My symptoms so far.
1dpo - Nothing
2dpo - Nipples feel slightly uncomfortable, but that can be normal. Random twinge low down. Must eat all the foods (but this is normal before af too).
3dpo - Nipples still feel odd, odd attack of nausea on the bus for about a min or so, still must eat all the foods, very, very short tempered.
4dpo - Boobs are feeling strangely heavy, warm and tingly. Hunger.
5dpo - Boobs again feel like the above, definite cramping, peeing more than usual, hardly any cm, still short tempered. Read today symptoms before 6dpo are impossible?, but this cramping is real!.
7dpo - Kept awake by odd af type cramps. Underarms near beasts ache. Nightmares all night and I've still got a strange sensation in my uterus :/. BFN.
8dpo - cramping, constipated, occasional sharp shooting pain in boobs, exhausted. BFN.
9dpo - Cramping, constipated, slightly tender nipples, seem to be peeing more often. BFN with FRER.
10dpo - Ibs playing up. Nipples slightly sore. BFN. Giving up this cycle.
11dpo - Well I spoke too soon didn't I?. Got a faint almost nonexsistant bfp this morning on a cheapie ( i had to look at it in the sun) and then a clear bfp on a superdrug early test!!.
Upadated with a bfp![]()
Congrats! Was just readings your symptoms. Just wanted to mention I was watching an awful reality show the other day and she mentioned that she always knew she was pregnant by the cramping she would get! Also, I have IBS too and ever since TTC these past 3 months I had TERRIBLE constipation after O. Like never before!!! That wouldnt happen to be your issue would it? Its really bad this month and I am in my TWW.