Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

CD 1: Started AF, dry CM
CD 15-17: CM creamy
CD 18-19: abundant EWCM (assumed O day)
CD 23: creamy and wet CM
CD 24: clumpy CM
CD 29-30: creamy and a bit of EWCM
CD 32: EWCM, slight cramping in morning (first and usually only sign of AF for me and expected day for AF)
CD 33: Tiny amount of creamy CM, lower abdomen cramping, lots of gas and pressure
CD 34: Creamy, slightly yellow CM, creamy slightly clumpy CM, lower abdominal cramping/bloating/pressure; BD'd using pull-out, creamy globby CM after
CD 35: Pressure on bladder (feeling of needing to pee but can't be relieved) BFN, tightness in deep low abdomen, tinge of pain in middle left back, tiny bit of creamy CM
CD 36: Scalp overly sensitive, some pressure on bladder, bit of creamy/slightly chunk CM, slightly sick feeling after lunch, some very stretchy EWCM in afternoon
CD 37: BFN, some pains in side/lower abdomen, CM in underwear
CD 38: Light cramping in morning, light amount of creamy CM, vaginal odor, EWCM/Creamy, chunk of yellow CM
CD 40: CM in underwear, cramping in mid morning, itchy/bloody nose
CD 41: BFN
CD 42: BBT 97.21, BD'd w/ PO
CD 43: BBT 97.85
CD 44: BBT 97.81
CD 45: BBT 98.42; mild abdominal cramps , bit of creamy CM
CD 46: BBT 98.12
CD 47: BBT 98.51, Tiny bit of yellow creamy CM in morning, light abdominal cramping, yellow creamy slightly chunky CM
CD 48 (today): BBT 97.14 , menstrual-like cramps in morning but no blood, tightness in abdomen/uterus, AF showed in evening with cramps, finally!

No BFP this month but that's ok - I really want a spring baby!
Alrighty, let's try this again. Hey, I finally get to turn one green!!!! The only symptom that differentiated this cycle from my earlier cycles was sore boobs, but even then, they weren't *very* sore, just noticeably more tender than they had been previously.

1-4DPO: Nothing, vague cheerfulness
5DPO: Cried unnecessarily several times. Tiredness due to jetlag?
6DPO: Cramps in the morning, low left hand side. Progesterone is the WORST. One pimple appeared in the PM.
7DPO: Hungrier than normal.
8DPO: Sore boobs! Some dull cramping. Back to normal hunger. Random bouts of scatter-brainedness.
9DPO: Sore boobs! More dull cramping.
10DPO: Crying at the drop of a hat - three times at least. Boobs tender if I poke them.
11DPO: Boobs tender if I poke them. Nothing else.
12DPO: Boobs tender if I poke them. Nothing else.
13DPO: BFP! Niggling cramps on both sides down low. My boobs are basically back to normal now though. Who knows!

1-3 DPO

4-8 DPO
Increased Appetite, like I've never experienced before. Just couldn't get full and couldn't stop thinking about food! Have been trying a calorie controlled diet (only wanted to lose 7lbs) so that went out of the window!

8 DPO Very mild cramping
9 DPO Woke up with a slightly sore throat.
10 DPO (Today) Still a slight sore throat and slight runny nose. Needed to pee more frequently today.

One symptom that I haven't had which I ALWAYS have 7 days prior to AF, is sore boobs! No sore boobs! This is strange for me. I always always get sore boobs 7 days before AF. Is this weird?

