I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! We spent ours with my family mostly. It was lots of fun. We were supposed to spend Xmas eve with the in laws, but FIL is having chemo & was taken into hospital the Sat before Xmas with suspected pneumonia! They said he'd been in over Xmas for sure, but ran further tests & got his blood count up. turns out he had swine flu! He was home Xmas eve, but was too tired for visitors. We saw them on Xmas day just before going to my mum's.
My little brother was hurtful and thoughtless. I decided to tell him about the chemical pregnancy as he hadn't asked how I was this whole time! Apparently he just assumed I got my period and that's why he never called! I told him we lost the baby & he just said, well, did you actually lose it or did you just get your period? It made me so upset! We were supposed to be picking him & his daughter up to take to my mum's & dh said he didn't want to after that! It frustrates me so much as his gf got pregnant by accident & he's always making stupid comments about people who try to get pregnant.
Anyway.. I'm coming up to O day soon! My opks are starting to get darker & I'm expecting O around Thursday/friday next week I think. I've got everything crossed that we catch this little eggy!