Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

Angel - good to know! Maybe I'll take a look at the kindle. See if I like it or not.

Ahhh. So I'll post a picture of the dried test. But like ... Definitely a line. Gaaaah. FX another test comes back the same!!!!

It's so hard not to test. I'm debating whether I should wait till the morning or not. Or until late tonight? It's already 7pm here where I live.

Today has been so gloomy outside. Rained really hard here for awhile but cloudy all day. My hubby decided to make shiskakbobs or skewers for supper and holy moly. They were so delicious. He also grilled romaine lettuce. Sounds ao weird. But it turned out amazing and delicious. If you ever have the chance to try it. I would suggest to. Find a recipe online maybe. He put spices and stuff on the romaine and gah. Makes it tasty and super healthy.


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THATS A LINE! A very clear line!!!

I WANT to tell you to test again tonight, but that's my obsession speaking :rofl: You should probably wait until tomorrow. When I got my bfp I was testing, literally, 3 times a day (using about 5 different brands of tests! Did I mention obsessed? :haha: ) Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, test to your heart is content woman!

I almost want to tell you to get a CB Digi, but I'd wait another day or two just to make sure. That big "No" can be heart wrenching.
Hey ladies just a quick pop in. I've been very bad about keeping up :(

Welcome to the newbies to this thread!! I saw someone said they had dry mouth--- I had that the night before I got my BFP. It's like I couldn't drink enough water.

Also, I see the line on both pics you posted!! Fx for you!!

Flueky, Ajangel, Angel, Elle, hope you're all doing well. I need to come on here more often I miss you ladies!!

AFM I'm 19w4d and have been feeling great lately. Up til today I am starting to feel SUPER uncomfortable and I know it's just going to get worse. Baby girl has been moving SO much it's crazy to feel it. Hubby felt her twice so far and is so anxious to start feeling her more.

Fx for all you ladies awaiting your BFP!! Baby dust to all!! And to those who have their BFPs that I haven't yet congratulated, have a H&H 9 months!!

Enjoy the weekend ladies!
Well. Angel ... I took a test tonight. I probably shouldn't have and I held it in for like 3 hours. And this test came back with not even a hint of anything.
But, if it's early than its possible it won't even show up very easily?
I really hope that one test wasn't a false positive somehow.
I'm going to wait a few more days and test again. My husbands going to go nuts if I test this weekend. He already got mad I didn't wait till the morning haha.

Gah. I hate waiting. I'm so impatient haha
Should I be calling my doctor and asking for a blood test? I have a feeling (as he's kinda a pain in the butt sometimes) he's going to tell me I don't need one until I have a clear BFP. But if I say that I want one, then he should have to give one to me, no?

@ABmommy that's awesome that you've been feeling your baby move so much! You're looking awesome for 19w!
Mozzarella I know it can be hard but maybe wait another day or two than test again. Did you take the test out of the cassette? If you are using the Frer I heard it can cause Evap line when you remove it so I would be careful about that. even though I am guilty of doing the same. Lol

Afm- My body is playing tricks on me. I thought I was 10dpo BUT today (TMI) I got a random glob of snot like cm (gross I know) It wasnt like ewcm this was much thicker in texture and kind of dry. so I decided to take a opk to make sure I am not O'ing late again and although its not a positive its pretty close to it. I took a pg test and BFN. I am confused if I am gearing up to O again or if the opk is detecting something else. My Cm has been on the creamy side when usually before I O it turns watery than ew. Idk I definately didnt do a hold or anything in fact I had just peed and I went to pee again and I a tiny but of Urine but figured what the hell and tested anyway. Will test again after a couple hr hold and update you guys. definately confusing though.
ABMommy - Love the pic! I can't wait to feel baby moving! That's so awesome. Of course, I'm sure once baby is moving enough to keep me awake at night I'll think otherwise. :haha:

Mozzarella - if you ask for a blood test that doesn't mean he'll have to give you one. He may still say no. However, when I went to my doctor after my bfp, I had only had one very faint BFP on a Wondfo (could barely see it) and I Had got a "YES" on a FRER Digi BUT the next morning I got a "NO" on the same digi (I had a FREAK out until I busted the test open and saw distinct lines and did some research and found out the FRER Golds have really bad reputation for faulty readers). At that point I didn't even tell the doctor about the NO or about how faint the line was. I just told the doctor I'd taken 2 tests and both showed positive. I got my blood test. However, some doctors will give a urine test first. Mine went straight to blood test because I was seeing an RE and they had to do a progesterone test too.

