Charlie, I think that's a great idea to tell your mom! I made the mistake of telling everyone when we were planning to, friends, etc. Not a good plan when it ends up taking awhile. I was just so naive and thought it would happen right away! when I get excited about something I have a really hard time keeping it quiet. Thankfully nobody has really asked me about it too much, as they all know that I'm clearly not pregnant yet. My parents have a cruise planned in September so my mom has said things like "I hope you won't be having a baby in September since that's when we'll be gone!" (which I don't blame her, they had to book it awhile out and who knows what will happen), but that's pretty much it. I think being able to talk to your mom about it will really give you the support you need, and I'm really happy to hear your DH is on board with you telling her!
Danna, I'm anxiously awaiting word on your cat as well, please keep us posted!
Charmed, that's just so weird! Any updates on what's going on with you?
Patience, ugh! Sorry that you still don't seem to be any closer to O yet! I wonder why yours is so delayed this month? Anything different going on with you, any extra stress or anything?
Afm, I took an opk yesterday when I got home and the line was super faint, nowhere near positive. So either A) I did O on Sunday or Monday like I had originally thought and the ewcm yesterday was just some weird fluke, or B) if I had taken an opk on Tuesday then it would have been positive then, and I actually O'd yesterday. I did have some cramping yesterday evening just like on Monday, just less intense. So who knows. I still am leaning towards it being last Sunday or Monday as originally thought though. Either way, we did bd yesterday just in case, so I feel covered in either scenario.