Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

One thing I can say for sure this cycle has made me pretty emotional. Yesterday I was feeling really sad about the possibility of not being pregnant. Its like the thought of this time not being OUR time made me super sad and I started crying my eyes out which is so not normal for me Im so not a crier normally :cry:. My DH said maybe there is a baby in there and thats why your so emotional which only made me cry more. Feeling a little better this am but this waiting game takes its toll. decided to take a test yesterday and of course it was a BFN because its probably too early. I will be 12DPO on Tuesday so trying not to test again than. I just dont "Feel" pregnant, No fatigue or sore boobs or most of the signs others experience to make them feel different. Just some cramping which is normal for me during PMS. Just ready to find out one way or the other. Hope everyone else is doing well!
I'm feeling good thanks for asking! I've been stalking you ladies reading almost every post when I can. Just haven't had much to report and it's super hard on my phone to be able to reply to everyone.

I'm currently 14w4d and feeling great. Still have a bit of nausea here and there but nothing I can't manage. Baby's heartbeat is loud and strong. I think we're going to do a private gender scan in a few weeks so we can announce the gender on the 4th of July with fireworks the corresponding color of the gender! I haven't told anyone that we're thinking about doing that and don't want to because I want it to be a complete and utter surprise!

I hope you all are doing great, baby dust to all!
I'm feeling good thanks for asking! I've been stalking you ladies reading almost every post when I can. Just haven't had much to report and it's super hard on my phone to be able to reply to everyone.

I'm currently 14w4d and feeling great. Still have a bit of nausea here and there but nothing I can't manage. Baby's heartbeat is loud and strong. I think we're going to do a private gender scan in a few weeks so we can announce the gender on the 4th of July with fireworks the corresponding color of the gender! I haven't told anyone that we're thinking about doing that and don't want to because I want it to be a complete and utter surprise!

I hope you all are doing great, baby dust to all!

I'm so glad things are going great for you.

This new cycle I'm taking a month off of charting and temping and we are just going to monitor cm and bd every other day.. I want to not stress about it and enjoy it.
Elle :hugs: Hope you feel better soon. As for "feeling pregnant", I didn't feel pregnant at all until 5-6 weeks and most days now I still don't feel pregnant.

Gagrl :hugs: :(
Thanks! Trying not to think about it to much, Me and DH are going out tonight to have a bite to each and watch the finals game (basketball) Going to test before we head out and if its a BFN than I will be having a Margarita and enjoy the game. AF is due on Tuesday and besides tomorrow night I will wait until I am officially late to test again.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Angel and AB Glad you both are having H&H Pregnancies so far! :happydance:

Elle :hugs: Hope you feel better soon. As for "feeling pregnant", I didn't feel pregnant at all until 5-6 weeks and most days now I still don't feel pregnant.

Gagrl :hugs: :(
No AF this morning yet but another temp drop so I'm pretty sure AF will start today or tomorrow.
AF started Sunday. Cd2. I'm not charting this month.. Just going to keep it simple and have peace.
I'm still waiting to test, Im 12DPO and AF is due today. I tested Yesterday and it was a BFN. If AF doesn't show up I will test on Wednesday.
Gagrlinpitt:hugs: sorry about the witch getting you. Good luck on relaxed approach

Elle.T. FX for bfp for you.

Sorry I've been trying to stay away from bnb as I feel it makes me want to obsesses about ttc. Anyways, there is lot going on in my work and personal life right now, I doubt I'll O on time if at all but I'm not ttc right now. Major changes at work were announced yesterday and the my best friend's little sister's BF, he drowned yesterday and they have yet to find his body. I really just want to crawl in bed and cry. I'm just praying and I'm glad I'm not pregnant right now, God had his plan to make sure I wasn't pregnant and going through this I'm sure.
Gagrlinpitt:hugs: sorry about the witch getting you. Good luck on relaxed approach

Elle.T. FX for bfp for you.