Never experienced the TWW before as this is first time TTC. The TWW is dragging so much!
Signing onto this thread. Very interesting so loving reading everyone's symptoms and compairing my own. Trying to wait well past when af is due, june 27 is my 37th birthday. Not sure about my exact o date but here's my best estimate..
0 date: lots of cramping
1,2,3 dpo: cramping, low twinges, bloating, watery cm, strange smelling wee dpo 2.
4 dpo: still cramping a bit, bloating, creamy cm- feels like AF is on the way but way way too early :shrug: also demanded natch cheese crisps (chips) last night, which I never eat, didn't get them and still obsessing about them today.
5dpo: bloating but cramps going away. Still gassy.
6dpo: woke up with no symptoms :shrug: but as day went on more cramping/tugging in lower abdomen.
7dpo: fluttering/tugging no cramps still a little gassy and bloating.
Noticed more smells in the office today. Feeling more tired than usual.
* edit: completely confused of what dpo I am as messed up my cycle dates and if we were DTD on the 'right' days?! :dohh:*
- so not sure as to dpo - have made my ticker to the best of my ability and looks like it is ok to test in approx 7 days, unless I just can't wait anymore..
so maybe do a day/day feeling..
8ish dpo?? - woke with no symptoms, but some more pressure/tugging/ small bubble sensation later in the morning and for the rest of the day - also thirsty/slight headache and noticing a lot more smells.. yuck
My bbs have had a dull sting in them all day and feel hot to the touch? Anyone ever heard of this?
Could be nothing as AF isn't due until Thursday, but here are my symptoms:

1-5 dpo: nothing
6 dpo: loose BM in the evening
7 dpo: diarrhea in the morning
8 dpo: diarrhea in the morning & woke up with slight sore throat
9-11 dpo: diarrhea every morning & right sinuses swollen

Since 9 dpo, my BBs have been ever so slightly sore. By now they should really hurt...they usually start hurting 5 days before AF. I so badly want to take an hpt, but don't want to be disappointed. These symptoms could all be just a coincidence.
Ok future mamas! Here goes for the weirdest cycle ever (1st cycle TTcing)!

According to Fertility Friend, I ovulated on cycle day 13.

1 dpo: appetite off the charts (and I'm a skinny girl - don't judge me; I just have a fast metabolism).

2 dpo: UTI... whatttt? Probably caused by all that BDing. Dr's appointment. Antibiotics. Ugh.

3 dpo: Still recovering from UTI. Drinking lots of water. Now candida shows her ugly face (thanks antibiotics). Feeling pretty rotten still.

4 dpo: Feeling slightly better. Doing the whole "no-sugar" thing to get rid of the candida.

5 dpo: Increased appetite. Feeling irritable. Temps have shot down, not under cover line, but not far above.

6 dpo: Weird "pinching" feeling in my lower abdomen. I ever wonder if it isn't my bladder acting up again. I can't describe it as anything other than a bloated/pinching sensation in my very low abdomen. As though I had gas in my uterus. I know... random. Temps still down.

7 dpo: Temp back up. Still feeling a bit of that pinching sensation, along with bloating.

8 dpo: Spotting. What in the name of... ???? I usually get spotting before AF, but at 8dpo? Eh? TMI - light pink/dark brown/just a few drops in the afternoon, then nothing.

9dpo: Spotting starts up again in the A.M. Very sparse. Bloated/feeling gassy/constipated/wave of queasiness in the P.M. Ugh. At this point, I am certain that I am out!

10 dpo: Temperature on the rise. Tender breasts (especially on the right). Still spotting, but only when I wipe. Feeling crampy.

11 dpo: No spotting. Tender breasts. Temperature rising.

12 dpo: I gotta test! BFN! Well, that's just wonderful! Spotting starts up again, but this time (TMI) really dark brown, very sparse. Temp still rising. Feeling really frustrated and irritated. What is my body playing at? I feel blooooaaated beyond belief!

13 dpi (today): Temp still relatively high. No spotting at all. No appetite at all, but BFN. Breasts feeling pretty sore.

At this point I feel as though it's too late for a BFP, but AF is nowhere in sight! Ladies? Insight? Thoughts? Am I in or out? This is my 1st month TTcing, and it's already driving me insane! How do you ladies manage to handle the tension, haha!

Would it be a bad omen to have a BFP so late in my cycle? I miscarried last October at 5 weeks (accidental pregnancy, very late ovulation so "late BFP", but despite the hardship it was a positive thing as it allowed us to realize that we were ready to start trying). I'm trying to keep the negativity at bay, but it's hard!

1-8 DPO Nothing
9 DPO- Random hard boobs. vvv faint bfp on ic
10 DPO - Gagged brushing my teeth vv faint bfp on ic again
11 DPO- Digital bfp :

  1. WIN_20021208_120000 (7).jpg
36 y.o. TTC #1, low ovarian reserve; trying timed intercourse for 2 more cycles, then move on to IVF. Had an HSG this cycle.

