I'm 10 DPO now! The weird thing is I don't have really have any symptoms.. Not even PMS symptoms! My chart does look like I ovulated to you guys right?? That would suck if I really didn'tthe only symptoms I have is a decreased appetite.. I'm not hungry at all! Aren't you supposed to be extra hungry during this phase? Haha. And my GI tract is being annoying but I do have IBS so I can't really say that's totally abnormal for me. Yesterday morning I had 3 sharp pains over 20 minutes in my pelvic area.. But once again I honestly don't know if that was my uterus or intestines lol. It felt too low and localized to be intestine but I don't wanna get my hopes up. Mininun and pinkpandy do you have any weird symptoms? Crossing my fingers your ovulate fleuky!!
It def looks like you ovulated, Ajangel! Yeah it can be hard to pinpoint uterus pangs but that sounds a lot like the "pinching" or slight cramping a lot of people have with implantation![]()
I started cramping this morning, and have a few breakouts, so that probably means AF is on schedule. I'm trying to get myself in that mindset so when/if AF does arrive, it's not too upsetting. It's annoying when I know that I did everything right this month.
I've read a lot of people think AF is coming and then it ends up being a BFP so don't get discouraged!! And even if AF does come try to just be happy that she did, because that means your body is working right and ovulating at least! One less thing to worry about (if you didn't ovulate it would make things even harder!)