Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hang in there girl. I was two days late this cycle too. Maybe it's the moon doing it's autumn things!

Maybe so. :growlmad: Stupid moon doing autumn things. :haha:

I just wish AF would get here, so I can move on and try again next cycle. We're going to give preseed a go this time around.
Us too! And I had the same thought when mine was late. Just get here so I can start the next one!
6dpo - increased thirst, peeing more as a result
7dpo - same as above
8dpo - same as above
9dpo- very gassy, some pulling cramps on one side at a time (I think my right was a pulled muscle though so we'll just say some pulling cramps on my left side) and I was hit with very bad cramps, both sides and vagina, earlier in the day. I am farting a LOT (tmi sorry), a bit of heartburn while eating dinner
10dpo- woke up with dry mouth, thirsty, gassy (yes it's 6:50 am and I've already farted), I got hit by severe cramps around the same time as yesterday, minus 5 minutes, and they went away just as fast as yesterdays cramps. Right now I have light-moderate cramping... Just realized I had quite vivid dreams last night, 3 actually. Had some light pink/brown in my discharge, not sure if AF coming or implantation bleeding? Felt like I was going to faint around 1 PM, a few minutes later felt nauseous, a bit stuffy... a bit congested, mild headaches once in a while
Ok so today i though thats it im testing. Im 10dpo af due yesturday because i o late i thought maybe id wait 14dpo.
I got a slight BFP within 3 minutes and its still very faint i tried to upload it but its not working.
Im sccared its an evap. Its pinkish but see through not dark like the test line
I passed out last night at 8pm from sheer exhaustion and its been like that for a few days also im dehydrated and peeing alot im still bf lo too so my nipples are like fire

i used a 10mg test strip nhs apporoved i dont have any more so have to wait until tomorrow
i used 3rd morning urine

Im praying its not an evap as i have never had one so i dont know what it looks like. But im very happy
Yesturday i was 11dpo.
Today is 12dpo the only test i could get was a 25mg sensitivity.
I tested last night anyway and it looked like faint positive after 10 minutes but was very faint like i had to look under the light closely. Now the one from last night is more pinkish but still very faint.
I did one just now this morning and its the same within 3 minutes (thats when it says to read it) it shows a very faint pink line that is just visable.
I dont know if its an evap or not.
Yesturday i was 11dpo.
Today is 12dpo the only test i could get was a 25mg sensitivity.
I tested last night anyway and it looked like faint positive after 10 minutes but was very faint like i had to look under the light closely. Now the one from last night is more pinkish but still very faint.
I did one just now this morning and its the same within 3 minutes (thats when it says to read it) it shows a very faint pink line that is just visable.
I dont know if its an evap or not.
This is my fmu 12dpo on a 25mg test...
Its not the clearest picture


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she came last night.....uggghhhh. I really felt like this was it. But oh well. I can say it wasn't a 30 to 31 day cycle this time. I actually started on time. That made me happy. So on on to the next round!

congrats to all the BFP's!
Another month ... feels like yesturday i wrote here and then again feels like forever ago. I always end up leaving the site while on af and up until o.*
Then i become a searching and reading addict . Online also.

Day of o cd23 of a 31 day cycle.*
Im usually a 28 day cycle but because of bf i think my body has decided to become a 31 day cycle for the past 2 months.*
So it cpuld be 31 or 28 or anything i guess...
Day before o i had ewcm cervix high open and i felt slight tenderness when pressed my left ovary.*

O day ewcm i mean alot of it just happily exiting my body*
Pains on the left side*
End of the day severe nausia severe pains in the left abdomen stuck in bed on my right side. Fpod smelt awful and thrush flare up on my nipples. My nipples felt like fire.

1 dpo ewcm that cleared up into lotion type at end of the day. Cervix high open*
Slight tenderness on left side*

2dpo nothing really. Thrush pain on nipples calmed down but still there. Bloating slightly*
3dpo nothing much
4dpo nothing much just same kind of bloating*
5dpo diarreah feel like sweet stuff and bloating severe energy burts was cleaning and bouncing around like a mad woman
6dpo diarreah cold sweats and high closed cervix well as closed as it can be after kids.lotion type cm
7dpo cervix medium i dont think its as high as 2 days ago but maybe a little lower not ahuge change like before ovulation and ovulation. Hard long and closed.
cm is kind of stringy and off white almost yellowish.
i have had a blocked up dry kind of nose for a week.*
I think its from the ac though as i dont handle the ac too well.
8dpo woke up with a very sore throat and ate throat medicine. Blocked up dry stuffy kind of nose.
thrush on nipples flared up again and hurts when my lo feeds. Bbs no more tender then usual.
cervix feels soft for some reason kind of same position as yesturday but cant tell if its longer or shorter. Cm is stringy almost clumpy but stretches.*

