Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hey guys. Just wanting to get opinions on this test from this mornings fmu. The line I see came up within 2 minutes but seems to have faded to a thin line, it was much thicker before. I'm 12dpo and last night when checking cp which was high med and closed I had ewcm tinged with redish pink on my fingers(sorry tmi). I have been getting yellowish tinged ewcm since 1dpo, accompanied with back/neck aches, achy bbs even across into my left armpit, very emotional, up and down moods and as of this morning im starving. I've also had a cold and when I blew my nose on 9/10dpo I had a fair bit of blood even though I was by no means blowing my nose hard.

We have been trying for our 2nd for around a year now with no luck. Have ome little terror at the age of 3 in june and one mc at 12 weeks 2 years ago.

Also I have been having very slow digestion/ constipation. Odd aches unlike af around belly/hips, and inside my v feels swollen :wacko:
Hey guys. Just wanting to get opinions on this test from this mornings fmu. The line I see came up within 2 minutes but seems to have faded to a thin line, it was much thicker before. I'm 12dpo and last night when checking cp which was high med and closed I had ewcm tinged with redish pink on my fingers(sorry tmi). I have been getting yellowish tinged ewcm since 1dpo, accompanied with back/neck aches, achy bbs even across into my left armpit, very emotional, up and down moods and as of this morning im starving. I've also had a cold and when I blew my nose on 9/10dpo I had a fair bit of blood even though I was by no means blowing my nose hard.

We have been trying for our 2nd for around a year now with no luck. Have ome little terror at the age of 3 in june and one mc at 12 weeks 2 years ago.

Also I have been having very slow digestion/ constipation. Odd aches unlike af around belly/hips, and inside my v feels swollen :wacko:

got bright red this arvo when checking cp :growlmad:
Love this thread! Such an awesome way to compare symptoms and help pass the tww!
I don't know exactly my O date, but my cycles have been fairly like clockwork since my DD was born, so I'll estimate at cd14.
3-4 dpo: mild nausea
5 dpo: mild nausea, cramping, excessive cm
6-7 dpo: mild nausea, continued cramping
8 dpo: strong nausea, excessive fatigue
9-10 dpo: mild nausea
11 dpo: BFN - Symptoms starting to fizzle over the last few days... although I still feel the occasional twinge, exhaustion, and I think I'm very moody (although that could be TWW stress lol)
12 dpo: a little crampy today, and very achy. Not sure if they are good cramps or the precursor to AF. My cycles often run a little short (often 26 or 27 days), so each day that goes by with AF now makes me more hopeful.
13 dpo: spotting today... I think I am out

Yep, :witch: has arrived. Guess that early nausea really was just a stomach bug - or the egg just wasn't sticky enough. This was a fun way to pass the time though. I'll be back around next cycle LOL
I'm currently 18dpo and due for af today but nothing yet. I've been nauseous off and on since 6dpo. Frequently going pee and that's like every 2hrs this week. Sense of smell is overwhelming my family thinks I'm crazy cuz I smell things they don't. I'm hoping af stays away. Cm has been milky white and a lot. I'm afraid to test don't wanna bfn. :dohh::headspin::headspin:
Ok here it goes....:wacko:
Im currently 11 dpo and I have no idea what to think
Im 37 yrs old with one child who is 6 and he is my blessing.

My symptoms have been:
5 dpo fever, sore throat, runny nose one minute stuffy nose the next, tender bbs and a pack of pimples that popped up on the side of my face
6-9 dpo pretty much same symptoms except pimples are clearing up and constipated
(Note on 8dpo I was in a foul mood snapped at co workers which happen to be all men and was just fed up with everything then went grocery shopping with hubby that night and got mad at him cause he wouldn't help me pick out groceries on stuff he wanted to eat lol) restless sleep
10 dpo still have sore throat fever comes and goes nose is still runny one minute stuffy next,still constipated, bbs look like varicose veins are everywhere never noticed before
11 dpo (today) tested bfn bbs are still tender nipples hurt when touched still have the cold or whatever is goin on..I feel so lost but I must say my nails are the whitest they have been in years and the prettiest seeming I work in a machine shop and am filthy everyday hubby commented on how nice they looked last night

