I might be a little vacant hte next few weeks. My final grad project due date is coming up, and I'm super stressed. I keep coming here to procrastinate but I really need to be working on my project.
I say that I'll be vacant...but I'll prob keep checking in. LoL.
Today I met with my principal and vice principal to share with them that I am pregnant. I really feel like I'm jumping the gun telling them at 4w BUT HR strongly advised it because I have to miss so many days and am out of sick leave, and by telling them I'm basically securing my job. They were both incredibly supportive, reassured me that my job wasn't at risk, to do whatever I needed to do to make sure this baby sticks, and not to worry about it. I feel a lot more relieved now.
I also told them that the progesterone makes me feel woozy, and that the doctor described my symptoms as "feeling drunk" so they should be aware if I am acting odd, that's why. My principal laughed and was like "okay so if I get reports that you are stumbling and acting intoxicated I'll just know it's the meds".
blood wrok scheduled for tomorrow and Friday, and regular doctor appointment on Thursday to talk to my PCP about weaning off my zoloft and check homeocystene levels in relation to the MTHFR mutation.
ABMommy - 10 weeks?! Congrats!
Flueky - that's probably exactly it. It's that I've waited so long that I'm afraid it'll just be ripped away from me.
Gagrl- I can't see anything, but I'm notorious for not being able to see lines! Test again in 2 days!
Ajangel - Sounds like your little one is going to be a stubborn one.

Hope all goes well with the specialist.