I have had the odd pain in my belly the day before diarreah and days of but i think its the tap water i drank... im currently in north west africa. Even the clean water can make you sick.
Nipples still fairly tender whwn feeding must be from the thrush as my breasts feel fine.*
On 5dpo i had an energy spurt and was like energiser bunny

14dpo poas and got BFP.
since 11dpo i have aches and pains like af is coming and im still very tired.
Nipples hurt when i feed lo and shes not as interested in my milk.
Im so happy and hope for more BFP here.
I thank my creator and pray for a healthy 9 months ahead
Another month ... feels like yesturday i wrote here and then again feels like forever ago. I always end up leaving the site while on af and up until o.*
Then i become a searching and reading addict . Online also.

Day of o cd23 of a 31 day cycle.*
Im usually a 28 day cycle but because of bf i think my body has decided to become a 31 day cycle for the past 2 months.*
So it cpuld be 31 or 28 or anything i guess...
Day before o i had ewcm cervix high open and i felt slight tenderness when pressed my left ovary.*

O day ewcm i mean alot of it just happily exiting my body*
Pains on the left side*
End of the day severe nausia severe pains in the left abdomen stuck in bed on my right side. Fpod smelt awful and thrush flare up on my nipples. My nipples felt like fire.

1 dpo ewcm that cleared up into lotion type at end of the day. Cervix high open*
Slight tenderness on left side*

2dpo nothing really. Thrush pain on nipples calmed down but still there. Bloating slightly*
3dpo nothing much
4dpo nothing much just same kind of bloating*
5dpo diarreah feel like sweet stuff and bloating severe energy burts was cleaning and bouncing around like a mad woman
6dpo diarreah cold sweats and high closed cervix well as closed as it can be after kids.lotion type cm
7dpo cervix medium i dont think its as high as 2 days ago but maybe a little lower not ahuge change like before ovulation and ovulation. Hard long and closed.
cm is kind of stringy and off white almost yellowish.
i have had a blocked up dry kind of nose for a week.*
I think its from the ac though as i dont handle the ac too well.
8dpo woke up with a very sore throat and ate throat medicine. Blocked up dry stuffy kind of nose.
thrush on nipples flared up again and hurts when my lo feeds. Bbs no more tender then usual.
cervix feels soft for some reason kind of same position as yesturday but cant tell if its longer or shorter. Cm is stringy almost clumpy but stretches.*

I have had the odd pain in my belly the day before diarreah and days of but i think its the tap water i drank... im currently in north west africa. Even the clean water can make you sick.
Nipples still fairly tender whwn feeding must be from the thrush as my breasts feel fine.*
On 5dpo i had an energy spurt and was like energiser bunny

14dpo poas and got BFP.
since 11dpo i have aches and pains like af is coming and im still very tired.
Nipples hurt when i feed lo and shes not as interested in my milk.
Im so happy and hope for more BFP here.
I thank my creator and pray for a healthy 9 months ahead

Congrats and GL! :)
Ok, hi ladies! Here's mine so far.

1-6dpo - slight cramping on and off, very mild.
7dpo - major headache, brown/pink spotting only when wiping (first time I have ever had this) sore throat.
8dpo - spotting continued in the am but was gone by lunch. Mild cramping. Sore throat still here!
9dpo - cramping and sore throat still here!
10dpo - still cramping! It's very mild, I normally don't get cramping until I start bleeding, last time I had cramping from O I was pregnant :)
11 dpo - nasty gas pains and major cramps that tailed off after a horrible 20 mins or so at about 8pm.
12dpo - cramps yet again! Generally achy all over.
13 dpo (today) - absolutely shattered, mild cramping still. Hubby is optimistic!

Come on honeymoon baby haha! I feel half out, totally on the fence. I am buying tests when I go on the nursery run at 12.
Let me start off by saying this has been the most helpful thread. So very easy to skim through and easily see results of bfp or af. Lovely! :).

Have been ttc for two years with no luck. I ovulate and hubby has normal sperm count. However, after two years it gets very discouraging. I have stopped tracking my cycles, stopped temping, and stopped tracking ovulation. I guess you could say I have given up. But this month seems so very different. I almost forgot that what I am feeling could possibly be a bun in the oven. I do not know my dpo, since as I said I have stopped tracking, but I would like some second opinions on my symptoms.