Also from everyday past O day I have been gassy with some cramping
im gonna wait a couple days and test again I feel like my clock is ticking away my hubby is not my sons father and doesnt have any biological children of his own and is the best thing that ever happened to my son and myself..i hope I can give him this one thing. Also my son said the other night out the blue he wishes i would have two babies lol bless his heart ...I wish it was that easy...also had a surgery couple months ago removing a 7cm cyst off my right ovary and had a lot of scar tissue removed off my tubes do to a really bad infection setting in after I had my son due to c-section. ..I just hope and pray this cycle is my cycle . I had my son after 10 yrs of ttc and just when I accepted the fact I would never have a child of my own I had this miracle unexpectedly.weird how things work! Sorry im rambling on lol. I just know u ladies want it as bad as I do.
Here are mine! Can't wait to hopefully turn this green in a few days!

1dpo - cramping
2dpo - cramping, tingly nipples, nausea, hungry, peeing a lot, streak of brown when wiping ?ovulation bleeding?
3dpo - same
4dpo - all of the above plus sore nipples, worsening AF type cramps and constipation
5dpo - CRAMPS! Woke up with them. Painful enough to feel like first day of AF. Nausea. "Bubbly" feeling but not much CM on outside. Sore nipples. Seem to be repulsed by smells that normally I wouldn't even notice. OH says I felt like a radiator in bed last night
6dpo - EWCM, more cramping. Nipples feel like they are bruised and have new white spots around them. Nauseated and incredibly hot to touch - not running a fever and don't feel unwell aside from the nausea. Temp dropped a little but is still high for me. Hungry, gassy, heartburn (but then I've had a smoothie this morning and heartburn does sometimes happen post smoothie for me). Was freezing and shivering when I went to bed.
7dpo - another temp drop. Slightly less cm. Cramps are back with a force, all across the bottom of my tummy and down the tops of my legs. Feel hot to touch still despite being so cold last night. Still no fever. Runny nose. Blew my nose and there was blood on the tissue. More nausea - almost threw up my smoothie this morning - and loose stools. Sore nipples. boobs are still not sore
8dpo - temp is back up! Higher than it has been this cycle! Nipples still sore and still cramping. Mouth tastes funny and I feel very nauseous. My whole body aches like I've had a strenuous work out, which I haven't
9dpo - more cramps, more nausea. Lots of very creamy cm
10dpo - AF showed up. On to the next cycle
So im a little confused as if I started my af at 12 dpo which is 4 days early.. any help would be an update to an earlier post as 11 dpo I had relations with the hubby that night and when I went to the bathroom afterwards I wiped pink...the next morning:
12 dpo I bled light not enough for tampon and had a lot of ewcm was bright red almost tinted with orange..cramps
13 dpo I bled light again more consistent flow but dark dark red with tiny clots about the same size as sesame seeds..bad cramps but mainly in center below belly button flow was enough for tampon
14 dpo which is today I am wiping brown like old blood no cramps matter fact any symptom I had of feeling pregnant is gone...other than sore throat and feeling feverish
Dont really know what to think has anyone ever experienced this not sure if that was af or if it was implantation bleeding. I tested at 12 dpo and was a bfn
Here we go. Back in the two week wait. Let's hope I get to turn my post green this time. Last cycle's post was the 6th one down on page 238 (for reference/comparative purposes). Chart in the spoilers in my sig.

1-3 DPO: Lots of creamy (gross but kind of snotty) CM.

4 DPO: More creamy CM, but now a more watery texture than snotty. Took a test for funsies. BFN of course :haha:.

5 DPO: Watery-creamy CM again. Surprise, surprise, another BFN. Not feeling anything else. Checked my cervix though I know that doesn't tell you much. But it was a little hard to reach, firm and super closed. My temperatures are flat which is kind of annoying. Hoping they start climbing.
Will also add that my gums were bleeding (and I floss everyday and brush twice a day so they NEVER bleed) when I went to brush my teeth tonight. But it could be the baby aspirin I'm taking this cycle? Who knows. Plus the side of my lip is swelling. I doubt that's related.

