Fx'd Twinkie!
CC-Glad everything seems to be working out!
Jessica- Hope baby is doing well in there! I have a really dumb question.. what is epu?

I too have been wondering about skincare. I use both salicylic acid & benzoyl peroxide products (face wash, toner, spot treatment) daily and can't seem to find a clear answer on what's okay and what's not. I was freaking out about it before I stopped the pill (this is my first cycle off) as I just knew my skin would break out horribly. I finally just kind of decided to keep using what I'm using until I get a BFP and then ask my ob what she reccomends staying away from. It's been a couple of weeks and so far no bad breakouts..might actually be a little clearer.. but as of a day or two ago my face is super oily.
I'm on cd14 now and think I might actually O soon (no idea though, maybe not). The thought of checking cp kind of grossed me out and I wansn't planning on doing it, but the not knowing what my body is doing kind of got to me.

I *think* my cm may be more watery now (can't really tell bc we've been BD'ing everyday) but I noticed my cervix is very soft and open. Hopefully I'll actually O and we'll catch it!!
We've Bd'd CD7,10,11,12,13. Unfortunately I now won't see DH until Tuesday evening (cd15) so we have to skip cd14. I need the break though. I've been having pain in my lower abdomen/center of my pelvic area during BD especially but even after. Pretty sure it's from having a pap smear on thurs (cd10) then BDing that night and every day since. My cervix is very weird and doesn't like being bumped.