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Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

I'm only taking prenatals.
I took a test and BFN as expected. Will start using my opks soon. Man, what a disappointment to see a negative.
Thanks, AJangel, that really stinks about no signs of O. I hope you O soon so you can get your bfp.

ABmommy, sorry about BFN. I know how disappointing it can be. Being on an everlong cycle and not knowing your fertile signs, sheesh. Enough to drive you insane. Good luck this cycle :)
Awe rats ABmommy :-( well at least your first cycle was normal in length and hopefully will continue to be normal!

My temps are very steady this past week, hoping that's a sign that o's coming up. I've noticed the last 2 cycles they seem to get steady right before ovulating so hoping so.. So far all OPKs negative though.
AJangel, I can't comment on my temps preO, but my opks will be pretty faint then all of a sudden positive. Your temps pattern makes it sound like a good thing :)
Thanks ladies I'm ok I just am glad my cycle was pretty normal this first month.

Do you ladies think I should get bbt so I can temp? I've been debating just don't know. I wish I understood that part more.
It's up to you. I didn't for awhile because I thought it would stress me out. I feared for awhile I wasn't ovulating or rather couldn't. I truly believe that I am but I'm just making sure. It really is pretty easy. On my days off I just wake up, put thermometer in and read it when I wake up later. I bought one online but any pharmacy should have one. They are pretty cheap too. You can plan BD with it, but you can confirm O.

On a side note about temping, DH said he was going to get me one for Christmas but I decided I couldn't wait. LOL.
I started temping right away because I wanted to see if I was ovulating. I find it super interesting and helpful but I know it stresses others out so its a personal preference!

Flukey- that's so true last cycle mine went from really faint to positive. I wonder why some women say they have a gradual darkening?
I love temping. It cannot be used to predict O is coming, but it is the only sure way to determine that O has actually occurred. It's easy to temp. On my days off I have a quiet buzzing alarm that goes off on my fitbit, I wake up, temp, go back to sleep and look at it when I wake up. The trick is just to make sure you try to temp at the same time every day, and to make sure you get a decent amount of sleep before temping. They say you need a good 3 hours sleep before, but in my case I know that if I wake up at say 3am, but go back to sleep and temp at 5 my temps don't seem to be strongly affected. More so affected when I'm tossing all night or am sick.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are working on our inherited rental property. :/ My husband inherited a bunch of property when his grandmother died. We sold one house because we couldn't afford to keep the mortgage. The other is a cute little 1930s house on a river that she had been letting his drug addict uncle and his crazy gf live in. They TRASHED THE PLACE. Freakin' tweakers. . . . I mean, when we finally got the gf kicked out (uncle is in jail....lovely family...took 4 months to get it through probate) we got in and found out the crazy woman had destroyed this place. I mean we'd be better off dropping a match on it. LoL . But we have some friends who desperately want to rent it and have said they'd fix it up (help us fix it up) if we let them rent it. They're in a bad place right now, living 6 people in a 1 bedroom apartment, so we agreed. This weekend we've been working on the place. DH is working on fixing some of the wiring and repairing some floors and stuff, while my mom is helping me work on cleaning out and fixing up the bedrooms and stuff. We made some great progress, cleaned out a bunch of junk, ripped up carpets, found beautiful original hardwood floors under the carpets, and painted the walls. It's actually looking decent in the 3 rooms we worked in today. Still a long way to go but I'm happy. Exhausted, but I feel accomplished. :)
AJangel, its weird nothing is hardly textbook. I wish I had started temping earlier, but oh well.

Angel, its really crazy to learn how people treat other people's property. It can be so disgusting how little they care. I'm a little OCD and germophobic and it really amazes me and not in a good way. Well, good for you guys on fixing it up. I'm not very handy at all. I can change a light bulb ;) hehe
I think I'm going to hold off on temping for a few cycles. I know I'd probably forget to temp sometimes so then I'd be stressing out. Glad it works for you ladies who do it!

Angel I've always wondered how people can live in a place that they destroy. Totally mind-boggling to me.

