Stopped BCP & TTC! Whos with me?!

OMG TJOSE ARE POSITIVE!!!!!! Cannot wait to see tomorrow's test!!!!
Thanks Angel! I am super paranoid it will turn into a CP. I took a wondfo and a CB Digital both BFN but the FRER is clear as day (faint but there). Going to go out tonight and get some more FRER since I ran out. I cannot wait to tell DH! Hoping the Dr can confirm on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment.
Thanks Angel! I am super paranoid it will turn into a CP. I took a wondfo and a CB Digital both BFN but the FRER is clear as day (faint but there). Going to go out tonight and get some more FRER since I ran out. I cannot wait to tell DH! Hoping the Dr can confirm on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment.

So. Anymore tests?!?!?!?!?
took another FRER after a 2 hr hold another bfp but still faint going to try to wait another 2 days than test again.
trying not to lose my mind. I told DH we will be excited but prepare for the worst just in case.

Thanks Angel! I am super paranoid it will turn into a CP. I took a wondfo and a CB Digital both BFN but the FRER is clear as day (faint but there). Going to go out tonight and get some more FRER since I ran out. I cannot wait to tell DH! Hoping the Dr can confirm on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment.

So. Anymore tests?!?!?!?!?
Omg I'm so excited for you.. Seriously I'll be on the edge of my seat until you test again.
Thanks so much! I have a drs appointment on Tuesday so I will have them confirm with a urine and blood test. I think that is the best confirmation for me and will definitely make it feel more real. I wish I could hold my urine longer but I seriously pee every 3-4 hrs even at night so getting a strong hold is hard for me. I just hope the Dr can confirm it, I think I will be pretty anxious until than.

I will keep you guys posted. Definately wont be testing again today maybe tomorrow even though DH wants me to stop testing he thinks its bad for my anxiety and hes probably right. Lol

Omg I'm so excited for you.. Seriously I'll be on the edge of my seat until you test again.
Congrats Elle!! I had a feeling the spotting was Ib!! Sounded exactly like mine!!
The FRERs are definitely considered more sensitive than the CB digis so don't let that bother you. How many dpo? I can't remember. My Wondfos always showed faint lines before FRER but the line never popped up at first on the 3-5 min window. More like 10 mins. I know people say that's evap but I took thousands of Wondfo tests and Kept them on the counter and never got a hint of a line except the months I had the BFP.

Good luck!!!! I'm on the edge of my seat!! So nervous for you!!!
Ahhh, Elle! This is so exciting. Please keep us posted, but your tests look very promising. I can see those lines very clearly which doesn't always happen with those early tests on BnB!

AJAngel, both of the ultrasounds (with my OB and then with the specialist) were trans-vaginal. When do they switch to abdominal?

I am 8 weeks today. I am feeling okay, but definitely started to feel more symptoms this week-- mostly some early morning nausea (though nothing approaching what it sounds like other's experience), fatigue (thank goodness I've been able to sleep in) and some moodiness (my husband thinks I'm a nut right now).

I have to say that beginning to see my body change a bit and knowing what's coming is also making me very anxious. I always struggled with a bit of body dysmorphia/skewed body image so that doesn't help. I am also concerned about my recurring back issues firing up again. Hopefully I can just stay positive and active and healthy and embrace my pregnancy body. I know that it needs to change to nurture and nourish that little being that is growing inside me! And don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful to be expecting! Sorry if this all sounds very vain and superficial...

Right now my focus is on getting to 12 weeks!

How's everyone else doing!?
Elle- that's positive!!! congratulations!! I would get the clear blue with weeks indicator just so you have proof that it says "pregnant 1-2 weeks" or whatever for peace of mind.. Thsts what I did because my husband didn't believe a faint line was a line! lol.

Faye-I also struggled with body dysmorphia in the past but I've been doing great this pregnancy so far surprisingly. I wanted this baby so bad that it is so much more important than how I look! I'm up 20 lbs now at 31 weeks but I actually love my belly. It took me a long time to look pregnant like I probably didn't really obviously show until 24 weeks. Before that I was bloated though so I just thought I looked fat and not pregnant but I wore maternity clothes to embrace it! So just focus on the little baby and don't worry about your body, it'll come back and the baby is so worth it!
AAngel- Yea Hubby still doesnt believe it. He sees the line but keeps asking me if I am sure if its faint is it still positive. Lol Definitely want to take a CB to see those words Pregnant on it but will hold off til my appt.

