Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

5dpo and I've noticed some cm, when feeling It felt watery but sticky and had some clumps if that makes sense. Not use to having that after O. Also came down with a sickly bug that had me a temp of 102 this am, migraine with aches and congestion. now I'm back to 98.6 but still feeling a bit blah. Hopefully this is all good signs. My bbs usually are tinder with sharp pains at times after O but today there barely anything. Maybe it's from being sick? Had a dream I was 5 weeks pregnant and when I slept during the day I had another dream about me talking to someone about their baby. One dream included my whole family even my dad who passed away in March. Fx this is all leading up to a bfp. I've had a dream about me being pregnant etc before with another cycle so I'm not looking too deep into my symptoms.
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.
22dpo-cramping mildly increase in creamy cm feeling irritable and a bit sickly on off tested super hungry bfn internet cheapy
23dpo- where is af ??? Cramps still happening mildly was sitting down got up a bit quick and felt an awful shooting pain in uterus that sharp it actually scared me a little .... feeling emotional today keep tearing up over silly things.

Has anyone tested on internet cheapy and got bfn but then tested on a normal test like clear blue and got bfp ... or taken a long time to get bfp on internet cheapy ? Xx
Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!

Can't believe I got to turn this green!!! Another blood test on Tuesday to make sure my levels are going up :)

Congratulations :)
Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!

Can't believe I got to turn this green!!! Another blood test on Tuesday to make sure my levels are going up :)

Congratulations :)
Don't know but THINK I o'ed, so going by CD instead of DPO. EDITED: Definite BFN on Christmas Eve (day 30), so I'm assuming random spotting days 19-23 wasn't implantation... I've had crazy post-O/PMS symptoms starting on day 16, and could have sworn by symptoms that I did ovulate early this cycle ~day 13, but a test should have shown up positive if that were the case. I might not even have ovulated... Guess that'll teach me not to go by symptoms alone during cycles :-/.

CD19- Crazy dreams, mild cramping, light brown spotting, bloated
CD20- Weird dreams, bloated, light spotting, weepy
CD21- Light spotting on and off, bloated, lower back ache
CD22- Light spotting on and off. Glob of dark brown mucus in underwear (ick sorry if TMI). More weird, vivid dreams, bloated, phlegm in throat still hasn't disappeared and sinuses still swollen even after 10 days antibiotics, super emotional
CD23-26, Bloating, mild cramps
CD27- Weird dreams, emotional, so bloated/stretched feeling in lower abdomen, crazy emotional... I have cried at everything today. Twinge-y cramps. I actually took an OPK today because I was curious... positive?! Very strange, because I really could have sworn I'd already ovulated.
CD28- Weird, vivid dreams, emotional, bloated, very mild cramps, have been constipated for the last few days. Also, I think I'm imagining nipple discharge now. All through today, though, I could have sworn AF started; radiating back cramps that usually show up about the time of bleeding. Thinking AF is on her way. But another positive OPK.
CD29- My dreams keep getting crazier. Very bloated, to the point that all my pants are uncomfortable. Decided to try to wait until Dec. 31 to test in case I o'ed really late. Another positive OPK.
CD30- Still could swear every 5 minutes that AF has started. Don't remember dreams last night but woke up super early sweaty and feeling panicky. Still very bloated. Tested today because DH wanted me to before I had anything to drink on Christmas Eve. No surprise, definite BFN. So whatever the spotting was, it definitely wasn't implantation :-(. Gave up on OPKs.
CD31- Didn't really symptom-spot today because I've had so much to eat the past few days and probably had a bit more wine than I should have last night after the disappointment of the BFN.
CD32- Weird dreams still, very moody, very depressed thinking I might not have ovulated at all yet, really disliking my body for giving me all these false signals.
CD33- No AF, weird dreams.
CD34- No AF, weird dreams. Boobs are absolutely huge even though haven't gained weight. Not as bloated as before. If I hadn't ovulated and don't get a full-blown AF by CD40, I am going to be very confused. :-/
CD35- Nothing
CD36-39 Negative OPK? AF cramps. No AF. Confused.
CD40-42 Bloated, huge boobs, nauseated
CD43- Super bloated, huge boobs that have weird tender spots all over, mild cramps, lower back ache. I've actually been trying not to symptom-spot for a few days, but it's impossible because my symptoms are jumping up and down going HEY LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. Not very happy with the way my body is acting at the moment.