Elle - it's possible that you didn't actually O, since there really is no way to actually confirm O without temps. Or I've found that sometimes during the TWW I pick up a pretty decent line on an OPK even a week after I've Ovulated. Just depends on how much hormone is still in the system. So frustrating though! :hugs:
Elle - yes. I did take it out but I had seen the faint line already on it. But took it out to take the picture.
I'm going to test again on Monday morning I think. Wait a few days.

I've had friends who've tested with so many tests and only one test will pick it up out of like three or four tests they used. Which can be frustrating haha

Angel - true. I heard that about the digi's. I went to use one the other day. A frer one. And I used it to a tee to the directions and it gave me a ? Meaning that it didn't register properly. I should've opened it up. I don't trust the digital ones very much.

Sigh. Fx on Monday something shows up. Either way I'll keep taking my vitamins and stuff.
Mozzarella- Oh Gotcha! I know ots hard I am a POAS addict myself. I try to get myself to wait at least 3 days not to drive myself crazy. Lol supposed to be testing in 3 days and I am not so patiently waiting.

Angel- Yea Ive heard of that happening. I would like to temp BUT I never sleep or wake up at the same time.

Update on me took anothee opk after a 3 hr hold and it was negative so I guess that other one was a fluke. also took a pg test and I think I saw the fainest of lines but it could be line eye. Lol going to wait a few days and test again. I need to stock up on FRER I know DH is going to kill me with how much ive spent on HPT. Lol
Elle- yeah I've become a poas addict haha. SO's just don't get it. :p I mean yes they're expensive to buy tests. But they don't understand our need to pee on them and know for sure hahaha. My husband isn't liking the costly venture that is poas.

I haven't been feeling the greatest this past week. My anxiety level is definitely up. It started after sleeping in a fifth wheel for a weekend (which wasn't levelled properly.) so I ached like crazy after and didn't get good sleeps.
Now it's carried over into the week and my sleeping at night has been affected by anxiety due to my body being weaker. (That seems to be when my anxiety creeps up or during my period. And I don't have my period haha).

I'm hoping it goes away soon. Fingers crossed because I hate being anxious. Doesn't help that I'm on summer holidays and not keeping busy.
Mozzarella - oh yeah the FRER digi's are crap. The CB digis are much better. The week indicator isn't really accurate from my research, but the digital pregnant/not pregnant part is supposed to be really accurate. Hope you start to feel better soon! :hugs:

PS; I am anxiously waiting for line porn from you ladies! :haha:
Angel- good to know. I'll have to try a CB Digi one. I'm going to poas tomorrow. But am using a cheapie from the drugstore. So dunno if it'll pick anything up. I wasted a frer today with the littlest amount of pee due to cramps I had last night. I went pee. And then went out and bought sticks. And then was like oh crap. I have no pee left in me to poas haha but tried anyways. Didn't work out. It said the test worked because control line was there but nothing showed up. So maybe that faint line before was nothing.

So last night I had the worst cramps ever, but not ovulation pain or anything like that, and not like most cramps I experience. It literally felt as if someone was cutting me with a knife down there or something. And pulling and stuff.
No blood. No spotting. Nothing. So very weird. I couldn't sleep because of them. Oddly enough I didn't get anxiety over them and as soon as they settled down, which took like over an hour, I finally could fall asleep.

Any idea as to what these malicious cramps would be about? And I don't think they're period cramps because. I haven't gotten AF.
Mozz- Ive heard cramps during early pregnancy can sometimes be normal. I guess some of the pg ladies can weigh in on that.

afm- I keep getting ewcm, its weird. negative opks though so who know.. tomorrow will be 12dpo so I will be testing. I was trying to wait until I was late but who am I kidding. Lol I will only be using wondfo though unless I get a line and will confirm with frer even though I just ordered 2 boxes.
Mozzerla- I would call your doc and ask if they can do an HCG test, it will show for sure if you're pregnant. I had mine drawn at 11dpo which I think is 3w4d and it came back at 32 which meant early pregnancy!

