Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins
9dpo - bbs are much more sore than previous days, tired by 2 pm, still high cp and cm was clearish with stretchy bits (gross, sorry for tmi but it is def unusual from what I am used to)
10dpo - sore bbs, slight cramping, hot flash, dizzy, nauseous
11dpo - achy bbs still, high cp, light-heaed, sore/dry throat.... took a test this am and got a BFN. I know it's not over until the witch comes around though so I am trying to stay positive but right now I'm feeling a little more doubtful.
12 dpo - woke up at 5 am this morning because bbs hurt so bad, nauseous, really achy legs/hips (sort of like the way I feel after running 10k which I haven't done recently)... tested again and got another BFN... told DH that if af comes around I'm going to see a doc because my bbs have never hurt this bad before! She's due tomorrow/xmas day so fx she stays away!!
13 dpo - bbs still hurting like crazy, increase in cm, cm is cloudy and somewhat strechy (sort of like snot). My bbs have never hurt this bad and my cm doesn't normally look like that before af but non-the less, I think she may be on her way. Had another bfn this morning.
14 dpo - bbs still giving me those super sore twinges, cm is still snot-like, and af is still not here yet... decided to bite the bullet and spend money on a FRER and it looks like I might have a faint positive but I'll wait a couple more days before I test again. I don't want to get my hopes up before I get a bfp or af comes!
15 dpo - nauseous, dizzy, headache, back ache, and tired... tested again (cuz I've gone testing crazy! and another faint line. hmmm.... AF still not here.

16 dpo - headache, feeling a little queezy, getting up super early to pee lately... did one last test to hopefully see a darker line and.... :bfp:!!!! Getting a blood test to confirm today! :happydance:

I've got it all planned for telling hubby (and my parents because we're at their place this week and my mom is already in on it but dad, grandma, and big bro don't know). I'm going to place a present under the tree with a baby blanket and the test inside. My mom is going to say "Oh, it looks like we missed one on Christmas" and give it to DH to open.... he might go catatonic.... or cry. One of the two. We're taking bets. :winkwink:
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins
9dpo - bbs are much more sore than previous days, tired by 2 pm, still high cp and cm was clearish with stretchy bits (gross, sorry for tmi but it is def unusual from what I am used to)
10dpo - sore bbs, slight cramping, hot flash, dizzy, nauseous
11dpo - achy bbs still, high cp, light-heaed, sore/dry throat.... took a test this am and got a BFN. I know it's not over until the witch comes around though so I am trying to stay positive but right now I'm feeling a little more doubtful.
12 dpo - woke up at 5 am this morning because bbs hurt so bad, nauseous, really achy legs/hips (sort of like the way I feel after running 10k which I haven't done recently)... tested again and got another BFN... told DH that if af comes around I'm going to see a doc because my bbs have never hurt this bad before! She's due tomorrow/xmas day so fx she stays away!!
13 dpo - bbs still hurting like crazy, increase in cm, cm is cloudy and somewhat strechy (sort of like snot). My bbs have never hurt this bad and my cm doesn't normally look like that before af but non-the less, I think she may be on her way. Had another bfn this morning.
14 dpo - bbs still giving me those super sore twinges, cm is still snot-like, and af is still not here yet... decided to bite the bullet and spend money on a FRER and it looks like I might have a faint positive but I'll wait a couple more days before I test again. I don't want to get my hopes up before I get a bfp or af comes!
15 dpo - nauseous, dizzy, headache, back ache, and tired... tested again (cuz I've gone testing crazy! and another faint line. hmmm.... AF still not here.

16 dpo - headache, feeling a little queezy, getting up super early to pee lately... did one last test to hopefully see a darker line and.... :bfp:!!!! Getting a blood test to confirm today! :happydance:

I've got it all planned for telling hubby (and my parents because we're at their place this week and my mom is already in on it but dad, grandma, and big bro don't know). I'm going to place a present under the tree with a baby blanket and the test inside. My mom is going to say "Oh, it looks like we missed one on Christmas" and give it to DH to open.... he might go catatonic.... or cry. One of the two. We're taking bets. :winkwink:

Congrats!!! You should video his response! Precious memories. :D
I am 3dpo and cramping today. I hope this is a good sign, I tried it all this month...Guafenesin, Preseed, hips up, Softcup afterward. My DH is having back surgery in a week so we will miss next months cycle during his recovery so I sure hope for the best.
I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!
Thought I could join girls!! I totally thought I was out until today!!

