Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

My symptoms so far.

1dpo - Nothing
2dpo - Nipples feel slightly uncomfortable, but that can be normal. Random twinge low down. Must eat all the foods (but this is normal before af too).
3dpo - Nipples still feel odd, odd attack of nausea on the bus for about a min or so, still must eat all the foods, very, very short tempered.
4dpo - Boobs are feeling strangely heavy, warm and tingly. Hunger.
5dpo - Boobs again feel like the above, definite cramping, peeing more than usual, hardly any cm, still short tempered. Read today symptoms before 6dpo are impossible?, but this cramping is real!.
7dpo - Kept awake by odd af type cramps. Underarms near beasts ache. Nightmares all night and I've still got a strange sensation in my uterus :/. BFN.
8dpo - cramping, constipated, occasional sharp shooting pain in boobs, exhausted. BFN.
9dpo - Cramping, constipated, slightly tender nipples, seem to be peeing more often. BFN with FRER :(.
10dpo - Ibs playing up. Nipples slightly sore. BFN. Giving up this cycle.
11dpo - Well I spoke too soon didn't I?. Got a faint almost nonexsistant bfp this morning on a cheapie ( i had to look at it in the sun) and then a clear bfp on a superdrug early test!!.

Upadated with a bfp :o

Congrats! Was just readings your symptoms. Just wanted to mention I was watching an awful reality show the other day and she mentioned that she always knew she was pregnant by the cramping she would get! Also, I have IBS too and ever since TTC these past 3 months I had TERRIBLE constipation after O. Like never before!!! That wouldnt happen to be your issue would it? Its really bad this month and I am in my TWW.

I just saw this so I'm beginning with today. (Note still trying to figure out dpo thing.... Lol)

8dpo?????- really bad cramping in lower abs and back. Stuffy nose. Sore throat. Shooting pains in breast. Nauseous (wakes me up at night)
Another month ... feels like yesturday i wrote here and then again feels like forever ago. I always end up leaving the site while on af and up until o.
Then i become a searching and reading addict . Online also.

Day of o cd23 of a 31 day cycle.
Im usually a 28 day cycle but because of bf i think my body has decided to become a 31 day cycle for the past 2 months.
So it cpuld be 31 or 28 or anything i guess...
Day before o i had ewcm cervix high open and i felt slight tenderness when pressed my left ovary.

O day ewcm i mean alot of it just happily exiting my body
Pains on the left side
End of the day severe nausia severe pains in the left abdomen stuck in bed on my right side. Fpod smelt awful and thrush flare up on my nipples. My nipples felt like fire.

1 dpo ewcm that cleared up into lotion type at end of the day. Cervix high open
Slight tenderness on left side

2dpo nothing really. Thrush pain on nipples calmed down but still there. Bloating slightly
3dpo nothing much
4dpo nothing much just same kind of bloating
5dpo diarreah feel like sweet stuff and bloating severe energy burts was cleaning and bouncing around like a mad woman
6dpo diarreah cold sweats and high closed cervix well as closed as it can be after kids.lotion type cm
7dpo cervix medium i dont think its as high as 2 days ago but maybe a little lower not ahuge change like before ovulation and ovulation. Hard long and closed.
cm is kind of stringy and off white almost yellowish.
i have had a blocked up dry kind of nose for a week.
I think its from the ac though as i dont handle the ac too well.
8dpo woke up with a very sore throat and ate throat medicine. Blocked up dry stuffy kind of nose.
thrush on nipples flared up again and hurts when my lo feeds. Bbs no more tender then usual.
cervix feels soft for some reason kind of same position as yesturday but cant tell if its longer or shorter. Cm is stringy almost clumpy but stretches.

I have had the odd pain in my belly the day before diarreah and days of but i think its the tap water i drank... im currently in north west africa. Even the clean water can make you sick.
Nipples still fairly tender whwn feeding must be from the thrush as my breasts feel fine.
On 5dpo i had an energy spurt and was like energiser bunny cleaning around the house
Here's my first time getting to do this. I'm hoping it is the last (at least for awhile :haha: )

I o'ed on cd17 or cd18 of a 30 day cycle. I am now 12 dpo and waiting for AF to show tomorrow, or to stay away, which would be even better!

