Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Well I think I'm out this month despite the odd 2 lines i got...

1dpo... bbs getting tender and painful, loose stool
2dpo... loose stool after every meal, bbs hurt worse, odd orange snotty cm only once, VERY tired after a full 8 hours of sleep (might be due to the fact that i normally get 3-5 hours of sleep per night)

3dpo... af like cramping, couldn't get good sleep last night, kept waking up. bbs are very sore. left one feels heavy. still tired. increased lotion like CM

4-6dpo... very very tired after work (no sure if it is prenatal vitamins or something else) gassy, twinges of pain. feeling out this month, like I'm not going to be pregnant. toothaches that wont stop.

7dpo... stuffed up, moody, and feel crampy and bloated. tooth pain still continues. left breast is zinging me with pain and I still fee out... i feel like the witch will be here any day now.

**UPDATE** 7dpo got a wild hair and tested.... got a funky 2nd line... I hate this i really hate this!

8dpo... tired but not as bad. cramping, bloating and gas are not as persistent. bbs hurt still. creamy CM, waking up in the middle of the night.

9dpo: back to my happy self, still stuffed up, no bloated feeling and cramps have gone from there to almost not there. bbs have almost stopped hurting as well. increased cm... i keep thinking i will start AF at any min. took hpt and it was bfn. hardly tired at all but I keep waking up in the middle of the night.
1-3 dpo - no symptoms at all.
4 dpo- gas, thick CM.
5-6dpo- increased thick & creamy CM.
7 dpo- same CM, cervix high and closed, sore boobs.
hey ladies weve been trying to conceive since january 2014 after a mc in october 2013. I havent done a chart for my sypmtoms dpo but im 8dpo. My bbs are super sore, i cant stand anything touching them, my oh keep squeezing them (strangely he doesnt usually) and i almost snapped his wrist, it was so painful, i have extreme lower back pain and abdo pain, i dont feel hungry at all and i feel quite sick, also i keep getting a bad head and sorry for the info but i have also had diarrhea today too (12/05/14) with no reason??? too weird. I feel like this month will be the month.

Any thoughts?

Baby dust to all :)
They all sound like good symptoms, but they also all sound like progesterone symptoms as well unfortunately!
Hi girls!

This cycle I have really been in the mood quite often, therefore we :sex: a LOT!! Lots of stretchy EWCM over the period of 2 weeks around ovulation.

since 5DPO - Extreme thirst!!
8DPO - Twinges on R ovary
since 10DPO - Fatigued; need naps to survive
10DPO - Headache
11DPO - Stretchy EWCM tinged brown, CP is high and CLOSED (haven't ever really been able to feel it fully closed before)

Smells have been bothering me. Foods have been tasting SUPER delicious the past few days

12DPO - thirst, fatigue, increased CM
13DPO - Brown-tinged CM when wiping; starting to feel like AF is coming. Due Saturday.
14DPO - BFN with 3MU. DIZZY. One big dizzy spell where I had to sit down because I was seeing spots and thought I was going to faint! Cervix still high and closed. Some cramping but very different than AF cramps. Stretchy blob of CM (like a snot!) mixed with about 2-3 brown spots about the size of a pencil tip. (IMPLANTATION??)

TMI but I have been very regular with BMs for the TWW (I suffer from IBS usually) and extremely gassy past few days:blush::blush::blush:

15DPO - slightly dizzy. thirsty. hungry. cramps similar to AF and I wonder if she's gonna show any minute but I am still feeling hopeful/positive....AF due tmrw (and I'll probly test tmrw with OH)

Today I am 18DPO (2 days late!) and NO sign of AF coming! :happydance: I was having this yellow/tan creamy CM for the past few days after the brown stretchy CM but today there's NO CM at all!! :happydance: clearly my hopes are up and I just really think I am pregnant. I am going to be SO SUPER crushed if I'm not.
:coffee: will test again probably Wednesday (if not sooner) :cloud9:

***Update: This ended up being a Chemical Pregnancy***
They all sound like good symptoms, but they also all sound like progesterone symptoms as well unfortunately!

Thanks for your reply mellyH i am so hoping i get a bfp im trying not to get stressed about the bfn's weve had over the previous months but they really drag me down, somehow this month i feel different, soooo hoping this is the cycle :)

Hi everyone
This is my first time writing on one of these so here goes:
Have been ttc for 2 months, 3rd month now.
I think I am 3dpo, what I've had so far:

1dpo : nothing much, odd cramping throughout day
2dpo : complete lack of concentration at work, dizzy, cramping and slight nausea, really tired
3dpo : really tired, bad cramping lots of watery cm, odd pains in bbs

I'm really unsure as to when I ov'd this month so feel a bit blind but hopefully ignorance is a good thing!!