6-9 DPO: Not much going on which is why I haven't updated daily. Still creamy CM but that's about it. Today at 9 DPO, I woke up feeling crampy. I'm pretty sure AF is coming on in the next couple of days. Plus I've tested everyday and it has been a BFN. Spot of brown blood last night.

Started to feel crampy, nauseous, and get really bad headaches. I knew AF was coming on. And she did. A day or two earlier than I expected. Oh well. I'll be back in a couple of weeks.
I'll join since I'm in my 2ww! I tried OPKing for the first time and didn't quite catch my surge although was very close (hoping I still o'd)
~Felt O type pains on 4/21~
1-2dpo -sharp pain in left boob. Quit painful.
3dpo -no symptoms really. A little cm.
4-5dpo -a lot of watery white cm. literally feeling it come out! &forgot panty liners. Sigh
6dpo- again a lot of watery white cm. that's about it.

Will keep updating ...
Here are mine! Can't wait to hopefully turn this green in a few days!

1dpo - cramping
2dpo - cramping, tingly nipples, nausea, hungry, peeing a lot, streak of brown when wiping ?ovulation bleeding?
3dpo - same
4dpo - all of the above plus sore nipples, worsening AF type cramps and constipation
5dpo - CRAMPS! Woke up with them. Painful enough to feel like first day of AF. Nausea. "Bubbly" feeling but not much CM on outside. Sore nipples. Seem to be repulsed by smells that normally I wouldn't even notice. OH says I felt like a radiator in bed last night
6dpo - EWCM, more cramping. Nipples feel like they are bruised and have new white spots around them. Nauseated and incredibly hot to touch - not running a fever and don't feel unwell aside from the nausea. Temp dropped a little but is still high for me. Hungry, gassy, heartburn (but then I've had a smoothie this morning and heartburn does sometimes happen post smoothie for me). Was freezing and shivering when I went to bed.
7dpo - another temp drop. Slightly less cm. Cramps are back with a force, all across the bottom of my tummy and down the tops of my legs. Feel hot to touch still despite being so cold last night. Still no fever. Runny nose. Blew my nose and there was blood on the tissue. More nausea - almost threw up my smoothie this morning - and loose stools. Sore nipples. boobs are still not sore
8dpo - temp is back up! Higher than it has been this cycle! Nipples still sore and still cramping. Mouth tastes funny and I feel very nauseous. My whole body aches like I've had a strenuous work out, which I haven't
9dpo - more cramps, more nausea. Lots of very creamy cm
10dpo - AF showed up. On to the next cycle

Team red. boooo
Well I might as well jump in even thought I'm sure that this post will turn red.

only reason I'm here really is because I have been having some odd symptoms VERY early in this game this cycle around. I O'ed early this cycle ... I believe due to last cycle CP. What I'm doing different this cycle: SMEP with opks, prenatal vitamins, and a stack of pillows under my bum after BDing.

Here we go...

1dpo... bbs getting tender and painful, loose stool
2dpo... loose stool after every meal, bbs hurt worse, odd orange snotty cm only once, VERY tired after a full 8 hours of sleep (might be due to the fact that i normally get 3-5 hours of sleep per night)

3dpo... af like cramping this morning, couldn't get good sleep last night, kept waking up. bbs are very sore. left one feels heavy. still tired.

I will try to update this day by day if i can.
my co worker found out i had a CP and gave me a whole TTC kit. her husband owns an online health store. I was planning on not testing this cycle at all but when you get a care package like this

you cant help it \\:D/
Well I might as well jump in even thought I'm sure that this post will turn red.

only reason I'm here really is because I have been having some odd symptoms VERY early in this game this cycle around. I O'ed early this cycle ... I believe due to last cycle CP. What I'm doing different this cycle: SMEP with opks, prenatal vitamins, and a stack of pillows under my bum after BDing.

Here we go...

1dpo... bbs getting tender and painful, loose stool
2dpo... loose stool after every meal, bbs hurt worse, odd orange snotty cm only once, VERY tired after a full 8 hours of sleep (might be due to the fact that i normally get 3-5 hours of sleep per night)

3dpo... af like cramping this morning, couldn't get good sleep last night, kept waking up. bbs are very sore. left one feels heavy. still tired.

