My goodness, there's some sneaky eggs hiding in this thread! At this rate I'll catch up to you girls!
I feel kinda bad reading about maternity leave, here in Sweden you get 460 days, it's only about 60% of your wage but you can take it out 7 days a week and then you'll have about 80% of your regular earnings. And nursery is a maximum of 200 pounds a month, which is roughly the amount you get from the government for having a baby! That being said, it's stopping me from moving back to UK cuz we can't afford it, plus the system may be free where infertility is involved but they refuse to help!
I've been seriously depressed this week, knowing I'll lose this month ttc, my surgery is booked post ov next month so that's shot too, then I won't see the specialist for a few weeks after the appt so it'll basically be 2015 before she even decides on a next step which is so frustrating when she's told me the polyp is so small it's likely not the cause of my infertility but they have to rule it out.... Going to phone her next week and cry until she does something useful for once!
Sorry for the long post, I broke down and cried in hubby's arms last night, we rarely talk about ttc, he's very much a "i can't do anything about it so I won't think about it" kinda guy so when he's sick of waiting I know it's bad!
I've just got back to gymming this week though, all these painful months have seen the scales tip from the comfort eating! The single thing I have control over at the moment is how much I exercise and what I put in my mouth so I'm going to focus on that