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Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

I told the nurse and I assumed MD reviewed my meds and looked at my symptoms. I did not bring it up when she came in the exam room because I feel most drs in the area are against herbal supplements. So I assumed no problem with it or she had no idea what it was. Glad spotting seems to be over for you.

ABmommy, its actually kind of cute your DH seems more obsessed than most women. I don't mean this offensive
yes he has not said much today about it which is a relief for me so I don't have to really think about it (except I'm on here reading about everyone else's stories so that only makes me think about it more lol). He really wants us to be pregnant - both of my sisters had a baby this year and we're constantly around them so he wants us to have our own. <3
I understand my SIL is due 12/10 so not much longer and DH cousin announced pregnancy 2 weeks ago. It hit me really hard but I have faith and am working on patience.
Yah he is sad that our niece and nephew are close and age and by the time we have a baby they'll be at least a year or more old so not super close in age. But I told him it'll be ok I know my sisters will have more. Just hoping one doesn't announce a 2nd pregnancy before I can get pregnant. It'll hit me hard.

Your time will come! Hopefully soon FX!
Hi ladies! Mind if I join?

I am 30 years old, DH is 31 and we are TTC#1.

I stopped bc the last day of February, 2015 and we have been ttc ever since. The first couple cycles were mostly me getting a feel for my cycle, and the last few cycles have been more serious (using OPKs, finally understanding temperature charting, checking CM/CP/etc).

I had some long cycles after bc, so I used Vitex and that helped shorten them (really well!) but my LP was only 9 days. Used b6 and lengthened LP to 11 days.

This cycle I'm not using anything because we had originally decided to NTNP for a couple months because of the inconvenience of having a due date that would make me miss the first couple months of the school year (I'm a teacher) but after a week I said screw it and decided to go ahead and try, just without supplements.

I'm currently at 11DPO with no signs of AF at all, but I have had a BFN on my test yesterday and today. This is officially my longest LP ever, even when I was on vitex and b6 I would start to have signs by now.

Hi angel!! How much b6 were you taking? And how many cycles did you have with a 9 day LP? I had 4 months of amenorrhea after the pill and now have had 2 cycles with a 9 day LP. I started 50mg b6 in the middle of my first cycle but it didnt lengthen my second one. Did it take a while for it to take effect for you?

AFM, feeling kind of bummed lately. I know so many women who are pregnant right now and weren't even trying, and some who are complaining about being sick or tired etc. and I'm like here I am trying for 6 months and nothing.. I'd kill to be pregnant with morning sickness! I keep getting so scared that I'm infertile or something. But I just gotta keep my hope and faith like fleuky said!

How many days post ovulation are you now Flueky?
Ajangel - I was taking 100mg of B6 each day. I had a 9 day LP for the first 3 cycles. On the 4th cycle I added the b6 only after O (because I Had heard it could delay O) and that cycle I Had a 10 day LP. The next 2 cycles I took b6 through the entire cycle and my LP went up to 11 days, and it didn't affect my O at all.

I have the same problem, so many women who are pregnant and weren't even trying. A coworkers who started trying at the same time as me is just now entering her 3rd trimester. :( And another coworkers who wasn't planning to start trying for another couple months is pregnant. Plus several other friends. *sigh* It's so hard. :cry:
Welcome Angel! FX for you and lots of baby dust your way!

For anyone to answer - What is Vitex? and it makes your cycles shorter?
Welcome Angel! FX for you and lots of baby dust your way!

For anyone to answer - What is Vitex? and it makes your cycles shorter?

Vitex is an herbal supplement made from Chasteberry. It's supposed to help naturally regulate a woman's hormones and cycle. Different brand are different, in my case the Solaray brand did nothing for me but the Gaia brand was AMAZING (I can't stop raving about it). It can take up to 3 months to take affect but in my case it worked immediately.

Before Vitex I would O around CD26 and my cycle was about 34-40 days long. While on Vitex my O date regularly was CD16 and my cycles 27 days. It was quite lovely. :)
Angel- awesome thank you!! That gives me hope. I started doing 100mg this month so hopefully that'll help! I hope it doesn't delay O though. I didn't know it would work if you took it only after ovulation! Were you taking vitex at the same time? How much vitex were you taking? It seems as if it's been helpful to you and Flueky.. Maybe I should try!
Ajangel - I don't know if it will delay O or not, some women say it did and some women say it didn't. In my case it didn't affect my O. I don't know if it can really help just using it after O. The cycle that I did it after O I did add a day to the LP but I was also on Vitex. I was taking Vitex the entire time I was on b6. The first month I took Solaray vitex I did not take b6 and nothing happened. The first month I took Gaia brand Vitex is the first month I added b6 only after O. The second month I was on the Gaia brand is when I added the B6 the whole cycle and that's when the LP went up to 11 days.

I'm not sure if it's JUST the b6 or if the Vitex was involved in lengthening the LP too.

