Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Girls!!! Praying for all of us!

Had cramping last night, thought the witch is here.
This morning cramping is gone and no af.

Cramps are back!!! :( Feeling like curling in a ball and staying in bed all day to wait for the witch to arrive :(

Also a LOT of creamy cm...
Feel constantly like witch has arrived. But not yet... Aggrrr!
Girls!!! Praying for all of us!

Had cramping last night, thought the witch is here.
This morning cramping is gone and no af.

Cramps are back!!! :( Feeling like curling in a ball and staying in bed all day to wait for the witch to arrive :(

Also a LOT of creamy cm...
Feel constantly like witch has arrived. But not yet... Aggrrr!

What cd are you Kayke and when r u testing? Fingers crossed x
It's 26th day...
I'm either 8 dpo or 12 (8 according to my ov predictor, 12 cos I was sure I ov'ed earlier.)

Tested today-bfn. Today cramping stopped...


Only difference is highlighted sense of smell..
It's 26th day...
I'm either 8 dpo or 12 (8 according to my ov predictor, 12 cos I was sure I ov'ed earlier.)

Tested today-bfn. Today cramping stopped...


Only difference is highlighted sense of smell..

If you are only 8dpo then there's still hope, actually even if u was 12dpo, read so many stories of ladies not getting bfp's until 15-16 dpo xx
I really really really hope so!

I go from "yes! I am" to "af is starting!"

Aggrrrr! Drives me crazy!
It's 26th day...
I'm either 8 dpo or 12 (8 according to my ov predictor, 12 cos I was sure I ov'ed earlier.)

Tested today-bfn. Today cramping stopped...


Only difference is highlighted sense of smell..

If you are only 8dpo then there's still hope, actually even if u was 12dpo, read so many stories of ladies not getting bfp's until 15-16 dpo xx

This! Don't be discouraged yet! So many times I went back and forth between "af is coming" and "I am pregnant".... I got bfn's at 11,12, and 13 dpo. It wasn't till 15/16 dpo that I got even a faint positive. Stay positive and Fx! :hugs:
1DPO - Itchy boobs. Seriously. So itchy.
2DPO - Gassy all evening.
3DPO - Felt lazy all day long.
4DPO - Nauseous and feeling icky all day. Tired. Terrible heartburn in the evening. PMS/crankiness starting to appear.
5DPO - Tired and lazy all day long. Headache starting in the afternoon. Nipples tender/sensitive, breasts sorta achey. Gassy again. Specks of blood when I checked cervix.
6DPO - Super exhausted, but that's likely due to lack of sleep? Mood fine in morning, but getting more and more foul as the day wears on. Nips and boobs still sensitive/achey when touched (pinched? :haha:) No more spotting.
7DPO - Fatigue and PMS/crankiness not as obvious today. Nips still sensitive/tender. Boobs HURT, without any touching necessary. Owie :(
8DPO - BFN in AM. No symptoms at all except [super] sore boobs. Oh and 3 pregnancy dreams last night, if that can be counted! Some sharp cramping lasting about 1 minutes and then more drops of blood pulled from cervix in late evening.
9DPO - Very tired all day. Small amount of EWCM in morning, more as day goes on. Cervix still high, hard, closed. Runny nose for most of the day. Massive bloating in evening.
10DPO - BFN in AM. Boobs still sore. FREEZING COLD, despite the house being warm to everybody else. More terrible bloating in the evening.
11DPO - BFN in AM. Sciatic pain in left hip. Boobs still sore. Lots of EWCM. Heartburn (really BAD heartburn), and some nausea - but its hard to tell if that's from the heartburn or not! Cervix still high, closed, firm. Some blood at cervix in evening, I think the start of AF.
12DPO - Another BFN. Cramping, spotting, cervix softening and opening.
It's 26th day...
I'm either 8 dpo or 12 (8 according to my ov predictor, 12 cos I was sure I ov'ed earlier.)

Tested today-bfn. Today cramping stopped...


Only difference is highlighted sense of smell..