I will try to update this day by day if i can.
my co worker found out i had a CP and gave me a whole TTC kit. her husband owns an online health store. I was planning on not testing this cycle at all but when you get a care package like this

you cant help it \\:D/

Good luck that was nice of ur co worker, ttc costs so much lol
I'm new and just beginning my TWW. I've been lurking on this forum, and this thread specifically, for a few months. Me and the Rat Husband have been trying since September, but my cycle has been crazy weird since going off the BC. This month I am trying to take it easy and not stress about things. I didn't even get any OPKs this time, we are just trying the BD on the 11th cycle day, the 13th, etc. I don't know how effective charting symptoms will be this month, anyways. I went to the Gyno two months ago because of the crazy cycles, thinking I might have endo or something, she laughed and said nope, but you are twisted up like a bendy straw, and she sent me to physical therapy for my pelvic floor. So now the Rat Husband is having to do all these stretching and trigger point exercises on me, and I have core muscle exercises, and everything feels super strange all the time.

I do believe I have ovulated, tho. My cycle runs either 24 or 26 days long, with me usually having O on the 14th day, but sometimes the 12th. I usually get that pinchy sensation with O, but everything is such a mess right now that I couldn't say this time. So we will BD a few more times, cause why not? Great stress relief.

AF will be due sometime between the 12th and the 14th of the month, right when I'm at the beach for my brother's wedding. It would be awfully nice to see a BFP with all my family around.

Anyways, I will update this is any symptoms as I go. Good luck to everyone trying this cycle!
ok So I'm going to update 3DPO

1dpo... bbs getting tender and painful, loose stool
2dpo... loose stool after every meal, bbs hurt worse, odd orange snotty cm only once, VERY tired after a full 8 hours of sleep (might be due to the fact that i normally get 3-5 hours of sleep per night)

3dpo... af like cramping, couldn't get good sleep last night, kept waking up. bbs are very sore. left one feels heavy. still tired. increased lotion like CM
I'm 2dpo yesterday I had lower back pain all day and today I'm oddly in a great mood lmao have no idea if that's a symptom but for me it is not exactly normal :)
Also had the worst time trying to get to sleep :( like so exhausted but just couldn't pass out!

... I lie apperently the littlest thing will set me up so sign me up for moody
I'm 2dpo yesterday I had lower back pain all day and today I'm oddly in a great mood lmao have no idea if that's a symptom but for me it is not exactly normal :)
Also had the worst time trying to get to sleep :( like so exhausted but just couldn't pass out!

... I lie apperently the littlest thing will set me up so sign me up for moody

I'm ultra giddy since 1DPO... I'm cooking cleaning working 24 hour shifts and dealing with nasty hotel guests but I really don't care. :shrug:

DH is asking you all "what happened to my wife?! give her back! you did something to her I know you did!" LOL :dohh:

He actually wishes i would stay like this for ever... i told him give it a week and a half... she will come back 10x worse :haha:
Okay here goes- 10 dpo this cycle. Tried fertility blend for the first time this month (both me and DH). Have high temps and some encouraging symptoms! Usually my luteal phase is ~15 days so still have a way to go.

6-7dpo sore, painful breasts
8-10 dpo painful breasts and could feel my blood pulsing through my veins. Dancing with the stars made me cry. 10 dpo started to get some cramps, light and not like AF.
11 dpo more of same and, um, gassy. Actually that has been a few days now, but now I can't blame chili...
13 dpo- temps still up. Waking early (3-6 am) for past 4 days or so. Cramps alternating between AF like aches and sharper, non-AF like cramps.

16dpo- temps down and cramps. Out this month.
Hi girls!

This cycle I have really been in the mood quite often, therefore we :sex: a LOT!! Lots of stretchy EWCM over the period of 2 weeks around ovulation.

since 5DPO - Extreme thirst!!
8DPO - Twinges on R ovary
since 10DPO - Fatigued; need naps to survive
10DPO - Headache
11DPO - Stretchy EWCM tinged brown, CP is high and CLOSED (haven't ever really been able to feel it fully closed before)

Smells have been bothering me. Foods have been tasting SUPER delicious the past few days

12DPO - thirst, fatigue, increased CM
13DPO - Brown-tinged CM when wiping; starting to feel like AF is coming. Due Saturday.

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