Sorry I've been trying to stay away from bnb as I feel it makes me want to obsesses about ttc. Anyways, there is lot going on in my work and personal life right now, I doubt I'll O on time if at all but I'm not ttc right now. Major changes at work were announced yesterday and the my best friend's little sister's BF, he drowned yesterday and they have yet to find his body. I really just want to crawl in bed and cry. I'm just praying and I'm glad I'm not pregnant right now, God had his plan to make sure I wasn't pregnant and going through this I'm sure.
Oh goodness Fluek.. My deepest condolences. I'll for sure be sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
I had a really rough day yesterday. First, I have 3 students taking the last week of school off (just for fun to go on vacation) and when I told one of them she'd have to take her tet Thursday the week before (because Friday is a short day and I won't be there) she filed an official complaint that I'm never in class, that I refuse to help her, and that I am inappropriate in class! Wtf! Principal doesn't buy it but that isn't the point. She was still aloud to write the statement

Then it got worse. I think I shared with you all that back in October my dad pulled a gun on my husband, mom and I and threatened our lives. I ended up sending him to jail and right now we have a no contact order in place. It can be upheld for possibly up to the end of his 3 year probation but he can request it be removed earlier and then it's up to his PO (who will communicate with me to determine where I am with that) I told my mom I don't want him to know I'm pregnant right now and therefore she always not to tell anyone in the family - Bc they would tell him (he's living with my Aunt right now). I found out yesterday that not only has he requested contact be reestablished with me, (so his PO will be calling me in the day or two to talk to me about it) but my mom told my aunt, the one he lives with, that I'm pregnant.

She has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. Everyone knows if you want the family to know something you tell D and by the end of the week the entire extended family will know (we're a pretty large family).

I was hysterical. I spent hours hysterically crying yesterday. I'm sure part of it is hormones but I'm so angry and frustrated. This baby is mine and my little secret to tell, not someone else's. And I'm terrified my dad will try to find a way to use this to manipulate me. He's a narcissist and even his court mandated therapist has said he has a definite personality disorder. :( the stress of even thinking about him is overwhelming.

Gagrl - good luck with the relaxed approach. I'm just sitting here like "darn now I can't chart stalk" :rofl:

Elle - fx!!! Hoping AF stays away

Flueky - :hugs: I am so sorry. My deepest condolences!!! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
I had a really rough day yesterday. First, I have 3 students taking the last week of school off (just for fun to go on vacation) and when I told one of them she'd have to take her tet Thursday the week before (because Friday is a short day and I won't be there) she filed an official complaint that I'm never in class, that I refuse to help her, and that I am inappropriate in class! Wtf! Principal doesn't buy it but that isn't the point. She was still aloud to write the statement

Then it got worse. I think I shared with you all that back in October my dad pulled a gun on my husband, mom and I and threatened our lives. I ended up sending him to jail and right now we have a no contact order in place. It can be upheld for possibly up to the end of his 3 year probation but he can request it be removed earlier and then it's up to his PO (who will communicate with me to determine where I am with that) I told my mom I don't want him to know I'm pregnant right now and therefore she always not to tell anyone in the family - Bc they would tell him (he's living with my Aunt right now). I found out yesterday that not only has he requested contact be reestablished with me, (so his PO will be calling me in the day or two to talk to me about it) but my mom told my aunt, the one he lives with, that I'm pregnant.

She has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. Everyone knows if you want the family to know something you tell D and by the end of the week the entire extended family will know (we're a pretty large family).

I was hysterical. I spent hours hysterically crying yesterday. I'm sure part of it is hormones but I'm so angry and frustrated. This baby is mine and my little secret to tell, not someone else's. And I'm terrified my dad will try to find a way to use this to manipulate me. He's a narcissist and even his court mandated therapist has said he has a definite personality disorder. :( the stress of even thinking about him is overwhelming.

Gagrl - good luck with the relaxed approach. I'm just sitting here like "darn now I can't chart stalk" :rofl:

Elle - fx!!! Hoping AF stays away

Flueky - :hugs: I am so sorry. My deepest condolences!!! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Angel I've had a few people say that lol.. I'll keep track of cm but no telling or opks this month.. I'm letting God take over.
Hello and welcome! I am also fairly new here but everyone has been super helpful. It could be implantation bleeding but only time will tell. seems a but early to be period spotting, I also usually dont get spotting either, usually AF just comes. I would recommend using ovulation kits to track your ovulation so you can pinpoint when you are ovulating. They really helped me narrow down the window. I brought the cheapie Wondfo ones from amazon.
Update: AF showed up yesterday :( I guess it was just spotting after all. I'm about to enter the 3rd cycle TTC so I bought a digital ovulation kit because I guess I'm missing the window. I also bought pre-seed. Should have seen the look at my bf's face! LOL hoping the 3rd cycle is the charm.
Flueky- I am so sorry about your loss, my condolences for your family!

Angel: Thats insane about your student, some of these kids feel so entitled. I am sorry about your dad too, I completely understand why you would'nt want anyone sharing something so personal especially to someone you dont want to know.

