Thanks Angel! I am super paranoid it will turn into a CP. I took a wondfo and a CB Digital both BFN but the FRER is clear as day (faint but there). Going to go out tonight and get some more FRER since I ran out. I cannot wait to tell DH! Hoping the Dr can confirm on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment.
Thanks Angel! I am super paranoid it will turn into a CP. I took a wondfo and a CB Digital both BFN but the FRER is clear as day (faint but there). Going to go out tonight and get some more FRER since I ran out. I cannot wait to tell DH! Hoping the Dr can confirm on Tuesday when I go in for my appointment.
So. Anymore tests?!?!?!?!?
Omg I'm so excited for you.. Seriously I'll be on the edge of my seat until you test again.
I can understand the body dysmorphia thing. I really struggle with that too. I am so happy to be expecting but so freaked out about excessive weight gain. I feel like right now I just look like I've gained a ton of weight. Which is very hard for me because right before this I had lost 10 lbs and 16 inches and while 10 lbs doesn't sound like a lot, on my 5'2" frame, that's a ton. I had dropped from a size 12 to a size 8 and was so excited and then we get pregnant (again, I'm so excited) but now my size 12s are even feeling uncomfortable and I don't look like I have a belly, I just look fat!
Sorry, been a bit of an emotional day for me. DH keeps telling me it isn't fat, but it's hard to see past that.
Elle - Oh yeah, I spent at least that on HPTs on my bfp cycle. Hopefully the spotting dies down. Ican't wait to hear your news from your dr appointment!
I completely get that..I am already plus sized (Im a size 16) So I am definitely freaked out at getting bigger and gaining weight but at the same time super excited to have a belly to be proud of. Lol
took the advice of my nurse friend who said I was probably dehydrated, I drank 2 glasses of water and low and behold the spotting stopped. definately going to up my water intake from here on out.
Angel- Yup healthy eating habits are so important. I dont havw many overweight ppl in my family per say but they eat pretty terribly and have lots of health issues. On the other end I am "overweight" but dont have any major health issues because I eat pretty good and try to get some excercise. I just for whatever reason can gain weight REALLY easy and have trouble getting it off, so maintaining a healthy diet is so important to keep me from gaining more weight. I do pretty ok, I am not perfect by any means but I try to make more healthy choices than not.
AFM- I had a hard time sleeping, I had a terrible dream I had a miscarriage and was not able to shake it off, I spent an hr googling chemical pregnancies, false positives, etc It only made things worse I started to cry and woke up poor DH who was trying to reassure me everything will be ok. I was tempted to ask him to buy more hpt but I dont want to freak myself out more. After a while I calmed down and was able to get a few more hrs of sleep. Who knew my anxiety would kick in 10 fold after a BFP, trying to stay calm since I know worrying wont make things any better. I just know I will be so heartbroken if this is a CP.
AFM- I had a hard time sleeping, I had a terrible dream I had a miscarriage and was not able to shake it off, I spent an hr googling chemical pregnancies, false positives, etc It only made things worse I started to cry and woke up poor DH who was trying to reassure me everything will be ok. I was tempted to ask him to buy more hpt but I dont want to freak myself out more. After a while I calmed down and was able to get a few more hrs of sleep. Who knew my anxiety would kick in 10 fold after a BFP, trying to stay calm since I know worrying wont make things any better. I just know I will be so heartbroken if this is a CP.