Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Hiya, I'm new to this site and don't know if I'm even writing in the right forum😁 me and my other half have been trying to concieve since feb 2014 and having no luck :( we have tried ovulation kits and still not getting BFP. We BD every day after my period finishes is that good or should we do it less? Also I'm on CD 10 (period finished 3 days ago) is it possible to ovulate this early as today I have EWCM and little cramps I usually get them CD 14? Just feel like we are never gonna get our BFP 😩
So excited for Wtbam!!

Xxcjjxx - how long is your period normally?? And how are you tracking your Cycle Days? how long are your cycles typically? And each person is different as to when they ovulate. I ovulate closer to cycle day 18. My cycles are about 33-35 days long. And on average it takes a couple 6 months to a year to conceive. And every day is a little much every other day is better. Then not so much pressure and you guys can relax a little. If you're bleeding until CD 7 you probably ovulate later than CD 14.

Thanks Lavender! I'm feeling much better today. Cycle Day 10 and we BD tonight 😃
Yay congrats to Wtbam! I hope she and her girl are safe and healthy! :)

Welcome spicyorange. :wave: My first month was a trip seeing as all my hormones were trying to balance themselves out. There were times I swore I was pregnant but it was all just coming off the pill. Never know though, some people get really lucky the first time around. :thumbup:

xxcjjxx like Charlie said you can try BD'ing every other day after AF finishes and see how that works for you guys. If you're interested in looking at SMEP it basically is every other day after AF, and then three days in a row when you get a positive OPK. :)

And ohhhh my I have turned into a little bitchy ragemonster! PMS or pregnancy hormones? Only a HPT will tell for sure. :haha: Testing Saturday for sure, but may be doing it Friday too to see what's going on with my body!
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been a little MIA lately. I got the stomach flu on Tuesday and am still battling that, although I'm feeling so much better today. DH isn't feeling so great either though, and I think I'll be O'ing on Sunday or Monday, so I don't think we'll be getting much bd'ing in prior to that. I have a feeling this cycle might be a bust. Oh well, what can you do, right?

Wow, huge congrats to Wtbam!!! I really hope her and baby are doing great! Thanks for letting us know, Twinkie! :)

MrsH, so sorry that your closing was such a mess! Some people are very rude, that's for sure! I'm glad it was all taken care of though, and I hope you get the new place put together soon so you can actually sleep in your room! :haha: Sounds like your realtor and family are really nice though!

Lavender, that's awesome about the check that you got! (and sorry, I just have to spell it like that, it's the only natural way to me! :haha:)

Cdex, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, and that your blood levels confirmed it! Sorry about the spotting though, I'm sure that was scary! :(

Charlie, so sorry that you're feeling so down! :hugs: I really, really hope the Clomid does amazing for you this cycle and you get your bfp!

MsE, sorry you weren't feeling well over the weekend! That's too funny about the placement of the visitor's chair at your obgyn though! :haha:

Danna, I didn't realize English wasn't your first language! You do a great job with it! :thumbup: Can I ask what your first language is? Just curious! :)
That's because you haven't heard me speak English Turtle! Haha
I speak French :)
Danna, :haha:! Well I meant it seems pretty damn perfect in your typing at least! :)
Thanks! I try! Haha
But OMG when I first subscribed to this forum I was soooo confused by all the acronyms! TTC BD O CM DPO aaaaaahh! XD
Haha, no worries there! I was really confused by a lot of them too! I even had to look up a few of them that I couldn't figure out on my own! So you're not alone there. :)
Good to hear from you Turtle! I'm sorry you and DH are sick :(

Yay to wtbam!

Hi Spiceyorange! and welcome xxxcjjjxxx!

So I've been MIA because I got a viral exanthem. Which means.... an unknown virus caused a really nasty rash over my entire body. I went into ER on Wednesday and they didn't really do anything. I stayed home yesterday since I have some cold like symptoms and I looked horrible. Today is much better though.

AF left the building yesterday so once this rash clears up we'll start BD'ing. I'm not feeling too sexy at the moment lol.
Nice to hear from you turtle!! I hope you feel& DH better soon!

Mrs. Hudson, I hope everything clears up! How strange!

AFM: on CD 12 going to start BD a lot Next week since I should O sometime next week. I'm really praying this is it. I really hope this is our cycle. I want our BFP SOOOO bad. I want our healthy baby.

I hope all of us get our BFP soon! All this waiting is crazy. Waiting to O, waiting to see if AF comes, waiting to test. If she does come, waiting all over again! Soooo much waiting! It will be worth it in the end though.
I agree Charlie! It's only cycle 2 for us and it's already getting old. And like you said, everyone is pregnant right now. It's really hard to deal with.
Hi All! Thanks for all the congrats!

My little girl Evelyn Poppy was born (very quickly!!) on wednesday at 2.43pm at 35+1 weeks, weighing 6lbs 11oz!

We are both doing okay, unfortunately she is a little jaundiced due to her age so we are still in hospital. Hopefully we will be home soon!

I can't add pictures using my phone but would you mind adding one from fb twinkie if you get a min?

Hope all you girls are doing well xxx
Wtbam glad you're both doing well! I'm sure she will be fine soon! Then you guys can settle in at home!
So glad you guys are okay wtbam! I hope you two get to go home soon! :) I'm really excited to see pictures!

Turtle and MrsH I hope you two feel good as new and quickly!

10-11 DPO and I got a BFN this morning. It's still early and the test might have been a bit defective as it had the control line but then a little dot the same colour nearby. :dohh: I'll try again tomorrow with FMU and see what happens.
Wow, congrats wtbam! Can't wait to see the photos :D

That sounds really scary, MrsH,I hope you're ok

Good luck, Lavender! FX for you.

FX for you too CC! xx

AFM, I've been on holiday! :D Had a lovely time, sad to be back in the normal world though. Boo. I keep having dizzy spells that I can't find a reason for, might end up at my Dr's next week if it carries on. Ugh. Not temping this month, NTNP to see if that helps! Will probably take a OPK later in my cycle to confirm O, but otherwise, I'm just gonna try listening to my body & see how that goes.
Of course I will!! Here she is ladies, little Evelyn Poppy! I love this one and the one with you (I think she's in pink in that one!)
My bad, you had the pink on, hope it's ok I share this one too, you just look so beautiful and she is so precious!!!
Aww look at her! <3 Congratulations Wtbam, she's gorgeous! :hugs:

Welcome back from holiday Charmed! I'm glad you had a good time! :) It may have been a coincidence with me, but as soon as I picked up iron supplements my own dizzy spells seemed to go away. I must have needed them going back to regular cycles off BC!

I got to go see my friend's wedding tonight! My pain kept me from going to the ceremony, but I still made it to the reception for food and fun. :happydance: Oh my goodness both the pride and groom looked gorgeous. Bride looked like a princess, she was breathtaking!

I figured my POAS in the morning today was gonna be another BFN but wanted to make sure just in case! What's hilarious is the bride was kind of half-joking with me about me being pregnant and that's why I missed the first half, hahaha! I actually lightly joked with her I wasn't sure so I'd be skipping wine just in case. Had a sip or two of champagne for the toasting, but that was all I was gonna do! I'll have to wait for AF to tell me for sure now. :)

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