CD ... VERY strong BFP on $ Tree test. Freaked out. Took my First Response. Another strong BFP. Called in and am going to get blood test done, but nurse said congratulations, you're pregnant. After nearly 2 years... I'm in shock!!
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins

9dpo - bbs are much more sore than previous days, tired by 2 pm, still high cp and cm was clearish with stretchy bits (gross, sorry for tmi but it is def unusual from what I am used to)

Was tempted to buy some cheapie dollar store tests but I am out of town Xmas shopping with MIL and SIL. They have been by my side all day and we don't want them knowing we've been ttc.
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPks
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3dpo nothing
4dpo nothing
5dpo nothing
6dpo nothing
(have had erect nipples for a few days ??)
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.on and off all day.
8dpo nothing
9dpo nothing
10dpo BFN, nothing
11dpo nothing
I'm seeing a theme here!, has anyone ever got a bfp with no symptoms before missed af? Af due around 14dpo.
Love this thread! And I'm feeling good about this cycle so here it goes!
*100mg of clomid days 3-7*

1dpo-5dpo Wicked muscle cramps in feet and hands, heartburn, nothing much else

6dpo- Still muscle cramps and heartburn, Progesterone level 65!!

7dpo- Weird feeling in lower abdomen

8dpo- Kind of weird tinges, light cramping, little bit of cold-like symptoms, still heartburn with pukey burps:( sensitive nipples which is not unusual for me.

9dpo- Feeling gross in the lower tummy, cough and stuffy nose this morning, really dry mouth! Restless legs when trying to fall asleep

10dpo- very light cramping (gearing up for AF?), still dry mouth, tired today:( BFN in the afternoon, hard time falling asleep because my legs felt sore and restless

11dpo- Dry mouth again! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Not feeling much else so a little bummed. Restless legs again!

12dpo- Wanted to sleep in again. A little bit of dry mouth. HCG blood test this morning! BFP!!

HCG Blood Test will be at 12dpo (on Thursday Dec 18th) because my clinic closes on Friday for the holidays. GL to everyone still waiting!!!

Can't believe I got to turn this green!!! Another blood test on Tuesday to make sure my levels are going up :)

Congrats, lady! :dance:
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins
9dpo - bbs are much more sore than previous days, tired by 2 pm, still high cp and cm was clearish with stretchy bits (gross, sorry for tmi but it is def unusual from what I am used to)

10dpo- sore bbs, slight cramping, hot flash, dizzy, nauseous

MIL kept making maybe your pregnant jokes this weekend (She's a nurse practitioner but doesn't know we're ttc) which has led me to think maybe I'll try testing early tomorrow.... I'm so worried AF will show her ugly face on the 24th like planned though because this time feels different but it could just be a strange cycle.
Ovulated Dec 11th (used CB digital ovulation kit) and AF is due Christmas Eve/Day

