Well some women say it progressively gets darker but Flukey and I both go from very faint to boom positive. So maybe it's individual? Angel how are yours?
I used to progressively get darker, which was nice, but in the last 3 cycles I've gone from faint to positive in a day so now I can't really tell what my body is doing!
ABmommy just remember that you are looking at making sure the test line is as dark or darker than the control line. I've had my test line blazing one month where it was actually darker than the control line but usually I get them about the same color when it's positive. Sometimes I get the test where it's slightly lighter still but end up with a positive on a digi so depending on the brand know that if the test is really close to the same color as the control then you might want to consider it positive just in case.
Always try to test after a 3-4 hour hold (no bathroom for that long and limited liquids) and they usually say afternoon is better. I always get my surge in the afternoon/evening. If I test twice a day I will be negative in the AM and positive in the PM, and then the next morning negative again, so in my case it doesn't make sense to test more than once a day.
If you have a lot then it doesn't really matter. I buy a pack of 50 or 100 Wondfo's online so I always have plenty.

I use a Clearblue Digi to confirm, but I can make a pack of 10 last me 4-5 months because I use the cheapie and once it looks positive I use the digi to confirm just because I like the way the smiley face looks.
AFM I'm still early in my cycle. I probably won't O until close to CD26 again so I am not going to start OPKs until at least CD12 I think. I have O'd as early as CD15 (never earlier) so I think CD12 will be early enough for O testing. I'm super excited though because I only have to work 2 days this week. The joy of being a teacher.

There are one or two perks.