So sorry Twinkie. I'm sure there was a reason why your little bean didn't stick, although you will probably never know. Fingers crossed your next cycle is the one.
Kjg, I got a faint BFP (wasn't sure if it was an evap or not) with SMU on 12DPO, a faint positive at about 5pm 12DPO then the positive digital with FMU 13DPO.
Thank you SO much guys for all your input and support, this thread has literally kept me smiling through the last 4 months of waiting!
Patience, I don't think he believed me to start with! I took a pic of me pulling a funny face with the test and loaded it as his desktop background. I actually couldn't sleep so did the test at 5.30am, and had to wait until 6.30am for him to get up (gently nudged by me deliberately crashing about downstairs. hehe) He is over the moon, but we are both very aware that it is such early days. I will breathe a huge sigh of relief when we pass the 12 week mark! I still can't even believe I actually ovulated!
linds, that's a really good idea, not sure if I am allowed to post saying I've got a BFP though? Can anyone advise me on that one? It's so crazy, you are right, I haven't even had a period after coming off BC yet, managed to catch that very first egg, and I am 100% positive I only ovulated because I went on the GI diet. I literally had 4 months of nothing, started the diet, 3 weeks later, BAM.
Just hoping, praying, wishing etc etc etc that it is a sticky bean!!!!!!!!!