If you are only 8dpo then there's still hope, actually even if u was 12dpo, read so many stories of ladies not getting bfp's until 15-16 dpo xx

This! Don't be discouraged yet! So many times I went back and forth between "af is coming" and "I am pregnant".... I got bfn's at 11,12, and 13 dpo. It wasn't till 15/16 dpo that I got even a faint positive. Stay positive and Fx! :hugs:

Thanks :))))

I'm trying not to stress. No sign of af.

Will try resist to test until I miss it.
Don't know but THINK I o'ed, so going by CD instead of DPO. EDITED: Definite BFN on Christmas Eve (day 30), so I'm assuming random spotting days 19-23 wasn't implantation... I've had crazy post-O/PMS symptoms starting on day 16, and could have sworn by symptoms that I did ovulate early this cycle ~day 13, but a test should have shown up positive if that were the case. I might not even have ovulated... Guess that'll teach me not to go by symptoms alone during cycles :-/.

CD19- Crazy dreams, mild cramping, light brown spotting, bloated
CD20- Weird dreams, bloated, light spotting, weepy
CD21- Light spotting on and off, bloated, lower back ache
CD22- Light spotting on and off. Glob of dark brown mucus in underwear (ick sorry if TMI). More weird, vivid dreams, bloated, phlegm in throat still hasn't disappeared and sinuses still swollen even after 10 days antibiotics, super emotional
CD23-26, Bloating, mild cramps
CD27- Weird dreams, emotional, so bloated/stretched feeling in lower abdomen, crazy emotional... I have cried at everything today. Twinge-y cramps. I actually took an OPK today because I was curious... positive?! Very strange, because I really could have sworn I'd already ovulated.
CD28- Weird, vivid dreams, emotional, bloated, very mild cramps, have been constipated for the last few days. Also, I think I'm imagining nipple discharge now. All through today, though, I could have sworn AF started; radiating back cramps that usually show up about the time of bleeding. Thinking AF is on her way. But another positive OPK.
CD29- My dreams keep getting crazier. Very bloated, to the point that all my pants are uncomfortable. Decided to try to wait until Dec. 31 to test in case I o'ed really late. Another positive OPK.
CD30- Still could swear every 5 minutes that AF has started. Don't remember dreams last night but woke up super early sweaty and feeling panicky. Still very bloated. Tested today because DH wanted me to before I had anything to drink on Christmas Eve. No surprise, definite BFN. So whatever the spotting was, it definitely wasn't implantation :-(. Gave up on OPKs.
CD31- Didn't really symptom-spot today because I've had so much to eat the past few days and probably had a bit more wine than I should have last night after the disappointment of the BFN.
CD32- Weird dreams still, very moody, very depressed thinking I might not have ovulated at all yet, really disliking my body for giving me all these false signals.
CD33- No AF, weird dreams.
CD34- No AF, weird dreams. Boobs are absolutely huge even though haven't gained weight. Not as bloated as before. If I hadn't ovulated and don't get a full-blown AF by CD40, I am going to be very confused. :-/
CD35- Nothing
CD36-39 Negative OPK? AF cramps. No AF. Confused.
CD40-42 Bloated, huge boobs, nauseated
CD43- Super bloated, huge boobs that have weird tender spots all over, mild cramps, lower back ache. I've actually been trying not to symptom-spot for a few days, but it's impossible because my symptoms are jumping up and down going HEY LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. Not very happy with the way my body is acting at the moment.

CD ... VERY strong BFP on $ Tree test. Freaked out. Took my First Response. Another strong BFP. Called in and am going to get blood test done, but nurse said congratulations, you're pregnant. After nearly 2 years... I'm in shock!!

Still can't believe I'm turning this post green!
Don't know but THINK I o'ed, so going by CD instead of DPO. EDITED: Definite BFN on Christmas Eve (day 30), so I'm assuming random spotting days 19-23 wasn't implantation... I've had crazy post-O/PMS symptoms starting on day 16, and could have sworn by symptoms that I did ovulate early this cycle ~day 13, but a test should have shown up positive if that were the case. I might not even have ovulated... Guess that'll teach me not to go by symptoms alone during cycles :-/.