So about two weeks ago I went to the clinic due to spotting(never ever had this in my life and it terrified me) and sharp pains in my right side. It wasn't until the nurse asked if I could be pregnant that it even crossed my mind that we had been trying. I laughed and said no, it's been two years, and that it was highly unlikely. The doctor confirmed that I had ovulated and it was "not the time to have sex". Needless to say we went at it like animals after I got home.
Since then I have been experiencing pms type cramps except very dull and pretty consistent. Then I noticed that my CM never really dried up after O. (always does) . After that I noticed my left breast was so sore on the side and underneath, almost like I got punched in the boob (imagine that) except it is only sore on one boob, the other just mildly. Cramps still there but still dull. Then I noticed I got hit pretty hard with diarrhea (tmi) extremely quickly, but also went away extremely quickly. I have vivid dreams normally, but this month they have been so wild and involving babies. (baby brain getting to me). Yesterday I woke up gagging like there was a lump in my throat and wouldn't go away. I gagged the whole way to class and then it stopped. Hubby laughed and said "pregnant" and I screamed at his like bloody murder. Poor guy has been dealing with a very temperamental lady this month. By the end of the day I was falling asleep on my desk and my professor even had to ask if I was okay. Fell asleep at 6pm when I got home. Still waking up with the same af type cramps. Would consider this normal except I never cramp until the day of af (how I pinpoint it is here before it even is) . I also get bloated and have felt nothing of the sort. Not to mention throughout this last week I have been eating about 6 meals a day. I am a college student, 6 meals a day takes a lot of time, yet somehow my not hungry yet starving body made time to do so. I am tiny and never really have a big appetite so this is strange to me. Last night was driving and felt a super sharp pain on my right side and it almost made me scream "ow!" but it only lasted a minute. Starting to feel like this is my month, however, not knowing when my cycle started and is supposed to end is killing me! I took dollar store hpt a few days ago with a negative. now just waiting on af. (or no af). Here's hoping this is finally my month! Not the best timing, however, nothing will happen until the timing is inconvenient. But I would never be disappointed!!!! After 2 long years of discouragement I would be so ecstatic. Not getting the hopes up though, less distance to fall when it fails.

Anybody else having bleeding during O for the first time and ended up with a bfp?? Such a strange month!
Ok, hi ladies! Here's mine so far.

1-6dpo - slight cramping on and off, very mild.
7dpo - major headache, brown/pink spotting only when wiping (first time I have ever had this) sore throat.
8dpo - spotting continued in the am but was gone by lunch. Mild cramping. Sore throat still here!
9dpo - cramping and sore throat still here!
10dpo - still cramping! It's very mild, I normally don't get cramping until I start bleeding, last time I had cramping from O I was pregnant :)
11 dpo - nasty gas pains and major cramps that tailed off after a horrible 20 mins or so at about 8pm.
12dpo - cramps yet again! Generally achy all over.
13 dpo - absolutely shattered, mild cramping still. Hubby is optimistic!

Come on honeymoon baby haha! I feel half out, totally on the fence. I am buying tests when I go on the nursery run at 12.

14dpo - spotting brown (TMI, with AF I usually start full force flow with red blood so this is odd) cramps are gone. But feel like I'm out. Very tired, haven't tested as I think AF is imminent!
After a chemical last cycle, I was going to give up this cycle. HOWEVER! Hubs had an "accident" this cycle.

I have no idea how many DPO's I am, because I didn't use ovulation strips at all. So I'm going to guess CD 14 was O? And go from there.

DPO1-3 Nothing
DPO4- Dry eyes, heavy feeling in uterus, dizziness
Hi, I have posted here couple of times and now I feel this cycle has to be documented because it is a weird one.

I had a chemical pregnancy last month and lost the baby at 4w3d. I was devastated but tried to look forward to the next cycle since my doc said I can try right away. Here are my tww symptoms for this cycle (with truckloads of TMI) -

1dpo - Gas pains after breakfast. I had quite a bit of pain for about 5-10 mins and it felt like wind was trapped in my gut. The pain then went away. I actually think that this happened because of eating slightly expired cheese for breakfast (less than 24 hours after posted expiration date). Traces of sticky yellow cm every time I wipe

2-3dpo - nothing out of the ordinary. Yellow CM continues

4-5dpo - heartburn, uncomfortable feeling in the chest after having food. I never get heartburn/acid reflux and the first time I ever got it was when I was pregnant last month. So, this got me suspicious. Yellow Cm continues to be sticky like snot/boogers...sorry for the gross description

6dpo - heartburn continues. Cravings for spicy food. Stomach cramps and then loose bowels (not diarrhea) after eating spicy food for dinner. Yellow CM.

7-9dpo - No more heartburn/stomach cramps which was a relief. CM more abundant now. More than I had last month. It feels like creamy CM before ovulation, not EWCM but thick and creamy like lotion

10-11dpo - Yellow CM returns to being sticky from creamy. Tender breasts.