1 dpo - creamy cm, bloated, gassy, breaking out, slightly tender nipples, diarrhea
2 dpo - creamy cm, frequent urination, gassy, slight nausea, slightly tender nipples
3 dpo - creamy cm, gassy, slight nausea, slightly tender/itchy nipples, vivid dreams
4 dpo - creamy cm, sore throat
This month we DTD on CD 8,10 & 14. Ovulation day was CD14.

Just cramps 1-5dpo (and I did pineapple core)
8dpo - heightened sense of smell
9dpo - smells, emotional, possible IB (pinkish/brown CM only when wiping in PM. Nothing since!) AF-type cramps
10dpo - woke up extremely nauseated. Exhausted yet full of energy? Cramps very similar to AF. Yellow blob of CM. Sore pelvic area.
11dpo - smells, yellow blob of CM. sore pelvic area
12-14dpo - sore pelvic area; odd pinches/cramps. lack of appetite. constipated!!
Tested BFN on 13dpo however both OH and I could see a shadow of a line, esp when held up to the light. Hoping it's a good sign as I also had this before my first chemical :happydance:

AF due June 9th at the earliest but likely not till June 11th (30-day cycle)

Fingers tightly crossed for a sticky rainbow bean!!! :cloud9:
Ive no idea if im in the 2ww or how many dpo I am, but ive tons of creamy cm, cramps, sore bbs, for 3 days ive had a twitching in my lower left abdomen not painful but noticeable, I have had on and off nausea, I even got sick this morning! I tested 2 days ago on an ic bfn :/
Okay so after spending like two hours reading this thread I can't help but play along and continue updating. I really hope I get to turn this green :happydance:

Our schedules were tough TTC this cyle but we BD on 3 days prior, day prior, and day of O

1DPO - Nada, tiny bit of EWCM
2DPO - cramps and then realize I have a UTI. Brutal. Confirmed by doc. Heart sinks a little making me think this won't be the cycle now.
3 DPO - A few heart flutters. No CM, feels like a desert down there. Kinda worried since some say creamy CM is the first sign.
4 DPO - Not much, so far today, just slightly irritable. Still no CM. Update, out of nowhere this afternoon my face is SUPER flushed and I have a canker sore inside my mouth (I haven't had one of these in years?).
5 DPO - Woke up earlier than my alarm. Canker sore is gone. Feeling energized and completely symptom free so far this morning. Update, this afternoon I'm getting what feels like consistent light pinches in my very low right abdomen area.
6 DPO - After no CM for days, I finally have a little lotion like (piecey/small clumps?) of CM. (TMI). Exhausted (could be from running around all day) but ended up taking an early evening nap (I never nap) and feel like I could sleep for hours. Still in bed early for the night.
7 DPO - Nada so far, little to no watery CM. This afternoon while sitting the car, had a cramp in my lower right abdomen for about 20 minutes. Felt some pressure too. Exhaustion hitting again around 7pm now.
8 DPO - A little bit of (odorless) white clumpy CM. Have been having some serious (somewhat dramatic) mood swings today. Irritability at a high one minute, happy go luck the next. Feeling all around crazy. Carpal tunnel is acting up, left arm and hand achy. OMG very, very faint BFP on a FRER at 6:30pm. Too nervous to believe... will be testing with FMU tomorrow.
9 DPO - another faint positive at 6am on FRER. Aside from fatigue and yesterday's afternoon of being a bit woozy and sporadic cramps - I still can't believe it. Not everyone gets the "normal" sore bbs and cm!!!

Time to turn this green!

