Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

I'm so excited for you Danna! I say keep your appointment still & get checked out anyway, I would be worried it could be another 6mths until you have another period! If your body levels out while they're doing tests then you can always stop them :)

I'm so frustrated. I thought I ovulated as normal, but my temps have dropped rather dramatically! Not sure what to think!
That's quite a dip! I would guess you probably oed a day later than ff predicts but with your off timed temps it's hard to say for sure what's going on :(

Looks like it's the month of funny ov! Mine was meant to be latest yesterday, now I'm thinking it'll be Friday most likely :( gonna ruin all my bd work, I honestly don't think we'll get another shot!
Thanks girl, I'll do that! The appointment won't be for another month (that / the thing with free healthcare, it's slow).
I realised there was some blood last night just before sleep, even saw some red, but I guess I'll see how today goes with a panty liner. I woke up today thinking it was a dream haha, that's sad....

On completly another note, my cat is walking funny. Looks like I'll be heading to the vet. I lost my last cat to a very very sudden disease and I so don't want to go through that again :(

Charmed that is a strange dip.. Nothing unusual with your sleep or with outside factors?
I'm at work so can't reply properly.. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat Danna. I hope he is ok!

I've had some weird bright red spotting today, normally what I'd get right before AF.. but no cm! Odd and I'm no where near AF! I did wonder if the temp was so low cos of being ill and up all night coughing. But with the blood too, odd! Xx
Did you miss my reply from the previous page Danna? :) sounds like it got lost hehe

Sorry to hear about your kitty, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if mine fell ill, hope it's ok!

Wow Charmed that's just crazy, I don't understand at all :( it makes sense with the low temp, even when in your 2ww you can get a dip and bleeding but if it continues then something has gone funny :/ just a waiting game now I'm afraid!

Gah I'm having such a sad day and I don't know why! I mean ov being late is rather disheartening, it seems silly to use an expensive prescription if we've not bd'ed close enough to ov :( but I just feel miserable! Going out for a coffee and a bun with the hubby after work to cheer up, then cuddle him all evening!
Danna that's good news! I hope it is AF for you. Like Pp's said, I would still keep your appointment. Sorry about your kitty!

Charmed that is a strange dip. Have you been sleeping differently?

That stinks Patience! I hope you feel better after relaxing a bit with your hubby.
Yep missed it Patience! Thanks for the advice, definitly some red yesterday night.

I took my appointment for February 3rd, so far I'm still spotting, maybe less than yesterday night even, bummer. I might just mark yesterday as a light period and start at CD1 again, with a bit of hope..

Vet is tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes ladies, I hope I'm just paranoid!
Aww that's odd :( silly body ! Gee that's a long way away with the appt still, at least you can see where your body is going with this whole spotting thing !

Thanks MrsH, it felt a bit better, now we're going to curl up and watch a movie <3 I was expecting a +opk today but nope, so maybe we'll get to BD once more before ov in a day or 2 :) holding out hope at least !
Danna, that's great news that you've started spotting!!!! Yay!!! I'm sorry that it seems to have slowed down today, and I really hope it picks back up and turns into full blown AF for you. So weird to say, huh? :haha:

Patience, I feel ya on the O frustration! I'm not sure what's going on with me and mine either. I thought I was going to O on Sunday (cd13) which is my typical O day. I got a few twinges but nothing major. Then Monday, I had a ton of watery cm and a ton of bad cramps (even felt like AF cramps, they were so bad I had to use a heating pad!) so I mentally moved O day to be Monday. Then yesterday, a little bit of watery cm but not too much. But then today, I had a ton of ewcm! So now I'm not sure if I've O'd yet or not. Our bd'ing was great for it being Sunday or even Monday, but now I'll need to try for tonight too just in case. I've given up opk's and temping since it makes me more relaxed, but I'm going to do an opk when I get home just to see. So I feel ya on that! I do hope you get a chance to bd again before O, and I hope you're feeling better now that you're cuddled up watching a movie with DH! :hugs:

Charmed, your temp dip seems so weird! I'm totally at a loss on that, sorry hon! I hope it starts normalizing soon and gives you a more clear picture of what's going on!

