Stopping BCP to TTC***Updates & Progress/Noted Changes Since Stopping BCP***24BFPs***

Hi ladies, so got back from the dr's a little bit ago. Not good news, hcg was only at 11 so it's a miscarriage :cry:

We discussed this cycle and the last with the possible chemical. Dr was really good and because it's suspected 2 in a row, he wants to start doing tests to rule out issues right away, but wants us to wait a cycle with no trying from now til testing. He's concerned about being unlucky enough to have 3 in a row and really wants to do a u/s to see what my uterus looks like and apparently the second you are pregnant it starts to change which is why we have to wait a month to see. Really not sure how I feel about this. I don't want to take a whole cycle off, but I also don't want a 3rd loss. I'm so emotionally drained right now, I know you were all waiting for an update, so there it was and I apologize in advance because I'm going to copy and paste this to the few threads I'm in, so sorry for the multiple posts, just want to keep all informed.

Thank you all for your support up to this. Hopefully I can get some good news soon!

I see we have a few new ladies I need to add, I'll try to get those done this weekend

I'm so sorry Twinkie!!!! <3 <3 It's possible that there is something going on thats causing the MCages. Good thing is that you know you're capable of getting preggers. Now just gotta figure out how to keep you that way! :) Lots of <3 <3 to you!!! One month off wont be so bad, you'll never notice it!
Welcome new ladies!!! :)

So a quick update for me. I'm on CD 31. APPARENTLY I didn't O when I thought I did, which i thought it was weird then because I normally get some aching when I o and I didn't have any at that point, but I got a Positive OPK. So I started getting some aching the other day and decided to take both an OPK and a HPT. HPT was BFN but the OPS was a total Posititve, which makes sense with the aching I've got now and I still have ewcm, though not AS much as I did the first time earlier this month. SO I'm in my REAL TWW.... which makes more sense because my cycles have been 42 days.
Twinkie- I'm so sorry :( that has to be so hard. I know you're probably feeling really down right now. Try to think of the positives- your doctor is being pro active and i'm sure he/she will figure out what the problem is and help fix it right away. I have read that multiple mc could be from low progesterone or short luteal phases and those are simple to fix. Hoping you get everything figured out after next month!!
Hey ladies, hope you're all having a better day! Chins up!

I'm so sorry hun and sending you lots of :hugs:
I know there's nothing I say that will make you feel better but I really hope the next few steps your doctor will give you will shed some ligt as to why the bean is not sticking. :(

Yay on the TWW despite the late O but at least now you're headed somewhere!

Thanks for the input, girly! I really hope this cycle is better than my two previous cycles. :) And darn, those OPKs better work, haha!

A little update, my ladies! CD8 now and just and will start :sex: in 2days! We're aiming for SMEP this cycle so as not to waste dh's spermies, haha! Can't believe I am close on the dreaded TWW againnnnn!!!! :happydance:
Sucks to hear Twinkie big :hugs: I'm pleased the Dr is helping out, waiting a month will suck but if it helps you get your sticky bean you'll look back at this time and realise how little 1 month mattered :)
Charlie - ouch, like the 2ww isn't bad enough, to have to go through it twice ! Argh ! Hopefully you got your bases covered despite the surprise ovulation :haha:

Iama - hope the SMEP works nicely for you :) I found I piled far too much info on hubby and it ruined our BD time completely, so now I don't mention anything of my fertile time but try to keep the BD up, the cycle I concieved we hit day before Ov and 4days before :)

Really hoping one shot is all it takes this month considering I was away till the day before I ov'ed ! I'm off to the gynecologist to check all is ok on monday and try to figure out how I had a blaring BFN on cd1 then BFP cd9 only for it to fade to BFN cd13 (hadn't tested between 1-9 so have no idea when it started) and haven't had any bleeding since it went negative :shrug: must have been a super strange chemical but it'll be nice to check nothing iffy is going on !
Hi, my ladies!
Happy Mother's Day to all ya and to us, soon to be mommies, hihi. :)

How are you all?
I am now nearing O, 4 more days til supposed O. Not stressing too much this month so I'm hoping we have a better shot.

