My temps rose a tiny bit today. Kinda nice not to have a flat temp. Though I started searching FF and found a lot of charts that ended in BFP that had 4+ flat temps post-O. Now I've got myself all sorts of hopefully.
Furbabiesonly - welcome!! :wave: Based on your name, what are your furbabies? I've got 2 minpins.

my dogs.
I had long cycles after stopping bcp but only about 40ish days, wth a very short LP, NEVER that long! That kind of sucks that your doctor won't do anything until 6 months! What brand of Vitex are you using? Seems like a silly question but I found that different brands worked differently for me. The one that worked best and really shortened my cycles was Gaia brand. It uses a liquid form of Vitex (in a capsule) instead of the powder or roots and it worked pretty quickly for me. BUT I know that it acn take 3 months or so for Vitex to work.

hopefully you get AF soon!
Also....have you tested recently just to make sure ?
Flueky -

Welcome to the TWW!
Gagrl - You will get there!

Looks like your body might have been gearing up to O with that drop and then might be about to gear up again. Sometimes I've seen that happen with me (more than one dip). Just keep up the BD as much as you can, maybe EOD like Flueky said, and keep an eye on your CM. As long as its EW or Watery you're fertile.
khttc - Welcome! :wave: Spotting a few dasy before period can be normal or can mean a low progesterone. How long is your LP approximately (based on your OPKs)? As for BBT - the big thing is to use a BBT thermometer. If you can get one with a memory that's best if you are like me and not fully awake. Try to temp around the same time every day for best results, and try to get a decent 3 hours sleep beforehand. For ex: if you wake up at 4am to go to the bathroom and your alarm is going to go off at 5am to get up, then temp at 4am because between 4 and 5am you won't get a decent sleep and your temp will be off. If however, you wake up at 4am and just roll over to go back to sleep then don't worrya bout it. It's the getting up and moving that messes up your temps.
I would look at using Fertility Friend - they have a GREAT "lesson" on charting. Just put your temps in there and watch your temps for a cycle or two. It takes a little while to get the hang of it. DON'T LET IT STRESS YOU OUT!

Go into it this first cycle with the intention of just getting ot know your body and using it to help confirm what you already know.