1 dpo-nothing much. EWCM and sore BBs
2-5 dpo-sore BBs, watery/lotiony CM
6-7 dpo-slight nausea, watery/lotiony CM
8 dpo-Nausea, sore BBs, cramps on right side of uterus. Slight pulling feeling below the belly button.
9 dpo-Nausea, tons of watery CM, cramping (but way different than AF cramps), headache--tested with FRER, :bfn:
10 dpo-tons of watery CM, pulling feeling in sides and below belly button, sore BBs, very tired, headache, bloating
11 dpo-tons of watery CM changed to tons of very creamy yellow/white CM, headache, pulling sensations in sides and below belly button, backache, fatigue, bloating, sore BBs and sensitive nipples-tested with FRER, either squinter or a :bfn:
12 dpo-creamy yellow/white CM,bloating, fatigue, backache, sore BBs-tested with FRER w/ FMU, :bfn:
13 dpo-AF is due today, and so far hasn't shown up. BBs are sore, lots of creamy yellow/white CM, and fatigue. If AF doesn't show today, I will be testing tomorrow morning.
14 dpo-AF still hasn't shown. BBs are more tender than sore, less CM, still exhausted, still nauseous. :bfn: on clearblue digital
15 dpo-AF 2 days late. Backache, sore BBs, more CM, fatigue. AM clearblue digital, :bfn:

I'm just waiting for the witch now. This is the first cycle she's been late since I've started the metformin :(
As for me, 8dpo and testing tomorrow. Knowing it's still early.

--acne breakout
--low mild cramping
--sweet smelling pee :rofl:

Mine too! (the pee part) think it's the prenatals or something?
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst! BFN at night.

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

7 DPO - Cervix is REAL high and soft again. It had gotten harder, but is soft like lips this morning. Temp is back down to where it's been since O. Almost a straight line with very little fluctuation until it shot up yesterday. Last night I burped and vomited a little...out of NOWHERE. Mild back pain. Cramping has stopped. Slighly dizzy off and on. Constipated in the morning. Thirsty. CM VERY watery and clear. Almost not there at all. Terrible pain in my tummy in the evening. Felt in the area of an ovary. Like a jab.

8 DPO - Spent all day as a bridesmaid at a wedding so I ignored a lot of what was going on with my body that day. Nothing notable to report. Temp was up again.

9 DPO - Took a test with FMU and it was BFN. Felt terrible for most of the day. Cold symptoms...sore throat, cough, very phlegmy. Had some nausea in the morning and the evening. Temp was low again.

10 DPO - Temp is up again. This charting confuses me. Creamy CM, cervix is medium soft, medium high, seems pretty closed. No idea what is going on this cycle. I don't want to lose hope, but I don't have any real concrete signs. Boobs are real sore today. THIRSTY!!! I drink water like crazy, and there just never seems to be enough. Irritable. At night, cervix super low and almost engorged feeling. CM still creamy.

11 DPO: Temp down slightly. Crampy. Exhausted. Feeling out of the game this month. AF is due in a few days, and I feel like she is coming. Some soreness in my cervix. Today it's medium but firm. Tilted back and to the side. Boobs are sore. Pain in the area of my ovaries. Thirsty. Achy. Headache off and on. Real light, but it's there. Feel moody and weepy today. Depressed. Nausea in the afternoon. Headache is lingering, feeling strongest behind my nose and eyes. Cervix moved again in the afternoon. Now high and softer around the edges. Still firm in the middle.

12 DPO: BNF this morning. Cervix is now low, medium soft, and open? I don't understand how that works. CM is heavier today. Still creamy, though a bit more like egg whites today. Sure, NOW you get all egg white like! Crampy off and on. Boobs hurt like crazy. AF is probably going to come kick my tush in a day or so.