1 dpo - nothing.
2 dpo - cramping like crazy on and off throughout the day (felt like AF cramps but I don't usually get those till one or two days before AF)
3 dpo - slight cramping, feeling quite dizzy and slightly nauseous (but may be in my head, I know this doesn't usually happen that early
4dpo - super sore twinges in right breast, nauseous (may have had too much bday cake though... Lol), Pukey burps, dizzy and tired, soup and crackers sorta tasted like metal too
5dpo - burping, random twinges in breasts and random cramps, slight weight gain (non unusual though since this normally happens a week before af.... Or maybe it's cuz I gorged yesterday on food! lol)
- in the evening I was also super tired by around 6/7pm and extremely emotional (cried over doing the dishes and just generally bitchy over really stupid stuff... Could be because I was tired though)
6dpo - nothing much.... Mild random cramps, slight lower back pain in the morning, and (sorry if tmi) clear watery cm (which is unusual for me post-ov)
- super tired (went to bed at 7pm again), and again I was super emotional
7dpo - achy breasts, pukey burps, noticed weird white spot on nips (not sure if that is a sign but it sure was unusual to see), cp is high and cm is still lotiony/watery and clear, still super tired too but it is almost Christmas after all! lol
8dpo - ready for a nap by 11:30am today (and I slept for 8 hours), pukey burps continue, had a super sore burst of pain in my right breast (me being all like "it's probably in my head" decided to poke it and holy crap!) but it went away after like 2 mins
9dpo - bbs are much more sore than previous days, tired by 2 pm, still high cp and cm was clearish with stretchy bits (gross, sorry for tmi but it is def unusual from what I am used to)
10dpo - sore bbs, slight cramping, hot flash, dizzy, nauseous

11dpo - achy bbs still, high cp, light-heaed, sore/dry throat.... took a test this am and got a BFN. :( I know it's not over until the witch comes around though so I am trying to stay positive but right now I'm feeling a little more doubtful.
Hi ladies. Thought I would try this to keep myself slightly more sane. I have no idea when or if I ovulated (great start), I also have pcos. However I have consistent cycles of 39 days. So I am expecting my period on the 2nd January. We had spoken about having a baby but not given it any serious effort but this month something just seems off... Anywhooo, everything had been pretty normal. My little period tree on my phone app which I have updated for years told me my fertile period would start on the 14th. We dtd everyday that week but strangely on the 21st I had spots of link blood when I finished in the loo. My boobs are sore as per normal when I'm coming up to af but they usually go rock hard and are so full. This time they are normal size just tender. Other than that I have no symptoms. Felt a bit icky at work but I think that's because I have had a strange cold that comes and goes when it pleases... oh and I had the most bizarre dreams 2 nights ago about Guernsey cows, buying a house in America and a funny doll/strange female child.. (that is not made up, my head literally thought all that up!) Oh and I have had restless nights the last 2 nights...may explain the dream... anyway I just wondered if anyone can shed any light on when I may have ovulated or what all this means. I'm so sure that I couldn't possibly be pregnant that I may be brushing all this off....
1DPO ... weird cramps on left side and center behind belly button. cervix still high, soft and os is open, CM is still stretchy. hives. took benadryl.

2DPO ... sharp pain right side, feels like ovulation cramping. much less CM, but still feels wet and has a little stretch to it, cervix lower than yesterday, os is still open but not as much.

3DPO ... feeling pretty good. constipated, but other than that, feel good. no symptoms.

4DPO ... annoying dull ache on left side, cervix low, firm, os is tightly shut. drinking lots of water, but retaining water. bloated. constipated. boobs feel just a tad bit tender. a little irritable and moody.

5DPO ... boobs feel a tad bit heavy and a wee bit tender, nothing major though. dry CM, virtually nothing there. constipated (day3). drinking lots, but still retaining water. in a much better mood today. still have a dull ache on left side.

6DPO ... virtually no symptoms. boobs are not tender or sore. took a midday nap. Extremely irritable and annoyed at everything. CM creamy, but not much, cervix low, form, os tightly shut.

7DPO ... cervix so high, it was tough to get to. firm. os is tightly shut. boobs feel like water balloons; heavy, but not sore. mild heartburn. not much else to note.

8DPO ... still annoying dull ache on left side of pelvis. don't think i've ever noticed this pain on such a consistent basis, not even with my other pregnancies. cyst, maybe? boobs are extremely tender right around the areola and the sides. slight nausea this morning. a bit of heartburn after morning coffee. lower backache. had weird dream last night, not necessarily vivid, but definitely bizarre. cervix high, firm, os is closed. barely any CM.