Just wanted to share, it's so funny yesterday, we were at a party and dh's relatives kept on inviting him to have drinks and he kept on making excuses because we don't want alcohol affect his spermies, lol! I imagined if it were another day and we're not ttc, it'd be a totally different story, haha!

Anything to report, my ladies?
Keep us posteda md hope you all have a greaat day!
Well I saw the gyno who gave zero insight into why the test was - when I was bleeding then + after :/ but everything looked fine :shrug:
Just found out after reading his notes (which he didn't show me and said everything was fine) my lining is only 4mm! I'm 5dpo and it's meant to be at the very minimum double that in order to implant, no wonder we've had no luck this past 9 months. And he had the audacity to say everything was fine?! I'm looking for a new gyno. Can't stand the swedish system, free ivf after a year yes but noone will help me till then even though I have problems! Argh I'm so mad.
How can you help thicken your lining? progesterone just maintains the lining but I think estrogen is what builds it up in the pre-ovulation stage...
The internet says 100 different things, but yeah most of it is pre O stuff :( it could be since i was taking progesterone because i thought i was pregnant still that it affected my lining something horrid this cycle :(

Things like pomegranate juice is meant to be good for it, as with baby aspirin it pumps blood to the uterus. I ran out and bought some iron rich food and am going to make sure I get my daily motion in and hope it makes a difference but i doubt it :/
Good idea on looking for a new gyno! geesh! L-arginine is good for blood flow too :)
Ladies I need some advice. I'm extremely confused.

On April 27th I got a positive opk had ewcm and everything. A few days later the opk was back to negative like normal. Then I tested both hpt and opk on may 8th opk was very positive hpt stark white negative. I still had some ewcm at that point. So this morning for no reason I took a opk..... its positive still. What on earth is going on! ? I didn't take a hpt this morning because I'm only about 5dpo based on the may 8th opk. I don't know what's going on. I've got no ewcm just kinda watery / sticky and I have some cramping but it's not af cramping. Any ideas? I'm going to take a hpt tomorrow morning but afraid that it will be BFN.
Well theres been a slight chance on coming off bcp after next month...

I'm off it now, yey, OH came home from working away for the weekend for LO's birthday and I completey forgot to take my pill saturday so we decided i may as well stop taking it now.

So my last pill was on Saturday and I started my withdrawal bleed this morning... All seems a little more real and scary now I know I'm actually off the pill!! So excited though!!
Oh Charlie that's a tough one, it could be either :shrug: I'd go with what's most likely to be "normal" for you, that would be the later opk right? They do say you can get patches of fertile cm post ov, me I have creamy basically all cycle. Hope you get it figured out :hugs:

Jessica that's great :happydance: now the real fun begins!
Patience - I know, I'm so excited although OH has gone working on a 3 week away job as of this morning so I guess its feet up and let my hormones settle back down and do their job while I wait for him to come home :coffee:
Ladies I need some advice. I'm extremely confused.

On April 27th I got a positive opk had ewcm and everything. A few days later the opk was back to negative like normal. Then I tested both hpt and opk on may 8th opk was very positive hpt stark white negative. I still had some ewcm at that point. So this morning for no reason I took a opk..... its positive still. What on earth is going on! ? I didn't take a hpt this morning because I'm only about 5dpo based on the may 8th opk. I don't know what's going on. I've got no ewcm just kinda watery / sticky and I have some cramping but it's not af cramping. Any ideas? I'm going to take a hpt tomorrow morning but afraid that it will be BFN.

I read on another thread (hopefully it wasn't this one lol) that some women can get another surge of LH before their period is due. so even though you got a positive opk,, that doesn't necessarily mean that you ovulated again. Are you now late for your normal AF? I would take an hpt tomorrow morning as well. I hope it's your BFP!
How were your cycles pre bcp? You never know you might ov later than average, I know I do :) if you're into that sorta thing, OPK's are a lifesaver for me when it comes to knowing when I ov, maybe you won't miss this month :D

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