Hi everyone! Wow, this thread has been moving fast lately! I'm also sorry if I'm missing anything. I was reading along this weekend, just got behind!
Lavender, welcome! Good luck to you, I really hope it's not a long process for you and that you catch that eggie quickly!
As far as maternity leave goes, I had always planned on using my short term disability to at least get some pay (I think it was 60% or something like that) as I also don't get a paid maternity leave at all. But then I switched jobs in May...and with it went my short term disability policy. I went to work for my sister and brother-in-law and it's a tiny company, just me and them. So benefits aren't offered (which I totally understand). I started private health insurance (the cost is ridiculous through DH's company so this was better for us) but I can't seem to find any way to start short term disability on my own. We were going to try to start that through the business but they need a minimum of 3 employees to do it...and my sister doesn't actually get paid through the company or "technically" work for it, so that's out. Even if I could manage that, there's only 2 companies that offer it for maternity leave anymore since they were all losing money on it, so I would be limited in which ones we could do anyways. We're thinking about hiring a new person soon so I'm hoping we can make it happen then!

If not, I figured I'll just take my vacation pay for about 2 weeks, then work from home part time for the next 6 weeks or so. Half pay would be better than no pay, and I could manage to work when I was able to. It's stressful for sure. And don't even ask on daycare, I have no idea. It's so dang expensive! I'm hoping the grandparents will want to watch the baby, at least some of the time.

So basically we're in the same boat where we're not exactly ready money wise, etc but if we wait until we are, we'll never be ready. We're both 33 so we feel like it's definitely time to get going on it.
I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing today. I decided to ditch the temping and opk's this cycle. My heart just wasn't in it, I just didn't care. I mean I care about trying but not the rest of it. So we've been dtd eod since last Tuesday. My plan was for us to again tonight and then I'll feel good about it but DH feels like he's coming down with something so he's not sure he'll be up to it.

Oh well, at least we did Saturday so we're at least somewhat covered even if it doesn't happen tonight. I didn't even tell him what I was doing this month with the eod thing, just made it happen. I was trying that for the last night of it tonight too but then he said he wasn't sure he'd be up for it. So I broke down and told him why so I could hopefully convince him, but told him I'm not going to try to force it or him. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.
Ugh, sorry for all the babbling in that post! I'm going to go make sure I didn't miss out on anything!