Will keep you posted !

Fx'd for all on here, if you're anything like me every day during 2ww is agony waiting!

1-3 dpo - no symptoms at all.
4 dpo- gas, thick CM.
5-6 dpo- increased thick & creamy CM.
7 dpo- same CM, cervix high and closed, sore boobs.
8 dpo- thick CM, sore breasts, tender abdomen, and a LOT of bloat.
9 dpo- bloat, gas, same CM, cervix still high & closed.
Dpo are just my best guess as I don't temp or do opks

1-2dpo nothing noticeable
3dpo- break out on face, hungry a lot
4dpo - creamy cm (tmi), stuffy nose, cramps, really bad spots
5dpo - creamy cm, stuffy nose, backache, acne and cramps
6dpo- lots of creamy cm, headaches, exhausted, acne, backache, feeling starving from the moment I woke up
7dpo - constant 'burning' sensation in stomach (strange but no other way to explain it), stuffy nose, backache, acne, headache, exhausted (could barely keep eyes open), nausea
8dpo- sharp twinges, bfn on ic, shadow on frer when looked through it with light at the back of it, cramps, nausea, exhaustion, bloating and backache
9dpo - bfn on ics, backache, nausea, feeling really lethargic
10dpo- stuffy nose, sore throat, bad cramping like af was coming, nausea and headaches
11dpo - faint positive on frer (still neg ic), stuffy nose, sneezing, headaches, nausea, cramps
12dpo- definite bfp on frer (shadow of line on ic - rubbish tests!), headaches, nausea, exhaustion, backache

Good luck everyone! I kept reading this thread throughout the tww, I think it's a great idea :flower: xxx
Lissy_Sweetie: Can you trust a FRER if youre looking at it with a light behind it? Because if you can then there is definitely a line on mine.
I have absolutely no idea! I didn't trust mine but then it turned into a bfp! Maybe wait a few days then try again as it was too early for mine when it did that. Good luck :flower: x
Okay, second month of tracking:

1-4DPO: Nothing
5DPO: Felt 'different' in the shower that night (I know, right?). Suddenly felt optimistic.
6DPO: Possible light pinch in the morning, cried twice listening to Les Mis. Still weirdly optimistic.
7DPO: Breakout on chin (2 spots), dull cramps. Very optimistic (stupid progesterone, messing with my hopes!)
8DPO: Nothing. Optimism fading.
9DPO: Nothing. Maybe mild nausea in the evening. Feel neutral about chances. I will add, after LA's note below, that my cat curled up in front of my stomach during the night last night (I noticed because it's very rare, she's usually either at my feet or my back.)
10DPO: Mild nausea in the morning. Strong cramps later in the morning, dull cramps in the evening. More breakouts. Feel like my period is imminent! Now feeling pessimistic!
11DPO: Cramps in the morning.
12DPO: Cramps in the morning. I never realised how much of my cycle I spend some some kind of cramping! Jesus.
13DPO = CD1. :(
Hi girls

Update below :

1dpo : nothing much, odd cramping throughout day
2dpo : complete lack of concentration at work, dizzy, cramping and slight nausea, really tired
3dpo : really tired, bad cramping lots of watery cm, odd pains in bbs
4dpo : almost cried this morning coz work stressing me out (normally things like that don't get to me,) sore bbs again with sometimes sharp stabbing, cramps and really tired again, tmi gagged at a smell when walking through carpark

Don't know what's up with me, I know it's still really early to tell but really don't feel myself at the moment....

Lots of baby dust to everyone!!!!!! ***** :-)

