Hi everyone! MrsH, I sure hope your exhaustion is a good sign!
Lavender, hope you and DH are enjoying your trip! That's great that you get to see your cousin too while you're here!
Cdex, that's so awesome that things are starting to sink in already! I love that you're still testing to see those lines...I would be too!
Charlie, so sorry that you've been feeling down.

I think being on here really does help cheer us up! We're here for you, lady!
Patience, I'm also so sorry that you're feeling so down.

I can only imagine how frustrating and hard it must be to be trying for so long. And then to have such a crappy Dr at that!

Of course we're here for you too! I think it's smart that you're looking into getting some time off work if that's what you need. It's important to take care of YOU! I'm really happy to hear that the cream will be arriving in time though! Yay!!!
I'm now 7dpo but I'm really not hopeful for this cycle at all. So much so that I'm not even symptom spotting, if you can believe that! For some reason I feel like taking a break from opk's and temping this cycle means that I'm completely out, which is silly since we still dtd at least somewhat around the right times. I don't know...for some reason I just really don't even feel it. I don't even plan on testing, unless AF is late!