13 DPO: Temp is down. Feeling pretty normal today. Cramps this morning. Irritable and hot like AF is coming. She is due to hit tomorrow or Saturday. Boobs hurt. Cervix is low and slightly open. CM is the same as its been, white a creamy but not at all heavy. My knees are killing me...I have fibromyalgia and that is a sure sign of PMS for me. I am tapping out for this month I think! Better luck next month?

14 DPO - AF due today. But temp was back up? Nothing yet. Not even any cramps. Gums and teeth sore. Cervix medium and medium. CM white and creamy. Boobs sore as ever. Pain in my gums like I flossed too hard this morning. Maybe I did? Some mild lower back pain. Knees are really hurting today. Ok, maybe some small cramps.

Here is where I am at. No sign of AF yet. To test, or not to test. That is the question...
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst! BFN at night.

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

7 DPO - Cervix is REAL high and soft again. It had gotten harder, but is soft like lips this morning. Temp is back down to where it's been since O. Almost a straight line with very little fluctuation until it shot up yesterday. Last night I burped and vomited a little...out of NOWHERE. Mild back pain. Cramping has stopped. Slighly dizzy off and on. Constipated in the morning. Thirsty. CM VERY watery and clear. Almost not there at all. Terrible pain in my tummy in the evening. Felt in the area of an ovary. Like a jab.

8 DPO - Spent all day as a bridesmaid at a wedding so I ignored a lot of what was going on with my body that day. Nothing notable to report. Temp was up again.

9 DPO - Took a test with FMU and it was BFN. Felt terrible for most of the day. Cold symptoms...sore throat, cough, very phlegmy. Had some nausea in the morning and the evening. Temp was low again.

10 DPO - Temp is up again. This charting confuses me. Creamy CM, cervix is medium soft, medium high, seems pretty closed. No idea what is going on this cycle. I don't want to lose hope, but I don't have any real concrete signs. Boobs are real sore today. THIRSTY!!! I drink water like crazy, and there just never seems to be enough. Irritable. At night, cervix super low and almost engorged feeling. CM still creamy.

11 DPO: Temp down slightly. Crampy. Exhausted. Feeling out of the game this month. AF is due in a few days, and I feel like she is coming. Some soreness in my cervix. Today it's medium but firm. Tilted back and to the side. Boobs are sore. Pain in the area of my ovaries. Thirsty. Achy. Headache off and on. Real light, but it's there. Feel moody and weepy today. Depressed. Nausea in the afternoon. Headache is lingering, feeling strongest behind my nose and eyes. Cervix moved again in the afternoon. Now high and softer around the edges. Still firm in the middle.

12 DPO: BNF this morning. Cervix is now low, medium soft, and open? I don't understand how that works. CM is heavier today. Still creamy, though a bit more like egg whites today. Sure, NOW you get all egg white like! Crampy off and on. Boobs hurt like crazy. AF is probably going to come kick my tush in a day or so.

13 DPO: Temp is down. Feeling pretty normal today. Cramps this morning. Irritable and hot like AF is coming. She is due to hit tomorrow or Saturday. Boobs hurt. Cervix is low and slightly open. CM is the same as its been, white a creamy but not at all heavy. My knees are killing me...I have fibromyalgia and that is a sure sign of PMS for me. I am tapping out for this month I think! Better luck next month?

14 DPO - AF due today. But temp was back up? Nothing yet. Not even any cramps. Gums and teeth sore. Cervix medium and medium. CM white and creamy. Boobs sore as ever. Pain in my gums like I flossed too hard this morning. Maybe I did? Some mild lower back pain. Knees are really hurting today. Ok, maybe some small cramps.

Here is where I am at. No sign of AF yet. To test, or not to test. That is the question...

Girl, I would be peeing on all the sticks in the world right now! You'll never know until you test. :shrug:
Here's my first time getting to do this. I'm hoping it is the last (at least for awhile :haha: )

I o'ed on cd17 or cd18 of a 30 day cycle. I am now 12 dpo and waiting for AF to show tomorrow, or to stay away, which would be even better!

