Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Okay so after spending like two hours reading this thread I can't help but play along and continue updating. I really hope I get to turn this green :happydance:

Our schedules were tough TTC this cyle but we BD on 3 days prior, day prior, and day of O

1DPO - Nada, tiny bit of EWCM
2DPO - cramps and then realize I have a UTI. Brutal. Confirmed by doc. Heart sinks a little making me think this won't be the cycle now.
3 DPO - A few heart flutters. No CM, feels like a desert down there. Kinda worried since some say creamy CM is the first sign.
4 DPO - Not much, so far today, just slightly irritable. Still no CM. Update, out of nowhere this afternoon my face is SUPER flushed and I have a canker sore inside my mouth (I haven't had one of these in years?).
5 DPO - Woke up earlier than my alarm. Canker sore is gone. Feeling energized and completely symptom free so far this morning. Update, this afternoon I'm getting what feels like consistent light pinches in my very low right abdomen area.
6 DPO - After no CM for days, I finally have a little lotion like (piecey/small clumps?) of CM. (TMI). Exhausted (could be from running around all day) but ended up taking an early evening nap (I never nap) and feel like I could sleep for hours. Still in bed early for the night.
7 DPO - Nada so far, little to no watery CM. This afternoon while sitting the car, had a cramp in my lower right abdomen for about 20 minutes. Felt some pressure too. Exhaustion hitting again around 7pm now.
8 DPO - A little bit of (odorless) white clumpy CM. Have been having some serious (somewhat dramatic) mood swings today. Irritability at a high one minute, happy go luck the next. Feeling all around crazy. Carpal tunnel is acting up, left arm and hand achy. OMG very, very faint BFP on a FRER at 6:30pm. Too nervous to believe... will be testing with FMU tomorrow.
9 DPO - another faint positive at 6am on FRER. Aside from fatigue and yesterday's afternoon of being a bit woozy and sporadic cramps - I still can't believe it.

Time to turn this green!
This month we DTD on CD 8,10 & 14. Ovulation day was CD14.

Just cramps 1-5dpo (and I did pineapple core)
8dpo - heightened sense of smell
9dpo - smells, emotional, possible IB (pinkish/brown CM only when wiping in PM. Nothing since!) AF-type cramps
10dpo - woke up extremely nauseated. Exhausted yet full of energy? Cramps very similar to AF.

AF due June 9th at the earliest but likely not till June 11th (30-day cycle)

Fingers tightly crossed for a sticky rainbow bean!!! :cloud9:
Here we go again. I think we may have missed the egg, but I'm going to obsess anyway.

1dpo - cramping and heartburn. bawling for no reason. I think that just may be hormones around O though. anxiety.
2dpo- nothing really to report. diarrhea. cramping (cramping is probably from the diarrhea). anxiety again
3dpo - exhaustion. anxiety again. cramping (through my pelvis hips and back) feeling all around weird.

With my first BFP, I implanted at 2dpo (which is probably why I miscarried.) but I had heartburn right out of the gate. I dont want to get my hopes up though.
1-6dpo nothing stands out.
7-dpo metalic taste suddenly appeared. Stayed for most the day. Tested bfn.
8dpo-9dpo no symptoms tested anyway with cheap dip tests. Bfn.
10dpo tested with cheap dip tests x3 faint bfp!!!!
11dpo feeling heavy like the first sign of af. Tested again with an nhs supplied mid urine.. clearer but faint bfp.
12dpo nervous as i spot/bleed anyday from today... nothing but a slightly clearer bfp on nhs mid urine test. Breasts feel heavy sometimes and heavy feeling comes and goes!

13dpo is today. Af is due. Its cycle day 26. Its 5.30am and no spotting or bleeding :-) bfp on frer.

14dpo still no af :-)

15dpo still bfp twingy pains above pubic bone and milky white cm

16dpo all af type cramp has stopped just had one crampy sharp pain this morning.

17dpo no more cramps just lots of milky'pale yellowy white cm

18dpo feeling tired another bfp!!!! time to stop testing now xx

1-6dpo nothing stands out.
7-dpo metalic taste suddenly appeared. Stayed for most the day. Tested bfn.
8dpo-9dpo no symptoms tested anyway with cheap dip tests. Bfn.
10dpo tested with cheap dip tests x3 faint bfp!!!!
11dpo feeling heavy like the first sign of af. Tested again with an nhs supplied mid urine.. clearer but faint bfp.
12dpo nervous as i spot/bleed anyday from today... nothing but a slightly clearer bfp on nhs mid urine test. Breasts feel heavy sometimes and heavy feeling comes and goes!