9DPO ... temp spike, not sure why. threw up undigested food while brushing teeth this morning (gross). cramps early this am, center and right behind belly button. sinuses are a wreck. cervix low, firm, os (seemingly) closed. gassy. decrease in appetite. boobs are a lot less tender/sore than they were yesterday. feeling extremely tired. took a nap after dinner, woke up, got the kids ready for bed and went back to sleep.

10DPO .. cervix very high this morning, could barely reach it, firm, os is mostly closed, but feels slightly open. no blood. sinuses bothering me again. decreased appetite. sensitive gums, upper left side. hurts to eat on left side of mouth. boobs are extremely heavy and full, but only a little tender.

11DPO .. cervix still high, but os feels slightly open. dry cm. boobs feel heavy, but not too sore.

12DPO .. headache. cramps left side. irritable and moody. boobs still heavy and a little tender.

13DPO .. headache. stuffy nose. heavy feeling in my pelvis, that right before you get your period type of heaviness, but not exactly cramps. boobs feel deflated but tender. cervix high, firm, os seems slightly open. took ept BFN!

14DPO .. stuffy nose.boobs feel normal. huge temp drop. i'm pretty sure i'm out this month. AF should be here tomorrow or tuesday. not feeling very optimistic.

AF came on full force at about 7:00pm


on to the next cycle
3dpo- not much cm feeling a bit sick maybe due to hunger back ache in late eve
4dpo- feeling waves of sickness again may be down to hunger felt better after eating low back ache creamy small amount cm .
5dpo-hiccups all day never get hiccups dont know if its a sign.
6dpo-everything tastes off creamy cm loss of appetite
7dpo-woke up to very sore nipples this morning
8dpo- constipation very unusual for me, creamy cm
9dpo- feeling short tempered increased creamy cm very tired
Not really feeling pregnant at this moment in time maybe a good sign (I hope)
Had sharp pains in uterus lasted about a minute woth gooey discharge cervix was high and really soft and later in the evening some weird aches in uterus felt like pulles muscle if went to sit up or sit down.
10dpo- really tired, was going to test today but was to scared.
11dpo-bfn on internet cheapie :( not really anythink else except creamy cm
12dpo- few cramps and feeling sick and light headed hope its nkt af also creamy cm
13dpo- so today me and hubby dtd and after I felt like a weird crampy ache in my uterus ? Have also had weird cramps on and off all day and creamy cm .
14dpo- mild cramps today creamy cm and bfn booooooo :( think im out surely would have shown up by now :(
15dpo-still no af having a few mild cramps and creamy cm more than usual
16dpo-af still not here :) although I have a feeling she will be showing up on the next couple of days due antime now will test if af dosnt show up by 23dpo but im sure she will boooooo :( mild cramps still with creamy cm and constipation (not normally something I suffer from)
17dpo- awful cramps sharp shooting psins in uterus all day, felt really wet thought af had come but was just loads of stretchy white cm ? What the hell is going on maybe af will come tomorrow? But I never normally have cm before period due ? Ahhhh so confused.also forgot to add ive not been able to do a number 2 for last 2 days.
18dpo- cervix medium soft have had very mild on of cramps and some creamy cm but still no af ?
19dpo- still no af some mild cramps and a little creamy cm and bfn boooooo :(
20dpo-thought af would be here today but nope nothing so confused will test again friday if still no af ....oh no think af is most defitnitely on her way feeling it tonight if not tomorrow morning :(
21dpo- af still NOT here maybe sge will come tomorrow still having some mild cramps and creamy cm ... also felt a bit sicky but could of been from skipping lunch.
22dpo-cramping mildly increase in creamy cm feeling irritable and a bit sickly on off tested super hungry bfn internet cheapy
23dpo- where is af ??? Cramps still happening mildly was sitting down got up a bit quick and felt an awful shooting pain in uterus that sharp it actually scared me a little .... feeling emotional today keep tearing up over silly things.
24dpo- feeling sick very tired and mild cramps on and off still no af cerix med and hard booo
25dpo- very tired bad cramps all day lots of cm cervix has gone back high and soft if no af I will test wednesday christmas eve but not on cheapie on a digi