12dpo - Yellow CM becomes creamy again and more abundant, landing on my undies (sorry for TMI again). tender breasts

13dpo - AF-like cramps on and off until noon. And then in the evening, along with backache similar to first day of AF but not as severe. Went to bed expecting that AF will be here any minute and I would see her first thing next morning. Yellow creamy CM everytime I wipe. Left breasts swollen and tender, right breast seems fine.

14dpo - No AF, temp stays high at 98.4. Caved in and tested and it was a stark white :bfn: So, gutted! Yellow creamy CM continues, not as abundant but there when I wipe. Mild AF-like cramps again, specifically on the right side with some cramps radiating towards right leg. Tender left breast. Both breasts very swollen in the pm

15dpo - no cramps today. Breasts still feel tender. Not a lot of CM today but still yellow in color. CM also has very slight light brown color to it. Expecting temp to drop tomorrow to welcome AF

16dpo - AF is here right on time!

I wanted to document this since there are so many women online (like me) who search for "pregnancy chances after chemical". I am definitely not among the lucky ones who got pregnant right away after chemical but here's to show our cycles can change so much and act crazy.
Hello! I have been stalking this thread for what feels like forever. I wanted to share my symptoms with you ladies! I did my first IUI this month with Clomid and Ovidrel trigger injection.

1-5DPO - Nothing much
6DPO- Cramping similar to pms
7DPO - More cramping, sore nipples, thirsty
8DPO - sore nipples, thirsty, craving apple juice, mild cramping
9DPO - still sore nipples, mild cramps, tired
10-12DPO - tired, boobs alittle less sore, upset stomach
13DPO - :bfp:

I wanted to note that I really thought my period was going to start 9DPO. I also had hardly any CM after ovulation. I don't know if that's a side effect from the Clomid or not.


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BACK AGAIN! Let's see how we do this cycle!

I got a full on, super dark OPK on Sunday, so pretty sure today is day 0-1.

0-1 DPO - Tender breasts, VERY SORE NIPPLES. Full feeling in my abdomen. Very strange. Thought maybe I just drank too much water last night, but it was not gone by this morning. It's like bloating, but so very contained to my tummy. Some nausea. Tired. Constipated. Craving salt like I do when AF is coming. Did I mention my nipples? WOW they hurt. Pinching real low in abdomen.

1-2 DPO - Nipples still hurt. Yup, they hurt. A lot. I am cranky. Cervix is usually high in the morning and low at night. Opening is still open. CM is creamy by mid day, and thick. Full feeling in my tummy. Bloated. Hungry. Congested this morning, but that seems to have cleared up. Tired. Just kinda want to go back to bed for a few days. It's also worth noting that my nipples seem to be at a constant state of attention! They are like pencil erasers!

2-3 DPO - Nipples still hurt. Breasts ache. Some cramping this morning. Some pinching in my belly last night. I am moody. Fighting with DH about money. Not sleeping well. Depressed. Sneezing. Runny nose.

3-4 DPO - Cervix is medium to low. CM is thick and creamy. Seems like more than usual, but that could be my imagination. Boobs are still sore, though nipples have calmed down significantly. Vivid dreams, but that is not abnormal at this point in my cycle. Not much else to speak of. Feel much calmer today. Tummy feels full today. Like I ate too much.

4-5 DPO - Woken up this morning by cramping. Not normal for me. Something is up this month. Not sure it's necessarily a bun in the oven, but something is up. Boobs are sore. Had a headache off and on this morning. Not sleeping well at all. I don't stay asleep and despite being exhausted in the morning, I am restless. Have pain in my left hip. Bloated. VERY hungry. Have an off and on full feeling in my tummy. Lots of CM at night.

5-6 DPO - Some belly pain and fullness. Boobies are sore on the sides. Hurts to hug DH. Took a test, even though I knew it was way too early anyway. BFN. Increased appetite during the day.

6-7 DPO - Sick in bed all day. Nasty cough. Very tired. Back ache. Sneezing a lot. Boobs hurt. Got very dizzy at night, and I had eaten and drank plenty of water. Thought MAYBE I saw some pink in my undies. The undies themselves are pink on the outside and white on the inside. Might have been that the CM just dried looking pink because of the fabric, but no other CM did that. Just that one spot of it. Not sure, so not counting it. Increased appetite.

7-8 DPO - Sleepy today. Boobies are very sore on the sides. Mild pressure makes them hurt. Boob pain is not out of the ordinary for me though. Upper back pain today. Cervix is medium height, medium texture, seems closed up. CM is creamy. (it never feels totally closed up, but my son was a vaginal delivery so maybe that is why). Runny nose.

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