Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Whoops, I haven't done an opk in 2 days, did one this evening and bam, the test like was stronger than the control line! I wonder if I'll ov today or tomorrow, recently it's been the same day of +opk :x not sure we can dtd tomorrow so kinda hoping for today!

Welcome back Charlie, glad to have you with us :) hope you sneak in some bd just in case, if you have no idea if you've O'ed yet! Will you go get the test at the Dr to confirm o?

I used to buy the tea off amazon but in the USA at least there is a website like fertilitea com or something :) i think it's helped my ov immensely! I've never ever oed this early, either cd13 or 14 that's crazy!
ladies.....just had a huge breakdown. I NEVER do!

I just had the biggest pity party

I'll never get pregnant, I waited to long. blah blah

OH got mad that I was even thinking that way. Rightfully so.....but I couldn't stop.
WTH? SOOOO not like me!! I was just crying and crying....I couldn't stop. For no reason, nothing set me off....
MsE, yesterday I cried because the cat pushed my book off the table.
Hormones, hormones. *hugs*
MsE! I'm so sorry! I had a huge meltdown literally 3 days before finding out I was pregnant. DH was supportive, but also all it hasn't been that long, we'll keep trying, blah blah blah, I didn't care what he had to say, I needed to cry and vent. TTC sucks and is so stressful. I feel for you! Big hugs!!!

And also, for those expecting AF on Nov. 1 that is my birthday and I forbid anyone to get anything but a BFP that day, so here's some :dust: !!!
LOL, well crap twinkie....I won't post until Nov 2nd. :)

Thanks guys. It's SOOO not like weird! What is with these hormones, if it's good news...then bring it! If it's not....body can keep this crying!

Yeah, I got the same thing, we've only been trying for 1 month and you just got off the pill.....yeah but I'm old! are not....I am!'re gonna mentally prevent yourself from getting pregnant

that's how it went
Yep, that sounds about right! Pretty sure that's how the convo typically plays out!
Patience, I spotted days leading into O. I think its a good sign....fx'd for you to get a sticky bean :)
Ahh, hugs to you ladies! I haven't been crying, but I've been irritable as all get out the past couple days. :wacko:

I do have fears about not being able to get pregnant, but it's because of the endo. The doc who did my surgery 5 years ago told me honestly he didn't know what state my fertility was in. I'd only know once I started trying which is why starting TTC is a little scary. I try so hard not to worry but it's tough some days - I worried even way before DH and I talked kids!
Hahaha Twinkie! Hopefully I'll get a miracle BFP.

Patience I had the test done in Monday BC it was CD21 and that's when I'm supposed to test. I took an opk today and yesterday and they are positive. Had a line but not positive before I left on Wednesday last week. I forgot the tests while I was in FL though so no idea. Lol.
Ahh hugs, the meltdowns are never fun, I used to cry like a baby when we pushed bd and it failed, and I always cry towards the end of my 2ww if i see something sad on TV! I think we forget what hormonal little teenagers we can be without bcp! :haha: men will never understand and it won't even bother them till you've been at it a while, mine only started getting pissed off once I got to the specialist and got given the run around!

Looks like ov is today despite the temp rise, my body of always confused, cp is still high n squishy with watery cm, and basically zero chance for bd tonight :cry: that will only leave us 2 and 5 days before ov to rely on, but out of 14 cycles we've never conceived if we bd further away than day before ov :( sigh!
Ha, my hunches were right about why I was irritable. Red spotting means AF is here! It's not actually a big letdown since now I know more of what's going on now. :)

Hugs patience! :hugs: I hope you can get in that BD that catches the eggie this time around.
Aw, MsE, I was the same when I got AF on my first cycle. That day, we had planned to go somewhere nice.. We spent hours on trains & people were getting on my last nerve, when we got there, I was already ratty :( Then we went into some shops, lots of baby things, I just started bawling in one of the stores & begged DH to take me home. It was just awful :( FX for you hunny, it does get easier.

Patience - I'm sorry there's no chance of BD tonight :( It's awful when we know what's going on with our bodies so well that the disappointment when we can't DTD is unbearable. FX for you.