1 dpo-nothing much. EWCM and sore BBs
2-5 dpo-sore BBs, watery/lotiony CM
6-7 dpo-slight nausea, watery/lotiony CM
8 dpo-Nausea, sore BBs, cramps on right side of uterus. Slight pulling feeling below the belly button.
9 dpo-Nausea, tons of watery CM, cramping (but way different than AF cramps), headache--tested with FRER, :bfn:
10 dpo-tons of watery CM, pulling feeling in sides and below belly button, sore BBs, very tired, headache, bloating
11 dpo-tons of watery CM changed to tons of very creamy yellow/white CM, headache, pulling sensations in sides and below belly button, backache, fatigue, bloating, sore BBs and sensitive nipples-tested with FRER, either squinter or a :bfn:
12 dpo-creamy yellow/white CM,bloating, fatigue, backache, sore BBs-tested with FRER w/ FMU, :bfn:
13 dpo-AF is due today, and so far hasn't shown up. BBs are sore, lots of creamy yellow/white CM, and fatigue. If AF doesn't show today, I will be testing tomorrow morning.

FXed that the :witch: stays away.

updated :)
Another month ... feels like yesturday i wrote here and then again feels like forever ago. I always end up leaving the site while on af and up until o.
Then i become a searching and reading addict . Online also.

Day of o cd23 of a 31 day cycle.
Im usually a 28 day cycle but because of bf i think my body has decided to become a 31 day cycle for the past 2 months.
So it cpuld be 31 or 28 or anything i guess...
Day before o i had ewcm cervix high open and i felt slight tenderness when pressed my left ovary.

O day ewcm i mean alot of it just happily exiting my body
Pains on the left side
End of the day severe nausia severe pains in the left abdomen stuck in bed on my right side. Fpod smelt awful and thrush flare up on my nipples. My nipples felt like fire.

1 dpo ewcm that cleared up into lotion type at end of the day. Cervix high open
Slight tenderness on left side

2dpo nothing really. Thrush pain on nipples calmed down but still there. Bloating slightly
3dpo nothing much
4dpo nothing much just same kind of bloating
5dpo diarreah feel like sweet stuff and bloating severe energy burts was cleaning and bouncing around like a mad woman
6dpo diarreah cold sweats and high closed cervix well as closed as it can be after kids.lotion type cm
7dpo cervix medium i dont think its as high as 2 days ago but maybe a little lower not ahuge change like before ovulation and ovulation. Hard long and closed.
cm is kind of stringy and off white almost yellowish.
i have had a blocked up dry kind of nose for a week.
I think its from the ac though as i dont handle the ac too well.
8dpo woke up with a very sore throat and ate throat medicine. Blocked up dry stuffy kind of nose.
thrush on nipples flared up again and hurts when my lo feeds. Bbs no more tender then usual.
cervix feels soft for some reason kind of same position as yesturday but cant tell if its longer or shorter. Cm is stringy almost clumpy but stretches.

I have had the odd pain in my belly the day before diarreah and days of but i think its the tap water i drank... im currently in north west africa. Even the clean water can make you sick.
Nipples still fairly tender whwn feeding must be from the thrush as my breasts feel fine.
On 5dpo i had an energy spurt and was like energiser bunny cleaning around the house

I really hope i get my bfp in a few days although i o about 4 days late my lp is 10 days if i get af on time otherwise its not due until the full 14 days.
I have seen many women with stuffy nose and soar throat get bfp that month.
Im not sure if by stuff they meant blocked and wet or dry and blocked or just sniffly
Sounds like im over analysing but im very curious to see if i get my bfp. I was in ac for a while just before my nose got stuffy but that was around o time and 3 days later i started feeling stuffy but havent been in ac since and my throat hurt so bad this morning until now
my first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. Nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when i went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: More spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6 and mild nausea today. I know that its way early, but couldn't resist the urge, tested and bfn

day 9 - nauseous all day, no spotting today, spot breakout and feeling bit moody.