13dpo is today. Af is due. Its cycle day 26. Its 5.30am and no spotting or bleeding :-)

Congrats!!!! :happydance::bfp:
I cannot believe that today is the day that I get to post this, and turn it green :happydance:

DH and I have been trying for almost a year and a half. This was our 3rd IUI, and we did clomid, injections, vitamin supplements, progesterone, you name it. Today is 16dpo - and it was such a clear positive on the test that the line was darker than the regular line.

Since I've been through ttc before, I stopped symptom hunting on here - but I did notice the following:

1-6 DPO - sore throat had a cold that I couldn't shake
7-10 - sore BBs, gassy, a bit nauseous, weirdly noticed that my pee smelled funny, but didn't know why.
10-16 - sore BBs, gassy, very crampy, nauseous, gag reflex was in full force, noticed that my nips were actually appearing to be bigger than usual, and were very sensitive/sore.

We've never had a BFP before, so we are beyond excited. When I saw the stick I kept saying "is this real!!???? is this real!!????" So now we are being very cautious and hoping for the very best.

Good luck to all of you other ladies who are in the 2WW, and thank you all for being a safe and welcoming place to turn to! :hugs:
I cannot believe that today is the day that I get to post this, and turn it green :happydance:

DH and I have been trying for almost a year and a half. This was our 3rd IUI, and we did clomid, injections, vitamin supplements, progesterone, you name it. Today is 16dpo - and it was such a clear positive on the test that the line was darker than the regular line.

Since I've been through ttc before, I stopped symptom hunting on here - but I did notice the following:

1-6 DPO - sore throat had a cold that I couldn't shake
7-10 - sore BBs, gassy, a bit nauseous, weirdly noticed that my pee smelled funny, but didn't know why.
10-16 - sore BBs, gassy, very crampy, nauseous, gag reflex was in full force, noticed that my nips were actually appearing to be bigger than usual, and were very sensitive/sore.

We've never had a BFP before, so we are beyond excited. When I saw the stick I kept saying "is this real!!???? is this real!!????" So now we are being very cautious and hoping for the very best.

Good luck to all of you other ladies who are in the 2WW, and thank you all for being a safe and welcoming place to turn to! :hugs:

This is wonderful!!!! Congrats to you & a healthy and happy 9 months!!!
1-4 dpo- tingly breasts and an aching back that is more irritating by the day. Cramps.
5 dpo- full BBs, heavy feeling in abdomen, thick lotiony CM, back aching all day long.
6 dpo- cramps, lotion CM.
7 dpo- heavy BBs while running at the gym (normal), cramps, creamy, clumpy white CM.
8 dpo- woke up to watery CM, which is unusual for me this far into my 2WW, but DH and I DTD last night, so that's probably why. Now clumpy white CM. Heightened sense of smell.
9 dpo- sore bbs.

cd12- lotion cm, turning more slippery
cd13- twinges on right side, cervix slightly open, small amount ewcm
cd14- subtle cramps, cervix still open, lotiony cm
cd15- white cm
cd16- no changes to note, feeling relaxed, white lotiony cm continue's
cd17- feeling a bit more relaxed and tired
cd18- hungry
cd19- more hungry and tired/relaxed
cd20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, bbs getting fuller, lotiony cm, more tired and relaxed.
cd28- had a dream that i got a bfp! seeing not one but 2 lines on test, very vivid!
cd29- late mp, thinking to buy test, could dream come true?
cd30 ( approx 17 dpo ) BFP! :happydance: So relieved and happy, we did it!
cd31 clear blue digi taken that evening, pregnant, 3+ ! :happydance:

shock - don't know why got 3+ (actually meaning 5+) at only 18 dpo ! :wacko:

cd12- lotion cm, turning more slippery
cd13- twinges on right side, cervix slightly open, small amount ewcm
cd14- subtle cramps, cervix still open, lotiony cm
cd15- white cm
cd16- no changes to note, feeling relaxed, white lotiony cm continue's
cd17- feeling a bit more relaxed and tired
cd18- hungry
cd19- more hungry and tired/relaxed
cd20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, bbs getting fuller, lotiony cm, more tired and relaxed.
cd28- had a dream that i got a bfp! seeing not one but 2 lines on test, very vivid!
cd29- late mp, thinking to buy test, could dream come true?
cd30 ( approx 17 dpo ) BFP! :happydance: So relieved and happy, we did it!
cd31 clear blue digi taken that evening, pregnant, 3+ ! :happydance:

shock - don't know why got 3+ (actually meaning 5+) at only 18 dpo ! :wacko:

Congrats!!!! H&H 9 months!!
1-2 dpo crampy, ovulation pains?

