Lavender, thank you! I was diagnosed 13 years ago but thankfully I've been in remission for 11 years now! I don't know how I've managed to be so lucky but I'll take it! I'm sorry you've been in such chronic pain yourself for so long.

I'm glad to hear that it's getting better, and I hope in continues to do so! I'm also really sorry to hear about your grandma passing away as well.

It sounds like she passed away the day after mine did, so I know how you're feeling. I'm so sorry you won't be able to go to the service!

Sending big

your way!
Charmed, I hope you're feeling better today, and good luck with telling your clients! I'm sure it's really hard, and I'm sorry that it's not really what you want. I do think you're making a good choice for YOU though, since you're ttc, and I really hope you end up loving the job!
MrsH, that's a good plan you've come up with! I bet DH will appreciate that.
Charlie, welcome back!!! I'm so glad to hear that you had a safe trip and that everything went well, and that you're doing ok. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your miracle bfp this month!
Sorry MsE for your breakdown, and to everyone else that's been feeling down and having one lately too.

This ttc business is really hard. I didn't have a breakdown per say but did tell DH the other night that I'm just feeling really discouraged. When I asked him if he is as well and he told me he's not at all, that he doesn't feel like it's been that long and that he's still feeling good about it, it honestly REALLY helped me feel better. It really encouraged me to know that he's not discouraged. I really hope everyone starts feeling more up and better about it soon! We're all here to listed if/when you need to vent!
Danna, I do have to admit that I burst out laughing about the crying over the cat pushing the book off the table! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time and I know we've all been there...but I definitely got a kick out of that one!
Patience, so sorry that you're not able to dtd when you're wanting to with those opk's!

I have everything crossed for you that you catch it anyways, your chances are still really good as that timing is not bad at all!