Got my beta test results. HCG is at 38 (that was 11DPO Test). Does anyone know whether that's good or bad? They want me back on Monday to do a follow up (make sure it's doubling). I said okay but then realized I'm out of sick days so I left a message to see if there's any way I can go in Sunday instead, they are open weekends until noon. I'll make it work if I Have to but it'd be easier for my job if I could go in on Sunday.
As for progesterone: they didn't give me my numbers for that. But I called because my chest turned BRIGHT RED, looked like a bad sun burn. They told me to stop taking the pills and they would prescribe me the vaginal suppository. They said I mihgt have to wait til tomorrow to get it, but I just called my pharmacy and they said they wont' get it for me until MONDAY NIGHT, and it'll cost $350!! Because insurance won't pay.
DH says $ is not the issue, we have credit cards for a reason (I love him

) but I'm really worried about no progesterone until Monday! I started calling around to all the local pharmacies and no one has it. The lady at Safeway actually called 15 other pharmacies (non-safeway ones, because she could only find 1 safeway in the whole state that has it in stock) and called me back and said no one has it anywhere.
Sooooo my plan is this: I'm taking my pills anyway today. I'm not going to risk it. I'm too scared. AF is due tomorrow....and I'm in the middle of a panic right now at the idea of being without progesterone for that many days after seeing how low my results were from my 7DPO test. I figure if I have a bright red rash this evening then at least I'm at home, and I can be miserable at home tonight (this stuff has some nasty side effects - I've literally been feeling drunk all day - it's not a good feeling -but I'll take it if it gets me my rainbow).
I'll call the dr tomorrow and ask what they want me to do. The one safeway that has it is about an hour+ drive away. If the doctor really wants me off the pills, we'll do the drive. That's a lot of money but..... at least I'd have it (and they said it has almost no side effects compared to the pills).
Gagrl - Yay for CH! Hopefully you do get it this time, but if not you've had a lot going on!

I think it's a wonderful idea to name your child after your FIL.
faye Welcome!! Of course you can join!! This is an amazing group, some of the best women I've had the pleasure of walking this journey with!
Sounds like your first two cycles off BCP were just like mine (40ish days). it took me awhile to regulate. This is a great place to get information! If you have any questions just ask, we are very willing to help!