can come home and leave everything at school and not have to worry about anything, where as usually you have to take stuff home with you if you're a teacher and can't do it all at school.

What books are you reading? I decided to pick up two books from indigo called Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee (same lady who wrote how to kill a mockingbird, and it has the same characters just set later on). And then I also picked up The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out A Window and Disappeared. Which I've heard to be pretty good. So I'm excited to read that one (also went on netflix the other day and noticed that it's apparently a movie on netflix as well... so once i'm done the book I think I'm going to watch it).

Also, sleepovers with nieces are so much fun! So glad she let you sleep in! Bonus!

"Flueky - TODAY! (My Doctor told me to test again today, and if I didn't get a BFP to wait another week for my period to show but.. who knows if it'll show or not...)
I have a test to show you ladies and let me know what you guys think. I see a faint line BUT I also opened the package for the stick and the stick flew across the bathroom and hit the tile floor pretty good (and when I used it, I noticed that the test strip inside had moved a bit. So I'm hoping that wouldn't skew results. I'm going to pick up some more FRER this afternoon and test again. I also didn't use FMU as i was having anxiety last night and really struggling to sleep well and normally that makes me pee often for some reason. So I can't say it was super concentrated. Who knows though. FX.
I have on BCP and am going to my doctor on July 20th to discuss the next steps. Hopefully I will be prescribed Clomid, as it was discussed with me when I was first diagnosed with PCOS. Good luck to you!
Also, def start temping!
Mozzarella - those anxiety attacks sound awful. :( I'm glad you seem to have found a way to cope well. EA sounds like a lot less stress than a teacher! I don't know about thre, but here our aides get paid very little, so most can't manage with that for very long unless they have a spouse making a lot of money to cover the difference, but if I could afford it I would totally do that over the full teacher gig. You'e right, I take a lot of stuff home with me and I can't manage it all at school.

As for books, I just finished the "Matched" series (Matched, Crossed, Reached), and right now I'm trying to decide what to read next. I love the "dystopian society" books right now. I also love historical romance, especially books based on the "regency" and located in early England/Great Britain. Julie Klassen has a ton of books that I love to read in that era. I often will go through the Kindle "Free" section or the $0.99 section and just randomly pick books and read them. Exposes me to different stuff.

Those books sound good! I might add them to my list. :)

I SEE A LINE ON THAT TEST!! It's faint but there!! And the girls around here will tell you if I can see it, then it's definitely there (I'm the worst at seeing things on those tests)! I Can't wait to see another test from you!!! Doesn't ned to be FMU, just a decent hold is all that matters. I never got a bfp with FMU, all 3 of my initial BFPs were negative with FMU and then positive in the evening with a 3-4 hour hold!
@angel -
They were quite awful. They're not as bad now. Thank goodness. I was so stressed from having them which I'm sure made it worse!
And yeah! Definitely doesn't pay as much as a teacher but my husband and I are used to having only one income. So this added bonus of me working now is good even though I don't make a huge huge amount.

Nice! I've never really got into reading on a tablet or kindle or anything. Hurts my eyes for some reason so I stick with regular books. I like reading just about anything. So we'll see how these two books I got turn out.

When I came back to the test later, like an hour later the line was definitely there and darker pink. (But anything after 10 min is invalid right?). So what does it mean by the fact that it was darker and more visible and pink?
Mozzarella - I can't read on a tablet, it hurst my eyes, but my kindle has the "paperwhite" thing that makes it read like paper and not like a tablet/computer. I never notice with my tablet that I'm reading on an electronic device.

Technically they say anything after 10 mins is invalid, but I've found my tests always get much more dark/clear after they dry. IF it was pink and there BEFORE, then got darker and more clear, I would say that it is probably valid. If you saw nothing before and then it got darker then I would say not valid. Usually if it is an evap then it pops up later but is gray, not pink.

I'm starting to think this is your BFP..... I can't wait to see more sticks!!!

I have a POAS addiction here and being 13 weeks along I haven't peed on a stick in so long... I need to get some line porn from the rest of you. :rofl:
Angel - interesting! Maybe I'll have to look into a kindle and see that option because I definitely hate staring and reading screens for long periods of time. And when I start a book, I can stay up like 8 hours through the night reading it till I finish the book. Hahaha. So reading on a tablet that long probably isn't good for ones eyes.

I'm trying so hard not to pee on like a bazillion sticks right now. I was stupid and went to Walmart. Grabbed a pack and came home and peed on a stick like and hour and half after peeing on that one I showed and barely saw anything. Because I hadn't held it for very long. So I need to control myself. Or my hubby will get mad at me hahaha. He's already like sheesh how many have you peed on so far. So I'm wondering if I should wait til later tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm peeing a fair amount today, a little more than usual the past few days.
Gah. The anticipation is killing me haha.
Oh yeah definitely look at the "paperwhite" optin or whatever. I think most Kindle's now have it (except the ones like Kindle Fire which are doubling as a tablet too). If it's just meant for reading and it's one of the newish ones then it comes with "paperwhite technology" so it's so much easier on your eyes. My computer screen and tablet kill my eyes but my kindle I Can read for hours like a regular book. I tend to spend a long tim reading once I start reading. :)

I'd say wait until later tonight, try to get a 3 hour hold at least if you can. It's so hard, but better results. My husband did the same thing. I used probably 100 tests my bfp cycle, because even after the bfp I kept testing to watch the line darken. :blush:

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