Charlie, I'm so, so sorry for the frustrations and heartache you're having with DH and trying to BD.

I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be!!! I am really glad to hear that you were able to yesterday though, and will be going for all this week too! How close do you guess you are to your O day? It sounds like even though you missed those few days, you'll still be really covered! Good luck, I'm really hoping you catch it this cycle!!!
Mkyerby (and MrsH), I'm really sorry that you guys have similar issues with your DH and BDing too. Just because you've managed to conceive doesn't mean it isn't hard and doesn't hurt to be dealing with that stuff too. Obviously dtd is for reasons other than just ttc and feeling unwanted has to be hard. I'm so sorry,

to you ladies as well!!!
Charmed, good to see you! I hope you're doing okay. That's so great that your hubby will be off work during your O time this cycle and that you can really concentrate on that! I so hope you catch the eggie again and that it STICKS this time. They say you tend to be extra fertile after a mc, so FX that that's the case and that you catch it!
Lavender, sorry that morning sickness has started to kick in!

No fun at all! I hope it starts getting better for you soon!
I'm doing okay Charlie, thanks!

I've been so convinced this cycle that I was actually pregnant. Then on Friday I had a little bit of blood when checking my cervix and got super discouraged. (AF isn't due until today or tomorrow but I always spot off and on for a few days first). But then it never really even turned into spotting and there was nothing there again when checking my cervix so I thought maybe...just maybe. Saturday I tested before I party I went to and bfn. Then yesterday and today, a little more blood when checking it, but still not even spotting yet. But I did temp this morning to see and it's waaaay back down so I'm sure the

will be here today or tomorrow.

I'm feeling pretty down about it as I was SO sure this month.

I just don't really understand why it never even turned into actual spotting. There's slight color there every once in awhile when I wipe if I look really hard for it but hardly even that, and definitely nothing in my underwear. Maybe the pre-AF spotting is finally getting under control? Sorry for all the details there, I'm sure that's more than you ladies care to know!