Lavender - It sucks that you've got AF, but great that things are behaving normally for you! GL for the next cycle xx

AFM - Well, today is the day that I tell my customers that I am leaving them. There's this voice at the back of my head telling me not to do it. That I'll regret it. I'm sure I will :( I love the dogs that I walk & I hate letting people down. I have to keep reminding myself why it's the smart thing to do though. I mean, let's say I get my BFP this cycle.. Am I going to feel comfortable cycling every day? What if I feel really unwell with it? I'd have to stop anyway & sooner than if I had an office job :( Plus, maternity pay, maternity leave, pensions.. etc etc. But my heart just isn't following my head :(

I am officially 3DPO! Woohoo. DH was psyched when I told him! I'll be testing around 2nd Nov, all being well.. It'll be so funny if this is my cycle as the next day I will start my new job! Ack.
I tried already today and got laughed at :( maybe it'll linger for later :haha: I guess 2 days before isn't awful, and I had 4 days before I had ewcm so maybe, just feels a waste of a month but oh well :( time to ignore another 2ww!

Sweet you got your crosshairs! :happydance: sound like it'll be tough for you but be strong, it'll be worth it for your future plans!
Lavender, thank you! I was diagnosed 13 years ago but thankfully I've been in remission for 11 years now! I don't know how I've managed to be so lucky but I'll take it! I'm sorry you've been in such chronic pain yourself for so long. :( I'm glad to hear that it's getting better, and I hope in continues to do so! I'm also really sorry to hear about your grandma passing away as well. :hugs: It sounds like she passed away the day after mine did, so I know how you're feeling. I'm so sorry you won't be able to go to the service! :( Sending big :hug: your way!

Charmed, I hope you're feeling better today, and good luck with telling your clients! I'm sure it's really hard, and I'm sorry that it's not really what you want. I do think you're making a good choice for YOU though, since you're ttc, and I really hope you end up loving the job! :)

MrsH, that's a good plan you've come up with! I bet DH will appreciate that. :)

Charlie, welcome back!!! I'm so glad to hear that you had a safe trip and that everything went well, and that you're doing ok. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your miracle bfp this month! ;)

Sorry MsE for your breakdown, and to everyone else that's been feeling down and having one lately too. :hugs: This ttc business is really hard. I didn't have a breakdown per say but did tell DH the other night that I'm just feeling really discouraged. When I asked him if he is as well and he told me he's not at all, that he doesn't feel like it's been that long and that he's still feeling good about it, it honestly REALLY helped me feel better. It really encouraged me to know that he's not discouraged. I really hope everyone starts feeling more up and better about it soon! We're all here to listed if/when you need to vent! :hug:

Danna, I do have to admit that I burst out laughing about the crying over the cat pushing the book off the table! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time and I know we've all been there...but I definitely got a kick out of that one! :)

Patience, so sorry that you're not able to dtd when you're wanting to with those opk's! :( I have everything crossed for you that you catch it anyways, your chances are still really good as that timing is not bad at all!
Turtle, you can laugh all you want, it is pretty silly!! xD
I cry for stuff more baby related too.. Like last week when I saw a group of cute litlle girls waiting for the school bus! My OH thinks I lost it :'/
Ohh I am glad for your crosshairs ladies, really I am, but I feel so left out, like the last kid to get picked in sports teams :'(
Sorry about the breakdown MsE. I'm a hormonal mess so I've had them as well. The worst was when I thought I was pregnant last month, because I was scared then when I found out I wasn't, I was mad. A couple days ago a friend of mine posted all this baby stuff that had huskies on them because she's almost due and I broke down in the car crying. I think it was Tuesday after we missed O. This stuff is hard.

I haven't gotten the cross hairs because my temp this morning was the same as yesterday but I'm 95% sure I O'd on Monday so....
Thanks guys. OH and I stayed home from work today to be together. So....after a morning DTD, he says "there's your baby" cute.....didn't have the heart to ssy...wrong timing. Lol
Haha DH did that when we DTD last Friday.I was like we'll see....

Oh another one of my friends is pregnant..... :/

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