How's everyone doing in their cycles? Anything to report?
I've been wondering the same thing, this was pretty horrible. I blame the drugs. In one room we pulled out a mattress (that smelled like mold) and found a ton of cigarette butts and a ton of hamster poop on the floor. Apparently they let the hamster run around free in the room..... now I'm scared I'll find a dead hamster in the house somewhere! They also managed to yank out all the kitchen cupboards and appliances and sold them off (we think for drug $) and also the 300 pound clawfoot tub. Like WTF. LoL This is definitely an experience. I feel like I belong on that Flip that House show! :haha:

As for my cycle...only CD7 so nothing to report here. I don't O until CD25-26 usually so I've just here :coffee:
ABmommy, I understand. I wasn't ready for temping for awhile. I just want the extra confirmation.

Angel, wow, ugh, I hate how drugs ruin people. Its very hard recovering from it too.

AFM, CD 4 and I think AF might be over. A 3 day AF would be nice, I think Angel is right about Vitex making it lighter, shorter. I've got my FX for an earlier O. Nothing really exciting for me though
Angel- ugh I can't believe how some people have little respect for property and other things! I bet seeing the house come along is satisfying though! I love watching fix-it-up shows, lol!

Flukey-how many days was your cycles prior to vitex? Did you ever get your labs back?

ABMommy- what day are you on now? No more bleeding?

I'm CD 17 right now. No fertile CM, no positive OPKs. The last two cycles I had fertile CM for weeks so this is kind of weird not having any, although I know having it for weeks isn't really normal either, haha. My temps are still steady too so hoping maybe my hormones are stabilizing. But I'm worried I'm not going to ovulate again but last cycle I ovulated cd 26 so I still have some time anyway!
AJangel, Yeah my prolactin and TSH were normal and not even close to abnormal. Before bcp I was like 8 days of AF, then with bcp 6-7 days. My AF lengths have been ranging 2.5 to 4 days, so not far off.
Spoke too soon, AF was just sleeping in. On well. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
Hello ladies!
Angel - just FYI mold doesn't smell - mildew is probably what you smelled. I'm a Realtor (along with being a full-time accountant) and have seen some really nasty houses, so I can only imagine what you're going through. I always thought it'd be "fun" in a way to flip a house, but can't imagine the filth I'd have to comb through first. Needless to say flipping a house probably won't happen anytime soon for me lol.

Ajangel - today is CD5 for me. I bled through yesterday on and off (AF likes to play tricks). Today DH and I dtd and afterwards there was some dark brown.. something.. that was in the toilet after I went pee afterwards. Not sure if that's leftover from AF or what, but I've never had anything like that. DH asked if it was poo (sorry TMI) but it definitely came out of my vag. I'm just chalking it up to the fact of my body regulating itself.

I'm going to start using my opks on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and hope I figure out how to read them correctly. Have to do some research.

Have a great week everyone!
Sorry your AF wasn't short Flukey. But I think longer is better, meaning you had a nice thick lining? I could be making that up though.

ABMommy- your story about the bloody thing made me lol! Well the poop part did. Maybe it was a clot? I was going to tell you to prob start using them at cd 10 since your cycle was shorter last time!
If it was a clot is that bad?

I'm going to start using them at cd8 (weds night). I don't want to miss that eggy! I'm thinking if I ovulate(if my body is regulated or not, time will tell) it will be over the weekend so plenty of extra time off of work to BD for us! Or it'll be early next week. Ugh. I just wish I knew if I'm going to ovulate or not. Can I use an opk today? Will it show a line? And does that line mean I'm going to ovulate eventually? (Sorry for the ?'s- first time using opks!)
I think clots are normal as long as you don't have really large ones or a lot. Dark brown usually means old blood so I wouldn't worry too much!

OPKs are kind of confusing, I still get confused sometimes! There will always be 2 lines but both lines need to be the same color for it to be positive. So if you have 2 lines but ones lighter it's a negative! And once you get a positive you should ovulate within the next day or 2. Also try to use concentrated urine when you do them! That's my problem is I drink too much water so I usually test in the morning since my pee is more concentrated then.
Ok so until I get a positive the faint line doesn't mean anything? Was hoping it meant that as it gets darker each time I test I'm for sure going to ovulate. Just dying to know if my body is back to normal or not yet. Wish my insides could speak to me. "Hey, I'm releasing the egg soon, get to bd'ing!" How nice would that be lol my crazy is talking.

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