Just got to turn my post green... I still can't believe it! :bfp:


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1-2dpo - Nothing
3dpo - extremely hungry, eating anything in sight
4dpo - Absolutely exhausted. Watery CM
5dpo- still exhausted, creamy, thin CM
6dpo - Headache, tired, lotion type creamy cm, feel sick

Will update
Okay so after spending like two hours reading this thread I can't help but play along and continue updating. I really hope I get to turn this green :happydance:

Our schedules were tough TTC this cyle but we BD on 3 days prior, day prior, and day of O

1DPO - Nada, tiny bit of EWCM
2DPO - cramps and then realize I have a UTI. Brutal. Confirmed by doc. Heart sinks a little making me think this won't be the cycle now.
3 DPO - A few heart flutters. No CM, feels like a desert down there. Kinda worried since some say creamy CM is the first sign.
4 DPO - Not much, so far today, just slightly irritable. Still no CM. Update, out of nowhere this afternoon my face is SUPER flushed and I have a canker sore inside my mouth (I haven't had one of these in years?).
5 DPO - Woke up earlier than my alarm. Canker sore is gone. Feeling energized and completely symptom free so far this morning. Update, this afternoon I'm getting what feels like consistent light pinches in my very low right abdomen area.
6 DPO - After no CM for days, I finally have a little lotion like (piecey/small clumps?) of CM. (TMI). Exhausted (could be from running around all day) but ended up taking an early evening nap (I never nap) and feel like I could sleep for hours. Still in bed early for the night.
7 DPO - Nada so far, little to no watery CM. This afternoon while sitting the car, had a cramp in my lower right abdomen for about 20 minutes. Felt some pressure too. Exhaustion hitting again around 7pm now.
8 DPO - A little bit of (odorless) white clumpy CM. Have been having some serious (somewhat dramatic) mood swings today. Irritability at a high one minute, happy go luck the next. Feeling all around crazy. Carpal tunnel is acting up, left arm and hand achy. OMG very, very faint BFP on a FRER at 6:30pm. Too nervous to believe... will be testing with FMU tomorrow.
9 DPO - another faint positive at 6am on FRER. Aside from fatigue and yesterday's afternoon of being a bit woozy and sporadic cramps - I still can't believe it. Not everyone gets the "normal" sore bbs and cm!!!

Time to turn this green!

Just got to turn my post green... I still can't believe it! :bfp:

Okay so after spending like two hours reading this thread I can't help but play along and continue updating. I really hope I get to turn this green :happydance:

Our schedules were tough TTC this cyle but we BD on 3 days prior, day prior, and day of O

1DPO - Nada, tiny bit of EWCM
2DPO - cramps and then realize I have a UTI. Brutal. Confirmed by doc. Heart sinks a little making me think this won't be the cycle now.
3 DPO - A few heart flutters. No CM, feels like a desert down there. Kinda worried since some say creamy CM is the first sign.
4 DPO - Not much, so far today, just slightly irritable. Still no CM. Update, out of nowhere this afternoon my face is SUPER flushed and I have a canker sore inside my mouth (I haven't had one of these in years?).
5 DPO - Woke up earlier than my alarm. Canker sore is gone. Feeling energized and completely symptom free so far this morning. Update, this afternoon I'm getting what feels like consistent light pinches in my very low right abdomen area.
6 DPO - After no CM for days, I finally have a little lotion like (piecey/small clumps?) of CM. (TMI). Exhausted (could be from running around all day) but ended up taking an early evening nap (I never nap) and feel like I could sleep for hours. Still in bed early for the night.
7 DPO - Nada so far, little to no watery CM. This afternoon while sitting the car, had a cramp in my lower right abdomen for about 20 minutes. Felt some pressure too. Exhaustion hitting again around 7pm now.
8 DPO - A little bit of (odorless) white clumpy CM. Have been having some serious (somewhat dramatic) mood swings today. Irritability at a high one minute, happy go luck the next. Feeling all around crazy. Carpal tunnel is acting up, left arm and hand achy. OMG very, very faint BFP on a FRER at 6:30pm. Too nervous to believe... will be testing with FMU tomorrow.
9 DPO - another faint positive at 6am on FRER. Aside from fatigue and yesterday's afternoon of being a bit woozy and sporadic cramps - I still can't believe it. Not everyone gets the "normal" sore bbs and cm!!!

Time to turn this green!

Just got to turn my post green... I still can't believe it! :bfp:

Congrats xx
So I wasn't imagining things! It was bfp after all! Tests all taken today at 10 dpo!


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