Faye- Glad to see your doing ok. I completely understand struggling with body image. Just try to stay positive and remember you are creating life inside of you and It is so beautiful.

Angel to be honest I have no.idea. I ran out of opks and didnt bother buying more. I know I ovulated later but not sure HOW late. my best guess is I am 16dpo approx.

ABmommy- you definitely were right.

AFM, I have had a really long day and feeling super fatiqued. started spotting again but its brown and very light and tmi kinda mixed with ewcm (I only see it when I wipe) I also have a little pink spotting when I check my cervix. I asked a nurse friend of mine amd she said I should be ok as long as It doesnt get heavier or I start getting painful cramping or I start having back/shoulder or neck pain. I am anxiously waiting my drs appointment to confirm and I have a GYN appointment on the 30th. to ne honest I have no idea when I concieved so I would have no idea how far along I am. I feel like having a doctor say it will make it more real. I dont have anymore tests and refuse to buy more, I easily spent $80 on hpt this cycle. Lol
I can understand the body dysmorphia thing. I really struggle with that too. I am so happy to be expecting but so freaked out about excessive weight gain. I feel like right now I just look like I've gained a ton of weight. Which is very hard for me because right before this I had lost 10 lbs and 16 inches and while 10 lbs doesn't sound like a lot, on my 5'2" frame, that's a ton. I had dropped from a size 12 to a size 8 and was so excited and then we get pregnant (again, I'm so excited) but now my size 12s are even feeling uncomfortable and I don't look like I have a belly, I just look fat!

Sorry, been a bit of an emotional day for me. DH keeps telling me it isn't fat, but it's hard to see past that.

Elle - Oh yeah, I spent at least that on HPTs on my bfp cycle. Hopefully the spotting dies down. Ican't wait to hear your news from your dr appointment!
I completely get that..I am already plus sized (Im a size 16) So I am definitely freaked out at getting bigger and gaining weight but at the same time super excited to have a belly to be proud of. Lol

took the advice of my nurse friend who said I was probably dehydrated, I drank 2 glasses of water and low and behold the spotting stopped. definately going to up my water intake from here on out.

I can understand the body dysmorphia thing. I really struggle with that too. I am so happy to be expecting but so freaked out about excessive weight gain. I feel like right now I just look like I've gained a ton of weight. Which is very hard for me because right before this I had lost 10 lbs and 16 inches and while 10 lbs doesn't sound like a lot, on my 5'2" frame, that's a ton. I had dropped from a size 12 to a size 8 and was so excited and then we get pregnant (again, I'm so excited) but now my size 12s are even feeling uncomfortable and I don't look like I have a belly, I just look fat!

Sorry, been a bit of an emotional day for me. DH keeps telling me it isn't fat, but it's hard to see past that.

Elle - Oh yeah, I spent at least that on HPTs on my bfp cycle. Hopefully the spotting dies down. Ican't wait to hear your news from your dr appointment!
I completely get that..I am already plus sized (Im a size 16) So I am definitely freaked out at getting bigger and gaining weight but at the same time super excited to have a belly to be proud of. Lol

took the advice of my nurse friend who said I was probably dehydrated, I drank 2 glasses of water and low and behold the spotting stopped. definately going to up my water intake from here on out.

I didn't know that dehydration could cause spotting! :wacko: that's crazy, and good to know!

My entire family (minus my mother), are very overweight. Mostly unhealthy eating habits and a refusal to exercise. I'm a slightly smaller frame than the rest, but at 5'2" have been as heavy as 180lbs. I don't even know what size that was, I think 14/16. Their weight problems have led to a myriad of health issues too, all of which resolve on the rare occassions when they are able to stick to a weight loss program. It never lasts. they get so annoyed when I get frustrated with my weight, and make fun of me for my regular gym workouts and healthy food choices. But I don't want the high cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes they suffer from. Unfortunately it's led to a really rough mental state for me sometimes. i'm so hard on myself when my weight doesn't do what I want, and I don't have great self-control and so when DH is willing to go to the store for anything and regularly brings me home candy or sweets when I've had a bad day I just can't resist. :dohh:

The only good part of this large jump in clothing sizes and stomach size is that I've only really gained 3-4lbs. Which means it's mostly bloat and water retention. Makes me fee a little better.
Angel- Yup healthy eating habits are so important. I dont havw many overweight ppl in my family per say but they eat pretty terribly and have lots of health issues. On the other end I am "overweight" but dont have any major health issues because I eat pretty good and try to get some excercise. I just for whatever reason can gain weight REALLY easy and have trouble getting it off, so maintaining a healthy diet is so important to keep me from gaining more weight. I do pretty ok, I am not perfect by any means but I try to make more healthy choices than not.

