Hey all! I'm back from camping, and so very very glad to be home! we had a great time, but I can only handle so many days of my nieces & nephew before I need a break!
I'm 13 weeks!! My 2nd OB appointment is tomorrow!

Not sure what to expect.
On other news - the biling department from my specialist left me a message that the insurance denied my claims for June because "there is a secondary insurance available". She asked if I could call back and answer some questions so she can get it resolved. Just throwing this out there...if I have a secondary insurance I sure as heck don't know about it!

I tried to get hold of them today but kept getting the machine so I'll try again tomorrow. Not what I was hoping to hear but I'm really hoping they can work it out. They are pretty good at wrangling my insurancei nto paying for whatever they need.
Mozzarella - welcome! Cycles can be really weird coming off of BCP. Have you done any cycle tracking to tell if maybe you just Ovulated much later than normal or anything? My first cycle off BCP seemed fairly normal and then I was having 40+ long cycles while my body tried to regulate itself. It can take awhile to "normalize"
Definitely agree with others about tracking cycles, it will really help you figure out when you ovulated and then determine when AF should arrive. You probably did O late. I don't have any ovulation symptoms except a change in my cervical fluid (CM), where it becomes the "fertile fluid" - very stretchy!
You can start temping now just to get a feel because the first couple cycles may not be very accurate as you learn your body but that's completely up to you. If you've already ovulated you won't be able to tell from your temperatures at this point.
Once you ovulate you WILL have a period (unless you are pregnant), just depends on how long your luteal phase is. The release of an egg, and then that egg not being fertilized, is what triggers your body to begin the menstrual cycle. So if you haven't ovulated, your body will wait until ti does ovulate to have a period and you still have a chance to get pregnant before you have a period. If you have ovulated then it's just a waiting game.
Gagrl - sorry about the cycle.