Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Pregnant cheerleaders! :haha: Glad to see you back patience! Here's to 2015 being the lucky year for the rest of you lovely ladies. I'm still following and cheering for y'all! Just not so energetically... 3rd tri is kickin my butt I'm more exhausted now than in the 1st. I'm the pathetic fat cheerleader sitting on the sidelines eating hehe :haha:
Hi, ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend! How is everyone doing?

Charlie, I hope you get some good insight at your appointment on Friday! :) that's awesome about the book, I might have to look into that! I'm glad it's making you feel more positive about things too!

MsE, I hope it goes smoothly when OH tells his kids! Any idea when he plans to do that? I'm sure it'll make things less stressful for you!

Patience, I'm loving your outlook on this year! I don't blame you for not waiting to start the meds. I wouldn't want to either!

Charmed, how are you feeling? It's looking like you did O on cd22, yay! Good timing on your part! :)
Mkyerby, sorry that the third trimester is treating you so badly! I hope you start feeling better soon! :hugs:
Turtle....OH told the kids yesterday. They seem excited. Seem. Lol. Kids....fickle you know? So we will try to keep things even as much as possible. I just worry if we have them....and i go into labor...what do we do with them? Lol. "Here kids....sit here for 18 hours, we will be right back". Lol
Oh good, I'm glad he told him and that it seemed to go well! How old are they again? I know that seems worrisome right now, and I'm sure this doesn't help, but it'll work out okay when the time comes. I know your madly family isn't here but is any of his? Or are him and their mother on good enough terms that she could take them when the time comes, if it's on your time? Or will she do one of those "Sorry, it's your time so you work it out" type of things?
They are 12. Yeah their mom....I have no idea....if the tables were turned he would drive right over.....her.....that would require effort and maybe ruin her party plans. Did I write that? Lol. I try and not worry. He's caught in the middle so i try and not bring it up. I just made him promise he won't leave me. Lol. I had a dream he was driving to drop them off and my contractions came on fast. Or....I can always give them blindfolds and headphones. Hehe
Blindfolds and headphones... :rofl: sure, go with that! ;) If course every woman and every labor is different but you very well could have time to take them to their mother's. When my mom went into labor with me, she drove to get my cousins to stay with my older sister, then headed to the Dr. My dad was at work and either met her there or came and got her first, but sure which. For some reason I can't remember... :haha: I know it's easy to say but I would try not to stress over it too much yet! :)
LOL, ok, like your mother...I will sit in the car with my legs crossed!

Why I am worried about that....and not my 2 hour commute to/from work if something happens I dunno?

I'll be online here...need you all to be my cheerleaders to keep my legs crossed and not push during that drive! LOL
Haha!!! You crack me up! :D 2 hour commute?! Geez, that sucks! I'm so sorry!
Yeah....their school is down here i live. Lol.
It's not even that much cheaper than in the thats slightly annoying. But...eventually they will be out of the visitation period and we can move closer to work.

I get a lot of reading done at least!
Oi, 2 hour commute MsE? DH used to have one like that; an hour to and from each way by bus. He got a lot of reading done, too. :haha:

The cheerleader thing is cracking me up though. I was on a dance team in high school so I was basically a dancy cheerleader! Still have my outfit too but I am 20 pounds too heavy for that thing now, LOL!
I'm too :blush: to admit, I had a cheerleading scholarship in college. :dohh:

yeah, it's a's where the $ is. double edge sword ya know? work local make 1/2. lol but....have more time in bed! (sleeping, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Welcome back Patience! And thank you.

Sorry I sort of skimmed through what I missed.
It's easy to do :haha:

I like the mental image of pregnant cheerleader sitting on the sidelines stuffing her face :D eating for 2 ? Wanna make that 3 and have my portion so I can stop getting fatter from all the comfort eating ? I'm starting to look like my pregnant colleague just from only gaining weight on my belly and butt !

How is everyone doing tonight ? I'm on a bit of a grump as I -think- i'll Ov tonight but must've managed to miss my +opk as they went from medium faint to almost invisible over the past few days :confused: if it is today then we'll only have BD as close as 2days before ov, all 5 x we concieved was when we BD day before or day of Ov :( so not feeling great but I feel unwell today and hubby is exhausted so can't push it !
Patience.....sending you hugs. Totally get comfort eating. Food is yummy. Wish I had words to help! So instead....we can make up cheers!

Imagine us in our skirts? Haha, i picture mine looking like i shrunk it in the dryer.
:haha: I 'cheered' myself up by buying clothes ;) hubby approved the splurge so I kinda offered him steak and a BJ tonight, can't really back down now... :cheer:

To add to the good news, I didn't ov last night :) looks like not even today, probably tomorrow ! But can't really change the offer for hubby now :haha: and i'm always on the cautious side, i'd rather DTD tonight and miss doing it on ov day than skip tonight and find out it was today and by tomorrow it's too late ! Can only beg my body to ov tomorrow really cuz i can't push hubby any more with BD !
Good luck Patience!!!!
I will cheer for you!

So I'm just going to update my pregnancy journal from now on. We had some good news so if you're interested go check it out. I'll still be on here I just don't like talking about my pregnancy if people aren't comfortable with it. If that makes sense!
Girls girls!! I think I'm spotting!!
I'm supposed to call my doctor first thing tomorrow morning to take my 6 months off the pill without periods appointement, do I still call? Her appointments for the month fill out in a matter of minutes so it's either tomorrow morning, or next minth again...

What if it's not really a period, or if I'll have to wait forever for another?? I know I didn't O so should this even matter at all? I need advices please!

Sorry I just jump in and out of here, I've been severly depressed recently, especially during the holidays.

Glad to see you're back Patience!!

Edit, because I forgot stuff:
What is considered a period ladies? Does it have to require a tampon? Because I don't even remember using tempons, I used to need some before going on the pills 10+ years ago, so maybe a light one is still a light leriod for me?
I normally say red = af but sometimes i have enough brown spotting to call it light.

I'd call and make the appt, chances are it'll be at the very least next week so you have a few days to see what happens and can always cancel, though I think if you went 6months with nothing, even if you have af now, they should check you out and try to help! But they may want to see what your body does after this bleed <3

Good to see you again! I'm sorry they've made you wait so long it's just awful! :(

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