CD19- Crazy dreams, mild cramping, light brown spotting, bloated
CD20- Weird dreams, bloated, light spotting, weepy
CD21- Light spotting on and off, bloated, lower back ache
CD22- Light spotting on and off. Glob of dark brown mucus in underwear (ick sorry if TMI). More weird, vivid dreams, bloated, phlegm in throat still hasn't disappeared and sinuses still swollen even after 10 days antibiotics, super emotional
CD23-26, Bloating, mild cramps
CD27- Weird dreams, emotional, so bloated/stretched feeling in lower abdomen, crazy emotional... I have cried at everything today. Twinge-y cramps. I actually took an OPK today because I was curious... positive?! Very strange, because I really could have sworn I'd already ovulated.
CD28- Weird, vivid dreams, emotional, bloated, very mild cramps, have been constipated for the last few days. Also, I think I'm imagining nipple discharge now. All through today, though, I could have sworn AF started; radiating back cramps that usually show up about the time of bleeding. Thinking AF is on her way. But another positive OPK.
CD29- My dreams keep getting crazier. Very bloated, to the point that all my pants are uncomfortable. Decided to try to wait until Dec. 31 to test in case I o'ed really late. Another positive OPK.
CD30- Still could swear every 5 minutes that AF has started. Don't remember dreams last night but woke up super early sweaty and feeling panicky. Still very bloated. Tested today because DH wanted me to before I had anything to drink on Christmas Eve. No surprise, definite BFN. So whatever the spotting was, it definitely wasn't implantation :-(. Gave up on OPKs.
CD31- Didn't really symptom-spot today because I've had so much to eat the past few days and probably had a bit more wine than I should have last night after the disappointment of the BFN.
CD32- Weird dreams still, very moody, very depressed thinking I might not have ovulated at all yet, really disliking my body for giving me all these false signals.
CD33- No AF, weird dreams.
CD34- No AF, weird dreams. Boobs are absolutely huge even though haven't gained weight. Not as bloated as before. If I hadn't ovulated and don't get a full-blown AF by CD40, I am going to be very confused. :-/
CD35- Nothing
CD36-39 Negative OPK? AF cramps. No AF. Confused.
CD40-42 Bloated, huge boobs, nauseated
CD43- Super bloated, huge boobs that have weird tender spots all over, mild cramps, lower back ache. I've actually been trying not to symptom-spot for a few days, but it's impossible because my symptoms are jumping up and down going HEY LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. Not very happy with the way my body is acting at the moment.

CD ... VERY strong BFP on $ Tree test. Freaked out. Took my First Response. Another strong BFP. Called in and am going to get blood test done, but nurse said congratulations, you're pregnant. After nearly 2 years... I'm in shock!!

Still can't believe I'm turning this post green!

Huge congratulations!!!!!

Gives all us hope!
16.12.15 - O day. Sori I can't seem to make my post green.
1dpo nothing
2dpo a ltitle cm
3dpo twinge/cramps
4dpo cm lotion like heavy
5dpo-7dpo nothing
8dpo sore nipples cramps and headache
9dpo manic headache, sore nipples, flu/head cold like symptoms
10dpo cramps, headache, sore nipples, general under the weather, mood swings, tested v faint 2nd line
11dpo cramps no headache, throbbing nipples, cm light darker bfp!!
12dpo cramps dacker off, sore nipples, light headache, back ache, dizzy spells
13dpo sore back, ache everywhere, ulcers and gum infection, sore nipples,
14dpo all of the above, felt so rough. Dizziness
15dpo (just if your interested) sore nipples, cramps bad gas, feel nauseous. This continues until now. Cramps come and go they've eased off much more now, nipples are still so painful and rock hard, I feel sick before and after meals, but so far no ms. I'm over the moon
Have tested everyday from 10dpo til 16dpo, 16tests I'm total. Praying everything is ok and this is a bring home baby..
Don't know but THINK I o'ed, so going by CD instead of DPO. EDITED: Definite BFN on Christmas Eve (day 30), so I'm assuming random spotting days 19-23 wasn't implantation... I've had crazy post-O/PMS symptoms starting on day 16, and could have sworn by symptoms that I did ovulate early this cycle ~day 13, but a test should have shown up positive if that were the case. I might not even have ovulated... Guess that'll teach me not to go by symptoms alone during cycles :-/.