As far as me couldn't resist POAS and it was a BFN. I had terrible cramps last night and didn't get much sleep. I work up today with vomiting and (TMI!) Diarrhea mostly vomiting. Still feeling pretty crappy still no AF though when I started cramping last night I was sure the witch was on her way and kept checking but nothing yet. I am thinking I have a stomach bug even though I didn't eat anything out of the norm. On top of that my DH and I went out with my coworkers another couple friend of ours and they announce they are pregnant with their first child. I was super excited for them but I couldn't help but be a TINY bit jealous.

Elle.T. FX for bfp for you.

Sorry I've been trying to stay away from bnb as I feel it makes me want to obsesses about ttc. Anyways, there is lot going on in my work and personal life right now, I doubt I'll O on time if at all but I'm not ttc right now. Major changes at work were announced yesterday and the my best friend's little sister's BF, he drowned yesterday and they have yet to find his body. I really just want to crawl in bed and cry. I'm just praying and I'm glad I'm not pregnant right now, God had his plan to make sure I wasn't pregnant and going through this I'm sure.

I had a really rough day yesterday. First, I have 3 students taking the last week of school off (just for fun to go on vacation) and when I told one of them she'd have to take her tet Thursday the week before (because Friday is a short day and I won't be there) she filed an official complaint that I'm never in class, that I refuse to help her, and that I am inappropriate in class! Wtf! Principal doesn't buy it but that isn't the point. She was still aloud to write the statement

Then it got worse. I think I shared with you all that back in October my dad pulled a gun on my husband, mom and I and threatened our lives. I ended up sending him to jail and right now we have a no contact order in place. It can be upheld for possibly up to the end of his 3 year probation but he can request it be removed earlier and then it's up to his PO (who will communicate with me to determine where I am with that) I told my mom I don't want him to know I'm pregnant right now and therefore she always not to tell anyone in the family - Bc they would tell him (he's living with my Aunt right now). I found out yesterday that not only has he requested contact be reestablished with me, (so his PO will be calling me in the day or two to talk to me about it) but my mom told my aunt, the one he lives with, that I'm pregnant.

She has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. Everyone knows if you want the family to know something you tell D and by the end of the week the entire extended family will know (we're a pretty large family).

I was hysterical. I spent hours hysterically crying yesterday. I'm sure part of it is hormones but I'm so angry and frustrated. This baby is mine and my little secret to tell, not someone else's. And I'm terrified my dad will try to find a way to use this to manipulate me. He's a narcissist and even his court mandated therapist has said he has a definite personality disorder. :( the stress of even thinking about him is overwhelming.

Elle - fx!!! Hoping AF stays away
Gagrlinpitt:hugs: thanks you. I pray she will be alright and his family.

Angel wow people have this entitled complex anymore. Not sure what's wrong with people now. I can understand that would be so upsetting she told your aunt.

Elle.T sorry about BFN. Also it's hard not to have a little seed of jealousy. I hope you get bfp and not AF with stomach bug.

Brznik sorry about AF.
Had my OB appointment yesterday! Didn't get a new US pic because she had my US pictures from my RE and could see that everything was progressing regularly. Since my OB is through the same clinic as my PCP they don't have the US equipment in the rooms, I think that when she does order US I have to go to the imaging clinic (which is downstairs in another office I believe). I'm not 100% sure on that. But she was able to find heartbeat for just a few seconds using doppler, baby kept wiggling away so she couldn't catch it for long. She said it's really hard to find them with doppler before 11 weeks, so it was good (and beat in the 160s).

They took about 7 vials of blood and are running a bunch of tests, and lots of talking and questions and stuff. It suddenly feels so real!

Since my mom already spilled the beans to one aunt I called another aunt (the one I'm close to) because I wanted her to know in person from me and not hte family gossip line, and a couple cousins I'm close to. I'm going to call my grandparents today or tomorrow to tell them. Again, this is about 3 weeks earlier than I had planned but the whole family knows if you want to keep a secret, you don't tell that aunt! lol

Elle - how are you feeing? Any sign of AF? So sorry you are feeling so sick right now. I'm hoping it's a good sign!

brznik - good luck this cycle! Did you buy the advanced or regular Digi? make sure you follow directions specifically for the advanced, they have to be used early enough to get a base line, then catch the estrogen surge an then the LH surge. I liked to use cheapie Wondfos (get on amazon for $20 an get 100 of them) and when they started ot look positive I would use my digi to confirm (regular not advanced, the advanced didn't work well for me because my O varied too much month to month).

Preseed is great, my best rec is not to use the full recommended amount. start little. Otherwise it can be too much!

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