AFM- I had a hard time sleeping, I had a terrible dream I had a miscarriage and was not able to shake it off, I spent an hr googling chemical pregnancies, false positives, etc It only made things worse I started to cry and woke up poor DH who was trying to reassure me everything will be ok. I was tempted to ask him to buy more hpt but I dont want to freak myself out more. After a while I calmed down and was able to get a few more hrs of sleep. Who knew my anxiety would kick in 10 fold after a BFP, trying to stay calm since I know worrying wont make things any better. I just know I will be so heartbroken if this is a CP.
Angel- Yup healthy eating habits are so important. I dont havw many overweight ppl in my family per say but they eat pretty terribly and have lots of health issues. On the other end I am "overweight" but dont have any major health issues because I eat pretty good and try to get some excercise. I just for whatever reason can gain weight REALLY easy and have trouble getting it off, so maintaining a healthy diet is so important to keep me from gaining more weight. I do pretty ok, I am not perfect by any means but I try to make more healthy choices than not.

AFM- I had a hard time sleeping, I had a terrible dream I had a miscarriage and was not able to shake it off, I spent an hr googling chemical pregnancies, false positives, etc It only made things worse I started to cry and woke up poor DH who was trying to reassure me everything will be ok. I was tempted to ask him to buy more hpt but I dont want to freak myself out more. After a while I calmed down and was able to get a few more hrs of sleep. Who knew my anxiety would kick in 10 fold after a BFP, trying to stay calm since I know worrying wont make things any better. I just know I will be so heartbroken if this is a CP.

Elle take a deep breath. For those of us with anxiety, triggers can be almost anything. Being on forums like this can be both good and bad as it gives you support but also shows you everything that can go bad. I'm just praying for you that you have peace and your first appointment goes well.
Gagrl- Thank you! I was in denial about my anxiety for a long time but I find understanding my triggers and breathing helps. DH is going to take the day off and we will go do something fun to take my mind off of things.

The spotting has stopped completely so that puts my mind at ease a bit, thank you ladies for all your support although reading all the things that can go wrong can freak you out sometimes. Being able to connect with people who can understand your struggle and vent when you need to is also a BIG relief. I feel a bit better now and will just try to keep my mind off of it until tomorrow.
AFM- I had a hard time sleeping, I had a terrible dream I had a miscarriage and was not able to shake it off, I spent an hr googling chemical pregnancies, false positives, etc It only made things worse I started to cry and woke up poor DH who was trying to reassure me everything will be ok. I was tempted to ask him to buy more hpt but I dont want to freak myself out more. After a while I calmed down and was able to get a few more hrs of sleep. Who knew my anxiety would kick in 10 fold after a BFP, trying to stay calm since I know worrying wont make things any better. I just know I will be so heartbroken if this is a CP.

:hugs: I completely understand. I was right there for the first several weeks after my bfp. That's exactly why I kept testing, to watch the lines still show up (and get darker, though that took a little while). I couldn't stop myself and DH at that point would do whatever to make me stop panicking. lol. You don't have to keep testing, it may not help you at all. :hugs: The problem with these boards is that we are surrounded by a disproportionate amount of CPs and MCs because the women who haev experienced problems or difficulties ttc are more likely to join a board like this.

The support here is amazing but can cause some pretty bad anxiety. :hugs: Try to breathe and find something else to focus on.
Thanks Angel, I had a long nap and am feeling better. How long did it take to see the lines get darker? I am hearing it takes 48hrs for the hcg to double so you should only test every few days for line progession but Ive decided not to. I will confirm with the doctor and than MAY test after that to confirm it with a CB digital.
Even though it takes 48 hours to double it still increases each day. I saw lines darkening each day depending on the test I used. After 2 CPs I was scared
So I kept testing until I was able to get my first US and see something at 5w

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