1 DPO- nothing crazy, cramping all day but prob just post O
2 DPO- cramping still, white creamy cm
3 DPO- white creamy cm... Bbs starting to get sore??
4 DPO- had red cm when I checked cervix...bbs slightly sore, so so so tired, couldn't finish coffee
5 DPO- cm is rusty colored...couldn't eat my eggs, they tasted weird.. Bbs sore to touch again, white spots on areoles? Also areolas look a tad darker? White fluid leaked out of nipple after me and hubby DTD... That's when I knew this could just about be our month!!!
6 DPO- well that excitement was short lived... Checked my cm and it was red, so bummed... Breast still tenderish, I'm very tired, cramping a little

Now I might be 7dpo, I'm not 100% sure... I didn't use OPKs I'm just going off my O symptoms and CM... 12/22 was when I cramped the most!
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.
22dpo-cramping mildly increase in creamy cm feeling irritable and a bit sickly on off tested super hungry bfn internet cheapy
23dpo- where is af ??? Cramps still happening mildly was sitting down got up a bit quick and felt an awful shooting pain in uterus that sharp it actually scared me a little .... feeling emotional today keep tearing up over silly things.
24dpo- feeling sick very tired and mild cramps on and off still no af cerix med and hard booo
25dpo- very tired bad cramps all day lots of cm cervix has gone back high and soft if no af I will test wednesday christmas eve but not on cheapie on a digi
26dpo- starting I havnt ovulated at all :/ no af creamy cm cramps pinching pains and had a wave of sickness when stould quing to check out of shop which was weird tomorrow is test day or may leave it to early morning christmas day x

Im going crazy cd42 today no af this is a hell of a long cycle hope I get my bfp or this is gunna br one painful af x

Any update from you? Did you get af?
HELLO ladies!!!! I am new here so here we go!
Fertile days November 27th to Dec 2nd estimated Ovulation day was the 29th! If not, it may have been the next day so I may be a day or so off on dpo. I have a 30 day cycle, luteal phase is about 15/16 days. Dh and I DTD the: 22nd-1st (twice on the 26th and skipped the 28th)

1 dpo - Gassy, bloated, full feeling
2 dpo- I fainted! (first time ever happening) dizzy, nauseous, lightheaded, silght elevation in temp (99.2, usually around 96.8-97) White milky cm, TONS (unusual)
3 dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm (not as much as day befre), "wet" feeling down there. Twinges on left side, fatigued, bloated, frequent/sudden urges to pee
4dpo- nauseous, gassy, white milky cm, fatigued, bloated, starting to notice I'm bruising waaaaay easier. It usually takes a lot for me to bruise, I have at least 4 bruises right now. more twinges, frequent/sudden urges to pee
5 dpo- increase in appetite (eating soo much!!!! So unsual) suddenly dry "down there" had sex today and dh felt way toooo big in there, more intense orgasm and I noticed air escaping down there while we dtd, weird (tmi sorry!) "feeling pregnant"
6 dpo- the dr sent out for a blood test ( too early I know ) hot flashes
when I check, there is still white cm. nauseous, gassy
7 dpo- 10 dpo: fatigued, bloated, gassy, headaches, random nausea, light headedness, hot flashes, mood wings, random headaches, white milky cm, full feeling, stopped "feeling pregnant" and constipation. Tingling and twinges lower belly area.
11 dpo: noticed my smell to be a little bit heightened, not much but still need to say that because I have horrible sense of smell. Sensitive nipples (unusual) breasts feel fuller/heavier. creamy white cm, dizziness, light-headed, nausea, food aversions
12 dpo: Light-headed, nauseous, major decrease in appetite even with liquids (threw-up twice), hot flashes on and off all day, creamy white cm, when I went to check my cervix everything felt tight in there tmi sorry!! fatigue, emotional, craving apples (weird) full feeling in lower abdomen and finally i had pain on my left side where I think my ovary would be, it was a sharp pain that lasted about 15 minutes or so. (IMPLANTION MAYBE????)
13 dpo: Gas/Flatulence, Pulling/Pinching on left side, Backache, Increased Sex Drive, Moodiness, Dizziness, Light Headed,Fatigue/Exhaustion, creamy white cm
14 dpo: AF is due today but there is no sign of her!!! Not even cramping, just creamy, watery white cm (fingers crossed):-) but I tested yesterday and got a BFN. Nausea, throwing/throwing up, backache, weepy/moody, very gassy! Little bit of cramping but it doesn't feel like af cramps
15 dpo: Major Fatigue and my boobs feel fuller. No sign of AF! Haven't been able to test today but hoping af doesn't show.
16 dpo: BFP!!!!!!!!! Fatigue, irritable/moody, I have cramps but not af type cramps. The kind of cramps you get in your lower abdomen like when you may have to go #2. Light spotting but not as heavy as af.

17 dpo: still spotting, heavier but still not like af. Hoping this is normal and that this little bean sticks!


It was a chemical pregnancy. Oh well, on to the next cycle!
I am 3dpo and cramping today. I hope this is a good sign, I tried it all this month...Guafenesin, Preseed, hips up, Softcup afterward. My DH is having back surgery in a week so we will miss next months cycle during his recovery so I sure hope for the best.

That's what I thought last month. We did everything I could think of to get this to work. I had thought I was out of the game and was thinking ... what more can we do?? Luckily it seemed to work. Good luck!
Caribbean! How is pregnancy treating ya??