Im still holding out girls :) xx
Ok I promised myself I wasn't going to symptom stalk this month but I simply cannot help myself!! early chemical last month so I'm really hoping this is the month! Had a really ok so here is my symptoms by DPO

1DPO-Spotting, cramps (probably from ovulation), EWCM


3DPO-Spotting (like a fair amount....really unusual bright red) cramps

4DPO-Creamy CM, gas and indigestion, left pelvic pain

5DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, left and right pelvic pain on and off actually woke me up in the middle of the night in hurt so much!

6DPO-Creamy CM, gas, indigestions, cramps, tender breast on the left side mainly

7DPO-Creamy CM, left pelvic pain again (just never seems to go away for more than a couple hours at a time) sore hips, tender breasts

Here is hoping the witch stays away!! AF is due the 21st if she doesn't make an appearance I will test on the 23rd (13DPO). Good luck to you all!:dust:

8DPO-Tender breast, again more on the left side. Creamy CM. Went for dinner with a friend and felt nauseous afterwards. It came and went throughout the night. my husband was eating crackers next to me at one point and I had to get up and leave as I was going to simultaneously puke and punch him at the same time! Super cranky!

9DPO-feely pukey again this morning on and off-didn't start feeling gross till I got out of bed. Creamy CM slight darker colored than before. Breast continue to be tender.

I am DYING to test...I might cave and test tomorrow morning as this nausea is getting me paranoid (in a good way obviously haha).

10 DPO-continue to feel nauseous sore boobs BFN

11DPO-less nauseous but I feel just weird in my stomach (sort of burning?). Sore boobs. Lots of creamy CM (sort of a light brownish color).

12DPO-Spotting pink and brown....AF is surely on her way now....Super depressed I had every symptom it's just not fair!!!

AF showed up today in full force....on to next month....
Not really trying but we have DTD around O time so going to participate...

CD 10: Pink streaked EWCM twice on toilet paper only, suspected ovulation(I don't temp, chart or use OPK's)
Suspected ovulation was between Dec. 19th-Dec. 21st.

Between 20-22DPO!

