Can I change my occupation? I've just been offered a Veterinary Receptionist position

So Pet Carer & Vet Receptionist. Hehe. I'm so excited!
MrsH, it really sucks to find BDing so difficult, especially when we're relying on it so much! I think I've been ignoring my DH a bit, not really paying attention to how he's feeling, what might be worrying him. After our fight the other day, it turned out that he was worrying about baby #2!! There's no way I saw that coming! Bless him. We have to work hard at our sex life, neither of us have high sex drives. We've gone over a month before with no sex! So trying to do it every other night is difficult for us both! I think we end up counting down until after O so we can relax!
cdex - That's amazing! I love that you're a volunteer firefighter too!
MsE - What do you do for the gvt? Or are you not supposed to say? Must be great knowing that you're making a difference!
Danna - I am so jealous! I have a friend who works for Sega, such an amazing job!
Patience - How do you find that? I was an admin for a small company a while back & they tried to get me to do some of the billing and debt chasing.. Man, I was SO bad at it! Haha, I'm way too polite!
AFM - I'm not too stressy about my O date this month, I think I hit it.. We DTD the night before my temp drop, so DH's soldiers should have been ready & waiting for that little eggy!

I got another +OPK today though, which is weird. Might DTD tonight if we can, but I'm still feeling a bit unwell, so no pressure!
I can't believe I've got the job, I've got to call my customers now & tell them I can't visit their pets any more. Aw, this is going to be awful