CD19- Crazy dreams, mild cramping, light brown spotting, bloated
CD20- Weird dreams, bloated, light spotting, weepy
CD21- Light spotting on and off, bloated, lower back ache
CD22- Light spotting on and off. Glob of dark brown mucus in underwear (ick sorry if TMI). More weird, vivid dreams, bloated, phlegm in throat still hasn't disappeared and sinuses still swollen even after 10 days antibiotics, super emotional
CD23-26, Bloating, mild cramps
CD27- Weird dreams, emotional, so bloated/stretched feeling in lower abdomen, crazy emotional... I have cried at everything today. Twinge-y cramps. I actually took an OPK today because I was curious... positive?! Very strange, because I really could have sworn I'd already ovulated.
CD28- Weird, vivid dreams, emotional, bloated, very mild cramps, have been constipated for the last few days. Also, I think I'm imagining nipple discharge now. All through today, though, I could have sworn AF started; radiating back cramps that usually show up about the time of bleeding. Thinking AF is on her way. But another positive OPK.
CD29- My dreams keep getting crazier. Very bloated, to the point that all my pants are uncomfortable. Decided to try to wait until Dec. 31 to test in case I o'ed really late. Another positive OPK.
CD30- Still could swear every 5 minutes that AF has started. Don't remember dreams last night but woke up super early sweaty and feeling panicky. Still very bloated. Tested today because DH wanted me to before I had anything to drink on Christmas Eve. No surprise, definite BFN. So whatever the spotting was, it definitely wasn't implantation :-(. Gave up on OPKs.
CD31- Didn't really symptom-spot today because I've had so much to eat the past few days and probably had a bit more wine than I should have last night after the disappointment of the BFN.
CD32- Weird dreams still, very moody, very depressed thinking I might not have ovulated at all yet, really disliking my body for giving me all these false signals.
CD33- No AF, weird dreams.
CD34- No AF, weird dreams. Boobs are absolutely huge even though haven't gained weight. Not as bloated as before. If I hadn't ovulated and don't get a full-blown AF by CD40, I am going to be very confused. :-/
CD35- Nothing
CD36-39 Negative OPK? AF cramps. No AF. Confused.
CD40-42 Bloated, huge boobs, nauseated
CD43- Super bloated, huge boobs that have weird tender spots all over, mild cramps, lower back ache. I've actually been trying not to symptom-spot for a few days, but it's impossible because my symptoms are jumping up and down going HEY LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. Not very happy with the way my body is acting at the moment.

CD ... VERY strong BFP on $ Tree test. Freaked out. Took my First Response. Another strong BFP. Called in and am going to get blood test done, but nurse said congratulations, you're pregnant. After nearly 2 years... I'm in shock!!

Still can't believe I'm turning this post green!

Yay!!! Congratulations! After two years? Wow! I'm so happy for you!!! :D :happydance::happydance:
16.12.15 - O day. Sori I can't seem to make my post green.
1dpo nothing
2dpo a ltitle cm
3dpo twinge/cramps
4dpo cm lotion like heavy
5dpo-7dpo nothing
8dpo sore nipples cramps and headache
9dpo manic headache, sore nipples, flu/head cold like symptoms
10dpo cramps, headache, sore nipples, general under the weather, mood swings, tested v faint 2nd line
11dpo cramps no headache, throbbing nipples, cm light darker bfp!!
12dpo cramps dacker off, sore nipples, light headache, back ache, dizzy spells
13dpo sore back, ache everywhere, ulcers and gum infection, sore nipples,
14dpo all of the above, felt so rough. Dizziness
15dpo (just if your interested) sore nipples, cramps bad gas, feel nauseous. This continues until now. Cramps come and go they've eased off much more now, nipples are still so painful and rock hard, I feel sick before and after meals, but so far no ms. I'm over the moon
Have tested everyday from 10dpo til 16dpo, 16tests I'm total. Praying everything is ok and this is a bring home baby..