12.20.14-1DPO: Pain in left lower abdomen near hip, loads of EWCM, felt like I peed myself, nausea, cramps, bloated
12.21.14-2DPO: Pain in left lower abdomen like a stabbing sensation, cramps, loads of EWCM, nausea, bloated, lower back ache
12.22.14-3DPO: Cramps, cervical mucus is between creamy and egg white, backache, cervical position seems to be high, heartburn.
12.23.14-4DPO: Cramps, creamy/egg white stretchy and sticky cm, headache, backache, high cervical position, fatigue, acne on chin, TMI alert: lots of diarrhea
12.24.14-5DPO: Cramps, TMI alert... very wet creamy cm, mad heartburn(it's like molten lava), backache, cervix high, pain in left side near hip, bloated feeling, hungry, nausea, dry heaving, extremely gassy, got so sick I had to take anti-nausea meds just to get past it
12.25.14-6DPO: watery cm, slight cramps, backache, fatigue, slightly sensitive bbs(mostly nip area), bloated, strange pinching sensation across stomach, slight headache, nausea
12.26.14-7DPO: Nausea, slight headache, backache, creamy cervical mucus, cramps, bloated, gassy, weird dull ache in abdomen, really emotional, cervix was hard to reach and felt closed... Sharp twinge in left breast, clearish cream colored sticky liquid from left breast. Feel like I'm out and like I'm going to get AF...
12.27.14-8DPO: Sore bbs, lower backache, metallic taste in mouth, hungry, nauseous, gassy, constipated, crampy in pelvic area, watery cm, heartburn with pukey acidic burps.
12.28.14-9DPO: Crampy, horrible lower backache, sore BBS, so moody, feel like I have a uti, otherwise feeling totally out... :bfn: on dollar tree cheapie.
12.29.14-10DPO: I'm beginning to think these symptoms are in my head... Crampy, fatigued, horrible backache, pain in upper abdomen that was only eased by eating, watery cm. Possibly a Uti. :bfn: small glob of cloudy ewcm, sudden random shooting pain in right ovary area, "let down" feeling in breasts followed by erect nipples, shortness of breath and nausea.
12.30.14-11DPO: Don't feel pregnant at all. :( Sore bbs, lower backache, creamy cm, cervix high and closed. Still think I have a Uti, pulling sensation around uterus area, weird pains near right side, burning sensation in uterus area. :bfn:
12.31.14-12DPO: :bfn: Still feel like I have a uti, lower back pain, nausea, feel out and like these symptoms are all in my head. No more testing until :af: lower abdominal cramping, pukey burps(like reflux), heavy type feeling in lower abdomen, creamy cm, cervix high and feels closed.
1.1.15-13DPO: pinkish orange cm(IB maybe?) cervix high, cramps, back pain, right ovary pain, sore bbs, really hungry. :bfn: spotting when I check cm(off and on twice).
1.2.15-14DPO: Cramps off and on in lower center abdomen and right ovary area, backache, sore area on chin/jaw area(rly strange), dry mouth, sensitive nipples, feel like af is coming, Think I'm out. :(
1.3.15-15DPO: Extreme nausea, felt light headed, shaky and like I had low blood sugar when I didn't eat this am, cramps in lower center abdomen off and on, spotting reddish brown once when I went #2, bbs feel fuller, back pain in right lower side going down my hip into my right leg. Feels like I've done about 200 sit ups. :bfn: gassy, twinge and pulling sensation near left hip.
1.4.15-16DPO: nausea, twinges in lower abdomen, diarrhea/constipation, red/brown rust colored spotting after bowel movement, slight cramps, sore heavy feeling bbs, gassy.
1.5.15-17DPO: Crampy, headache, backache, spotting off and on, sore BBS.
1.6.15-18DPO: Cramps, backache, sore bbs, spotting off and on, gassy.
1.7.15-19DPO: Nausea, backache, sore bbs, diarrhea, spotting a few times then nothing, twinges and pulling sensation, cervix high and soft like my lips, weird twinge in left breast.
1.8.15-20DPO: Af due today... One spot of red, nausea, headache, backache, twinges, sensitive nipples, pulling sensation, cervix high and soft like my lips. :af: :bfn:
1.9.15-21DPO: Still :af:, Nausea, bloated, headache, backache, hungry, fatigue, sensitive bbs, bbs are really veiny, weird blue spidery looking vein in middle of lower abdomen.
1.10.15-22DPO: Still :af:, no spotting, bloated, acidic burps, pulling sensation in lower abdomen, weird shooting pains in abdomen, stretchy ewcm, nausea, backache, headache, emotional.

I will update to Red or Green after AF is due on 1.8.15
I've stalked long enough- read through all 328 pages- and I'm a little more than halfway through my TWW wait so I might as well add my cycle too :) period is due Sunday 12/28.

Positive OPK on CD 16 and 17, negative CD 18, so figuring O day was CD17. Sex on (among others) days 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 so I feel pretty good about that.

CD18/1DPO- a good bit of EWCM and it was pink tinged. Ovulation bleeding perhaps? Cervix open, didn't chart anything else about position. Slightly crampy and more than slightly impatient.

CD19/2DPO- All I have in Ovia is increased sex drive & excited.

CD20/3DPO- Heartburn no matter what I eat. Ovia says "happy, calm, excited". My husband asked me this day if I were pregnant because I was so giddy, and that I acted like that when I was pregnant last time. I hope so, but too early to know! CM dry.

CD21/4DPO- My chin itches like when I'm about to break out before my period. I'm also farting like a trucker, and still have mad indiestion. Still charted happy and excited as well as emotional. Cried watching my son's kindergarten Christmas program- like cried the entire time. CM pretty dry.

