CC-I'm okay, better than a few days ago. I was an aboslute wreck! I was telling DH I can't believe how upset I am over this when I hardly had 10 minutes of bliss before spotting started. I pretty much holed myself away at home for 3 days straight and avoided the world at all costs, but alas, I have work to do so can't continue that charade. Yesterday was better, and so far, today better than yesterday. I'm getting excited about impending O, but still really torn on if we should prevent/abstain those few days right before so that we can test. What are the odds of falling pregnant 3 cycles in a row and having all be early losses/chemicals? We know I can get pregnant, so testing will be why it's not sticking. Dr felt pretty confident that it's likely just bad luck as I've never had abnormal anything tests. We did discuss thyroid issues and getting that tested because I have two sisters that have issues (one had to have her right side removed), but neither of them had any trouble getting pregnant...so, I guess we'll see.
I'm still doing the whole, did I cause it to happen? thing, even though I've read about a bazilion things that say it just happens, but it's hard to think if it wasn't my body, then it was something I did, like running two days in a row, when I had sworn it off during tww, or that stupid sub sandwich with tons of cold cuts (I've been avoiding lunch meats because of the nitrates), but caved in on a craving because I was sooo certain that I wasn't pregnant. Right now, I'm just trying to take one day at a time, but really wishing it was the end of the month already.
On the plus side, I was thinking about the last two cycles and I now know early pregnancy symptoms for me include back aches (I usually get this before AF, but these times felt "different") increase in cm during last part of tww, exhaustion and sore nipples...for anyone looking for some early pregnancy symptoms.
Sorry af came cancer
mermaid-hope you had a good vacation!
patience-don't worry about your temp, I had several dips last month and I was pregnant, my chart the month before was text book, but also ended in mc, so I've decided for me at least, temping only confirms O and that the witch is on her way.
linds-I'm so hoping you get an amazing

when you test in two days. Stay away stupid
w2bm-good luck, sounds like you've got your timing figured just perfect for this cycle, you're almost to the tww!!
Sorry for those I've missed, I've been a little self-absorbed lately, but I want everyone to know I have been following along and I'm throwing tons of

to all of you lovely ladies! You have all been so supportive to me and I want each one of you to know how much I have appreciated it, helps take a little bit of the sting out