Danna, I'm also really sorry to hear about your cat, I don't blame you for worrying! I hope everything goes well at your vet appointment tomorrow! :hugs:
Well.... I'm posting and running. I think I'm going to tell my mom that we are trying and everything that's been going on. Sometimes a girl just needs her mommy.
Good idea Charlie, I'm sure she'll be supportive <3 mine wasn't, she thought the chemicals "could have been anything" because I was testing so early, gave me the "just relax and it'll happen" spiel and I haven't bothered mentioning it since :/

Oh no not you too Turtle! :( stupid ov, I had this idea in my head that I'd ov Tuesday since it was a full moon or some good moon phase, but nope! My OPK's look the same as they did in cd12 5 days ago, they've gone up and down but not gotten stronger :( at least I know there'll be a chance for bd now since I won't ov today or tomorrow at least!

I wish I could be like you and not track ov, but I had to this month when it didn't show up on time, I could have gotten away with some casual cm check cuz that shows me exactly what's going on :haha: but alas! Glad I didn't wing it and start taking the progesterone too early!
I hope it goes well with your mum, Charlie! Mine was so supportive when I got my bfp & then lost it. She knew we were ttc & about probs we had in the past so wasn't overly invested until I got a bfp. I'm glad I told her as she was great when I needed support with the cp.

Turtle & patience. I hope you both O soon! At least you've not lost your chance :)

Afm.. getting frustrated and concerned now. Another low temp & more bleeding now. It's actually like I'm getting AF! But how can i? Even if I did ovulate when FF says, I'm still only 8dpo. Waaay to early for AF! I don't know what to think :(
Oh dear, that doesn't make sense at all :( your body can do funny things after a cp, I know mine does! That stinks though, I can't imagine what happened <3
Danna how is your cat doing today?

Charmed maybe you O early? Really strange.

I talked to my DH last night about me possibly telling my mom about everything so I can have her support through all of this. He said it was fine with him. We had agreed in the beginning not to tell anyone, so before I went and said anything to my mom I wanted him to be on board. I think I will tell her after my appointment tomorrow. I'm still kinda on the fence about telling her because I don't want her to bug me all the time, but I think her and my dad know something is up.

I promise I will read up at my break and reply properly!! Love you ladies!
Charlie, I think that's a great idea to tell your mom! I made the mistake of telling everyone when we were planning to, friends, etc. Not a good plan when it ends up taking awhile. I was just so naive and thought it would happen right away! when I get excited about something I have a really hard time keeping it quiet. Thankfully nobody has really asked me about it too much, as they all know that I'm clearly not pregnant yet. My parents have a cruise planned in September so my mom has said things like "I hope you won't be having a baby in September since that's when we'll be gone!" (which I don't blame her, they had to book it awhile out and who knows what will happen), but that's pretty much it. I think being able to talk to your mom about it will really give you the support you need, and I'm really happy to hear your DH is on board with you telling her! :hugs:

Danna, I'm anxiously awaiting word on your cat as well, please keep us posted! :)

Charmed, that's just so weird! Any updates on what's going on with you?

Patience, ugh! Sorry that you still don't seem to be any closer to O yet! I wonder why yours is so delayed this month? Anything different going on with you, any extra stress or anything? :(

Afm, I took an opk yesterday when I got home and the line was super faint, nowhere near positive. So either A) I did O on Sunday or Monday like I had originally thought and the ewcm yesterday was just some weird fluke, or B) if I had taken an opk on Tuesday then it would have been positive then, and I actually O'd yesterday. I did have some cramping yesterday evening just like on Monday, just less intense. So who knows. I still am leaning towards it being last Sunday or Monday as originally thought though. Either way, we did bd yesterday just in case, so I feel covered in either scenario. :)
Charlie, it's appointment time today right? Let us know what's going on!

That's great about ov being over at least :) I'd go with the ewcm day, you generally won't get it right after ov. i have no idea why it's late, I've not done anything specific, except stuff my face with crap over Xmas :D at least now I will just avoid bd until the day after my +opk, it was stupid faint again today :( screw trying to do every couple of days when we don't know when it's happening :( might give hubby a time to be the proposer again!
My only suspicion is that I had a chemical last cycle, I had 2 days of lots of brown spotting and my boobs were super full and sore, then af kicked in and they still hurt, eventually went away but it was my heaviest and most painful af since coming off bcp, and that was after bleeding a bit after the surgery! Normally it regulates my ov but maybe this time it threw it off :(
Cat is alright girls! Probably doesn't get enough water and hurts herself when pooing... Which makes her walk funny for a while. I'll give her wet food more often and see if it helps.
So my spotting never turned into AF, but since it's theorically breakthrough bleeding it might be normal. Anyways, at least something kind of happened ish.
Danna I was going to say it may be breakthrough bleeding. I spotted first then got AF about a month and a half later. Fx for you!

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