CD22/5DPO- Creamy/sticky CM but not a lot. Cervix is way high, but it always feels kinda open so I'm not really sure about that or texture. Crampy uterus. Continued indigestion no matter what I eat which sucks because that's all I want to do. And fart.

CD23/6DPO- Cervix is still super high, with obviously medium openness and texture. Chin has a few legit zits. Farting like it's my job and eating just as much. Indigestion has subsided thankfully. I'm bloated and crampy and my boobs are starting to be a little tender.

CD24/7DPO- Cervix is medium high, soft, and obviously closed. a bit of creamy/sticky CM. Still ridiculously gassy and bloated with pinching pelvic pain and cramps. HPT was negative but I just can't resist peeing on stuff apparently.

CD25/8DPO- Creamy/sticky CM, but with a few chunks/strands that are almost stretchy like EWCM but not slippery. it is yellowish and there on my TP when I wiped- I didn't have to go looking for it like the past few days. Cervix is definitely closed, medium height and texture. Stilllllllll farting. Boobs have started to feel sore like they're full of milk. Still no nipple tenderness really. Cramping like the dickens now, they're a bit more intense than period cramps. Chin is zitty. I'm sure I'll pee on something when I get home from work in the morning ;)
(Negative, but still early)
And as I'm laying in bed I feel it's worth noting that I'm exhausted to the point of falling asleep while the santa on reindeer cam read a bedtime story. Only been that tired before during my two pregnancies, jusssssst sayin' ;)

CD26/9DPO- gassy, backache, plenty o' cramping. Acne still there. Now I'm bitchy on Christmas Eve too! BFN. Feeling pretty pessimistic today. Cervix is high, medium, closed with creamy CM. Period due in 3 days. Trying to remember it wasn't until 11DPO that I got a BFP last time, and every test was stark white till then.

CD27/10DPO- omgggggggg is this a Christmas miracle? My son woke us up around 7:20 because Santa came :) I POA dollar tree test and two ICs. It all looked pretty obviously negative right away. I know from experience that the dollar tree cheapies can take the whollllllle test window to produce a BFP so when I went back upstairs I took another glance and there was a faint line! Now I'm going to have to dig the ICs out of the trash and have another look. I'm on about a four hour hold now so I might just go ahead and pee on more stuff.
Symptom-wise: I don't feel like checking CM or anything because we had some early morning Christmas booty and I'm sure it's all slimy in there. I have legit breast tenderness and itchy nipples, though I wonder how much of that is imagination now? Like, it said I was pregnant so surely my boobs must kill? right? lol
Hope to update GREEN for sure soon!

**Update** did a four hour hold and got a definite BFP while the pee was still wet! OMG! time to turn it green!
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPks
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3dpo nothing
4dpo nothing
5dpo nothing
6dpo nothing
(have had erect nipples for a few days ??)
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.on and off all day.
8dpo nothing
9dpo nothing
10dpo BFN, nothing
11dpo nothing
12dpo mild dizziness
13dpo BFP!!!

Don't know how to turn green on my phone but here is proof that no symptoms spent always mean much!!!
This is a great thread, I hadn't managed to read all of it yet but it's so helpful. I have ibs so spotting symptoms from ibs symptoms is hard!
Me so far:
0dpo very strong +OPks
1dpo nothing (lighter posative OPKs)
2dpo tender nipples
3dpo nothing
4dpo nothing
5dpo nothing
6dpo nothing
(have had erect nipples for a few days ??)
7dpo stitch like pain in my left side near my hip, sharp and localised.on and off all day.
8dpo nothing
9dpo nothing
10dpo BFN, nothing
11dpo nothing
12dpo mild dizziness
13dpo BFP!!!

Don't know how to turn green on my phone but here is proof that no symptoms spent always mean much!!!

YAY! Congratulations spicyorange! I'm so happy for you!! :happydance:

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