FX Cdex! Really hope your body ovulates for real this time
Some of my temps have been super low this cycle.
I have my FX for you, patienceiav! TWW can be brutal. One thing I have noticed is that a fair few people on here have noted that the lack of symptoms was what surprised them in the TWW.
My chart is a bit off, confused about my temps (have started another thread about them). I have been checking my CP.. Yesterday it was high, hard & closed earlier in the day, but by evening time it had softened significantly. Today it appears to be high, soft & open!
OH & I have been DTD for the last couple of days, every day. I know it's recommended to only do it every other day, but I really want to catch this eggie if it's coming! Thinking of BDing today as well, even though my temp has risen. I only had 4hrs sleep before checking my temp, so I'm hoping that's all it is. I'd have thought a high, soft and open cervix would mean more than a random temp rise? Hmm. Not sure! I guess I'll find out in a few days!