I'm super looking forward to it but I'm going down in pay so need to find a job to compliment it!
Good luck Charlie, I normally get a bit of nip n boob ache anywhere from 5-7dpo,hope this is the case for you!
Danna I hope your lp is on schedule this tine, the meds may have given you a stronger ov which would help the corpus luteum produce progesterone better. Once I'm feeling like it's a good time to push ttc again I'm going to be on the hunt for a miracle cure for lp defect, mine was 10 days as usual

nothing will happen with that!
What's everyone up to this weekend? I'm finding all the people I can to tell them my good news, I'm so happy and can't wait to start in a month

I think this last month at work is going to be rough though! Hubby is working till tomorrow so we only get Monday off together, then we're having a celebratory lunch with my MIL
Omg MrsH your ticker is so cheeky