Yadaira- Are you sure it is chemical? Have you tested recently? The bleeding can be fairly common in early pregnancy.

1forme- Your symptoms sound pretty promising! Can't wait to see your post turn green!!
Caribbean! How is pregnancy treating ya??

It's not been too bad until today! It feels like I have gastro :( on the verge of throwing up all the time and running to the potty! I've been super tired and my boobs still feel beaten lol I have my first scan on the 5th of January so I am excited for that :)
Yes, I'm sure. I tested a couple days after and it was BFN.
I do have a question though.. it might be tmi but

What kind of cm did you have before you all ovulated?
I'm currently having white, creamy cm and I'm wondering If i may have already ovulated or if I'm about to... I think the latter is correct.
What kind of cm is the most fertile?
Yes, I'm sure. I tested a couple days after and it was BFN.
I do have a question though.. it might be tmi but

What kind of cm did you have before you all ovulated?
I'm currently having white, creamy cm and I'm wondering If i may have already ovulated or if I'm about to... I think the latter is correct.
What kind of cm is the most fertile?

EWCM before ovulation-- looks the way it sounds (gross but true) it will be clear, very stringy, stretchy... I usually am creamy, EWCM, then creamy again
Yes, I'm sure. I tested a couple days after and it was BFN.
I do have a question though.. it might be tmi but

What kind of cm did you have before you all ovulated?
I'm currently having white, creamy cm and I'm wondering If i may have already ovulated or if I'm about to... I think the latter is correct.
What kind of cm is the most fertile?

EWCM before ovulation-- looks the way it sounds (gross but true) it will be clear, very stringy, stretchy... I usually am creamy, EWCM, then creamy again

I'm the same way...creamy, ewcm, then creamy... I never went back to creamy this month though and it just stayed that stretchy snot like texture before I got my bfp.
Caribbean! How is pregnancy treating ya??

It's not been too bad until today! It feels like I have gastro :( on the verge of throwing up all the time and running to the potty! I've been super tired and my boobs still feel beaten lol I have my first scan on the 5th of January so I am excited for that :)

Ah! That's got to be exciting!! Glad that you found a good doctor!
The symptoms have to suck but I have heard it means rhat you have a pretty healthy pregnancy :3
I'm back for round #2 of clomid!
This round is 150 mg :)

I am cd 17 now and my opk officially turned positive after a three day temp dip!

0 dpo- Ovulation twinges, watery cm (probably turn ew later as it did yesterday) cp is high medium medium. Mild nausea. Boobs have been getting random twinges in them. Back ache. Was very dizzy yesterday, I am guessing it was the lead up to O. Fx this is my lucky day to conceive!!!

1 dpo- Tests are still strong!! Watery cm, cp high soft open. Boobs still getting random twinges. I already have blue veins in them which normally only shows up a few days before af.. Weird..
Ovulation pains. Increased sex drive. BIG temp rise! And my back hurts if I walk too much. Obviously it wants me to stay in bed ;)
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.
22dpo-cramping mildly increase in creamy cm feeling irritable and a bit sickly on off tested super hungry bfn internet cheapy
23dpo- where is af ??? Cramps still happening mildly was sitting down got up a bit quick and felt an awful shooting pain in uterus that sharp it actually scared me a little .... feeling emotional today keep tearing up over silly things.
24dpo- feeling sick very tired and mild cramps on and off still no af cerix med and hard booo
25dpo- very tired bad cramps all day lots of cm cervix has gone back high and soft if no af I will test wednesday christmas eve but not on cheapie on a digi
26dpo- starting I havnt ovulated at all :/ no af creamy cm cramps pinching pains and had a wave of sickness when stould quing to check out of shop which was weird tomorrow is test day or may leave it to early morning christmas day x

Im going crazy cd42 today no af this is a hell of a long cycle hope I get my bfp or this is gunna br one painful af x

Any update from you? Did you get af?

Yes unfortunately af came christmas day in the evening :( x
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.
22dpo-cramping mildly increase in creamy cm feeling irritable and a bit sickly on off tested super hungry bfn internet cheapy
23dpo- where is af ??? Cramps still happening mildly was sitting down got up a bit quick and felt an awful shooting pain in uterus that sharp it actually scared me a little .... feeling emotional today keep tearing up over silly things.
24dpo- feeling sick very tired and mild cramps on and off still no af cerix med and hard booo
25dpo- very tired bad cramps all day lots of cm cervix has gone back high and soft if no af I will test wednesday christmas eve but not on cheapie on a digi
26dpo- starting I havnt ovulated at all :/ no af creamy cm cramps pinching pains and had a wave of sickness when stould quing to check out of shop which was weird tomorrow is test day or may leave it to early morning christmas day x

Im going crazy cd42 today no af this is a hell of a long cycle hope I get my bfp or this is gunna br one painful af x

Any update from you? Did you get af?

Yes unfortunately af came christmas day in the evening :( x

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