I was taking 2 pills a day which I think is 2,000mg. The Gaia brand is a liquid version in a capsule, which is a little different from the powder version. I don't know if the dosage differs in different brands.
Thanks Angel I'll have to do some research on that!
ABmommy, our nephew will be 4 in June so he's way ahead. The age thing doesn't really bother me except to my own. I hope you get BFP soon :)

Angel, welcome to our group. I really have my FX for you. It's hard ttc for so long and seeing so many others get their bfp. Not that we are mad at them but it hurts. Vitex seems to have helped me out. I was hesitant to take it for awhile because I wasn't sure if I'd mess cycles up more.

AJangel, I'm 9dpo today. No symptoms. I think I'll test Sunday 21st unless AF shows. Hope you can get in on the tww soon. Waiting to O is so miserable.

Sorry I had a rough day yesterday my Chihuahua had an oral cyst and I had yo take her to vet. They poked her with a needle while she was awake, poor girl. She is "loving" her antibiotics. Well have a great week ladies. Looking forward to bfps
So today is 12DPO. This morning my temp took a huge dive. So I am thinking AF may be on her way and I didn't bother to test. I'll keep watching for signs and if nothing by 14DPO then I'll test again.

This morning when I checked my cervix I had some light pink (no CM, just a very little pink tinge I barely noticed). If things follow my normal route, I usually start to get pink/blood when checking cervix about 2 days before AF.

This is officially the longest LP I've ever had. Longer than any LP I had while even on b6. I'm very confused. I thought your LP didn't just change. 8 months off the pill is my body STILL changing/adjusting? I was on the pill for 15 years.... I guess it could take quite a while to adjust.

Thanks flueky. Vitex did wonders for me. Unfortunately no BFP, but it was nice to have very regular cycles. I stopped taking it this cycle because I was hoping my body might have sorted itself out, and if it hadn't I wanted to be able to have a few months of data showing my cycles are long (w/ a short LP) for the doctor.

While I am still TTC, this cycle and next cycle we aren't as concerned about it because it would put me at a really awkward due date of missing the first month of school and that's a pretty difficult situation as a teacher. We were supposed to NPNT but about a week into the cycle I was like "screw this, I wanna POAS" :haha:
Well I hope that I implantation bleed and not preAF spotting, Angel.
Thanks Flueky. Sorry to hear about your pup. Hope she's feeling better.

FX for a BFP for you, Angel.

I finally ordered my Wondfos last night. Convinced DH to let me buy "pregnancy tests" aka the combo kit of opks and pregnancy tests hehe. He'll never know the difference :)

I'm hoping they'll be here by Friday so I can test, if AF hasn't arrived yet.
Flueky-oh man the most common implantation day!! Fingers crossed for you! So sorry to hear about your puppy, poor baby.

Angel- thanks so much for the info!! We'll see what the 100mg of b6 does this cycle, if it doesn't work I may try vitex. And darn for temp drops!! Well even if AF shows naybe it'll work out well for the school.

ABmommy- yeah I don't think men really know what we're doing haha. Although at first my husband thought my temping was weird now he's like "what was your temperature?!" And when I get a positive OPK I run and show him and he gets excited for me since I'm so excited, LOL.

Was feeling pretty down this morning as another girl I know announced her 2nd pregnancy. Oh well. I see the OB gyn tomorrow so we'll see what he says!
Thanks, ABmommy, my little chi is doing quite well today minus having to take her antibiotics. She has been more playful and the cyst is gone :) I'm glad he okayed your test purchase. Oh fyi, you have to dip them. So buy some Dixie cups or something to pee in.

Ajangel, thank you :) I seem to have gotten a rather nasty headache which was a preAF symptom on the pill. So I'm feeling AF will show this week. Yeah if DH isn't around I just take a picture and show him my positive opk LOL. I would tell others if they would even understand. Ugh, it's really a bummer when someone gets pregnant when you're trying so hard. Let us know how your appt goes. FX for good news
On a whim I took a test because when checking my cervix it seems like I'm getting less, not more, pink. So I tested with a Wondfo on a 2 hour hold.

I see a line. i don't know if you can see it in the pic. But DH definitely can see it. And I texted it to a friend and she said she definitely can see it.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up. DH definitely doesn't want us to get our hopes up. I had a CP a couple months ago and the line is still very light. I just made DH go to the store and get me a couple extra boxes of tests though. LoL He thinks I'm crazy. :haha:


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Ajangel - DH doesn't know I bought opks so I won't be able to tell him... lol but I'm sure I'll come tell all of you! :) Let us know how your appt goes!

Flueky - thanks, I didn't know that, so I'll be sure to get some small cups to pee in.

Angel - if I darken the screen on my laptop I can see the line!!!! Let us know how your other tests go!! :) FX for you!!

PS - DH calls this my support group - but I'm sure glad I have people to talk to who understand - so thank you ladies!

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