Day 10 - tested with an asda early detector pereg test bfn. Pretty sure a positive would've shown up by now, as af due friday :(. But i have still got nausea?? And i'm not sleeping well for past couple of nights which is very unusual for me..

Day 11 - still nauseous and suffering heartburn, temp still up. Small amount of stringy lightly blood streaked discharge earlier. Bit windy - a common sign with me that af is on her way, bit crampy this eve :(. I'm really unsure what to make of my symptoms. May test again on friday if no af

day 12 - did another test due to all the nausea - bfn. No more testing for me, just going to wait for af to show up and start again x

day 13 and 14 - still no af, still getting cramps and bit of blood streaked stringy cm (sorry if tmi). Mild nausea is still going on. Looks like i'm on a long cycle this month ;/......

my first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. Nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when i went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: More spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6 and mild nausea today. I know that its way early, but couldn't resist the urge, tested and bfn

day 9 - nauseous all day, no spotting today, spot breakout and feeling bit moody.

Day 10 - tested with an asda early detector pereg test bfn. Pretty sure a positive would've shown up by now, as af due friday :(. But i have still got nausea?? And i'm not sleeping well for past couple of nights which is very unusual for me..

Day 11 - still nauseous and suffering heartburn, temp still up. Small amount of stringy lightly blood streaked discharge earlier. Bit windy - a common sign with me that af is on her way, bit crampy this eve :(. I'm really unsure what to make of my symptoms. May test again on friday if no af

day 12 - did another test due to all the nausea - bfn. No more testing for me, just going to wait for af to show up and start again x

day 13 and 14 - still no af, still getting cramps and bit of blood streaked stringy cm (sorry if tmi). Mild nausea is still going on. Looks like i'm on a long cycle this month ;/......


Did you get your bfp?
my first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. Nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when i went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: More spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6 and mild nausea today. I know that its way early, but couldn't resist the urge, tested and bfn

day 9 - nauseous all day, no spotting today, spot breakout and feeling bit moody.

Day 10 - tested with an asda early detector pereg test bfn. Pretty sure a positive would've shown up by now, as af due friday :(. But i have still got nausea?? And i'm not sleeping well for past couple of nights which is very unusual for me..

Day 11 - still nauseous and suffering heartburn, temp still up. Small amount of stringy lightly blood streaked discharge earlier. Bit windy - a common sign with me that af is on her way, bit crampy this eve :(. I'm really unsure what to make of my symptoms. May test again on friday if no af

day 12 - did another test due to all the nausea - bfn. No more testing for me, just going to wait for af to show up and start again x

day 13 and 14 - still no af, still getting cramps and bit of blood streaked stringy cm (sorry if tmi). Mild nausea is still going on. Looks like i'm on a long cycle this month ;/......


Did you get your bfp?
Tested this morning - BFN :(
my first ttc cycle so far after sterilisation reversal.

1dpo - frequently passing urine and spot breakout

2 dpo - as above, but with a strange tingly sensation/feeling in my lower abdomen, a bit like nervous butterflies but constant all day. Quite tired today, but prob unrelated, most likely due to not sleeping very well. Just got in bath and deffo noticed that my nipples feel tender too.

3 dpo - disturbed sleep, qiuite lethargic (probs related to quality of sleep) feeling quite warm. Creamy yellow cm. Nipples still quite tender, but might be because of bra friction.

4 dpo - cycle day 17 of a 26 day cycle. Had mild dull ache last night in pelvic area, and this morning when i went to toilet and wiped, red blood, kind of like the start of a period. Obviously not that as not due for another 9 days.

5 dpo - bit more blood on wiping again today but not as much as yesterday and mild cramps again this afternoon. Nipples don't feel as tender today. Feeling quite grumpy

6-7 dpo: More spotting/blood on wiping again, not normal. Boobs no longer tender, bit more indigestion on day 6 and mild nausea today. I know that its way early, but couldn't resist the urge, tested and bfn

day 9 - nauseous all day, no spotting today, spot breakout and feeling bit moody.