1 dpo- extra happy gassy
2 dpo- nothing really was a boring day
3 dpo - extra tired trouble sleeping
4 dpo- bitchy more lack of sleep , constipated
5 dpo- still irritable lower back pain and no drive to do much... Stated in bed all day
6 dpo- fighting with my hubby all morning very emotional and crying a lot
7dpo - sore throat dunno if that's a symptom but it's annoying. My cat is acting super lovey and protective laying with me a lot, I only call this a symptom because last month before the mc he did the same thing he is half the reason I tested last time
9dpo - backaches lower back, decreased appetite i didnt feel like eating much at all, couldnt sleep. took my first test negative on mothers day sadness
10dpo - still low back pain, no appetite ate like twice, had nausea after eating my fav snack apples with peanut butter it really just turned my tummy,
11dpo- negative test again but then when it dries i see a very distinct line which confuses me and i tell myself no testing for a wek, still back pain and nausea with certain foods :(
12 dpo - failed took a test and there it is positive :bfp::happydance: was only a dollar store test but got an frer and it was blazing positive quick fingers crossed it sticks this month last month was the cp
Well, I'm back again :) And again I'll assume I O'ed on CD 14.
4 dpo - HOLY COW! It's like I'm sitting on a cattle prod :sad2: These cramps are awful.
5 dpo - still crampy, and craving lemonade
6 dpo - Cramps basically gone, Super tired lately :sleep: .... and a little nausea at night
7 dpo - Tons of back pain and still crampy
8 dpo - BFN this morning (although I know it's a llittle early). Feel less symptomy.
9-10 dpo - Less and less symptoms, except still really tired and craving sour foods/LEMONS.
... wait! Hold the phone!
10 dpo - twinges came back in a big way with some watery cm. Maybe I'm not out yet :af:
11 dpo - not much going on today. Still pretty exhausted, still loving lemons, and I've had a few weird moments of overly sensitive sense of smell.
Just one more morning to get through without testing :coffee:
12 dpo - getting crampy and some acne.... so part of me thinks AF tomorrow for sure. But I'm also feeling really nauseous, so maybe there's a happier reason for my hormone fluctuations? FX for a bfp tomorrow morning
Crazy few days of prolonged spotting for no reason I could explain but... :witch:

And congrats Lady and all the other May BFPs!!!! :happydance:
I want to start a compilation of my symptoms...
1-3 dpo: feeling the same all three of these days...bloated, gassy, tired, increased appetite. Last cycle I had sensitive nipples and greasy skin/breaking out...but don't have that yet..

May 19th (4dpo): slight period-like cramps later in the night...very creamy cm.. very tired...keep passing out for 10 min. naps

May 20th (5dpo): stronger AF like cramps...headache...boobs starting to get tender around the outside..noticeable when laying on stomach with arms propping self up. Noticed some blood speckles after DTD later at night.

May 21st (6dpo): felt kind of nauseous last few hours of work. Could be I was needing food...also came to realisation I have been pretty moody with DH last few days...

7 &8 dpo: much more nauseaous and AF type cramps/pains. My skin is in amazing condition! And only right nipple hurts a little...temp has been pretty high and cervix is high.

9dpo: Nauseaous and AF type pains in morning. :bfp: on FRER!!!!!
omg omg omg congraatssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! so can u tell me the cycle date of yours like what days did you have your period and whats days you had sex bc i been tic for 3 years so anything helps
Hey im gonna attach my ff chart. I had my period on 14th of April I didn't ovulate til cd19 and I bd the morning after I got my positive and the next morning also. I also had bd the night before I got my positive opk. Missed the day I got it cause he was at work overnight :)


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Okay here we go!

O day - lots of EWCM, one bit had a tiny pink dot in it too!
1-2 DPO - nothing much..
3 DPO - nipples slightly sensitive
4 DPO - nipples very sensitive, feeling nauseous, very tired. Had a small amount of EWCM when wiping. Weird!
5 DPO - nipples very sensitive, still tired.
6 DPO - nipples less sensitive. Had a big blob of EWCM now wondering if I'm OIng later?!
7 DPO - not much happening. Sore bbs have disappeared :(
8 DPO - not much going on
9 DPO - feeling ok!
10 DPO - feels like sore sensitive bbs may be returning! Twinges on my left side. A few small waves of nausea. A tiny amount of brown spotting/discharge. AF coming early? :(
11 DPO - more brown discharge :( tested and bfn :(
12 DPO - more brown CM only when wiping. Tonight I noticed that my right boob is super hard like rock hard and a little tender but my left boob is still all squishy and fine! Very weird and a little concererned. Felt very nauseous before lunch.
13 DPO - more brown CM. Right boob still feels heavier. At night time had some sharp stabbing pains in right boob that only lasted a min or two. Waves of neasea all day. BFN :(
14 DPO - still a tiny bit of brown CM when wiping and still no red blood. Brown CM seems to be decreasing.
15 DPO - brown CM still here :( feeling very neasous, was sick before lunch :( hick ups all night. suspect I did in fact O later due to the lack of AF
16 DPO - brown CM still there. Have come down with a bad cold :( twinges in breasts and now both nipples feel a little sensitive.

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