3 dpo - less crampy. VERY sleepy at 8:30. even though I slept in. irritable, getting frustrated with hubby lots, snappy. weird CM that I dont usually get. clear watery with a little stretch. small yellow gummy globs. going back and forworth of pregnant or not. Had very small dots of blood when I check CM. Had a few days ago too. Maybe just from checking cm

4dpo: nauseous upon waking. Watery CM. Just makes the TP wet. Feeling nauseous. .. also bumbed and anxious

5 dpo: Very dry CM. except onces today when I wiped had a very stretchy yellow glob... sorry

6dpo: checked my cm it was dark red. Had some very thick cm then went dry. Took at 3 hr nap. Had a hard time staying awake at dinner. Could only eat 1/2 my sandwich at dinner was getting really nauseous.

7dpo. 1 week until AF. Testing tomorrow even though im sure it is way too early and will be bfn. Dry cm. No real symptoms. Few weird sharp and dull pains. Woke up with nausea for the 3rd day in a row.

8 dpo- tested with fmu and bfn. Truly think there was a glimmer of a line but I def wouldn't call it a positive at this point. Will test again on tuesday. Nausea on and off today esp when first waking.EWCM ? which I typically dont have before AF. But maybe this is just a weird cycle? Hubby said my bbbs feel good today haha.

9dpo I got an extremely faint positive on a frer today. Will keep you posted

Trying for baby #2
Here we go again. I think we may have missed the egg, but I'm going to obsess anyway.

1dpo - cramping and heartburn. bawling for no reason. I think that just may be hormones around O though. anxiety.
2dpo- nothing really to report. diarrhea. cramping (cramping is probably from the diarrhea). anxiety again
3dpo - exhaustion. anxiety again. cramping (through my pelvis hips and back feels like my miscarriage but not like AF cramps) feeling all around weird. Nosebleed.

With my first BFP, I implanted at 2dpo (which is probably why I miscarried.) but I had heartburn right out of the gate. I dont want to get my hopes up though.

Tiny bit of blood while wiping today! I hope its implantation but it could possibly be my long awaited AF. Trying hard not to get my hopes up. Ill report back once it goes away (if it goes away). Cheers!
Signing onto this thread. Very interesting so loving reading everyone's symptoms and compairing my own. Trying to wait well past when af is due, june 27 is my 37th birthday. Not sure about my exact o date but here's my best estimate..
0 date: lots of cramping
1,2,3 dpo: cramping, low twinges, bloating, watery cm, strange smelling wee dpo 2.
testing in the am. Only 8dpo so i hope i won't be too disappointed if its bfn but we will see. Wish me luck!

cd12- lotion cm, turning more slippery
cd13- twinges on right side, cervix slightly open, small amount ewcm
cd14- subtle cramps, cervix still open, lotiony cm
cd15- white cm
cd16- no changes to note, feeling relaxed, white lotiony cm continue's
cd17- feeling a bit more relaxed and tired
cd18- hungry
cd19- more hungry and tired/relaxed
cd20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, bbs getting fuller, lotiony cm, more tired and relaxed.
cd28- had a dream that i got a bfp! seeing not one but 2 lines on test, very vivid!
cd29- late mp, thinking to buy test, could dream come true?
cd30 ( approx 17 dpo ) BFP! :happydance: So relieved and happy, we did it!
cd31 clear blue digi taken that evening, pregnant, 3+ ! :happydance:

shock - don't know why got 3+ (actually meaning 5+) at only 18 dpo ! :wacko:

congrats your due around same time as me xx
I believed I o'd around the 30th as I had an abundance of ewcm on the 29th.. I really am feeling like im out this month... I have a constant dull cramp with some mild on and off af like cramps.. Sore bbs and and upset stomach with tmi loose bms and gassy..... preparing myself for the worst.. Im not very confident in this month...

1-7 DPO- Felt nothing
8-9DPO- dull cramps, sore bbs, upset stomach,gassy

feels like af is on her way early... As she's not due until the 13-15th... which is a 28-30 day cycle..

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