Hi everyone! Sorry I've been a little MIA lately. I got the stomach flu on Tuesday and am still battling that, although I'm feeling so much better today. DH isn't feeling so great either though, and I think I'll be O'ing on Sunday or Monday, so I don't think we'll be getting much bd'ing in prior to that. I have a feeling this cycle might be a bust. Oh well, what can you do, right?
Wow, huge congrats to Wtbam!!! I really hope her and baby are doing great! Thanks for letting us know, Twinkie!
MrsH, so sorry that your closing was such a mess! Some people are very rude, that's for sure! I'm glad it was all taken care of though, and I hope you get the new place put together soon so you can actually sleep in your room!

Sounds like your realtor and family are really nice though!
Lavender, that's awesome about the check that you got! (and sorry, I just have to spell it like that, it's the only natural way to me!

Cdex, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, and that your blood levels confirmed it! Sorry about the spotting though, I'm sure that was scary!
Charlie, so sorry that you're feeling so down!

I really, really hope the Clomid does amazing for you this cycle and you get your bfp!
MsE, sorry you weren't feeling well over the weekend! That's too funny about the placement of the visitor's chair at your obgyn though!
Danna, I didn't realize English wasn't your first language! You do a great job with it!

Can I ask what your first language is? Just curious!