Elle- hmm I can't wait for you to test! I hope that's a sign of a bfp.

Flukey- are you still liking your job or looking for a change?

Abmommy- so cute! I thought I was big at 20 weeks and now I look back and I'm like dang I was tiny lol.

Angel- are you going to find out the gender?

Afm, definitely feeling the 3rd trimester aches and pains. I've started getting sharp pelvic nerve pain with activity which is not fun! but everything is so worth it so I can't complain. Let me see if I can post a belly pic, I'm feeling huge!
Aangel- Aww I love your bump. so cute .

Afm- took a frer today bfn at 12dpo. Not due for Af for another 2 days so going to try to wait until Wednesday to test again. My armpit hurts which happened last cycle as well as hip pain which also happened. hoping its a sign I am pg again but not trying to get my hopes up toooo much just in case I am disappointed.
Ajangel - ah! That bump is the cutest thing ever! :) you're getting so close to baby!

Elle - FX you get a BFP! That would be exciting if you're feeling the same symptoms and you were last time. Fx it's a sticky bean this time.

AFM ... I got bfn this morning on a frer and a Walmart brand test. I'm feeling like that faint line before was too good to be true. And I haven't even used curved handled frers. They don't sell them where I live. If my cycle continues on CD28's then my next "period" should be Wednesday. Even though I've apparently skipped one. Fx something shows up around that time. If I don't get AF I'm 100% phoning my doctor and getting this figured out. I wasn't on birth control terribly long to have my cycles so messed up. :/ also in like 11 years of periods with no BCP I've only ever missed periods twice. So I'm a pretty regular person.

Is it possible to just have muscle cramps down there that aren't cramping in the uterus area? Because that's kinda what my cramps feel like. Not normal period type cramps.

And today has been super rainy. We're suppose to get a lot of rain today and tomorrow. I just want sunshine. We've had a cloudy summer and rainy one so far.
I'm happy to announce that, no matter how you measure first trimester (there are 3 different "dates" that people account for when it ends), I am officially 2nd Tri now. :D I'm so relieved!

Unfortunately that has come with an increase in headaches, more specifically migraines. I've had 2 in the last 7 days, both lasting two days each. :( Tylonel takes the edge off but that's about it. My only fix lately has been peppermint oil on my scalp, neck, forehead, and a hot bath with a bag of ice on my head/neck. 2 Tylonel before and 2 Tylonel after and it's reduced to a dull ache that I can try to sleep off :( I don't even like taking that much tylonel but my sister was told by her OB that the pain is worse for the baby than the meds at that point so I went with it. Her dr actually gave her migraine meds during pregnancy but hers are much more often and severe than mine. If it keeps up more frequently than once a week I'll call the OB for suggestions.

Mozzarella - when I was very early, 4-5 weeks, I had the WORST CRAMPS OF MY LIFE. I had my bfp before 4 weeks because doctor was closely monitoring, but those cramps made me feel that for sure I was about to MC. The way you describe it: cutting you with a knife and pulling, sounds exactly how mine felt. They didn't feel like AF, but much stronger. I am really hoping that it is the bean snuggling in deep down there and you just don't have enough HCG yet ot pick up (very possible)

AJAngel - I LOVE your bump! So cute!!

I'm definitely finding out the gender, unfortunately we can't get insurance to pay for the Harmony test (the early chormosomal test) so I have to wait until I can do the scan, around 20 weeks. The doctor was encouraging me to do it anyway because the testing place will reduce the price to something like $200-$300 for cash payment instead of insurance but DH and I decided that we'll wait instead.

Elle - FX you get your bfp soon!
Another BFN today. I wanna stop testing but I cant. LOL I now have 3 boxes of FRER in the house. I am only 13dpo now so its still early, last BFP was 16dpo and even than it was faint. Ive had AF like cramps.. not as bad they come and go. I keep check for af and so far nothing I am do tomorrow so we shall see.

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