I'm so sorry Patience, I really hope he'll change his mind. Maybe a break is exactly what he needs, TTC is so hard and stressful.
I hope you O soon Charlie! Or that you did O and caught it already! Hehe
Turtle you O'd already right? When would AF be late for you?
Sorry I didn't update about the IUI ladies! I actually read Patience's update on the IUI table and it made me too sad to post about it : (
The actual IUI was very fast and painless, lots of waiting around doing nothing before though. OH gave his sample fast (I was a bit worried hehe) and although his mobility is not great (30%) he has good count (92 milion per ml, and gave 2.5 ml). After the sperm "wash" there was 68 milion sperm per ml with 71% motility so that's plenty of swimmers.
What I'm worried about now is my temps, they are not rising well... I'm afraid I'm one of the rare persons for whom the trigger shot doesn't work. I always worry.... I was planning on temping only until I could confirm O but it's not happening! Of course I'm not stressed and sleep badly -.-
My docs are not doing cd21 progesterone tests, so I'll only lnow if it worked after I get AF, or a BFP. Either way, I'll be testing April 8th! Any earlier than that could give me false positives because of the trigger shot.