Congratulations!! Happy 9 months!!!
Hi, I am on my 4th cycle ttc! My cycles are from 28-30days long with a 10-11 day luteal phase. I ovulated yesterday, so here's hoping that this one is my lucky charm! It's my birthday on the 15th so I am hoping for the best birthday gift ever! :baby:

1dpo: Not much, maybe a little bloated? CP high firm and closed, had some stomach cramping after dinner.
2dpo: Hungry, restless sleep, CP high firm closed, a little bloated, some AF like cramps in the evening.
3dpo: Creamy CM, gassy.
4dpo: Creamy CM, slightly sensitive nips, restless sleep.
5dpo: Creamy CM mixed with a little EW, light cramps off and on.
6dpo: Sore/sensitive left armpit? Heartburn, super thirsty!
7dpo: Small flutters in lower abdomen, cramping off and on, boobs a little sore/sensitive and I NEVER get sore/sensitive boobs!:shrug:
8dpo: Restless sleep, starting to get a sore throat, feel like my stomach is constantly growling/empty/hungry, even shortly after I eat? EWCM in the afternoon, just looked at my chart from last month and I got ewcm 8dpo last cycle... Feeling like I'm out :trouble:
16.12.15 - O day. Sori I can't seem to make my post green.
1dpo nothing
2dpo a ltitle cm
3dpo twinge/cramps
4dpo cm lotion like heavy
5dpo-7dpo nothing
8dpo sore nipples cramps and headache
9dpo manic headache, sore nipples, flu/head cold like symptoms
10dpo cramps, headache, sore nipples, general under the weather, mood swings, tested v faint 2nd line
11dpo cramps no headache, throbbing nipples, cm light darker bfp!!
12dpo cramps dacker off, sore nipples, light headache, back ache, dizzy spells
13dpo sore back, ache everywhere, ulcers and gum infection, sore nipples,
14dpo all of the above, felt so rough. Dizziness
15dpo (just if your interested) sore nipples, cramps bad gas, feel nauseous. This continues until now. Cramps come and go they've eased off much more now, nipples are still so painful and rock hard, I feel sick before and after meals, but so far no ms. I'm over the moon
Have tested everyday from 10dpo til 16dpo, 16tests I'm total. Praying everything is ok and this is a bring home baby..

Congrats mummy2_1!!!:hugs: wishing you H&H 9mos :baby:
Alrighty round 7

1-4 dpo: nothing really. Lots of white, lotion like cm
5-6 dpo: headache all day, cm the same but less

That's it for now but fx :-)
This is my 2nd cycle after I stopped nursing DS at 1 yr. I really didn't want to use opks this month, and just wanted to bd as I felt. (With DS we used SMEP and it get tiring) We bd'd on Christmas day and again on the 29 and 31. I know I ovulated on the 29 bc I have really bad O pain. Here goes so far:

2dpo mild cramping off and on. Lower back irritated. Gassy. Constipated. Exhausted (more than usual after night shift)

3dpo super exhausted. Took 2hr nap. Pinching/lt cramping on right in afternoon bd

4dpo heartburn, tired, peanut butter smells awful. Rt sided pinching. Looser bm

5dpo tired,* Rt/lt sided pinching, lower back irritated. Weird energy bursts. Huge pimple on my cheek. Breathlessness at work pm and slight nasal congestion; constipation; v lightheaded upon standing

6dpo trying to stay positive but feeling out this month. Lots of noises from lower stomach like when AF comes. Twinges on Rt side. Runny nose at work. Gassy. V lightheaded at times. Creamy cm; skin breaking out. Rt lower back feels irritated.

7 dpo dizzy, nauseated in evening slightly,* breakout, Rt sided twinges almost in groin. Creamy cm with some stretchy cm. Weird. Rt lower back irritated

8 dpo tired, Breathlessness,* gassy, nauseated some in evening, constipated, creamy cm with more stretchy bits. Rt lower back irritated; lower abdomen slightly bloated. Burpy.

I can't wait to update even if this isn't my month (positive thoughts for now!!) This thread is so great for the tww!!
Thanks kayke and 808malia,
I love reading.everyone's symptoms. Good luck ladies. Hope you all get.your bfp!!!!

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