Aww I hope that's not what you think it is Danna, how's it looking today ? Any more spotting or just the one off ?
I haven't tried paleo myself, i'm more trying to be vegetarian leaning to vegan low carb high fat

the more carbs and shit I eat the more I get the pregnant belly bulge, it's gotten bad enough for me to really have pushed my diet during the week (still bad on weekends but it's an improvement) it's already doing better

I think generally if none of us ate anything that didn't have ingredients ie fresh produce/meat etc, we wouldn't need funny diets, but that's too hard for me at least !

i love high fat diets (people are so scared of cuz of calories but healthy fat is really good for you, low fat products are actually just chemicals and sugar and are really bad!) people think high fat = burgers which is actually high carb *argh*

Ladies my weird thought for today...I really really REALLY want a boob job. I've been so unhappy with my boobs vs my pearshape figure since I was about 13 and all the girls in my class exploded with C cups and I didn't make it past A cup till I started getting old and fat

I always promised myself it'd be a post breastfeeding treat and have waited and waited to be able to TTC, then waited and waited and am now a couple of months off 2years TTC and starting to give up....i've so often put stuff off "just in case" or "what if" but really if I keep putting things off incase of babies and it turns out it just won't happen i'll be even more bitter I think....
I'm just worried about BF with implants, most likely it wouldn't cause huge problems but could undo the boob size increase thanks to milk production.... and sods law i'd get knocked up as soon as I do them

but if I DON'T do them i'll probably never get a sticky, cuz that's just sods law...
I don't really know where i'm going with this

it's just weighing heavily on my heart at the moment, it's a huge cost but i'm sick to death of my boobs and realistically it'd be better for us to not have a sticky till hubby has found work with his new studies, which he won't be finished with for 2years

if we get a bfp during that time then we'll be fine with it but won't be looking at Dr help till then.
Sigh ! I'm sad