Day 10 - tested with an asda early detector pereg test bfn. Pretty sure a positive would've shown up by now, as af due friday :(. But i have still got nausea?? And i'm not sleeping well for past couple of nights which is very unusual for me..

Day 11 - still nauseous and suffering heartburn, temp still up. Small amount of stringy lightly blood streaked discharge earlier. Bit windy - a common sign with me that af is on her way, bit crampy this eve :(. I'm really unsure what to make of my symptoms. May test again on friday if no af

day 12 - did another test due to all the nausea - bfn. No more testing for me, just going to wait for af to show up and start again x

day 13 and 14 - still no af, still getting cramps and bit of blood streaked stringy cm (sorry if tmi). Mild nausea is still going on. Looks like i'm on a long cycle this month ;/......


Did you get your bfp?
Tested this morning - BFN :(

Oh 👎
Is this your longest cycle ?
People think after you have a few kids things just become clear but we struggle telling the signs too ...
With my lo i knew i was pregnant. I craved kebab at 12am and woke up dh to get it. I was 10dpo and af due in 4 days i tested and got bfn next day tested again got bfn the day after bfp day of af i bled.
My ds i knew i was pregnant 2 days before af just a hunch and i was off coffee.... tested and bfp
My dd i had no idea. I was still a teenager with irregular cycles. Felt something was wrong as i was sooooo tired and had ovarian cysts in the past whent doctor and was told i was 3 weeks pregnant.
This time around i o late and im due af today or tomorrow unless my body compensates the late o with extended lp...
Im sure soon enough we will get our bfp. We have many blessings to focus on in the meantime 😍
1 DPO - Aches and pains. Sore boobs. Heartburn. Slight pokes in belly.

2 DPO - Sleepy. Actually took a nap. Sore boobs. Ovary pokey pains. Some congestion. I think its just allergies though.

3 DPO - Headache pings. Cramping and a lot of poking pain on my left side. It was pretty intense for a little while. Super sore boobs. The undersides are sore to the touch. Woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and the sensation that I was going to throw up. Went right back to sleep though. Sore legs. Sneezy! Later in the day, boob pain subsided almost entirely. Lots of cramping in the evening. Ouchie AF-type cramps.

4 DPO - Still pain on the left side of my belly when I am sitting at my desk. I'm tired. Boob pain is there, but minimal. More creamy CM today than I have had in the last few days. I was cranky last night. Kinda constipated. Sore throat in the afternoon. Tonight I got so hungry. I never get hungry at night anymore since changing my diet. I ate slices of bologna with mustard. So gross at night!

5 DPO - Cramping last night. Back pain this morning upon waking. Constipated (probably the bologna!). Exhausted despite a decent night's sleep. Boob pain during the night. I feel generally unwell this morning. TONS of anxiety. Little pains like pings in my abdomen. Ear ache off and on today. HORRIBLE pain in my back between my shoulders. Lower back pain here and there. Seems to come and go with the cramps. Headache. Body aches so bad I feel like I have the flu. THIRST! So much thirst! BFN at night.

6 DPO - Cervix is high and closed today. Still firm. CM is still creamy. Temp is up today. Boobs feel sore on the insides, but not to the touch. Slightly sore on the sides. Very thirsty. Mild stomach ache.

7 DPO - Cervix is REAL high and soft again. It had gotten harder, but is soft like lips this morning. Temp is back down to where it's been since O. Almost a straight line with very little fluctuation until it shot up yesterday. Last night I burped and vomited a little...out of NOWHERE. Mild back pain. Cramping has stopped. Slighly dizzy off and on. Constipated in the morning. Thirsty. CM VERY watery and clear. Almost not there at all. Terrible pain in my tummy in the evening. Felt in the area of an ovary. Like a jab.

8 DPO - Spent all day as a bridesmaid at a wedding so I ignored a lot of what was going on with my body that day. Nothing notable to report. Temp was up again.

