Not really trying but we have DTD around O time so going to participate...
CD 10: Pink streaked EWCM twice on toilet paper only, suspected ovulation(I don't temp, chart or use OPK's)
Suspected ovulation was between Dec. 19th-Dec. 21st.
Between 20-22DPO!
12.20.14-1DPO: Pain in left lower abdomen near hip, loads of EWCM, felt like I peed myself, nausea, cramps, bloated
12.21.14-2DPO: Pain in left lower abdomen like a stabbing sensation, cramps, loads of EWCM, nausea, bloated, lower back ache
12.22.14-3DPO: Cramps, cervical mucus is between creamy and egg white, backache, cervical position seems to be high, heartburn.
12.23.14-4DPO: Cramps, creamy/egg white stretchy and sticky cm, headache, backache, high cervical position, fatigue, acne on chin, TMI alert: lots of diarrhea
12.24.14-5DPO: Cramps, TMI alert... very wet creamy cm, mad heartburn(it's like molten lava), backache, cervix high, pain in left side near hip, bloated feeling, hungry, nausea, dry heaving, extremely gassy, got so sick I had to take anti-nausea meds just to get past it
12.25.14-6DPO: watery cm, slight cramps, backache, fatigue, slightly sensitive bbs(mostly nip area), bloated, strange pinching sensation across stomach, slight headache, nausea
12.26.14-7DPO: Nausea, slight headache, backache, creamy cervical mucus, cramps, bloated, gassy, weird dull ache in abdomen, really emotional, cervix was hard to reach and felt closed... Sharp twinge in left breast, clearish cream colored sticky liquid from left breast. Feel like I'm out and like I'm going to get AF...
12.27.14-8DPO: Sore bbs, lower backache, metallic taste in mouth, hungry, nauseous, gassy, constipated, crampy in pelvic area, watery cm, heartburn with pukey acidic burps.
12.28.14-9DPO: Crampy, horrible lower backache, sore BBS, so moody, feel like I have a uti, otherwise feeling totally out...

on dollar tree cheapie.
12.29.14-10DPO: I'm beginning to think these symptoms are in my head... Crampy, fatigued, horrible backache, pain in upper abdomen that was only eased by eating, watery cm. Possibly a Uti.

small glob of cloudy ewcm, sudden random shooting pain in right ovary area, "let down" feeling in breasts followed by erect nipples, shortness of breath and nausea.
12.30.14-11DPO: Don't feel pregnant at all.

Sore bbs, lower backache, creamy cm, cervix high and closed. Still think I have a Uti, pulling sensation around uterus area, weird pains near right side, burning sensation in uterus area.


Still feel like I have a uti, lower back pain, nausea, feel out and like these symptoms are all in my head. No more testing until

lower abdominal cramping, pukey burps(like reflux), heavy type feeling in lower abdomen, creamy cm, cervix high and feels closed.
1.1.15-13DPO: pinkish orange cm(IB maybe?) cervix high, cramps, back pain, right ovary pain, sore bbs, really hungry.

spotting when I check cm(off and on twice).
1.2.15-14DPO: Cramps off and on in lower center abdomen and right ovary area, backache, sore area on chin/jaw area(rly strange), dry mouth, sensitive nipples, feel like af is coming, Think I'm out.

1.3.15-15DPO: Extreme nausea, felt light headed, shaky and like I had low blood sugar when I didn't eat this am, cramps in lower center abdomen off and on, spotting reddish brown once when I went #2, bbs feel fuller, back pain in right lower side going down my hip into my right leg. Feels like I've done about 200 sit ups.

gassy, twinge and pulling sensation near left hip.
1.4.15-16DPO: nausea, twinges in lower abdomen, diarrhea/constipation, red/brown rust colored spotting after bowel movement, slight cramps, sore heavy feeling bbs, gassy.
1.5.15-17DPO: Crampy, headache, backache, spotting off and on, sore BBS.
1.6.15-18DPO: Cramps, backache, sore bbs, spotting off and on, gassy.
1.7.15-19DPO: Nausea, backache, sore bbs, diarrhea, spotting a few times then nothing, twinges and pulling sensation, cervix high and soft like my lips, weird twinge in left breast.
1.8.15-20DPO: Af due today... One spot of red, nausea, headache, backache, twinges, sensitive nipples, pulling sensation, cervix high and soft like my lips.

1.9.15-21DPO: Still

, Nausea, bloated, headache, backache, hungry, fatigue, sensitive bbs, bbs are really veiny, weird blue spidery looking vein in middle of lower abdomen.
1.10.15-22DPO: Still

, no spotting, bloated, acidic burps, pulling sensation in lower abdomen, weird shooting pains in abdomen, stretchy ewcm, nausea, backache, headache, emotional.
I will update to
Red or
Green after AF is due on 1.8.15