9 DPO - Took a test with FMU and it was BFN. Felt terrible for most of the day. Cold symptoms...sore throat, cough, very phlegmy. Had some nausea in the morning and the evening. Temp was low again.

10 DPO - Temp is up again. This charting confuses me. Creamy CM, cervix is medium soft, medium high, seems pretty closed. No idea what is going on this cycle. I don't want to lose hope, but I don't have any real concrete signs. Boobs are real sore today. THIRSTY!!! I drink water like crazy, and there just never seems to be enough. Irritable. At night, cervix super low and almost engorged feeling. CM still creamy.

11 DPO: Temp down slightly. Crampy. Exhausted. Feeling out of the game this month. AF is due in a few days, and I feel like she is coming. Some soreness in my cervix. Today it's medium but firm. Tilted back and to the side. Boobs are sore. Pain in the area of my ovaries. Thirsty. Achy. Headache off and on. Real light, but it's there. Feel moody and weepy today. Depressed. Nausea in the afternoon. Headache is lingering, feeling strongest behind my nose and eyes. Cervix moved again in the afternoon. Now high and softer around the edges. Still firm in the middle.

12 DPO: BNF this morning. Cervix is now low, medium soft, and open? I don't understand how that works. CM is heavier today. Still creamy, though a bit more like egg whites today. Sure, NOW you get all egg white like! Crampy off and on. Boobs hurt like crazy. AF is probably going to come kick my tush in a day or so.

13 DPO: Temp is down. Feeling pretty normal today. Cramps this morning. Irritable and hot like AF is coming. She is due to hit tomorrow or Saturday. Boobs hurt. Cervix is low and slightly open. CM is the same as its been, white a creamy but not at all heavy. My knees are killing me...I have fibromyalgia and that is a sure sign of PMS for me. I am tapping out for this month I think! Better luck next month?

14 DPO - AF due today. But temp was back up? Nothing yet. Not even any cramps. Gums and teeth sore. Cervix medium and medium. CM white and creamy. Boobs sore as ever. Pain in my gums like I flossed too hard this morning. Maybe I did? Some mild lower back pain. Knees are really hurting today. Ok, maybe some small cramps.

15 DPO - Still no AF. No cramps. BFN.

16 DPO - The witch has arrived, two days late. Better luck next cycle!
Here's my first time getting to do this. I'm hoping it is the last (at least for awhile :haha: )

I o'ed on cd17 or cd18 of a 30 day cycle. I am now 12 dpo and waiting for AF to show tomorrow, or to stay away, which would be even better!

1 dpo-nothing much. EWCM and sore BBs
2-5 dpo-sore BBs, watery/lotiony CM
6-7 dpo-slight nausea, watery/lotiony CM
8 dpo-Nausea, sore BBs, cramps on right side of uterus. Slight pulling feeling below the belly button.
9 dpo-Nausea, tons of watery CM, cramping (but way different than AF cramps), headache--tested with FRER, :bfn:
10 dpo-tons of watery CM, pulling feeling in sides and below belly button, sore BBs, very tired, headache, bloating
11 dpo-tons of watery CM changed to tons of very creamy yellow/white CM, headache, pulling sensations in sides and below belly button, backache, fatigue, bloating, sore BBs and sensitive nipples-tested with FRER, either squinter or a :bfn:
12 dpo-creamy yellow/white CM,bloating, fatigue, backache, sore BBs-tested with FRER w/ FMU, :bfn:
13 dpo-AF is due today, and so far hasn't shown up. BBs are sore, lots of creamy yellow/white CM, and fatigue. If AF doesn't show today, I will be testing tomorrow morning.
14 dpo-AF still hasn't shown. BBs are more tender than sore, less CM, still exhausted, still nauseous. :bfn: on clearblue digital
15 dpo-AF 2 days late. Backache, sore BBs, more CM, fatigue. AM clearblue digital, :bfn:

I'm just waiting for the witch now. This is the first cycle she's been late since I've started the metformin :(

Hang in there girl. I was two days late this cycle too. Maybe it's the moon doing it's autumn things!

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